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Of course one could do that. I am a ditz, but I do know I can make substitutions

like that.

Heh. ;-) The ditzy part of me 1) had not gotten far enough in my thinking to


lookig up the RDA recommendations and enhancing the SBD outlook with a standard


of thumb like that. I would have gone back to Dr. A's book to see if it was in

there, and

not actually considered what the RDA said, probably EVER. And, 2) Having lost


location of the article you posted. Which, I still can't find.

I am exceedingly frustrated today.

Having eaten too many calories prior to dinner, and not having cooked sufficient


of easily usable veggies last night, I served HP the Jumbalaya I'd made.

Having had a

walnut snack 90 minutes prior to that, I didn't eat with him but had a fw ounces

of FF

cheese to round out the day and come up to about 1200 calories.

I ended up staying up 'til 2 a,.m., though. Too long to go without eating. I

had fat free,

sugar free popsicles... I was working on my finances. ;-((. Stress time.

This doesn't happen often to me -- like once every 6 or 9 months or so -- but,

around 1:

45 a.m. my sugar balance must have gotten out of whack. I'd been concentrating


various bills and crazy things that various companies were doing .. . just

totally weird, off

-the-wall stuff... and man! I went into the living room, where a platter of

uneaten German

Christmas cookies had been sitting untouched since Thanksgiving . . . and . .

..well, you

don't want to hear it.

I had not been even the slightest bit tempted -- AT ALL -- prior to that. My

face and

chest grew hair. Fangs emerged. My eyes turned neon green and wolf ears

sprouted from

the hairline above my forehead. But I got the " sweet taste of blood " and, after

that, it was

all over.

So, this morning I am nursing my psychological wounds and trying to decide what

to do.

I have the ingredients for a spinach omelet, or the omelet with the " broccoli

bits " stewed in

drippings from beef stew (with fat removed). and the bok choy and lean pork.

I woke up and looked into the refrigerator. It's so easy to grab 1/2 c ff

cottage cheese and

the flax seed and just eat it... and not bother having to " cook " an omelette and

then clean

the pan. I'm sick of cooking and preparing so many dishes duriing the day.

An near-empty carton of Thanksgiving Egg Nog was there -- which I'd never tasted


wasn't tempted to taste.

Honey Pie had left out a box of pretzels, which he's been munching on . . . and

which I

haven't touched.

My blood sugar is probably off the charts this morning as a result of last

night. I don't

particularly crave anything, and I'm not hungry, but this is my normal time to

eat and I am

feeling defiant and quite gloomy about being able to get to goal...

The scale says my body fat ratio is too high, but the day before yesterday, I

did a post on

the old WW site, and a member there, on CORE, who's done SBD, sent a thoughtful


helpful post --however -- in it, in a well meaning way -- she referred to my


weight by that if she Just had " a few vanity pouns remaining, " she would

concentrate mainly on exercise.

Sometimes it takes a while for something to sink in and hit me.

They're not " vanity pounds. " I might be vain, but the pounds are unhealthy for

a myriad of

reasons, and the designation makes light of my efforts to get rid of those

pounds and

makes me feel stupid for caring. I can tell you all the reasons why it's

important to get rid

of those pounds -- not the least of which is health -- and not the least of

which is self

image. You spend time and effort to streamline your shape and you're better but


in your own eyes, and you still have an unsighly pooch in your abdomen that you

need so

camouflage all the time. Heck. Might as well gain back the other 15 pounds, ya

know? I

didn't look so bad at 155, even if I was outside the outer limits for my height.

Heck. It

was just a few pounds outside the outer limits.

If she were so close to goal and having such an impossibly hard time reaching

it, she

wouldn't think of what remained as " vanity pounds.. "

I am tempted to guzzle the mouthful of egg not in the carton to " clean out " the

refrigerator so I can throw away the carton. HoneyPie wouldn't miss it anyway.


tempted to nosh down the remaining few pretzels in his box, so I can throw it

away and

clean of the surface of his work station.

I am not in a mood to think about dieting. The idea of leftover rice with

cinnamon, sugar,

and cream sounds appealing . . . .

> >

> > Ann,

> >

> > The RDA for fats is 40 grams per day on a 1200 calorie diet, which is

> > 30% of the total calories. That article I posted the link to said to

> > eat 30% of your calories in fat, as well, and said to be sure you

> > don't ever go below 20-25% of your calories in fat or your HDL will

> > go down.

> >

> > ann

> >







> Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:

> South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right-owner


> Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The

South Beach

Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good ones -

and enables

you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats.


> For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by Arthur


MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8






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