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> HI

> I was just wondering is the abdominal done with general anesth, or


> spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.

I had general and it took twenty minutes. But I had no

complications or previous scarring and I am pretty small so I guess

I was lucky because I think it generally takes longer. Prep and all

was about 45 minutes.

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> HI

> I was just wondering is the abdominal done with general anesth, or


> spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.

I had general and it took twenty minutes. But I had no

complications or previous scarring and I am pretty small so I guess

I was lucky because I think it generally takes longer. Prep and all

was about 45 minutes.

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I do not have the ab yet but I was told that the surgery generally

takes one hour. I've heard docs using general, spinal block, or an

epidural. sounds like you were an easy patient.

> > HI

> > I was just wondering is the abdominal done with general anesth,


> a

> > spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.


> I had general and it took twenty minutes. But I had no

> complications or previous scarring and I am pretty small so I


> I was lucky because I think it generally takes longer. Prep and


> was about 45 minutes.

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I do not have the ab yet but I was told that the surgery generally

takes one hour. I've heard docs using general, spinal block, or an

epidural. sounds like you were an easy patient.

> > HI

> > I was just wondering is the abdominal done with general anesth,


> a

> > spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.


> I had general and it took twenty minutes. But I had no

> complications or previous scarring and I am pretty small so I


> I was lucky because I think it generally takes longer. Prep and


> was about 45 minutes.

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My doc has done one laproscopic and it took 4 hours. Seems like

this way takes longer that cutting open. I know for him he needs to

perfect some of the instruments before doing more laproscopic to

make it easier.

> It depends on the doctor. Mine was done under general and took 3

hours (it was partially laparoscopic)


> Love,


> Brayden Austin 06-02-03

> }Angel{ Trustin Cody 07-17-02

> }Angel{ Cheyenne 6-12-00




> HI

> I was just wondering is the abdominal done with general anesth,

or a

> spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.




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My doc has done one laproscopic and it took 4 hours. Seems like

this way takes longer that cutting open. I know for him he needs to

perfect some of the instruments before doing more laproscopic to

make it easier.

> It depends on the doctor. Mine was done under general and took 3

hours (it was partially laparoscopic)


> Love,


> Brayden Austin 06-02-03

> }Angel{ Trustin Cody 07-17-02

> }Angel{ Cheyenne 6-12-00




> HI

> I was just wondering is the abdominal done with general anesth,

or a

> spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.




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My doc has done one laproscopic and it took 4 hours. Seems like

this way takes longer that cutting open. I know for him he needs to

perfect some of the instruments before doing more laproscopic to

make it easier.

> It depends on the doctor. Mine was done under general and took 3

hours (it was partially laparoscopic)


> Love,


> Brayden Austin 06-02-03

> }Angel{ Trustin Cody 07-17-02

> }Angel{ Cheyenne 6-12-00




> HI

> I was just wondering is the abdominal done with general anesth,

or a

> spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.




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It depends on the doctor. Mine was done under general and took 3 hours (it was partially laparoscopic)

Love,Brayden Austin 06-02-03}Angel{ Trustin Cody 07-17-02}Angel{ Cheyenne 6-12-00


HII was just wondering is the abdominal done with general anesth, or a spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.

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It depends on the doctor. Mine was done under general and took 3 hours (it was partially laparoscopic)

Love,Brayden Austin 06-02-03}Angel{ Trustin Cody 07-17-02}Angel{ Cheyenne 6-12-00


HII was just wondering is the abdominal done with general anesth, or a spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.

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My cerclage was like yours, they were done with it very quickly.

What took longer for me was the additional interuterine surgery I

had done hysterscopically. But still all of that only took a little

over an hour.



> > > HI

> > > I was just wondering is the abdominal done with general


> or

> > a

> > > spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.

> >

> > I had general and it took twenty minutes. But I had no

> > complications or previous scarring and I am pretty small so I

> guess

> > I was lucky because I think it generally takes longer. Prep and

> all

> > was about 45 minutes.

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My cerclage was like yours, they were done with it very quickly.

What took longer for me was the additional interuterine surgery I

had done hysterscopically. But still all of that only took a little

over an hour.



> > > HI

> > > I was just wondering is the abdominal done with general


> or

> > a

> > > spinal/ epidural. how long does this procedure usually last.

> >

> > I had general and it took twenty minutes. But I had no

> > complications or previous scarring and I am pretty small so I

> guess

> > I was lucky because I think it generally takes longer. Prep and

> all

> > was about 45 minutes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

I understand exaclty how you feel. I always find myself thinking about what could go wrong, what if I´m on the 5% on which the ab doesn´t work... this kind of stuff. We have gone through too much and it´s difficult to even think about another loss.

