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In a message dated 9/24/98 5:57:51 PM Central Daylight Time,

mvannan@... writes:

<< Hope to meat everyone in the group and if I

can help Please ask >>

Beatrix and Mark


I am Jane mom to Benjain with EG, Reflux, G-button he is 16 months old. and

who will be three in november. Welcome.


Mom to 5-24-97 (GERD, EG/MSPI/G-Button)


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Sharon, they can do immunity work ups to test how well his immune system

works. has had many of them.

Dawn(who is light years behind in her mail), mommy to Dakota, 6 and ,

2-1/2 (eosinophilic gastroenteritis, fundo 10/96)


> From: SDidinsky@...

> To: our-kids@...; eosinophilic gastroenteritis (AT) onelist (DOT) com;

Guardian@...; okbabes (AT) onelist (DOT) com

> Cc: mito@...

> Subject: [eosinophilic gastroenteritis] (no subject)

> Date: Thursday, October 08, 1998 7:03 PM


> From: SDidinsky@...


> Hi all:


> Sorry for any cross posting.


> We went almost 2 months but Clayton is now sick again. He was miserable


> day yesterday and slightly lethargic and very pale, dusky and with


> labored breathing so I let him sleep. Last night he had a 102.5 fever so


> gave him some motrin through the g-tube and 3 hours later the temp was


> 102. So it was on to Tylenol and motrin intermittent every 4 and 6 hours

> respectively. Fever was 101.8 this morning so off to the pediatricians


> we go.


> Well, Clayton has a double ear infection (per the doctor the worse he has


> since March in any kid) :(, a sinus infection:( , bronchitis, and he is

> wheezing very badly. So now on more meds - we get to add Supprex and


> along with intal and albuterol through a nebulizer 3 times a day to our

mix of

> meds. Well, tonight his fever at 6 pm was 104.5 after a whole day on


> and Tylenol cocktail. So he still has a high fever tomorrow they want

to do

> some tests as he has only had fevers twice before and both times ended up


> the hospital because he cannot fight them - I am beginning to wonder if


> immune system is weakened or not working properly. Can they test this


> anyone know? Also he obviously will not take anything by mouth and


> when we put him down hooked up to his tube he was trying to throw up and

> gagging and retching so badly. He was just burning up.


> Sorry to vent but lately it seems we do not get a break.


> love,

> sharon

> mommy to Jake (5) and fraternal twins (34.5 weeks) (3/30/97) - Cole


> and Clayton (eosinophil gastroenteritis, food allergies, g-tube, Nissen


> possible latex allergy, some dd and undiagnosed neuro issues)


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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In a message dated 10/8/98 7:04:16 PM Central Daylight Time, SDidinsky@...


<< Can they test this does

anyone know? A >>


Yes they can test Immunitys with blood tests. Sorry our buddy is so sick, How

are you holding up. I would be fit for the asylum. Hope the fever breaks




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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 11/3/98 12:27:54 AM Central Standard Time,

andrea.allred@... writes:

<< so I think that we might win this battle. Let's all cross our



Good luck. I know the fight with Insurance companies is never ending. I hope

this one will be easily delt with sounds like a no brainer to me.


Mom to 5-24-97 (GERD, EG/MSPI/G-Button)


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HI, I was just wondering how the kids are?

Dawn(who will never catch up with her mail), mommy to Dakota, 6 and ,

3 (eosinophilic gastroenteritis, fundo 10/96)



> To: eosinophilic gastroenteritis (AT) onelist (DOT) com

> Subject: [eosinophilic gastroenteritis] (no subject)

> Date: Thursday, October 08, 1998 9:50 PM




> Arissa had a wonderful day today. Right now, she is sitting doing this

> computer program totally by herself. It is scary! Anyway, she was


> for cereal this morning and drving me crazy, so against my better


> I gave her puffed rice. We wanted to wait a week in between each

> individual product. I gave her the cereal and all the sudden she

> remembered she's allergic to mine. She must have eaten 1/2 the bag thru

> out the day. she didn't cheat at all.


> She seems to be happy, hive free and asthma free at the moment. Keeping

> the fingers crossed here. Now the tricky part is to keep her away from

> Remi who has 103 fever and strep. Her strep is so bad that the roof of


> mouth and gums swelled. I panicked this morning, but the doc said it is

> rare, but not unheard of.


> Home of the-if it is uncommon, we will get it household.

> Phyllis-mom to

> Arissa or AJ as she calls herself, (12/22/95), EG, multiple food


> occasional asthma-THAT IS BECOMING CHRONIC!! Remi 6, Spina Bifida,

> developmental delays, allergies-nuts, shellfish and latex


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Grace,

On this list we share our progress, our hopes and of course our frustrations.

