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Re: Splenda

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Wow I ordered splenda on Sat. and they shipped yesterday. I already got it.

I just made some cheesecake with it. I will taste it after it's sat awhile.

Initially it tastes like sugar. I got a bit of aftertaste, however that may

be the whipped cream too.....Jean

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What is Splenda??? Thanx! Marcia

----Original Message Follows----

From: ILuvStchin@...

Reply-To: Atkins-A-WayOfLife (AT) onelist (DOT) com

To: Atkins-A-WayOfLife (AT) onelist (DOT) com

Subject: Re: Splenda

Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 15:57:23 EDT

In a message dated 10/04/1999 2:56:20 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

cmfahey@... writes:

<< I bought mine at: The Low-Carb Connoisseur http://www.low-carb.com/ >>

Thanks so much for your quick response to my post.



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Splenda is a sugar sub from Canada. you can only get it there but you can buy

it on the web at http://www.splenda.com/cgi-bin/order2?source=lifescan " >Splenda® | Order






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I am not sure, I do know that splenda and sugar are the same in measurements,

do you know the measurments of sugar to S&L?? See this is too much like




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no 3/4 cup splenda equals the 18 pkgs of S&L

--- Cathryn Fahey cmfahey@...> wrote:

> 3/4 cup splenda=1 pkg S&L?? this recipe calls for

> 18 packages for the

> chocolate part alone, that would be an incredible

> amount of splenda

> :( If anyone else makes this with the combo of

> sweetners, please let

> me know how it goes.

> Thank you for the info Sue!

> Cathy


> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:31:13 -0700 (PDT)


> Subject: Re: Patti's Peanut Butter Cups



> Splenda would be 3/4 of a cup each pkg = 2

> teaspoons.

> Also when makeing something like this Dr. A

> recomends useing 2 different sweetners like 1/2 and

> 1/2 of equal and S&L

> --- Cathryn Fahey cmfahey@...> wrote:

> > I got this recipe from the list, I think Sue

> posted

> > it. I made it last

> > night and although it looks great all made, the

> > sweetner really ruined

> > it. I used Sweet-n-Low... I was wondering if

> anyone

> > had made it with

> > equal... also if I were to substitute Splenda how

> > would the 18 packets

> > of artifical sweetner translate to Splenda since

> it

> > measures like

> > sugar... anyone know?

> > Thanks!

> > Cathy





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:) Sue List Manager 310/260.5/180 255 by 10/31

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Nope 1 pkg = 2 teaspoons

--- Cathryn Fahey cmfahey@...> wrote:

> Oh thank goodness! I'm sorry I read that wrong!

> In the future though, when a recipe calls for a

> packet of sweetner, what

> does that equate with splenda? Is it one teaspoon

> of S&L is the same as

> 1 teaspoon of splenda? I'm sorry if this is obvious

> and I'm not getting

> it...

> Cathy





> Subject: Re: Splenda


> no 3/4 cup splenda equals the 18 pkgs of S&L







> Big and Beutiful is a state of mind, Never let

> anyone tell you different.




:) Sue List Manager 310/260.5/180 255 by 10/31

Wilmington Delaware

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yess splenda measures out like sugar thou some find

it sweeter so it is trial and error for you taste but

it say that you take it 1 for 1

--- Cathryn Fahey cmfahey@...> wrote:

> Oh thank goodness! I'm sorry I read that wrong!

> In the future though, when a recipe calls for a

> packet of sweetner, what

> does that equate with splenda? Is it one teaspoon

> of S&L is the same as

> 1 teaspoon of splenda? I'm sorry if this is obvious

> and I'm not getting

> it...

> Cathy





> Subject: Re: Splenda


> no 3/4 cup splenda equals the 18 pkgs of S&L







> Big and Beutiful is a state of mind, Never let

> anyone tell you different.




:) Sue List Manager 310/260.5/180 255 by 10/31

Wilmington Delaware

Low carb link with info and recipes.http://members.xoom.com/Shadcat708/LC.html

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I get my flu shot tomorrow, I'll let you know.


Re: Splenda

Here is my answer as to whether or not splenda is OK to use. Atkins uses

it in it's atkins bars and plans on using it in even more of their products.

I was hoping it was legal and not causing my stall. I also e-mailed them

about flu shots. Has no one else gotten one? Yall need to the flu is


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This also came from Atkins FAQ..JeanQuestion Answer

I've read warnings on the use of aspartame and other artificial

sweeteners. So why do you use artificial sweeteners in your recipes and food

products? With several qualifications, it's a trade-off we're willing to make.

Sugar, because it's a carbohydrate, is strictly limited on the Atkins Diet.

