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> I keep being told that herbs and supplements, etc, work best in

their natural state. Would using REAL garlic be better than garlic

tablets and oils? I just can't get the tablets and capsules and oils

down, not even with grinding and mixing in different teas. However, I

can eat real garlic and have no problems with that.


I can't tell you what is " best " . There are certainly many

opinions. I have taken garlic oil capsules, and some other

capsules [powdered?], and have eaten lots of garlic raw and

cooked. And made teas out of it. and so on. But I don't

know from any of that what works best.

As far as eating goes, you may need to also consider raw

vs. cooked. I'm guessing that you mean eating COOKED garlic

is not a problem. I can eat it raw, but only with care and

limited amounts..... (I do this when I'm ill sometimes.)

Garlic is sulfury FWIW== this means some people will have

problems with if eating a lot of it.

best wishes,


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> I keep being told that herbs and supplements, etc, work best in

their natural state. Would using REAL garlic be better than garlic

tablets and oils? I just can't get the tablets and capsules and oils

down, not even with grinding and mixing in different teas. However, I

can eat real garlic and have no problems with that.


I can't tell you what is " best " . There are certainly many

opinions. I have taken garlic oil capsules, and some other

capsules [powdered?], and have eaten lots of garlic raw and

cooked. And made teas out of it. and so on. But I don't

know from any of that what works best.

As far as eating goes, you may need to also consider raw

vs. cooked. I'm guessing that you mean eating COOKED garlic

is not a problem. I can eat it raw, but only with care and

limited amounts..... (I do this when I'm ill sometimes.)

Garlic is sulfury FWIW== this means some people will have

problems with if eating a lot of it.

best wishes,


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At the risk of sounding silly, my drug of choice is the public library. I go

wander around in the stacks and bring home piles of mysteries, true crime

books and, if my brain doesn't want to work very hard, children's books. I

don't necessarily get them all read, but it's calming for me to roam around

hunting and choosing them, and it feels so luxurious because it's free. :-)


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Chocolate! (Just kidding) I guess I distance myself from things. I really

do believe these bodies are temporary, too, so I try not to take it all

quite as serious while at the same time taking good care of myself. I think

you can focus too much on all this stuff. But physical symptoms are real,

too. Watch out for chemical imbalance from not enough b-complex, etc. Feed

your spirit. Be good to yourself. I'm heading into my PMS cycle so who

knows what I'll be saying in a week, though. Overall life is good. I think

I'm in my " manic " phase : ) If you want to talk about it you can email me

privately. I think all of you on here are dear people. I'm use to being on

lists with women so I'm finding the way men communicate entertaining and all

you ladies are nice and helpful. We are doing or trying to do something

positive with a very bad thing. I think you go through phases. I've been

pretty ticked at the establishment so to speak at times. It helps me a lot

knowing I'm not the only one going through this (although don't wish it on

anyone). Far from it - but relatively few people recognize it for what it

is, so this group helps me feel validated. And helps me understand myself a

little better. And the population as a whole. Hope you feel better. Maybe

you just need sleep?? Jeanie


Putting aside the ALA, and DMPS, and all the rest of the stuff for a

moment ..... What do the rest of you do on bad days? When you feel like

you're backsliding? When you're so tired, physically and mentally, that

you're sure you just can't fight the battle any longer? Where does one go

for an attitude adjustment?

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Sleep is difficult at night. That's when the hot flashes, heart flutters, and

mental fears really kick into high gear. I already tried the chocolate and

feasted on a Hershey's Kiss ... one didn't work and as much as I would love to

...... I don't dare eat the whole bag full. LOLOL Thanks Jeanie :)