It would be of no use if we didn't tell each other that there are some

difficult periods with the band. Please don't get discouraged. The people for

whom the band works also do not tend to post as much, perhaps because they

don't want to sound as if they were bragging.

I had my operation 9 months ago and I must say it is the BEST thing I have

ever done for myself. Absolutely. I have lost 75 lbs so far and I know that

this time I will reach goal without any effort really (I have another 30 to 40

lbs to lose). The band has changed my life around and I am a different,

happier and more confident person. I have gone from a size 26 to a 18/20. Now

after 9 months I have no problems with the band anymore. Sure from time to

time something gets a bit stuck and I have to wait for it to go down. I eat

what I want, when I want....I just cannot eat a lot anymore. I eat chocolate,

I eat sweets but also a lot less. If I wouldn't I would feel a bit deprived

and it would feel like a diet. If you want to read my story please have a look

at my website: http://members.aol.com/brioletta " >Brioletta's Weight

Loss Story

Good luck with your doctor's appointment


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Grace: The band does for you what YOU ENABLE IT TO DO FOR YOU. If you eat

crap (sweets), it will not work for you. If you use it as a tool to eat

mostly protein, veggies and then some carbs, it will work for you. Do not

be discouraged, some have thought the band would work like a bypass...it

does not, but it is wonderful and has changed my life forever!!! From 257

in May, 98 to 199 today with no pain!!!! Keep me posted Grace!!!

Success=Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst. Debi


To: Bandsters (AT) onelist (DOT) com

Subject: (no subject)

Date: Friday, December 25, 1998 8:14 PM

Hi all, Some of you guys are starting to frustrate me. But I guess I need

to hear it all before I go into it. But I must admit that I am getting a

bit discouraged before I even begin. Some of you seem to imply that it is

not working is that correct or are we talking psychological problems here??

My doctor appointment is Dec 29 and from there I will schedule the

procedure. All in all for those of you who have done it is it worth it? I

have been so excited about this and positive in anticipation but a few of

you are discouraging as I said. Help!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Helen,

Thanks for your encouraging words.

I am 37 with 2 boys, 6(tomorrow) and 2 1/2.

I am a bit worried about the little one as he still likes to climb all over

you etc but I'll cope.

My husband has some time off but not alot.

My doc is doing this open as he says theres less risk of nicking the spleen

but I see alot of people have lap. I guess you take what the doc does,

especially when you live in perth ( not a big city).

I am not bothered about the open bit tho. I'd rather he be sure. He says

some docs do lap here but they are not fully trained at banding.

i am starting to get less sleep at night, waking up and thinking and

worrying now. Not long till it;'s all over or rather JUST BEGUN!

Anyway better go

Thanks again, I'll be in touch.


Helen on wrote:



> Hi Alyson

> My name is Helen, i live in the Uk and I had my AGB done on 21st

> November 1998. I am 40 years old, married with 3 children (son 13,

> daughter 11 and son 8 years old). I am a primary school teacher working

> part time at the moment. I started of weighing 322 pounds and i am 5'6 "

> tall. So far i have lost 19 pounds and I am very pleased with

> it..especially as i even managed to loose weight over christmas too!!!!!

> I did struggle a bit with the liquids only part for the first 4 weeks

> after my op and i do still struggle with chocolate cravings..but I know

> that i am making progress :))) The band gives a feeling of fullness that

> I hadn't really experienced before!

> You will find this a great forum for people exchanging ideas, giving

> advice, asking questions, supporting each other etc. and much easier to

> manage than OSSG (i had to unsubscribe from that list as I just couldn't

> cope with that sort of volume of mail every day)...bandsters tends to be

> about 3-9 mails per day rather than 200-300!!!!

> there are lots of reasons why this op is preferable to the RNY! are you

> having your op done laproscopically (keyhole surgery) or conventional

> large cut?

> brioletta (barbara) is really knowledgable and everyone here is

> helpful...certainly if i can be of any help please don't hesitate to

> ask! If there isn't anyone in australia that can be your angel/buddy

> then i would be happy to.

> regards

> Helen


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Hi Everyone,

I haven't been keeping up on my e-mail lately. I have been so busy with


I just read Tracie's story. My prayers are with you and your family.

It brought back so many horrible memories that my family had gone through 5

yrs ago this month when my father was diagnosed with CJD. It's amazing how

quickly time flys. At that time, my family and I thought we'd never make it

through the rest of our lives. Til this day, my mom still says " I can't

believe I made it through those tough times, but it sometimes seems like

yesterday my whole life was falling apart. "

I remember how rare CJD was five years ago. My family and I had no clue how

a disease like CJD attacked his body. Today, we are still not completly sure.