However, the prudent, moderate use of artificial sweeteners, such as saccharin,

aspartame, and acesulfame-k, is usually acceptable. We don't grant permission

willingly. Depending on how much is used, the substitutes can provoke a variety

of negative reactions and problems unrelated to carbohydrate metabolism. High

consumption of aspartame, for instance, has been linked to numerous illnesses,

and saccharin is still classified as a potential carcinogen (although the

original research has been long since discredited). The risk increases along

with the amount used, therefore, less is more. Sugar substitutes have a

synergistic sweetness. Mixing together tiny amounts of each creates a more

sugary taste than does using a larger amount of any single one. You can end up

getting a lot of sweetness on a lot less sweetener. Our favorite sugar

substitutes are Stevia and sucralose. The natural sweetness of the herb Stevia,

consumed in Japan with no ill effects for more than 25 years, is so powerful

that you need to use only a minuscule amount. It’s slight licorice taste blends

well with the artificial sweeteners. Until relatively recently, the Food and

Drug Administration completely forbade Stevia's use in the United States. With

the import ban now lifted, Stevia is freely available at health-food stores-but

only as a nutritional supplement. It can't be sold as a sweetener. Tested for

its safety and efficacy for many years, Sucralose has been marketed under the

name " Splenda " in Australia, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Columbia,

Lebanon, Venezuela and New Zealand since 1991. On April 1, 1998, the Food and

Drug Administration approved it for use in most food products in the United

States. Sucralose is the first non-caloric sweetener created from sugar and is

approximately 600 times sweeter. What's exciting about this new sweetener is

that, unlike aspartame, sucralose is completely inert to the body's digestive

system, quickly passing through, and does not accumulate in the body's tissues.

In addition, it does not lose its sweetness when heated, so it can be used in

cooking and baking. It is now being used to sweeten the Atkins Diet Advantage

Bars and cheesecakes.

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Here is my answer as to whether or not splenda is OK to use. Atkins uses it in

it's atkins bars and plans on using it in even more of their products. I was

hoping it was legal and not causing my stall. I also e-mailed them about flu

shots. Has no one else gotten one? Yall need to the flu is lousy...Jean

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/27/99 10:31:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Shadcat708@... writes:

<< Do I have to count SPLENDA as a carbohydrate or sugar in my meal plan?

(Because Splenda® ends in " ose " , don't I have to consider it a sugar or

carbohydrate?) >>

Thats great to know!!!!!!!!!

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<< Has anyone used Splenda? I just ordered some and wondered if it affected

the taste

of tea and coffee. I don't want to waste my money. >>

I am a new Splenda user and I love it! Even my highly skeptical dh loves it!

I have not noticed any change when I use it either. To me it tastes just

like sugar! It is wonderful! Teena

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Has anyone used Splenda? I just ordered some and wondered if it affected the


of tea and coffee. I don't want to waste my money.

Hi lyn - Yes, I use Splenda all of the time and I love it. I can not

taste any " after taste " that you sometimes get with other sweeteners.

Better yet, you can cook with it. Splenda is SO worth the money! Kay

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In a message dated 10/28/99 10:56:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

meiwei@... writes:

<< Has anyone used Splenda? I just ordered some and wondered if it affected

the taste

of tea and coffee. I don't want to waste my money. >>

I love my Splenda!!!! I use it in coffee everyday, it taste like sugar!

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Hi Kat,

Thanks much for the info. I was worried. Now can anyone tell me which stores


diet RC cola? Like Wally World, K-Mart, a national chain? I read on the Splenda


that RC was using Splenda now. I wonder if it can be found everywhere?

" F. Day " wrote:

> Hi lyn - Yes, I use Splenda all of the time and I love it. I can not

> taste any " after taste " that you sometimes get with other sweeteners.

> Better yet, you can cook with it. Splenda is SO worth the money! Kay


> > Being Big and Beautiful is a state of mind, Never let anyone tell you





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Great, thanks Teena. I love my iced tea and was the one thing I just couldn't


to give up. But, Nutra Sweet does not taste good in it or coffee, to me.

And thanks for that great chocolate kisses recipe, Kathy!

TLLOVESHIM@... wrote:


> I am a new Splenda user and I love it! Even my highly skeptical dh loves it!

> I have not noticed any change when I use it either. To me it tastes just

> like sugar! It is wonderful! Teena



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Hi Cyndy,

I am in Memphis, TN. Would appreciate any help on finding products that are on


Atkins diet. Is Splenda in the stores yet? I looked for RC cola tonite at Kmart.