But, as we all now, in life there are no 100% guarantees. My doc was very sincere with me, he told me that my chances with the ab would be much higher, but the only one who could guarantee 100% sucess is God. So, I´m trying to focus on the 95%, focus on all information I have, the plan I have for this preganancy (ab, preventive antibiotics) and I´m trying to put my life in God´s hands, and ask Him to guide it.

What I´m trying to tell you is that I´m on the same boat as you. I´ve had my ab place pre pregnancy this Nov, 29th, and we already started ttc. My doc gave us the go ahead and here we are. But I must confess to you that everytime we have sex to ttc, at the end I feel afraid, and ask myself if I´m doing the right thing, if I´m not been too optimistic.

But we have to keep the faith and focus on the positive things. It will work for me and for you. It will work for us all.



-----Original Message-----From: dailysummary Sent: segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2003 20:17To: Abbyloopers Subject: QUESTIONHi It is I just had a question, How long are you put on bed rest after the ab if there are no complications whatsoever, and I know the success rate is what 95 % whatever happen to the other 5% of women; I just get so worried that I will always end up as the percentage that failed, because I long to try again but the thought of this ab failing which seems to be the last resort then I don't think I can handle it. What could go wrong besides ptl,and prom is there an hour glass membrane effect with this cerclage, has it been heard of to break like the vaginal, I really just wont to hear that is there a chance the cervix will start to open and the bulging membranes will happen.thanks alicia all 3 boys17weeks bulging membranes19weeks buldging membranes21weeks mcdonald cerclage, ptl, hour glass membranes

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I understand how you feel about the what if’s. I am 25 weeks on SBR since 12 weeks. last Friday I started

contractions and have had them ever since then. They at times can be very

painful. Everytime I have one I think back to my

delivery. The contractions are the same ones last time. I am on progesterone

shots to help prevent ptl. But you are right it is

all in God’s hands. It is very scary for us everytime

and I can’t help think, “Oh God please not again”. i

think what have I gotten into and will I be able to survive it. I cannot stress

to you the concerns when you ttc again. I am glad we

are trying but I thought with the ab cerclage things would be different. They are. At this time I

was delivering my son and in the hospital. So, I am doing better just in a

different way then I thought I would be. I say to myself, look at all the

members they all had their miracle, won’t I have one too? I have the worst

luck. However, I am glad we are given a second chance. I just want it to work

out. My hd and I said that if we could get to 28

weeks that wpould be great.

I know how scary is sounds and how wonderful

it sounds. I guess you just have to take it as it goes. I just want you to understand

that we are on the same page. Down deep inside I know it will turn out good. It

is just getting heir. Try not to focus on the negative. You two will make wonderful

mothers. You have all the info, the doc and the ab. You

are more then half way their. Keep the faith.

God bless,

Taryn – I hope that you do not think that I regret my choice, I am just




It is I just had a question, How long are

you put on bed rest

after the ab if there are no complications

whatsoever, and I know the

success rate is what 95 % whatever happen to the

other 5% of women; I

just get so worried that I will always end up as

the percentage that

failed, because I long to try again but the

thought of this ab

failing which seems to be the last resort then I

don't think I can

handle it. What could go wrong besides ptl,and

prom is there an hour

glass membrane effect with this cerclage, has it

been heard of to

break like the vaginal, I really just wont to hear

that is there a

chance the cervix will start to open and the

bulging membranes will


thanks alicia all 3 boys

17weeks bulging membranes

19weeks buldging membranes

21weeks mcdonald cerclage, ptl, hour glass


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I understand how you feel about the what if’s. I am 25 weeks on SBR since 12 weeks. last Friday I started

contractions and have had them ever since then. They at times can be very

painful. Everytime I have one I think back to my

delivery. The contractions are the same ones last time. I am on progesterone

shots to help prevent ptl. But you are right it is

all in God’s hands. It is very scary for us everytime

and I can’t help think, “Oh God please not again”. i

think what have I gotten into and will I be able to survive it. I cannot stress

to you the concerns when you ttc again. I am glad we

are trying but I thought with the ab cerclage things would be different. They are. At this time I

was delivering my son and in the hospital. So, I am doing better just in a

different way then I thought I would be. I say to myself, look at all the

members they all had their miracle, won’t I have one too? I have the worst

luck. However, I am glad we are given a second chance. I just want it to work

out. My hd and I said that if we could get to 28

weeks that wpould be great.