I just pray that they find a cure, so that more people and their families

don't have to suffer with this horrifying disease.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Aly,

Great to see you are feeling better.You are doing very well for 8 days

post op and being out and about with your kids..........GREAT JOB.

Its all downhill from here girl..............lol......and we wouldnt

have it any other way.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to make a correction. I have lost 93 lbs to the date. I was

subtracting from the wrong start weight. This explains why I have been so

confused during my visit with at Dr. s office.~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry,

it will be 103 soon.....

LAGB, Mar 2 1998

Start 338# Now 245#!!! YA Hooo!!

Re: (no subject)






>>I live in Washington State, it's a long long way from New Orleans. I

>>would think that they'd want folks that are in the local area so they

>>can study them. I will call anyway just to get their opinions. I

>>definately qualify, I'm 48 years old 5'3 " and 203 pounds and climbing.

>>I'm really looking forward to having the AGB done!!







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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Lori,

THXS THXS THXS, u did it again. I cant wait to get to ne orleans now...what a

wonderful thought...out of limbo, into heaven. im stayin rite across from the

university as r the rest of us, i believe. how about the midnite tour of the

famous cemetaries? did u get to go. just the idea of walking around rite

after the mardi gras is pretty excitin..but the most excitement will come when

they adjust my band and give me some SUPPORT..i will let u and everyone else

on the list know how the trip went when i get home.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

I cant imagine how traumatic these last few weeks have been for you.I am

so sorry you had to go through all that but am so pleased to see you are


I think that to not let people know about your experience would be

criminal and although I personally have nothing but good things to say

about the band you are right to let everyone know that it isnt always

smooth sailing and in your case down right horrific.

I am also glad that you will hang around for a bit and you can keep us

posted on your recovery.

I wish you all the best both physically and emotionally at what must be

a difficult time for you and your family

Best wishes


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Dear , I am so sorry to hear of your agony in what should have been

so simple. I just had my op a month ago and must admit I would have been

frightened had I read this before I went in. I hope that you can find peace

and rest with this and you are able to resolve in your own mind your next

step. This support system should help. We are all here for you.


(no subject)



>Hi all


>I am finally back at home...What a bloody nightmare the last 2 weeks

>have been !!


>When the band was fitted it made a small tear in the stomach, for the

>week I had it in I was in soooo much pain in my rib cage ( I new things

>were not right )

>after I had a B swallow ( YUK ) they could see the stomach was

>leaking....because of the pain I insisted the band be removed ( NO


>I was just to scared and I also had pneumonia.


>While having band removed and stomach repaired my left lounge

>collapsed,, I spent 2 days in ICU tube in my lung,stomach,and in my

>nose draining my stomach ( I can remember asking the nurse if I was

>going to be all right??? and she kept saying that I had to get through

>the first 48 hours....I have never been sooooo scared in my whole life ,

>all I could think of was my husband and children and why I took the risk



>I know if all went well I would be praising the band but sadly it didnt

>go well and I will not consider the band again.


>and just to add ...I have lost 10 kilos and believe me it will not stop



>I think people need to hear my side of the story ( if I would have

>talked to some one who had been through what I went through...I don't

>know if it would have made any difference to my decision )


>any way I am going to hang around for a while ( Bandsters )


>at the moment I am easily exhausted and it will take a good 6 weeks to



>My best wishes to you all.




>We now have over 85,000 e-mail communities. Check out our new web site!



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I think EVERYONE who is considering that band should hear your story. I felt

personally horrified when we heard about you, especially since I was one of

the ones who assured you everything would be alright/you were doing the

right thing blah blah blah. I'm so sorry this happened to you, you poor

bugger. Who was your surgeon? Does he admit fault? WAS it his fault?

Thankyou for sticking around...


(no subject)



>Hi all


>I am finally back at home...What a bloody nightmare the last 2 weeks

>have been !!


>When the band was fitted it made a small tear in the stomach, for the

>week I had it in I was in soooo much pain in my rib cage ( I new things

>were not right )

>after I had a B swallow ( YUK ) they could see the stomach was

>leaking....because of the pain I insisted the band be removed ( NO


>I was just to scared and I also had pneumonia.


>While having band removed and stomach repaired my left lounge

>collapsed,, I spent 2 days in ICU tube in my lung,stomach,and in my

>nose draining my stomach ( I can remember asking the nurse if I was

>going to be all right??? and she kept saying that I had to get through

>the first 48 hours....I have never been sooooo scared in my whole life ,

>all I could think of was my husband and children and why I took the risk



>I know if all went well I would be praising the band but sadly it didnt

>go well and I will not consider the band again.


>and just to add ...I have lost 10 kilos and believe me it will not stop



>I think people need to hear my side of the story ( if I would have

>talked to some one who had been through what I went through...I don't

>know if it would have made any difference to my decision )


>any way I am going to hang around for a while ( Bandsters )


>at the moment I am easily exhausted and it will take a good 6 weeks to



>My best wishes to you all.




