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Hi ,

I know how you feel I was there 3 years ago. I have two with CF so it was a

double whammy for us. It is very hard but with support here you will being to

understand that there is a lot of things out there to help your child. So

don't feel bad because a cure is on the way. Think positive that's what helps

me. Deb A

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Welcome to the list. I'm sure you'll find many

new friends here, and lots of valuable information

and support. I hope your daughter is doing well.


Mommy to Mick and Alli, 2 yo twins wcf

--- mattsjaime mattsjaime@...> wrote:

> Hi, My name is I have 5 children and one on

> the way and

> recently found out my youngest has CF. We just

> started all the

> ultrase, and adek, Alot to get use too. At first I

> was very upset

> that my daughter has cf now I'm trying to move on

> and get things

> started so she gains weight and gets healthier.

> Thanks





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  • 5 months later...

Welcome to the group Denice! What are the ages of your children, I have

six also (combined family, but raising all of them). Mine are 15, 16,

17, 18, 20, and 23!


Hi everyone!

I just joined your group.My name is Denice.I have been on ww for 18


now! I love ww and look forward to getting to know all of you


blessed to be wife to Bill and mom to 6!


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  • 8 months later...
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Hi Mandy!

Welcome to the group! I am glad that you joined! My name is Alyssa and I have a son who is 4 and a daughter who is 2. has no allergies! Woohoo!!! LOL! on the other hand is anaphylactic (deathly) allergic to peanuts, cashews, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts and pistachios. He is allergic to all tree nuts. He is very sensitive to soy and has an average sensitivity to dairy. They cause his eczema to flare. When 's eczema acts up he is out of control. Back talking, being fresh, just totally uncontrolable. We keep soy away from him and limit his dairy intake. There are many on this list that have a child that has behavorial problems due to a certain food. It is not uncommon. Have you seen an allergist for them to test for certain foods? Have you noticed a pattern..like did he eat chocolate (just an example) and then act out..and then again after eating something with chocolate, act out again. Has he been checked for Diabetes..just to rule that out? There are some ladies on this group that have children allergic to colors/dyes/additives ect. I am sure you will get a lot of answers lol. Anyway, I rambled on lol. I look forward to chatting with you and again Welcome!!!



Hi I'm Mandy, my dh is and I have two terrific boys 4 and Tyler 1, I live in Ontario, Canada. I'm joining this group because I think it will be a great help. for the last year has been have terrible mood changes and temper tantrums-he was never like that as a younger child. Although saying that he has always been rough with his playmates he was a problem biter and hitter. But he has always been loving and sweet. I was wondering if he was diabetic(i'm type 2) but my dr thinks he might be allergic to additives and colour dyes. I don't feel he is ADHD he has all the symptoms but I would like to go this route before we try medicine(which I would use as a last resort). I'm looking forward to all of your comments and help. Thank you

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Hi, Mandy!

Yup, I'm one of those moms who has a behaviourally symptomatic kid! I

have 2 sons, my 6.5 yo is Cal and he has no food problems; my 3.75yo

is Jake and he got them all LOL! You can browse through the archives

and read my story. To be brief, we thought Jake was mildly autistic

until we realized he had major food issues - mainly, he is celiac

(gluten intolerant) and dairy allergic. Once we removed these foods -

voila! New child, *NO* autistic symptoms, and complete developmental

normalcy to the point that he is now considered highly gifted. All

from FOOD. So yeah, I'm with you!

Have you looked into gluten intolerance? Lots of " ADHD " (I quote that

because I don't really think they are ADHD at all) cannot handle

gluten. A great book is Special Diets for Special Kids by

- she has two sons, one had ADHD and one had autism - they are

completely cured by their diets (which are different! And yes, food

dyes and additives are notorious culprits for " ADHD " kids).

Welcome! We will support you on your journey! And, you'll have fun

here - we are very upbeat, to say the least LOL!


Heidi, mom to

Cal, 6-1/2, stomach of steel, and

Jake, 3-3/4, celiac, allergic to dairy, pollen, dust mites

and wife to Jeff, super dad and hubby

living healthy and happy in Massachusetts

> Hi Mandy!