Chocolate! (Just kidding) I guess I distance myself from things. I really

do believe these bodies are temporary, too, so I try not to take it all

quite as serious while at the same time taking good care of myself. I think

you can focus too much on all this stuff. But physical symptoms are real,

too. Watch out for chemical imbalance from not enough b-complex, etc. Feed

your spirit. Be good to yourself. I'm heading into my PMS cycle so who

knows what I'll be saying in a week, though. Overall life is good. I think

I'm in my " manic " phase : ) If you want to talk about it you can email me

privately. I think all of you on here are dear people. I'm use to being on

lists with women so I'm finding the way men communicate entertaining and all

you ladies are nice and helpful. We are doing or trying to do something

positive with a very bad thing. I think you go through phases. I've been

pretty ticked at the establishment so to speak at times. It helps me a lot

knowing I'm not the only one going through this (although don't wish it on

anyone). Far from it - but relatively few people recognize it for what it

is, so this group helps me feel validated. And helps me understand myself a

little better. And the population as a whole. Hope you feel better. Maybe

you just need sleep?? Jeanie

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> When you're so tired, physically and mentally, that you're sure you just

> can't fight the battle any longer? Where does one go for an attitude

> adjustment?


> I nourish my friendships so that when I am at the end of my rope, those

> friendships nourish me. If it's so bad my friends can't help.........that's

> when I let God carry me in His arms for awhile.

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I come here....and get inspired by the rest of you.


on 01/10/2003 3:30 AM, Mercury Mommy at mercurymommy@... wrote:

Putting aside the ALA, and DMPS, and all the rest of the stuff for a moment

...... What do the rest of you do on bad days? When you feel like you're

backsliding? When you're so tired, physically and mentally, that you're

sure you just can't fight the battle any longer? Where does one go for an

attitude adjustment?

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> What do the rest of you do on bad days?

Pray, meditate, walk, sometimes numbly stare at tv, whatever I can.

I also have learned that getting upset about all I cannot do just

doesn't help. (Of course, it took ages to learn that) I try to treat

myself as gently and kindly as I would treat a friend in this


I would LOVE to do chocolate, but the yeast in my tummy would like it

even more!

I can't begin to imagine how unbearably difficult this would be if I

had children to care for. I can barely care for myself at times.

I wish you well. : )


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Not silly at all. My drug is going to the health food section at Fred

Meyer. Your's sounds much less expensive : )

Re: Question

At the risk of sounding silly, my drug of choice is the public library. I


wander around in the stacks and bring home piles of mysteries, true crime

books and, if my brain doesn't want to work very hard, children's books.


don't necessarily get them all read, but it's calming for me to roam


hunting and choosing them, and it feels so luxurious because it's free.



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> Putting aside the ALA, and DMPS, and all the rest of the stuff for

a moment ..... What do the rest of you do on bad days? When you

feel like you're backsliding? When you're so tired, physically and

mentally, that you're sure you just can't fight the battle any

longer? Where does one go for an attitude adjustment?


I just rest, put on a good video or music that I love and give

myself a good talking too, giving positive messages that I know what

is causing my problems and that in time things will be better (which

usually in a day or so they are). I always concentrate on the

positive things that have happened since knowing about the mercury

issue and having all my fillings removed. I tell myself that it

will probably be more than a year before I can expect to get all

that mercury out of my brain because it took so long to get in there

and therefore how can I expect to feel better every day in those


I also phone a good friend and have a nice chat which makes me feel

better. Finally I always remind myself that there are so many

people out there who are a lot worse off than myself and count

myself lucky to at least know what is wrong. I am always grateful

for the Internet and groups like this who can help reinforce what is

needed. After all I have seen some great improvements recently and

that will always spur me on even on the bad days.


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I've had a terrible time trying to sleep at night lately with hot flashes,

mental fears etc. Then I read that you can get rid of hot flashes by taking

liquid iodine to support your thyroid. I tried that and also increased my

pituitary glandular. I've noticed that if I take Profession Complementary

Health Formulas Pituitary complex it works better than just taking pituitary

glandular by itself. It has the following in it: B3, folic acid, B12, B5,

magnesium, zinc, ginkgo, chaste tree, manganese and hypothalamus.

I took about two nights for the hot flashes to go away when I did this. The

mental fears have calmed down too.