They had the regular but no diet RC. I ended up getting diet Sprite which is

caffeine free. So, if I HAVE to have a coke, then at least it won't have the

caffeine. I really want to stay strictly on the induction diet til I see PURPLE!


got on this about 20 years ago and saw purple within the first 2-3 days. Guess


younger, I probably burned up carbs faster.

I went shopping tonite. I got the heavy cream and it said 0 carbs. I also picked


a log of summer sausage which said 0 carbs. Now, is this " free " ? I went crazy

checking carbs on everything! I got some cottage cheese and cream cheese (also 0

carbs). So I sat down to a snack of cheese tonite. But I have been reading


posts and it looks like too much cheese can slow down loss so I will watch that


My main purchase is my heavy cream. I had been using Coffeemate's French Vanilla

creamer (liquid) in my coffee before the diet. I LOVE it. So, I will make my own


My recipe is heavy cream, drop of vanilla extract and Nutra Sweet (til my


gets here). I will let you know how it works after tomorrow morning.

ORIGCN@... wrote:

> From: ORIGCN@...


> lyn:


> Around what areas do you live? My hubby is a manager of a grocery store and

> can help us find out who stocks what.


> Cyndy



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Hi Cyndy,

I am in Memphis, TN. Would appreciate any help on finding products that are on


Atkins diet. Is Splenda in the stores yet? I looked for RC cola tonite at Kmart.

They had the regular but no diet RC. I ended up getting diet Sprite which is

caffeine free. So, if I HAVE to have a coke, then at least it won't have the

caffeine. I really want to stay strictly on the induction diet til I see PURPLE!


got on this about 20 years ago and saw purple within the first 2-3 days. Guess


younger, I probably burned up carbs faster.

I went shopping tonite. I got the heavy cream and it said 0 carbs. I also picked


a log of summer sausage which said 0 carbs. Now, is this " free " ? I went crazy

checking carbs on everything! I got some cottage cheese and cream cheese (also 0

carbs). So I sat down to a snack of cheese tonite. But I have been reading


posts and it looks like too much cheese can slow down loss so I will watch that


My main purchase is my heavy cream. I had been using Coffeemate's French Vanilla

creamer (liquid) in my coffee before the diet. I LOVE it. So, I will make my own


My recipe is heavy cream, drop of vanilla extract and Nutra Sweet (til my


gets here). I will let you know how it works after tomorrow morning.

ORIGCN@... wrote:

> From: ORIGCN@...


> lyn:


> Around what areas do you live? My hubby is a manager of a grocery store and

> can help us find out who stocks what.


> Cyndy



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Hi Cyndy,

I am in Memphis, TN. Would appreciate any help on finding products that are on


Atkins diet. Is Splenda in the stores yet? I looked for RC cola tonite at Kmart.

They had the regular but no diet RC. I ended up getting diet Sprite which is

caffeine free. So, if I HAVE to have a coke, then at least it won't have the

caffeine. I really want to stay strictly on the induction diet til I see PURPLE!


got on this about 20 years ago and saw purple within the first 2-3 days. Guess


younger, I probably burned up carbs faster.

I went shopping tonite. I got the heavy cream and it said 0 carbs. I also picked


a log of summer sausage which said 0 carbs. Now, is this " free " ? I went crazy

checking carbs on everything! I got some cottage cheese and cream cheese (also 0

carbs). So I sat down to a snack of cheese tonite. But I have been reading


posts and it looks like too much cheese can slow down loss so I will watch that


My main purchase is my heavy cream. I had been using Coffeemate's French Vanilla

creamer (liquid) in my coffee before the diet. I LOVE it. So, I will make my own


My recipe is heavy cream, drop of vanilla extract and Nutra Sweet (til my


gets here). I will let you know how it works after tomorrow morning.

ORIGCN@... wrote:

> From: ORIGCN@...


> lyn:


> Around what areas do you live? My hubby is a manager of a grocery store and

> can help us find out who stocks what.


> Cyndy



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You have to remember that even if it says 0 carbs that it means the carbs are

less then 0.5 The law is if it is 0-0.5 then they can put 0 carbs on it, it

it says >1 carb that means 0.5-0.9 carbs are in it. always keep that in mind

when eating 0 carb food. Summer sausage is a processed meat ant that usually

means there is corn syrup or sugar in it when they make it. not enough to

really worry about but just FYI!!




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You have to remember that even if it says 0 carbs that it means the carbs are

less then 0.5 The law is if it is 0-0.5 then they can put 0 carbs on it, it

it says >1 carb that means 0.5-0.9 carbs are in it. always keep that in mind

when eating 0 carb food. Summer sausage is a processed meat ant that usually

means there is corn syrup or sugar in it when they make it. not enough to

really worry about but just FYI!!




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