> Welcome to the group! I am glad that you joined! My name is Alyssa

and I have a son who is 4 and a daughter who is 2.

has no allergies! Woohoo!!! LOL! on the other hand is

anaphylactic (deathly) allergic to peanuts, cashews, brazil nuts,

macadamia nuts and pistachios. He is allergic to all tree nuts. He is

very sensitive to soy and has an average sensitivity to dairy. They

cause his eczema to flare. When 's eczema acts up he is out of

control. Back talking, being fresh, just totally uncontrolable. We

keep soy away from him and limit his dairy intake. There are many on

this list that have a child that has behavorial problems due to a

certain food. It is not uncommon. Have you seen an allergist for them

to test for certain foods? Have you noticed a pattern..like did he eat

chocolate (just an example) and then act out..and then again after

eating something with chocolate, act out again. Has he been checked

for Diabetes..just to rule that out? There are some ladies on this

group that have children allergic to colors/dyes/additives ect. I am

sure you will get a lot of answers lol. Anyway, I rambled on lol. I

look forward to chatting with you and again Welcome!!!


> Alyssa

> Intro



> Hi I'm Mandy, my dh is and I have two terrific boys 4

> and Tyler 1, I live in Ontario, Canada. I'm joining this group

> because I think it will be a great help. for the last year

> has been have terrible mood changes and temper tantrums-he was never

> like that as a younger child. Although saying that he has always

> been rough with his playmates he was a problem biter and hitter. But

> he has always been loving and sweet. I was wondering if he was

> diabetic(i'm type 2) but my dr thinks he might be allergic to

> additives and colour dyes. I don't feel he is ADHD he has all the

> symptoms but I would like to go this route before we try medicine

> (which I would use as a last resort). I'm looking forward to all of

> your comments and help. Thank you




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Hi Mandy

Welcome to the group. You'll get some great info here- along with

some great support! I agree with most everyone else in the charting

foods and behaviors! I have a 5yr old that I'm just starting that

with. She has symptoms of ADHD- but I think it is ALL food related!

In fact, last night after having a very sugary drink (and TONS of

dairy earlier) she was out of control. She really seemed like she

had no control over herself at all- AND last night she wet the bed

for the first time in forever!!!! Plus she woke up and was

completely confused about what was happening and where she was and so

on! Never happened before, but I really believe food is the problem!


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Welcome to our group! I'm , mom to Drew, Mattie and . Drew is

7.5 and is allergic to peanuts, some environmental allergies and has eczema.

We have outgrown dairy but I still limit his intake.

The other 2 kids have no allergies, skin problems, etc (so far). Mattie is

4 and will be one next Monday.

I've been short on time and I'm way behind on email and I apologize for this

being so late! Jump on in with both feet. Everyone here is awesome and

combined we all have a lot of information to share :-)


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Hi Mandy,

Welcome. My name is Wendi. My daughter is 5.

has a bit of a problem with red #40. As long as I keep her

intake to a microscopic minimum she is fine. The paying attention

thing is an age thing. Normal.

I put Emi in a martial arts class and she is doing much better with

attitude and attention to detail. Just a suggestion. If you do that,

make sure that you get an instructer that is geared towards children.

Em's shifu (dont know correct spelling) is so wonderful. Everyone who

knows my child sees a HUGE difference. And 's pediatrician

thinks that this is the best route to start with attitude adjustment.

Maybe I should take the class ;)


> Hi I'm Mandy, my dh is and I have two terrific boys 4

> and Tyler 1, I live in Ontario, Canada. I'm joining this group

> because I think it will be a great help. for the last year

> has been have terrible mood changes and temper tantrums-he was


> like that as a younger child. Although saying that he has always

> been rough with his playmates he was a problem biter and hitter.


> he has always been loving and sweet. I was wondering if he was

> diabetic(i'm type 2) but my dr thinks he might be allergic to

> additives and colour dyes. I don't feel he is ADHD he has all the

> symptoms but I would like to go this route before we try medicine

> (which I would use as a last resort). I'm looking forward to all


> your comments and help. Thank you

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ! Welcome to the group! This is a great group and I think you're going to love it. It has been very helpful!

I just gave a long welcome to Lee...so hopefully you read that and I won't bore everyone again with our LONG background.

Short story...My name is Missy my 19 mo daughter is allergic to (hives/rash) milk, eggs, beef and (anaphaylactic) to peanuts.

Not easy to work around, but not as hard as some of the other moms in this group. Luckily for us, we don't have to avoid any dyes, but I think there are others in the group that do.

Sure isn't easy but it's doable!

Good luck and I look forward to talking to you more!

Take Care!

Missy (Minnesota)

Hi. So glad to find this group! I'm , in Georgia. Just returned yesterday from an allergist visit.

