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Thanks Penny!


Thanksgiving Goal 173.5


* Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, *

* the lovers, the dreamers, and me. *

* -Kermit de Frog *


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Heavy cream and whipping cream is what your looking

for. The others like 1/2 n1/2 and light are

processed more therefore have more carbs in them.

Try taking 1/2 cream and 1/2 water to make the milk

your loking for the recipe.

--- " Lynch, Kathy M. " Kathy.Lynch@...> wrote:


> Hi Ya'll -


> I have a question, I'm not too wise about these

> sorts of cooking things. Is

> there a product in the store called just plain

> cream? I see it as an

> ingredient in recipes, but I don't see anything

> called cream in the store.

> I see " whipping cream " , " heavy whipping cream " ,

> " non-dairy creamer " and

> " half & half " . Does anyone know the difference

> between all these? If I

> want to try to make a substitute to milk in a

> recipe, which one would be my

> best bet (don't want it sweet). My husband makes

> killer chicken stew with

> milk and butter and I thought if I could find a sub,

> I could have some too.

> Anyone out there know the deal here?


> TIA!


> - K in South Carolina

> 174/162/144

> turkey day mini-goal = 155




> Being Big and Beautiful is a state of mind, Never

> let anyone tell you different.




:) Sue List Manager 310/258.5/180 255 by 11/24**New number**

Wilmington Delaware

Low carb link with info and recipes.http://members.xoom.com/Shadcat708/LC.html

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it is .net www.juicers.net

--- Heflin rhtotoro@...> wrote:

> What is the name of the juicing sight that sells

> atkins bars cheap?

> I tried www.juicers.com but that wasn't it (I kept

> getting redirected) and I

> couldn't come up with anything on a net search.

> Thanks.




> 199/183.5/130

> Thanksgiving Goal 173.5


> ***************************************************

> * Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, *

> * the lovers, the dreamers, and me. *

> * -Kermit de Frog *

> ***************************************************




> Being Big and Beautiful is a state of mind, Never

> let anyone tell you different.




:) Sue List Manager 310/258.5/180 255 by 11/24**New number**

Wilmington Delaware

Low carb link with info and recipes.http://members.xoom.com/Shadcat708/LC.html

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you eating a lot of salt?? Not enough water??? I am not sure what else it

could be, foods with high salt content will bloat you and so will not

drinking enough water.




Goal for TG ----- 154

!!!!!!!!Go Dolphins!!!!!!!!!

List Owner---ICQ#51429926




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  • 6 months later...
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In a message dated 19/05/00 02:21:52 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time,

lingil@... writes:

<< But knowing that is one thing and telling them is another

thing. I guess I'm afraid, do you know what I mean? Afraid of the


I'd like to hear some resopnses,

Chen >>

Being an adult I have never been treated rude when I tell someone what I

have. Once a lady was ride to me because she thought I was being lazy when I

would not baby sit for her day cae when she went out for the day. She said

" oh to much work for you?? "

I have had people that I don't like as me questions. I used to answer them

but now they can stick it.. I don't need to share myself and problems with

people I don't like.

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  • 10 months later...
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Wow, what a trip! Lucky girl! I can't answer your questions, I've not been

out of the good old US of A (actually been to Montreal and Quebec, but they

were not hot vacation spots. Love, Judy O

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

--- MCSB52@... wrote:

> Hello,

> it's Christy. Just wondering, I've been so blessed

> all of these years since

> my diagnosis of RP and just requiring pred on an

> occasional basis. I do feel

> however that since this last round of pred. that my

> symptoms are starting to

> flare more and appear more noticeable when my round

> of meds are almost over.

> What about taking it everyday, and how is that

> prescribed? I've only taken it

> where you start out with 6 pills or so and then

> taper down to just one. any

> info would be appreciated.

> thanks,

> Christy


Hi Christy,

I don't post too much as I do not have a firm dx yet.