I know how scary is sounds and how wonderful

it sounds. I guess you just have to take it as it goes. I just want you to understand

that we are on the same page. Down deep inside I know it will turn out good. It

is just getting heir. Try not to focus on the negative. You two will make wonderful

mothers. You have all the info, the doc and the ab. You

are more then half way their. Keep the faith.

God bless,

Taryn – I hope that you do not think that I regret my choice, I am just




It is I just had a question, How long are

you put on bed rest

after the ab if there are no complications

whatsoever, and I know the

success rate is what 95 % whatever happen to the

other 5% of women; I

just get so worried that I will always end up as

the percentage that

failed, because I long to try again but the

thought of this ab

failing which seems to be the last resort then I

don't think I can

handle it. What could go wrong besides ptl,and

prom is there an hour

glass membrane effect with this cerclage, has it

been heard of to

break like the vaginal, I really just wont to hear

that is there a

chance the cervix will start to open and the

bulging membranes will


thanks alicia all 3 boys

17weeks bulging membranes

19weeks buldging membranes

21weeks mcdonald cerclage, ptl, hour glass


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Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo!

Terms of Service.

This message is for the designated recipient only and

may contain privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you

have received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the

original. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited.


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  • 1 month later...

I would suggest a sleep study. This is

easy to do – the child just has to sleep for the doctors—usually done

at night. The Pulmonologist will look at the heart rate, O2 stats, CO2 levels, and

will calculate an RDI (Rest Disturbance Index). This index includes startles, jerks,

.. . . A Pulmonologist will be able to look at this data and make suggestions –

like a CPAP or BiPAP,,, to help the child sleep better.

Sue Ann


Hello friends. I am having a

rough time today as I was lying in my bed with and Lindsey trying to get

them to take a nap. They are making the adjustment from crib to toddler

bed and not wanting to nap. Anyway, while laying there and in the process

of falling asleep, the girls were having " startles " about every 10-15

seconds. I know they are probably myoclonics. They would take in a

deep breath through their nose and then startle. I am greatly upset as

they just kept doing it. I counted 10 out of in less than a

minute at one point. I wonder if they are doing this every time

they go to sleep and if they are continuing to do it while sleeping?

Thank goodness we are going for the 24 hour video EEG on the 28th so our neuro

will see what is happening. Is this something I should be worried about

and calling the neuro about before our appt? Is this normal

for children suffering from myoclonics to do this? I feel bad that

I haven't noticed this before. They have always been really good about

taking their naps and going to sleep at night, it's just something I never

thought about. Oh, the great mother's guilt. Any advice is greatly


Kim - Mom to and Lindsey (2)

Partial Complex I


contact mito-owner with any problems or questions.


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Kim, If the 24 hr EEG does not show anthing abnormal you may want

to ask the neuro if Dr. Rosen, a sleep doctor, at Children's St.

will look at the video and meet with you. He might have some

idea of what is going on. However he is very conservative in his

approach to treating.

Geri-Anne and Wyatt, complex I-

-- In Mito , " Kim Novy " wrote:

> Hello friends. I am having a rough time today as I was lying in

my bed with and Lindsey trying to get them to take a nap.

They are making the adjustment from crib to toddler bed and not

wanting to nap. Anyway, while laying there and in the process of

falling asleep, the girls were having " startles " about every 10-15

seconds. I know they are probably myoclonics. They would take in a

deep breath through their nose and then startle. I am greatly upset

as they just kept doing it. I counted 10 out of in less than

a minute at one point. I wonder if they are doing this every time

they go to sleep and if they are continuing to do it while

sleeping? Thank goodness we are going for the 24 hour video EEG on

the 28th so our neuro will see what is happening. Is this something

I should be worried about and calling the neuro about before our

appt? Is this normal for children suffering from myoclonics to do

this? I feel bad that I haven't noticed this before. They have

always been really good about taking their naps and going to sleep

at night, it's just something I never thought about. Oh, the great

mother's guilt. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


> Kim - Mom to and Lindsey (2) Partial Complex I

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Kim, If the 24 hr EEG does not show anthing abnormal you may want

to ask the neuro if Dr. Rosen, a sleep doctor, at Children's St.

will look at the video and meet with you. He might have some

idea of what is going on. However he is very conservative in his

approach to treating.

Geri-Anne and Wyatt, complex I-

-- In Mito , " Kim Novy " wrote:

> Hello friends. I am having a rough time today as I was lying in

my bed with and Lindsey trying to get them to take a nap.