I actually tried the chocolate too. I loved it, but so did my fungal



Re: Question

Sleep is difficult at night. That's when the hot flashes, heart flutters,

and mental fears really kick into high gear. I already tried the chocolate and

feasted on a Hershey's Kiss ... one didn't work and as much as I would love to

...... I don't dare eat the whole bag full. LOLOL Thanks Jeanie :)


Chocolate! (Just kidding) I guess I distance myself from things. I really

do believe these bodies are temporary, too, so I try not to take it all

quite as serious while at the same time taking good care of myself. I think

you can focus too much on all this stuff. But physical symptoms are real,

too. Watch out for chemical imbalance from not enough b-complex, etc. Feed

your spirit. Be good to yourself. I'm heading into my PMS cycle so who

knows what I'll be saying in a week, though. Overall life is good. I think

I'm in my " manic " phase : ) If you want to talk about it you can email me

privately. I think all of you on here are dear people. I'm use to being on

lists with women so I'm finding the way men communicate entertaining and all

you ladies are nice and helpful. We are doing or trying to do something

positive with a very bad thing. I think you go through phases. I've been

pretty ticked at the establishment so to speak at times. It helps me a lot

knowing I'm not the only one going through this (although don't wish it on

anyone). Far from it - but relatively few people recognize it for what it

is, so this group helps me feel validated. And helps me understand myself a

little better. And the population as a whole. Hope you feel better. Maybe

you just need sleep?? Jeanie

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I've had a terrible time trying to sleep at night lately with hot flashes,

mental fears etc. Then I read that you can get rid of hot flashes by taking

liquid iodine to support your thyroid. I tried that and also increased my

pituitary glandular. I've noticed that if I take Profession Complementary

Health Formulas Pituitary complex it works better than just taking pituitary

glandular by itself. It has the following in it: B3, folic acid, B12, B5,

magnesium, zinc, ginkgo, chaste tree, manganese and hypothalamus.

I took about two nights for the hot flashes to go away when I did this. The

mental fears have calmed down too.

I actually tried the chocolate too. I loved it, but so did my fungal



Re: Question

Sleep is difficult at night. That's when the hot flashes, heart flutters,

and mental fears really kick into high gear. I already tried the chocolate and

feasted on a Hershey's Kiss ... one didn't work and as much as I would love to

...... I don't dare eat the whole bag full. LOLOL Thanks Jeanie :)


Chocolate! (Just kidding) I guess I distance myself from things. I really

do believe these bodies are temporary, too, so I try not to take it all

quite as serious while at the same time taking good care of myself. I think

you can focus too much on all this stuff. But physical symptoms are real,

too. Watch out for chemical imbalance from not enough b-complex, etc. Feed

your spirit. Be good to yourself. I'm heading into my PMS cycle so who

knows what I'll be saying in a week, though. Overall life is good. I think

I'm in my " manic " phase : ) If you want to talk about it you can email me

privately. I think all of you on here are dear people. I'm use to being on

lists with women so I'm finding the way men communicate entertaining and all

you ladies are nice and helpful. We are doing or trying to do something

positive with a very bad thing. I think you go through phases. I've been

pretty ticked at the establishment so to speak at times. It helps me a lot

knowing I'm not the only one going through this (although don't wish it on

anyone). Far from it - but relatively few people recognize it for what it

is, so this group helps me feel validated. And helps me understand myself a

little better. And the population as a whole. Hope you feel better. Maybe

you just need sleep?? Jeanie

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I haven't verified pituitary involvement and wouldn't know how to, but with

my weird lab results wonder if I could benefit from that. Pituitary

involvement has been suspect. May I ask where you get this stuff Celeste?

Thank you. Jeanie

Re: Question


I've had a terrible time trying to sleep at night lately with hot

flashes, mental fears etc. Then I read that you can get rid of hot flashes

by taking liquid iodine to support your thyroid. I tried that and also

increased my pituitary glandular. I've noticed that if I take Profession

Complementary Health Formulas Pituitary complex it works better than just

taking pituitary glandular by itself. It has the following in it: B3, folic

acid, B12, B5, magnesium, zinc, ginkgo, chaste tree, manganese and


I took about two nights for the hot flashes to go away when I did

this. The mental fears have calmed down too.