However, I have been taking prednisone on a daily

basis for almost 15 months. My doctor prescribes both

the 5 mg and the 1 mg tablets. I go up and down on

them as my condition dictates. Talk to your doctor,

and God bless! Sharon


http://www.iwin.com/register.asp?sisterslk (AT) yahoo (DOT) com


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In a message dated 4/18/01 7:51:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time, MCSB52@...


<< I've only taken it

where you start out with 6 pills or so and then taper down to just one. any

info would be appreciated. >>

Christy, I have been on pred for over 2 years. I also am given 5mg and 1mg

tablets. I adjust according to my needs. When I taper, I have to use the 1

mg tablets and do it very slowly. But when I flare, I use the 5mg. LOL

Hoping to get OFF of this stuff soon. I am at 17mg now.

Hope this helps.


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In a message dated 4/18/01 7:51:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time, MCSB52@...


<< I've only taken it

where you start out with 6 pills or so and then taper down to just one. any

info would be appreciated. >>

Christy, I have been on pred for over 2 years. I also am given 5mg and 1mg

tablets. I adjust according to my needs. When I taper, I have to use the 1

mg tablets and do it very slowly. But when I flare, I use the 5mg. LOL

Hoping to get OFF of this stuff soon. I am at 17mg now.

Hope this helps.


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In a message dated 4/18/01 7:51:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time, MCSB52@...


<< I've only taken it

where you start out with 6 pills or so and then taper down to just one. any

info would be appreciated. >>

Christy, I have been on pred for over 2 years. I also am given 5mg and 1mg

tablets. I adjust according to my needs. When I taper, I have to use the 1

mg tablets and do it very slowly. But when I flare, I use the 5mg. LOL

Hoping to get OFF of this stuff soon. I am at 17mg now.

Hope this helps.


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In a message dated 04/18/2001 9:51:08 AM Central Daylight Time,

MCSB52@... writes:

<< hat about taking it everyday, and how is that prescribed? I've only taken


where you start out with 6 pills or so and then taper down to just one. any


Christy, that's pretty much what I've done, only now at the very beginning of

a flare, he rheumy starts me on 20 mgs of Prednisone for a couple of weeks -

I'm assuming he will wean me off again (I hope, cause I hate being on Pred!)

Love, JudyO

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In a message dated 04/18/2001 9:51:08 AM Central Daylight Time,

MCSB52@... writes:

<< hat about taking it everyday, and how is that prescribed? I've only taken


where you start out with 6 pills or so and then taper down to just one. any


Christy, that's pretty much what I've done, only now at the very beginning of

a flare, he rheumy starts me on 20 mgs of Prednisone for a couple of weeks -

I'm assuming he will wean me off again (I hope, cause I hate being on Pred!)

Love, JudyO

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

For my part, I would then question the validity of the

tests. Lab work can be messed up. They are not gods

there either. :-)

Dawn mom of 4, 6 and under, the youngest wcf


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I don't count the calories or anything in the he protein drinks, except the

protein g. But I make them with water only. I also don't count the water

as water. Sigh.


Vitalady T


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> Hello Everyone

> I am 12 months post op and during the entire year never keep up with my

> intake. I have decided to keep track for a week or so.

> I am at goal of 120 pounds!!!!!!

> My question is How many carbs / sugar should I take in either for the


> day or per meal. Also do you count protein drinks?

> Thank you

> Jana





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Guest guest

I don't count the calories or anything in the he protein drinks, except the

protein g. But I make them with water only. I also don't count the water

as water. Sigh.


Vitalady T


If you are interested in PayPal, please click here:



> Hello Everyone

> I am 12 months post op and during the entire year never keep up with my

> intake. I have decided to keep track for a week or so.

> I am at goal of 120 pounds!!!!!!

> My question is How many carbs / sugar should I take in either for the


> day or per meal. Also do you count protein drinks?