DS 2.5 has multiple food allergies :

lima beans (diagnosed 8 mos)

eggs (anaphalactic) (diagnosed @ 14 mos)

kiwi (diagnosed @ 9 mos)

and, yesterday, Red dye and strawberries

The kiwi, limas, & strawberries are easy to avoid..... I thought we'd been

doing pretty good w/ the egg. I read all labels, even keep a card of all those egg names in my

wallet. Well, the Dr thinks he's still getting egg in something, but also

thinks his severs asthma flare ups lately are due to a combo of hidden egg

sneaking in, Red dye, and cat......

so now I'm faced with the daunting task of eliminating red dye from his diet

and am thinking of making it all dyes as well....

We, sad to say, thrive off of convenience foods like cereal, and all of

hunter's fave foods (fruit snacks, NUTRIGRAIN bars, some cheeses, etc.

contain the dye.

So, I'm kinda overwhelmed as to how to do this.....thought I'd see if anyone

has any suggestions for doing a dye-free diet (we probably can't afford to

buy most things at a health food store).

Also, he thinks a big prob is cat- we have an outdoor tomcat who comes

around once a week to eat... hunter rarely plays w/ it. So I don't think

that's the problem. The doc said there have been many studies done where cat

hair is very prevalent in teacher's homes even if they don't have cats-

schools and hospitals are hothouses for the hair apparently.

In addition to 2x/ normal ADULT dose of Zyrtec, he's directed us to

administer 4x/day nebulizer treatments which he hates, to continue until

he's 5 or 6 and can use an inhaler.... we've only had to do it before if he

was really sick, and not daily on a continual basis... and he really hates


So we are totally overwhelmed by the changes ahead with nebulizing so much

and eliminating red dye. Any input or suggestions would be greatly


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

I'm sorry I'm so late, but I've been busy and away from my computer!

I'm Trish and have 3 kids. My youngest Sam, now 18mo has severe food

allergies also. He is also anaphylactic to egg, severe to a ton of

other foods.

You have found a great group and a great resource. I know how you

feel with the neb. treatments and just feeling overwhelmed. Hope we

can all help you out!


> Hi. So glad to find this group! I'm , in Georgia. Just returned

yesterday from an allergist visit.


> DS 2.5 has multiple food allergies :


> lima beans (diagnosed 8 mos)

> eggs (anaphalactic) (diagnosed @ 14 mos)

> kiwi (diagnosed @ 9 mos)


> and, yesterday, Red dye and strawberries


> The kiwi, limas, & strawberries are easy to avoid..... I thought

we'd been

> doing pretty good w/ the egg. I read all labels, even keep a card

of all those egg names in my

> wallet. Well, the Dr thinks he's still getting egg in something,

but also

> thinks his severs asthma flare ups lately are due to a combo of

hidden egg

> sneaking in, Red dye, and cat......


> so now I'm faced with the daunting task of eliminating red dye from

his diet

> and am thinking of making it all dyes as well....


> We, sad to say, thrive off of convenience foods like cereal, and

all of

> hunter's fave foods (fruit snacks, NUTRIGRAIN bars, some cheeses,


> contain the dye.


> So, I'm kinda overwhelmed as to how to do this.....thought I'd see

if anyone

> has any suggestions for doing a dye-free diet (we probably can't

afford to

> buy most things at a health food store).


> Also, he thinks a big prob is cat- we have an outdoor tomcat who


> around once a week to eat... hunter rarely plays w/ it. So I don't


> that's the problem. The doc said there have been many studies done

where cat

> hair is very prevalent in teacher's homes even if they don't have


> schools and hospitals are hothouses for the hair apparently.


> In addition to 2x/ normal ADULT dose of Zyrtec, he's directed us to

> administer 4x/day nebulizer treatments which he hates, to continue


> he's 5 or 6 and can use an inhaler.... we've only had to do it

before if he

> was really sick, and not daily on a continual basis... and he

really hates

> them.


> So we are totally overwhelmed by the changes ahead with nebulizing

so much

> and eliminating red dye. Any input or suggestions would be greatly

> appreciated!

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I'm sorry I'm so late, but I've been busy and away from my computer!

I'm Trish and have 3 kids. My youngest Sam, now 18mo has severe food

allergies also. He is also anaphylactic to egg, severe to a ton of

other foods.

You have found a great group and a great resource. I know how you

feel with the neb. treatments and just feeling overwhelmed. Hope we

can all help you out!


> Hi. So glad to find this group! I'm , in Georgia. Just returned

yesterday from an allergist visit.


