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Re: Chuck

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Hi Chuck, It can be very dangerous when you blood sugar levels get that low.

I know when my is low I get real shaky, nauseous and just feel " out of it "

I've scared them a few times at work. I always keep Orange Juice in the frig

at work. Luckily I work with nurses and my sister works with me also. So I

have plenty of people watching out for me. They can usually tell when I get

" out of it " . LEt me know how your visits with Redko and Ertan go. Week before

last when I was in the hospital they called Dr Redko's office and do you know

they never returned the GI's phone calls. I thought that was pretty sad. It's

great to hear you've gone a year without a major attack. I was a little past

a year when I had the attack July 3. I thought that was pretty good. Weird

you mention TS , I was downtown that day having my last block done.

I'm just thankful we got out of there before the flood hit. If Ertan

recommends going to on Internist or Endocrinologist I have some names. Dr

Garber is a great Endo doctor through Baylor. I can get you his number.

Ertan's the one that sent me to him 2 1/2 years ago. Dr Garber was telling me

the last time I was there how Baylor was doing the Islet Cell Transplants

now. They're only doing the one where they use cadavers. I know what you mean

about the 31 pills a day. Since my last attack I've really tried to cut back.

It's all slowing down my small intestine....or what's left of it. Either that

or they think I may have some scar tissue from the Whipple. I have CT scan on

Tues. Hope to know more then. Let me know how you're doing. Hope you have a

restful night.

Terri L.

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Hi Chuck, It can be very dangerous when you blood sugar levels get that low.

I know when my is low I get real shaky, nauseous and just feel " out of it "

I've scared them a few times at work. I always keep Orange Juice in the frig

at work. Luckily I work with nurses and my sister works with me also. So I

have plenty of people watching out for me. They can usually tell when I get

" out of it " . LEt me know how your visits with Redko and Ertan go. Week before

last when I was in the hospital they called Dr Redko's office and do you know

they never returned the GI's phone calls. I thought that was pretty sad. It's

great to hear you've gone a year without a major attack. I was a little past

a year when I had the attack July 3. I thought that was pretty good. Weird

you mention TS , I was downtown that day having my last block done.

I'm just thankful we got out of there before the flood hit. If Ertan

recommends going to on Internist or Endocrinologist I have some names. Dr

Garber is a great Endo doctor through Baylor. I can get you his number.

Ertan's the one that sent me to him 2 1/2 years ago. Dr Garber was telling me

the last time I was there how Baylor was doing the Islet Cell Transplants

now. They're only doing the one where they use cadavers. I know what you mean

about the 31 pills a day. Since my last attack I've really tried to cut back.

It's all slowing down my small intestine....or what's left of it. Either that

or they think I may have some scar tissue from the Whipple. I have CT scan on

Tues. Hope to know more then. Let me know how you're doing. Hope you have a

restful night.

Terri L.

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  • 3 years later...

> sorry sent that by accident we do have two of the SBD

> cookbooks and I share the receipes with her and some she will

> eat but she just thinks at her age she should just eat what

> she wants she'a also of the generation that equates food with

> love so she cooks for my family out of love and wants to make

> things they enjoy.

Sounds Italian -- food = love reminds me of Marie on Everybody Loves

. :-P

I hate to sound manipulative, but maybe it's time for a little reverse

psychology. If she loves you and your family, then she should want to do

what is best for their long term health and longevity. Make things they'll

enjoy but make them healthy so they can enjoy them longer. Likewise, if SHE

eats healthy, then she may well be around to enjoy her great-grandchildren.

My grandmother is in her 80s and not only does she have great grandchildren

but she may very well make it to see great-great grandchildren if she takes

care of herself -- this most recent generation ain't so recent (getting into

their middle teens). The kids all love their great-grandma -- so much so,

that SHE is the ONLY grandma in our family; her daughters have other names

from the grandkids. Eating healthy may produce the same generational

confusion in your family -- definitely a plus. :-)

I enjoy cooking meals for my family that they like as well. In fact, just a

coupla weeks back I made up home-made manicotti for my wife (her favorite).

My manicotti is very good, especially when I make it with my home made

sauce. She enjoyed it immensely. Since then, we haven't made any of our

special meals per se, although we have eaten out a couple of times. There's

love in everything I cook up but if you ask me, I put the most love into the

healthy food I serve my family because the goal is to nourish them for a

long, long life.

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Have you considered moving out for the sake of your health?



> sorry sent that by accident we do have two of the SBD cookbooks and

I share the receipes with her and some she will eat but she just

thinks at her age she should just eat what she wants she'a also of the

generation that equates food with love so she cooks for my family out

of love and wants to make things they enjoy.

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At my very best, I had lost 76 pounds. However, I gained some back and

am maintaining at 60 pounds gone. I'm still pretty darned happy about

it. I don't recall how much my wife lost. I think it was somewhere

around 40 pounds, and she has a thyroid problem and quit smoking several

years ago too.


and Pam wrote:

> Wow Chuck,

> How much weight have you and your wife lost? It must be really nice to have

your spouse on the same page...at least you can commiserate together during

those tough times and come up with, and enjoy, new foods together.

> Pam



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