> Thank you

> Jana





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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 8/16/02 4:52:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

shelleytinsley2257@... writes:

> How does anyone get this covered by insurance????


> If you don't, how expensive is the surgery?



Hi Shelby,(another midwestener)

Coverage by insurance is dependent on your coverage, thin ice here Shelby,

got to get a covered Dr. that does good treatment of this disease. It may be


Surgery is expensive and generally done as a last resort. Keep reading

thisboard for details in everyone's experience

Recovery from Surgery? Recovery from Panc. I think you need much more

information from this board.

best wish, poncho - ga

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In a message dated 8/16/02 4:52:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

shelleytinsley2257@... writes:

> How does anyone get this covered by insurance????


> If you don't, how expensive is the surgery?



Hi Shelby,(another midwestener)

Coverage by insurance is dependent on your coverage, thin ice here Shelby,

got to get a covered Dr. that does good treatment of this disease. It may be


Surgery is expensive and generally done as a last resort. Keep reading

thisboard for details in everyone's experience

Recovery from Surgery? Recovery from Panc. I think you need much more

information from this board.

best wish, poncho - ga

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Good Luck with you insurance. Just last friday I got turned down to the

second time to see Dr. Sutherland in MN. It seems with our Local HMO, the

Auto Eyelet Transplannt it " Too Investigational " . So I called MN and talked

to Anne Marie who gave me the CPT Code for the Total Pamcreatectomy and Auto

Islet Transplant which is CPT Code # 48160. My best advise is to contact

Anne Marie at e-mail address papas001@... and let her know that you

are interested in see Dr Sutherland and ask her what to do about your

insurance. She is very helpful. If you want to call Dr. Sutherland's

Office and ask for her the # is

1-. But I still haven' t given up, as I'm in the process of

fileing a greivence against the insurance as soon as I get more infomation.

Probalby the best way to get to see him is get your local doc. to be very

supportive of you going. My doc. did write a letter to my HMO, but I don't

feel that he has been supportive of this, as he sid that there was any use

to due this. This is my PCP, and he hasn't been supportive of anything I

want to try new, but so far he has given me the refurral when I want to see

another doc, even thru he doesn't think anything will help me. I'm going to

the Cleveland Clinic on August 28th.

to see a Dr. Cromwell. He is the Head of the pancreatic Center, so I'm

hoping he can help. I'll let you know, if he does.

You should sent an e-mail to Shirley, who has has the proceder from Dr.

Sutherland. She will be very helpfuland encourging.

Good Luck and don't get discouraged if they say no at first, just keep more

information and keep after the insurance co.

Take Care,

Louie in WV


> I'm in one of my moods, wherein I start to question everything that

> is going on with this illness that we have. I don't hurt every day,

> but it's like it's always lurking in my back - which is the only

> place my pain comes now. Yesterday, I ate - hadn't been eating much

> lately. The enzymes made me gain ten lbs, and I freaked out. I'm

> still trying to get rid of the baby weight and all - yes, I know I

> shouldn't be shallow. Anyways, I got sidetracked. I ate, took my meds

> for precausion, and got ill a couple of hours later. The people at

> work are just as used to me puking as I am. I just bounce back - as

> best I can- and go on with the day. So, today, I want to know more

> about the auto islet transplant. I was a little scared of it, but,

> the more I read, the more interested I become.


> How does anyone get this covered by insurance????


> If you don't, how expensive is the surgery?


> How long is an average recovery period?


> I understand that Dr. Sutherland is THE doctor for this procedure. I

> live in KY, so I'm wondering how anyone in my family would be able to

> make that trip with me if, in fact, I was able to do this. I

> neeeeeeddddd someone there with me. I tend to get terribly

> frightened when I go in for a procedure now.


> Thanks for answering my questions if you can. I'm ready to leave

> work, so I probably won't check back until Monday, as I will be in

> and out all weekend. My mommy has come to town!!!! YEAH!!! Yep, I'm

> almost 29, and I still get really excited when mommy comes to see me!!