> DS 2.5 has multiple food allergies :


> lima beans (diagnosed 8 mos)

> eggs (anaphalactic) (diagnosed @ 14 mos)

> kiwi (diagnosed @ 9 mos)


> and, yesterday, Red dye and strawberries


> The kiwi, limas, & strawberries are easy to avoid..... I thought

we'd been

> doing pretty good w/ the egg. I read all labels, even keep a card

of all those egg names in my

> wallet. Well, the Dr thinks he's still getting egg in something,

but also

> thinks his severs asthma flare ups lately are due to a combo of

hidden egg

> sneaking in, Red dye, and cat......


> so now I'm faced with the daunting task of eliminating red dye from

his diet

> and am thinking of making it all dyes as well....


> We, sad to say, thrive off of convenience foods like cereal, and

all of

> hunter's fave foods (fruit snacks, NUTRIGRAIN bars, some cheeses,


> contain the dye.


> So, I'm kinda overwhelmed as to how to do this.....thought I'd see

if anyone

> has any suggestions for doing a dye-free diet (we probably can't

afford to

> buy most things at a health food store).


> Also, he thinks a big prob is cat- we have an outdoor tomcat who


> around once a week to eat... hunter rarely plays w/ it. So I don't


> that's the problem. The doc said there have been many studies done

where cat

> hair is very prevalent in teacher's homes even if they don't have


> schools and hospitals are hothouses for the hair apparently.


> In addition to 2x/ normal ADULT dose of Zyrtec, he's directed us to

> administer 4x/day nebulizer treatments which he hates, to continue


> he's 5 or 6 and can use an inhaler.... we've only had to do it

before if he

> was really sick, and not daily on a continual basis... and he

really hates

> them.


> So we are totally overwhelmed by the changes ahead with nebulizing

so much

> and eliminating red dye. Any input or suggestions would be greatly

> appreciated!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi, Mo.

My name is Lee and I am a stay-at-home homeschooling mom with four children.

6yo, 4 1/2yo, 2 1/2yo and Tommy 14 months.

is my allergy girl (the others have none...so far!). She was

recently diagnosed allergic to wheat, corn, milk, soy, eggs, peanuts, latex,

bananas, and potatoes (that we know so far.) She's been getting hives and

has eczema. And even after cutting out 99% of all that, something is still

causing her to get hives! I suspect it may be dust mites or environmental.

We've got an appointment with a new doctor next week.

Welcome to the group! Jump in, the water's fine.



Hi everyone,

My name is Mo and I'm a mother of two kids with severe food

allergies. My son Charlie is two and his sister is four. They

both are allergic to peanuts, milk, egg, soy, carrots, bananas, kiwi,

shellfish and tons of environmental allergens. I'm so glad I found

you. I've been looking to connect with other moms with similar

issues. My children and I belong to couple of playgroups in our area

but non of the children have food allergies. I've enjoyed reading

the messages and look forward to chatting with you.

Mo DeLong

Mill Valley, California

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome and good luck.

Debbie R., WI





I'm a new member that will be having the laproscopic surgery on

September 23, 2003. I live in Southern California area near Los

Angeles. I'm a little jittery about the whole procedure and what to

expect after the surgery is done. I look forward to hearing from

everyone on the list and learning from each of you.


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Welcome and good luck.

Debbie R., WI





I'm a new member that will be having the laproscopic surgery on

September 23, 2003. I live in Southern California area near Los

Angeles. I'm a little jittery about the whole procedure and what to

expect after the surgery is done. I look forward to hearing from

everyone on the list and learning from each of you.


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Welcome aboard Everyone has the jiggers before surgery are

scared thats normal.Congraduation on your date boy thats just few

days away.You'll do Wonderful and remember Walk Walk and walk and as

much water you can drink after the surgery to get yourself back up

and running.God Bless and see ya on the losing side.a friend

debkroll of Iowa surgery date Aug 18,2003,and down 36 lbs as of


> Hello!


> I'm a new member that will be having the laproscopic surgery on

> September 23, 2003. I live in Southern California area near Los

> Angeles. I'm a little jittery about the whole procedure and what


> expect after the surgery is done. I look forward to hearing from

> everyone on the list and learning from each of you.


> Chris

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Welcome aboard Everyone has the jiggers before surgery are

scared thats normal.Congraduation on your date boy thats just few

days away.You'll do Wonderful and remember Walk Walk and walk and as

much water you can drink after the surgery to get yourself back up

and running.God Bless and see ya on the losing side.a friend

debkroll of Iowa surgery date Aug 18,2003,and down 36 lbs as of


> Hello!