I actually tried the chocolate too. I loved it, but so did my fungal



Re: Question

Sleep is difficult at night. That's when the hot flashes, heart

flutters, and mental fears really kick into high gear. I already tried the

chocolate and feasted on a Hershey's Kiss ... one didn't work and as much as

I would love to ..... I don't dare eat the whole bag full. LOLOL Thanks

Jeanie :)


Chocolate! (Just kidding) I guess I distance myself from things. I


do believe these bodies are temporary, too, so I try not to take it


quite as serious while at the same time taking good care of myself. I


you can focus too much on all this stuff. But physical symptoms are


too. Watch out for chemical imbalance from not enough b-complex, etc.


your spirit. Be good to yourself. I'm heading into my PMS cycle so


knows what I'll be saying in a week, though. Overall life is good. I


I'm in my " manic " phase : ) If you want to talk about it you can

email me

privately. I think all of you on here are dear people. I'm use to

being on

lists with women so I'm finding the way men communicate entertaining

and all

you ladies are nice and helpful. We are doing or trying to do


positive with a very bad thing. I think you go through phases. I've


pretty ticked at the establishment so to speak at times. It helps me

a lot

knowing I'm not the only one going through this (although don't wish

it on

anyone). Far from it - but relatively few people recognize it for

what it

is, so this group helps me feel validated. And helps me understand

myself a

little better. And the population as a whole. Hope you feel better.


you just need sleep?? Jeanie

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In a message dated 1/14/2003 2:57:22 PM Central Standard Time,

mercurymommy@... writes:

> To help rid oneself of a yeast infection, and then maintain that good

> balance once achieved ... how much yogurt should a person consume on a

> daily basis?


the only thing I have found to truly control yeast is to pretty reduce foods

that feed yeast and take a good gut flora tablet daily.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Resending cuz of bouncing. Please forgive any double posts.


Hi again - Again this is a pro or con question. It's time for bed but I

realized I didn't get enough protein in today and didn't have my morning

shake cuz I was late for Church. I had a late supper so I'm not hungry at

all. I also know that I didn't get enough liquid in today, either. Would you

just go to bed and do better tomorrow or would you stay up to have a shake?

I really appreciate all the help I get on this list. Thanks to you all.

C. <><

Oshkosh, WI

Lap RNY 12/17/02

12/17/02 269

12/30/02 254

1/13/02 237

1/27/02 234

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Resending cuz of bouncing. Please forgive any double posts.


Hi again - Again this is a pro or con question. It's time for bed but I

realized I didn't get enough protein in today and didn't have my morning

shake cuz I was late for Church. I had a late supper so I'm not hungry at

all. I also know that I didn't get enough liquid in today, either. Would you

just go to bed and do better tomorrow or would you stay up to have a shake?

I really appreciate all the help I get on this list. Thanks to you all.

C. <><

Oshkosh, WI

Lap RNY 12/17/02

12/17/02 269

12/30/02 254

1/13/02 237

1/27/02 234

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Resending cuz of bouncing. Please forgive any double posts.


Hi again - Again this is a pro or con question. It's time for bed but I

realized I didn't get enough protein in today and didn't have my morning

shake cuz I was late for Church. I had a late supper so I'm not hungry at

all. I also know that I didn't get enough liquid in today, either. Would you

just go to bed and do better tomorrow or would you stay up to have a shake?

I really appreciate all the help I get on this list. Thanks to you all.

C. <><

Oshkosh, WI

Lap RNY 12/17/02

12/17/02 269

12/30/02 254

1/13/02 237

1/27/02 234

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  • 2 weeks later...

>>> What is an NSAID? <<<

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (requires that we don't have

enough of anymore so even via injections, we can't have them.) This would

include but not excluding others things like aspirin, some Rx heavy aspirin,

the injections generally used to treat things like carpal tunnel

(anti-inflammatory) -- it's safest just to inform your DR. that you can't

have any NSAID's and they will generally find an alternative for whatever is

ailing us.

Along those lines though I wanted to ask if anyone here is familiar with

the herb(s) Passion Flower and White Willow Bark (usually in a tea) and both

/ or one or the other (before synthetics) were bases for pharmaceutical

aspirin/pain relief/inflammations -- question is... can we still have these

in teas?