> I pray you all have a pain free and wonderful weekend. Try not to

> get sick (as if we can really help it)! I hope I didn't sound hateful

> in this e-mail. I am just stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Prayers, prayers, prayers for you all!!!!!!!!!! By the way, YEAH

> BRANDON!!!!!!!!! God is good!






> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit & quot;reply & quot; or send an e-mail

to: Pancreatitis (AT) Yahoo



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Good Luck with you insurance. Just last friday I got turned down to the

second time to see Dr. Sutherland in MN. It seems with our Local HMO, the

Auto Eyelet Transplannt it " Too Investigational " . So I called MN and talked

to Anne Marie who gave me the CPT Code for the Total Pamcreatectomy and Auto

Islet Transplant which is CPT Code # 48160. My best advise is to contact

Anne Marie at e-mail address papas001@... and let her know that you

are interested in see Dr Sutherland and ask her what to do about your

insurance. She is very helpful. If you want to call Dr. Sutherland's

Office and ask for her the # is

1-. But I still haven' t given up, as I'm in the process of

fileing a greivence against the insurance as soon as I get more infomation.

Probalby the best way to get to see him is get your local doc. to be very

supportive of you going. My doc. did write a letter to my HMO, but I don't

feel that he has been supportive of this, as he sid that there was any use

to due this. This is my PCP, and he hasn't been supportive of anything I

want to try new, but so far he has given me the refurral when I want to see

another doc, even thru he doesn't think anything will help me. I'm going to

the Cleveland Clinic on August 28th.

to see a Dr. Cromwell. He is the Head of the pancreatic Center, so I'm

hoping he can help. I'll let you know, if he does.

You should sent an e-mail to Shirley, who has has the proceder from Dr.

Sutherland. She will be very helpfuland encourging.

Good Luck and don't get discouraged if they say no at first, just keep more

information and keep after the insurance co.

Take Care,

Louie in WV


> I'm in one of my moods, wherein I start to question everything that

> is going on with this illness that we have. I don't hurt every day,

> but it's like it's always lurking in my back - which is the only

> place my pain comes now. Yesterday, I ate - hadn't been eating much

> lately. The enzymes made me gain ten lbs, and I freaked out. I'm

> still trying to get rid of the baby weight and all - yes, I know I

> shouldn't be shallow. Anyways, I got sidetracked. I ate, took my meds

> for precausion, and got ill a couple of hours later. The people at

> work are just as used to me puking as I am. I just bounce back - as

> best I can- and go on with the day. So, today, I want to know more

> about the auto islet transplant. I was a little scared of it, but,

> the more I read, the more interested I become.


> How does anyone get this covered by insurance????


> If you don't, how expensive is the surgery?


> How long is an average recovery period?


> I understand that Dr. Sutherland is THE doctor for this procedure. I

> live in KY, so I'm wondering how anyone in my family would be able to

> make that trip with me if, in fact, I was able to do this. I

> neeeeeeddddd someone there with me. I tend to get terribly

> frightened when I go in for a procedure now.


> Thanks for answering my questions if you can. I'm ready to leave

> work, so I probably won't check back until Monday, as I will be in

> and out all weekend. My mommy has come to town!!!! YEAH!!! Yep, I'm

> almost 29, and I still get really excited when mommy comes to see me!!


> I pray you all have a pain free and wonderful weekend. Try not to

> get sick (as if we can really help it)! I hope I didn't sound hateful

> in this e-mail. I am just stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Prayers, prayers, prayers for you all!!!!!!!!!! By the way, YEAH

> BRANDON!!!!!!!!! God is good!






> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit & quot;reply & quot; or send an e-mail

to: Pancreatitis (AT) Yahoo



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Good Luck with you insurance. Just last friday I got turned down to the

second time to see Dr. Sutherland in MN. It seems with our Local HMO, the

Auto Eyelet Transplannt it " Too Investigational " . So I called MN and talked

to Anne Marie who gave me the CPT Code for the Total Pamcreatectomy and Auto

Islet Transplant which is CPT Code # 48160. My best advise is to contact

Anne Marie at e-mail address papas001@... and let her know that you

are interested in see Dr Sutherland and ask her what to do about your

insurance. She is very helpful. If you want to call Dr. Sutherland's

Office and ask for her the # is

1-. But I still haven' t given up, as I'm in the process of

fileing a greivence against the insurance as soon as I get more infomation.

Probalby the best way to get to see him is get your local doc. to be very

supportive of you going. My doc. did write a letter to my HMO, but I don't

feel that he has been supportive of this, as he sid that there was any use

to due this. This is my PCP, and he hasn't been supportive of anything I

want to try new, but so far he has given me the refurral when I want to see

another doc, even thru he doesn't think anything will help me. I'm going to

the Cleveland Clinic on August 28th.

to see a Dr. Cromwell. He is the Head of the pancreatic Center, so I'm

hoping he can help. I'll let you know, if he does.

You should sent an e-mail to Shirley, who has has the proceder from Dr.

Sutherland. She will be very helpfuland encourging.

Good Luck and don't get discouraged if they say no at first, just keep more

information and keep after the insurance co.

Take Care,

Louie in WV


> I'm in one of my moods, wherein I start to question everything that

> is going on with this illness that we have. I don't hurt every day,

> but it's like it's always lurking in my back - which is the only

> place my pain comes now. Yesterday, I ate - hadn't been eating much

> lately. The enzymes made me gain ten lbs, and I freaked out. I'm

> still trying to get rid of the baby weight and all - yes, I know I

> shouldn't be shallow. Anyways, I got sidetracked. I ate, took my meds

> for precausion, and got ill a couple of hours later. The people at

> work are just as used to me puking as I am. I just bounce back - as

> best I can- and go on with the day. So, today, I want to know more

> about the auto islet transplant. I was a little scared of it, but,

> the more I read, the more interested I become.


> How does anyone get this covered by insurance????


> If you don't, how expensive is the surgery?


> How long is an average recovery period?


> I understand that Dr. Sutherland is THE doctor for this procedure. I

> live in KY, so I'm wondering how anyone in my family would be able to

> make that trip with me if, in fact, I was able to do this. I

> neeeeeeddddd someone there with me. I tend to get terribly

> frightened when I go in for a procedure now.


> Thanks for answering my questions if you can. I'm ready to leave

> work, so I probably won't check back until Monday, as I will be in

> and out all weekend. My mommy has come to town!!!! YEAH!!! Yep, I'm

> almost 29, and I still get really excited when mommy comes to see me!!


> I pray you all have a pain free and wonderful weekend. Try not to

> get sick (as if we can really help it)! I hope I didn't sound hateful

> in this e-mail. I am just stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Prayers, prayers, prayers for you all!!!!!!!!!! By the way, YEAH

> BRANDON!!!!!!!!! God is good!






> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit & quot;reply & quot; or send an e-mail

to: Pancreatitis (AT) Yahoo



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In a message dated 8/16/02 4:52:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

shelleytinsley2257@... writes:

> . So, today, I want to know more

> about the auto islet transplant. I was a little scared of it, but,

> the more I read, the more interested I become.



Dear , I will get back with you next week about information on the

surgery. I have had the surgery and I will tell you all that I know and

experienced with it. Shirley

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In a message dated 8/16/02 4:52:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

shelleytinsley2257@... writes:

> . So, today, I want to know more

> about the auto islet transplant. I was a little scared of it, but,

> the more I read, the more interested I become.



Dear , I will get back with you next week about information on the

surgery. I have had the surgery and I will tell you all that I know and

experienced with it. Shirley

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