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Re: Help please!

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It is very likely that Riley is going through a growth spurt. That said, I

would suggest offering one breast per meal (unless they are shorter than the

norm) then go for at least 2 hours per breast, or even up to three hours,

before switching.

For gas, try infant massage at diaper changes--with baby on its back,

massage down baby's stomach on left side (rib cage to leg), next go across

the top of baby's abdomen, right to left, and repeat the down stroke,

finally, reverse the first stroke to go up baby's right side from leg to rob

cage, then go across and down the left. (The first stroke is I, the second

is upside down L, the third is upside down U).

Why is this happening, could be growth spurt, change in family schedule,

something you ate, etc.


Amy Lynn

mother to 1-25-98 and 2-10-00

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  • 7 years later...

Balloon dilatation and stenting worked very well for me. I've been asymptomatic since having that procedure in spring, 2001.

Many here have experienced great relief with rifampin. I have no personal experience myself.

Arne57 - UC 1977 - PSC 2000Alive and well in Minnesota

----- Original Message -----

....Does anyone have advice for the itching? I don't want to sound like a baby, but it is driving me nuts. And if anyone could share their experience with the balloon dilation procedure I would appreciate that too.


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Balloon dilatation and stenting worked very well for me. I've been asymptomatic since having that procedure in spring, 2001.

Many here have experienced great relief with rifampin. I have no personal experience myself.

Arne57 - UC 1977 - PSC 2000Alive and well in Minnesota

----- Original Message -----

....Does anyone have advice for the itching? I don't want to sound like a baby, but it is driving me nuts. And if anyone could share their experience with the balloon dilation procedure I would appreciate that too.


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Amy,I was just diagnosed this past Spring in April. I had an ERCP in April to confirm the diagnosis along with a liver ultrasound. At that time, he only mildly dilated the Common Bile Duct. At that point, I was itching like crazy, cutting up my feet and terrible on my back. I was even brusing my legs, because I would itch through my denim pants. I found that I could NOT wear wool unless I had cotton underneath. I also could not wear tight clothes. When my skin got a little bit oily, it would start to get worse. I was always showering 1x/day, sometimes 2x if I worked out. I started using Anti-Itch Eucerin, which people on this message board seemed to love. I tried dry skin Eucerin first, which is very thick, and it works, but the Anti-Itch Eucerin, which is very thin and works as a face lotion too, has been the best for me!I went on

Cholestyramine, and was drinking 4 packets per day. Eventually, it reduced my itching quite significantly. However, if I was not taking these 4 packets spaced throughout the day, I would start to notice myself becoming itchy. I also had to mentally be aware of when I started itching myself. Sometimes I would be at my desk and suddenly become conscious that I was itching my arm, which would then set off another itching bout, or make me more conscious. So, if you can wear long sleeves (yah winter in Duluth!) or keep your mind in check, that may help. I did not try an oatmeal bath (mostly because I only had a shower in Maine), about a cup of rolled oats, but if my itching comes again, I will! Something that also calms me down at night is doing a castor oil treatment over my liver. I just soak a piece of thin wool every month or so, put a cut up piece of plastic bag over my liver, put the wool on, and then a hot water bottle, and lay in the chair to

read for about 45 min-60 min. If anything, it has a great calming effect and gives me a positive closing to the day. I was also recently stented after returning to Duluth. In the beginning of September, I received a temporary stent from Dr. Bednarz at St. Luke's Hospital. I immediately felt better. And I mean, my itching went away, GONE! I felt amazing for the first time in 8 months and really learned how fatigued and tired I had been in that time. At the end of September, I had my 3rd ERCP and apparently the stent had fallen out. (Anyone else had this happen?) Both her and Dr. Poterucha at the Mayo said it was nothing to worry about. During the 3rd ERCP, she just dilated my Common Bile Duct. 6 weeks later I still feel great. No itching, I have reduced my cholestyramine dose, but remain on URSO.The 3rd ERCP was the hardest to recover from. My throat was sore from the scope and I was at the hospital an entire 6 hours, as opposed to 4

before. I went home and straight to bed. I had a little chicken broth that night and jello. I felt run down for a couple of days but otherwise good! I wish you the best of luck and hope everything goes well in your ERCP. It has been a blessing for me!nnenne

Duluth, Minnesota

UC 2002, PSC 2008

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