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>>> What is an NSAID? <<<

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (requires that we don't have

enough of anymore so even via injections, we can't have them.) This would

include but not excluding others things like aspirin, some Rx heavy aspirin,

the injections generally used to treat things like carpal tunnel

(anti-inflammatory) -- it's safest just to inform your DR. that you can't

have any NSAID's and they will generally find an alternative for whatever is

ailing us.

Along those lines though I wanted to ask if anyone here is familiar with

the herb(s) Passion Flower and White Willow Bark (usually in a tea) and both

/ or one or the other (before synthetics) were bases for pharmaceutical

aspirin/pain relief/inflammations -- question is... can we still have these

in teas?




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> Along those lines though I wanted to ask if anyone here is familiar with

> the herb(s) Passion Flower and White Willow Bark (usually in a tea) and


> / or one or the other (before synthetics) were bases for pharmaceutical

> aspirin/pain relief/inflammations -- question is... can we still have


> in teas?

I don't know about the passion flower, but the willow bark contains the same

acid that is used to make aspirin, so it's an NSAID in disguise. Willow bark

was discovered to relieve pain and fever, and people figured out how to

make it into a pill, and ta-da! - Aspirin.

~~Lyn G

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> Along those lines though I wanted to ask if anyone here is familiar with

> the herb(s) Passion Flower and White Willow Bark (usually in a tea) and


> / or one or the other (before synthetics) were bases for pharmaceutical

> aspirin/pain relief/inflammations -- question is... can we still have


> in teas?

I don't know about the passion flower, but the willow bark contains the same

acid that is used to make aspirin, so it's an NSAID in disguise. Willow bark

was discovered to relieve pain and fever, and people figured out how to

make it into a pill, and ta-da! - Aspirin.

~~Lyn G

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> Along those lines though I wanted to ask if anyone here is familiar with

> the herb(s) Passion Flower and White Willow Bark (usually in a tea) and


> / or one or the other (before synthetics) were bases for pharmaceutical

> aspirin/pain relief/inflammations -- question is... can we still have


> in teas?

I don't know about the passion flower, but the willow bark contains the same

acid that is used to make aspirin, so it's an NSAID in disguise. Willow bark

was discovered to relieve pain and fever, and people figured out how to

make it into a pill, and ta-da! - Aspirin.

~~Lyn G

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

No. They will be good for her. I feed them to my dad (85)!

The doc suggested Ensure! LOLOLOL! I said, " I think not, howzabout protein

that doesn't fatten him up? " I'll be dropping some off for the doc to try!



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Hi all,

I have a quick question for anyone who knows. I live with and take care of my

79yr old mother. She is so impressed with how much better I feel when I have my

shakes, that she wants to know if they would hurt her to drink. Shes very

healthy and has no health problems or takes any meds. She just gets run down

alot and wants to be more active.

Anyone have any input on this?



open rny 11-15-02


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Guest guest

Goodness yes, give the lady a shake or three! You see all those sugary

things on the tube touted as healthy and stuffies, why not give her

something which will give her needed protein and all! I envy you having your

Mom still around, so glad you do! Jeanne in Georgia


Hi all,

I have a quick question for anyone who knows. I live with and take care of

my 79yr old mother. She is so impressed with how much better I feel when I

have my shakes, that she wants to know if they would hurt her to drink. Shes

very healthy and has no health problems or takes any meds. She just gets run

down alot and wants to be more active.

Anyone have any input on this?



open rny 11-15-02


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Guest guest

Goodness yes, give the lady a shake or three! You see all those sugary

things on the tube touted as healthy and stuffies, why not give her

something which will give her needed protein and all! I envy you having your

Mom still around, so glad you do! Jeanne in Georgia


Hi all,

I have a quick question for anyone who knows. I live with and take care of

my 79yr old mother. She is so impressed with how much better I feel when I

have my shakes, that she wants to know if they would hurt her to drink. Shes

very healthy and has no health problems or takes any meds. She just gets run

down alot and wants to be more active.

Anyone have any input on this?



open rny 11-15-02


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