They are making the adjustment from crib to toddler bed and not

wanting to nap. Anyway, while laying there and in the process of

falling asleep, the girls were having " startles " about every 10-15

seconds. I know they are probably myoclonics. They would take in a

deep breath through their nose and then startle. I am greatly upset

as they just kept doing it. I counted 10 out of in less than

a minute at one point. I wonder if they are doing this every time

they go to sleep and if they are continuing to do it while

sleeping? Thank goodness we are going for the 24 hour video EEG on

the 28th so our neuro will see what is happening. Is this something

I should be worried about and calling the neuro about before our

appt? Is this normal for children suffering from myoclonics to do

this? I feel bad that I haven't noticed this before. They have

always been really good about taking their naps and going to sleep

at night, it's just something I never thought about. Oh, the great

mother's guilt. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


> Kim - Mom to and Lindsey (2) Partial Complex I

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Kim, If the 24 hr EEG does not show anthing abnormal you may want

to ask the neuro if Dr. Rosen, a sleep doctor, at Children's St.

will look at the video and meet with you. He might have some

idea of what is going on. However he is very conservative in his

approach to treating.

Geri-Anne and Wyatt, complex I-

-- In Mito , " Kim Novy " wrote:

> Hello friends. I am having a rough time today as I was lying in

my bed with and Lindsey trying to get them to take a nap.

They are making the adjustment from crib to toddler bed and not

wanting to nap. Anyway, while laying there and in the process of

falling asleep, the girls were having " startles " about every 10-15

seconds. I know they are probably myoclonics. They would take in a

deep breath through their nose and then startle. I am greatly upset

as they just kept doing it. I counted 10 out of in less than

a minute at one point. I wonder if they are doing this every time

they go to sleep and if they are continuing to do it while

sleeping? Thank goodness we are going for the 24 hour video EEG on

the 28th so our neuro will see what is happening. Is this something

I should be worried about and calling the neuro about before our

appt? Is this normal for children suffering from myoclonics to do

this? I feel bad that I haven't noticed this before. They have

always been really good about taking their naps and going to sleep

at night, it's just something I never thought about. Oh, the great

mother's guilt. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


> Kim - Mom to and Lindsey (2) Partial Complex I

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, wouldn't that be nice. That is a good question. Maybe you can ask Dr. Cohen next time you see him for an actual reason. My theory would be that it is not possible, because the mitochondria are in every cell, except the red blood cells. If the mitochondria are already damaged than you would have to restructure every organ in the body. For example when doing the muscle biopsy they take an actual piece of the muscle, this is the actual makeup of the muscle you were born with. But, I believe, you said you don't have enough mitochondria so maybe this is a possibility down the line for you. I don't remember where, but I think I saw an article on this once. It talked about scientists trying to make "super mitochondria" outside of the body or trying to reproduce them. Ultimately making them able to infuse into the body. I think it said this may be a possibility someday, but it would probably take many years to perfect this. I think I read this on the umdf site, maybe you can look for this. These are just all ideas, I have no real medical knowledge about this. But thank you for letting me think about something today. I enjoy being puzzled.

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Wouldn't that be nice, but that is why stemcell research is so important! In order for scientist to find acure for all tyoes of MITO is to start from the bottom until we get stemcell reasearch approved there will be no cure. You can look this up on the umdf website for more info.

Valina (maggie's mom 26mo. Leigh's)LILQT4U1984@... wrote:

:) Thanks . You came up with some pretty convincing theories in my book. Please contact mito-owner with any problems or questions.

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Wouldn't that be nice, but that is why stemcell research is so important! In order for scientist to find acure for all tyoes of MITO is to start from the bottom until we get stemcell reasearch approved there will be no cure. You can look this up on the umdf website for more info.

Valina (maggie's mom 26mo. Leigh's)LILQT4U1984@... wrote:

:) Thanks . You came up with some pretty convincing theories in my book. Please contact mito-owner with any problems or questions.

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The closest I have heard about this is removing the " yolk " part of

the egg and replacing it to allow a child to have 3 parents. Two

mothers and one father.

They are having trouble getting nuclear dna to go to the right spot

but are currently using a retro virus to take it in.

I think right now the task of replacing mito in every cell of our

body is just beyond our science.


> why they couldn't just give me a

> transfusion of mitochondrial

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The closest I have heard about this is removing the " yolk " part of

the egg and replacing it to allow a child to have 3 parents. Two

mothers and one father.

They are having trouble getting nuclear dna to go to the right spot

but are currently using a retro virus to take it in.

I think right now the task of replacing mito in every cell of our

body is just beyond our science.


> why they couldn't just give me a

> transfusion of mitochondrial

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