> I'm a new member that will be having the laproscopic surgery on

> September 23, 2003. I live in Southern California area near Los

> Angeles. I'm a little jittery about the whole procedure and what


> expect after the surgery is done. I look forward to hearing from

> everyone on the list and learning from each of you.


> Chris

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Hi :)

Where in Southern CA do you live? I am in Lake Forest in Orange

County. You're not going through the Coastal Center for Obesity by

chance? I had my surgery through them if you are and am more than

glad to give you any info you seek. You can check my profile on

ObesityHelp.com for more info too :)

Sending lots of smiles and welcome to the group!

:) Caroline

Lap RNY 5/2/03


My WLS Journey: www.tinyurl.com/bkld

More Photos: www.picturetrail.com/carolineam

> Hello!


> I'm a new member that will be having the laproscopic surgery on

> September 23, 2003. I live in Southern California area near Los

> Angeles. I'm a little jittery about the whole procedure and what


> expect after the surgery is done. I look forward to hearing from

> everyone on the list and learning from each of you.


> Chris

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Hi Deb!!!

Just wanted to say hi and congrats on your weight loss so far!!!

:) Caroline

Lap RNY 5/2/03


My WLS Journey: www.tinyurl.com/bkld

More Photos: www.picturetrail.com/carolineam

> > Hello!

> >

> > I'm a new member that will be having the laproscopic surgery on

> > September 23, 2003. I live in Southern California area near Los

> > Angeles. I'm a little jittery about the whole procedure and


> to

> > expect after the surgery is done. I look forward to hearing from

> > everyone on the list and learning from each of you.

> >

> > Chris

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Welcome to our family. I live in the Los Angeles area, actually in

Valencia, near Magic Mountain. My surgery was 8/12/03 and I have

lost about 25 lbs. I was so nervous about my surgery that when the

surgeon walked in to the room, I told him I changed my mind. He said

that was fine and he would just go home early! I am so glad I didn't

back out of it! It is honestly the best thing I have done for

myself! I wish you luck. If you have any questions, please feel free

to ask here or email me directly.

Good luck!

> Hello!


> I'm a new member that will be having the laproscopic surgery on

> September 23, 2003. I live in Southern California area near Los

> Angeles. I'm a little jittery about the whole procedure and what


> expect after the surgery is done. I look forward to hearing from

> everyone on the list and learning from each of you.


> Chris

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest


I'm glad you not blind, on dialysis, or ended up in a ditch or head-on

because you passed out....

These really are encouraging words

& T1

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gail how do you manage to type if you are legally blind??



Re: [alldiabeticinternational] Intro


I am legally blind, but God opened a whole new world to me, that I would

have never met if I was well sighted.



> Gail,


> I'm glad you not blind, on dialysis, or ended up in a ditch or head-on

> because you passed out....



> These really are encouraging words


> & T1

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My PC is set for giant font. I do have some vision, but lost most to a bad

doctor who lasered too much.



> gail how do you manage to type if you are legally blind??

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Well, hello there! Rev. Annie Atkinson,

Welcome to the group. I'd say you have quite a bit to

handle. It's always difficult when children are

affected with a dis-ease. The majority of parents, I

believe, will always put their children first and

worry about them. Stress is a given when it comes to

children. I do believe , however, that they learn more

from watching adults then by listening to what is

said. In short, parents, or guardians, set the

example. If you are doing everything you can to

maintain your own health, he will see that and learn.

It is difficult to not let your worry and concern

show. Maintaining a positive attitude is so important.

If you do not take care of yourself, he will see

that,also. Seeking support is a most admirable

quality. It shows strength rather than weakness. I am

sure you will find moral support here in this group

and help from other members who also have children and

are learning how to cope with life in new ways. Even

your husband may begin to see life differently. See if

you can get him to read some of the posts or maybe ask

some questions himself.

I know those who can help in any way, will. For those

members who also view the spiritual side of life and

how it helps with any dis-ease, I am sure you will

find support there, also. The road is not easy. We

will do what we can. Personally, I will keep you in my


(no particular faith mentioned here people-just the

act of praying for someone who needs it).

Keep posting and keep asking questions.

Peace, Grace and Blessings,


ADI Moderator



Opinions expressed are solely my opinion and should

not be mistaken

for professional medical advice.

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Helen, I have trouble with being hungry a lot too. My brother is diabetic

also and he says that diabetics get this compulsion to eat. I don't know what

to do about it. Right now I'm filling up on green salads that don't have

dressing. That way I can eat a normal amount of foods that are good for me


of having portions that are too large. I wish I didn't have that problem.


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