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Re: No More Stress-Eating!

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>Man...I can imagine it would be difficult if you have food allergies and

>problems with grains & dairy. I haven't been on the diet long, but I've

>found myself eating a lot of foods I never used to eat. Beans is one that

>comes to mind automatically. I wouldn't touch a bean before doing SB.

thanks so much for the sympathy, :) beans were something i semi-enjoyed

beforehand but now have become a staple, since i can't afford as much meat and

fresh veggies as i'd like to eat. bean soup and bean stews have been huge in my

diet, when i have time to cook for myself.

and yes, it's definitely difficult with allergies. ye gods was i sick this

morning. woke up at 6 am in such pain i couldn't figure it out - like a buzzsaw

through my gut - and the only thing i could pinpoint as an " unidentified "

product was the grilled chicken from whole foods i had yesterday for lunch. i'm

currently assuming that my reaction is due to some sort of marinade. everything

else i ate yesterday i had eaten before, or else i'd made myself. it's really

tough when you can't go out and get new things to eat anymore, and you don't

have time to cook. (i'm working again this weekend.) i'm getting SO bored of

the things i can eat, even though i try to spice them differently.

>I tend to be a stress eater, too. (Well....I'm more of an all the time

>eater, actually. I eat when I'm stressed, I celebrate with food when I'm

>happy. I console myself with food when I'm sad. I eat when I'm bored. I

>eat out of habit when watching TV and stuff.) It's a hard habit to break,

>but I know you can do it. :)

the only question is how :/ there's no way i can distract myself (believe me

i've tried), which is a pretty aggravating situation. it's particularly amusing

because my stomach likes to talk when i'm stressed, and it's getting

embarrassing in my 7 pm meetings ;)

how did you break it? or have you?

>Hey, thanks for the congrats. I'm so proud of my little boy. When I came

>back to work and told one of my co-workers, I commented that my son is

>such a " little smarty " . My co-worker came right back with " Yeah, last

>week he was a smart-ass. Now he's a little smarty! " :) I thought that

>was funny.


that's a great story :) at least he's smart both ways, right? :)

thanks again!


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Have any bean soup/stews recipes you'd care to share? Here's a bean

recipe I found this morning:

Ceci E Pasta

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

1 medium onion, chopped

3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

1/2 carrot, chopped

1 (28 ounce) can tomatoes with juice

1 (17 ounce) can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained

16 ounces medium pasta shells or elbow macaroni

1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley

grated parmigiano-reggiano cheese

4 servings

50 minutes 20 mins prep

Add the oil, onion, garlic, and carrot to a large skillet; cook over

low heat; stir/saute for about 10 minutes or until the onion is

tender (do not brown).

Add in the tomatoes and garbanzo beans; simmer over low heat for

about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to package directions until al

dente; ladle out 1 cup of the cooking water and set aside.

Drain the pasta and immediately add to the skillet.

Stir to blend; add in the reserved cooking water as needed for extra

moistness (the mixture should be very juicy).

Ladle into soup bowls; sprinkle with parsley and cheese.


> thanks so much for the sympathy, :) beans were something i

semi-enjoyed beforehand but now have become a staple, since i can't

afford as much meat and fresh veggies as i'd like to eat. bean soup

and bean stews have been huge in my diet, when i have time to cook

for myself.

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hey ann!

my P1 turkey bean stew recipe is in the files, and for the soups i usually just

throw in what i can find/have available. the recipe you share below, minus the

cheese and the macaroni since i can't have either, sounds a lot like the effort

at a mild chana masala i made a few weeks ago :) i'll have to start documenting

what i'm doing to share with the group.



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

>Have any bean soup/stews recipes you'd care to share? Here's a bean

>recipe I found this morning:


>Ceci E Pasta


>1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

>1 medium onion, chopped

>3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

>1/2 carrot, chopped

>1 (28 ounce) can tomatoes with juice

>1 (17 ounce) can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained

>16 ounces medium pasta shells or elbow macaroni

>1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley

> grated parmigiano-reggiano cheese


>4 servings


>50 minutes 20 mins prep


>Add the oil, onion, garlic, and carrot to a large skillet; cook over

>low heat; stir/saute for about 10 minutes or until the onion is

>tender (do not brown).

>Add in the tomatoes and garbanzo beans; simmer over low heat for

>about 20 minutes.

>Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to package directions until al

>dente; ladle out 1 cup of the cooking water and set aside.

>Drain the pasta and immediately add to the skillet.

>Stir to blend; add in the reserved cooking water as needed for extra

>moistness (the mixture should be very juicy).

>Ladle into soup bowls; sprinkle with parsley and cheese.



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>Are you allergic to wheat like me? I use either rice or rye pasta

>from the health food store.



ah, i wish i knew, ann. my gastroenterologist has me off all grains (each

and every grain out there) until my lipid and sugar allergies calm down since

i'm having stomach bleeding from them. once the bleeding stops for a month, he

says i can add one grain a week, starting with something really gentle and

moving up, and we'll see what i react to and what i don't. i already know rice

is a no-no because it makes me bloat; we'll see what happens with the rest.

beans are fine, though, which is a relief because i'm starting to live on

garbanzo flour crepes. ;)


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Waow Risa. Sounds like you're having a pretty challenging time.

Hope you find what is causing you all these troubles and fix it :)

Take care!



> ah, i wish i knew, ann. my gastroenterologist has me off all grains

> (each and every grain out there) until my lipid and sugar allergies calm

> down since i'm having stomach bleeding from them. once the bleeding stops

> for a month, he says i can add one grain a week, starting with something

> really gentle and moving up, and we'll see what i react to and what i don't.

> i already know rice is a no-no because it makes me bloat; we'll see what

> happens with the rest. beans are fine, though, which is a relief because i'm

> starting to live on garbanzo flour crepes. ;)


> ~risa



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