>We now have over 85,000 e-mail communities. Check out our new web site!


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Oh dear

I am sooooo sorry that happened

It would be anyones worst nightmare

I remeber thinking about my husband and child and why was I doing this when

I went under anaesthetic but I was in good hands and lucky I guess

Very sorry to hear that you had such bad time. My very best wishes for



At 11:41 22/02/99 +0800, you wrote:



>Hi all


>I am finally back at home...What a bloody nightmare the last 2 weeks

>have been !!


>When the band was fitted it made a small tear in the stomach, for the

>week I had it in I was in soooo much pain in my rib cage ( I new things

>were not right )

>after I had a B swallow ( YUK ) they could see the stomach was

>leaking....because of the pain I insisted the band be removed ( NO


>I was just to scared and I also had pneumonia.


>While having band removed and stomach repaired my left lounge

>collapsed,, I spent 2 days in ICU tube in my lung,stomach,and in my

>nose draining my stomach ( I can remember asking the nurse if I was

>going to be all right??? and she kept saying that I had to get through

>the first 48 hours....I have never been sooooo scared in my whole life ,

>all I could think of was my husband and children and why I took the risk



>I know if all went well I would be praising the band but sadly it didnt

>go well and I will not consider the band again.


>and just to add ...I have lost 10 kilos and believe me it will not stop



>I think people need to hear my side of the story ( if I would have

>talked to some one who had been through what I went through...I don't

>know if it would have made any difference to my decision )


>any way I am going to hang around for a while ( Bandsters )


>at the moment I am easily exhausted and it will take a good 6 weeks to



>My best wishes to you all.




>We now have over 85,000 e-mail communities. Check out our new web site!




Ms Martie Nash (Martie Lowenstein)

B. App Sci (Occ Ther)

Executive Officer TADVIC - Technical Aid to the Disabled


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Syd: I think you wise to wait for the band as opposed to the stapling.

Things that are easy are not always the best...those who wait.....good

luck, get educated, be happy, you are a candidate. You are one step closer

today than yesterday!

Success=Hope for the Best, Be Prepared for the Rest. Much Luck, Debi


To: Bandsters bandsters (AT) onelist (DOT) com>

Subject: (no subject)

Date: Wednesday, February 24, 1999 3:09 PM


yesterday I went to meet with my surgeon for the first time pre-op. His

name is Dr. in Adelaide South Australia.

I found him to be very caring, seemed genuinely interested, a good

listener. Dr. has performed 246 bandings with 4 of those

reverting to open surgery and 1 which was removed from a patient who could

not stand having something foreign in her body. He was able to give me

plenty of reading material and runs a support group etc for his patients.

As my health insurance wont cover the op until another ten months I have a

bit of a wait. Dr told me that stapling was another option which

can be done under Medicare. I am not real keen on that. The cost of the

banding op uninsured is 8-10,000 dollars without complications which I

don't have so I will wait until early next year. Perhaps a new weight for

a new millenium!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


I've heard of them replacing just the port when the port went bad would this

maybe work or is the infection in the band itself? Ken

(no subject)



>Marina - I will certainly keep you all informed to my infection situation.

>Band removal can be performed here in the US. I meet with my local doctor

>on March 22 to commit to a decision on what to do. My doctor wants to

>switch to the bypass and I have been doing more research on it. I'm still

>having my original concerns (the reasons I didn't go with it to begin

>with). I'm waivering on whether or not I want to continue taking

>antibiotics until I get the weight off and then have the doctors seal the

>band and just remove the port at that time. My appt on the 22nd will give

>me more insight towards costs (as I'm selfpay).


>Thanks for your concern. - Debie



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dear debbie,

i was just wandering if u have a new doc, and not the one who originally

placed your band? i think after what u have gone through the original doc has

lost his appeal. since u r in the US maybe u may want to check out another

doc..i was totally against the bypass and that is why i elected for the

band,but after speaking with Dr. in New orleans, i think the way he

spoke of the bp it isnt the same as it was years ago, he truely believes in it

and has had wonderful results, shown with his statistics. i will be seeing

him the first week of June for my second fill. maybe u would like a second

opinion on that procedure before u make a final decision. just a thought



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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

no i finished at 2am this morning (ugh). Up at 7.30 with the kids. Still

it's not as bad as when school is on. then I even have to look decent.


D'Orazio wrote:



> Hey Ally


> have you just got home from work,,,


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cockadoodle do!!! you mean us roosters dont ya? LOL ken

(no subject)



>You, chicken, you, Ken!! Surely us bunch of girls don't scare you??







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