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New Breakfast I Enjoyed

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This morning I had a new breakfast......Wheatabix with Peanut Butter and

Sugar Free Jelly. It would be a good meal anytime or a nice snack. I was

really hungry when I woke up this morning and now I am not. You find

Wheatabix in the Cereal Section of the grocery store. They are biscuits.

They are kind of crumbly so you need to be gentle with them. They would

also make a great coating for fish or chicken in place of bread crumbs, I am

thinking. You would crumble them up to use it that way. I will be making

Turkey Cutlets with them in the next few days and will let you know if it

worked well.

I have been on SBD for almost 8 weeks now and just love my new way of

eating. I quickly lost 5 pounds, gained about 1-2 back for some reason,

would lose the 1-2 and gain them back....this has been going on for about 5

weeks and I finally have dropped them and a couple of more. In the past I

would have been so tempted to quit and tell myself this wasn't working but

aside from the scale, I was feeling really good with lots of energy and good

spirits. Plus, my pants were getting looser. I am feeling so satisfied

with my foods that I have no desire to make bad choices these days. It may

take me longer to lose the weight than it does others but as long as I am

sticking to the plan, I know it will come off eventually and that I am

getting healthier than I have ever been in the past.

Have a great day.

Judy Wittenberg

Independent Sales Director

Kay Cosmetics


Shop online with me at: www.marykay.com/jwittenberg

It's Not a Matter of Whether you Can or Can't.....

It's a Matter of Whether you Will or Won't!

Re: addictions

But the overeater is often brought up on junk food. How many people do

you know that never had any junk food at all until they were adults? Most

of us were given that first bite of ice cream or cookies or chocolate or

potato chips as toddlers.......

ann maryann127@...> wrote: And the overweight person doesn't

have to have that first bite of cake

or ice cream or cookies or chocolate or potato chips, but they do

anyway. I don't know anyone who got fat overeating broccoli or




> I don't recall saying it was DIFFERENT. What I said was that they

didn't have to start in the first place.........


> Bad food is addictive, sure.


> Again, the difference is that the drug addict didn't have to take

that pill or pick up that needle, and the alcoholic didn't have to

take that first drink. The difference is also that the drug

addict/alcoholic KNOWS it's bad for them. The food addict, often

times, may think they're making wise choices when in reality they are

not. You have to make wiser choices with food - you can't just stop

it all together.


> -Chris

Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:


Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The

South Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right

fats-the good ones - and enables you to live quite happily without the bad

carbs and bad fats.

For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by

Arthur Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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