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I am just realizing....were you on another board with Yaelle and Dr Mel?

Pam :)

Re: Re: New member

Welcome Brittany.I'm sorry you and your daughter have so many allergies to deal with! We havea peanut allergy at our house, along with some environmental allergies andpets. We also have tons of problems with eczema. Drew will be 8 in January.We have 2 other children, Mattie () who will be 5 in two days and who is almost 15 months old. Neither of them have any signs ofallergies yet (knock on wood).YES on the Epi Pen. Better safe than sorry! And about your question onstill having a reaction on her medications, if it is a severe reactionnothing is going to mask the symptoms. We use Zyrtec for Drew. It helps withthe itchiness that accompanies eczema and his environmental allergies. Butit only helps!! LOL He still gets all stuffy, etc. when the pollen is reallybad.Hang in there and PLEASE feel free to vent, cry, brag, laugh, etc. with us!that is what we are here for.----- Original Message ----- We have a metabolic dietician that follows her. Rightnow she is getting about 40% of her calories from fat,she is on some specialty low/no protein formulas. Sheis monitored pretty closely, so she doesn't get toomuch protein which can cause brain damage and notenough which causes malnutrition.I have another question- Will she react to all of thefoods she is allergic to while she is taking benedryl,zyrtec, and Singulair? It seems that she might bereacting to something and I miss it with all of themeds she is taking.Thanks,Brittany

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I am just realizing....were you on another board with Yaelle and Dr Mel?

Pam :)

Re: Re: New member

Welcome Brittany.I'm sorry you and your daughter have so many allergies to deal with! We havea peanut allergy at our house, along with some environmental allergies andpets. We also have tons of problems with eczema. Drew will be 8 in January.We have 2 other children, Mattie () who will be 5 in two days and who is almost 15 months old. Neither of them have any signs ofallergies yet (knock on wood).YES on the Epi Pen. Better safe than sorry! And about your question onstill having a reaction on her medications, if it is a severe reactionnothing is going to mask the symptoms. We use Zyrtec for Drew. It helps withthe itchiness that accompanies eczema and his environmental allergies. Butit only helps!! LOL He still gets all stuffy, etc. when the pollen is reallybad.Hang in there and PLEASE feel free to vent, cry, brag, laugh, etc. with us!that is what we are here for.----- Original Message ----- We have a metabolic dietician that follows her. Rightnow she is getting about 40% of her calories from fat,she is on some specialty low/no protein formulas. Sheis monitored pretty closely, so she doesn't get toomuch protein which can cause brain damage and notenough which causes malnutrition.I have another question- Will she react to all of thefoods she is allergic to while she is taking benedryl,zyrtec, and Singulair? It seems that she might bereacting to something and I miss it with all of themeds she is taking.Thanks,Brittany

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YES!!!! How funny!! I'm on another list with a (redmomof3 or now

redmomof4) for clothing trading, etc.


I quit posting over there about 2 years ago when I got pregnant and then had

a miscarriage. When I was waiting to try again I got too upset with the

people who were pregnant and I wasn't (even though we only had to wait a

couple of months and got preg. again on the first try. LOL). I was really

sick with my pregnancy and since we waited until delivery to find out what

we were having I didn't go back much. Now I'm too busy. LOLOL

---- Original Message -----


I am just realizing....were you on another board with Yaelle and Dr Mel?

Pam :)

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YES!!!! How funny!! I'm on another list with a (redmomof3 or now

redmomof4) for clothing trading, etc.


I quit posting over there about 2 years ago when I got pregnant and then had

a miscarriage. When I was waiting to try again I got too upset with the

people who were pregnant and I wasn't (even though we only had to wait a

couple of months and got preg. again on the first try. LOL). I was really

sick with my pregnancy and since we waited until delivery to find out what

we were having I didn't go back much. Now I'm too busy. LOLOL

---- Original Message -----


I am just realizing....were you on another board with Yaelle and Dr Mel?

Pam :)

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YES!!!! How funny!! I'm on another list with a (redmomof3 or now

redmomof4) for clothing trading, etc.


I quit posting over there about 2 years ago when I got pregnant and then had

a miscarriage. When I was waiting to try again I got too upset with the

people who were pregnant and I wasn't (even though we only had to wait a

couple of months and got preg. again on the first try. LOL). I was really

sick with my pregnancy and since we waited until delivery to find out what

we were having I didn't go back much. Now I'm too busy. LOLOL

---- Original Message -----


I am just realizing....were you on another board with Yaelle and Dr Mel?

Pam :)

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, It is a small world! When you mentioned again your kids names, I thought, I KNOW HER!! I was "pinkprayers". WOw, nice to be on the loop with ya! I really think that board kind of fell apart when they changed the format. Now, several of us "old ones" are on the email loop with yahoo. Still talk with Mel, Robin and all of them!

Pam :)

Re: Re: New member

YES!!!! How funny!! I'm on another list with a (redmomof3 or nowredmomof4) for clothing trading, etc.HOW THE HECK ARE YA????? LOLOLI quit posting over there about 2 years ago when I got pregnant and then hada miscarriage. When I was waiting to try again I got too upset with thepeople who were pregnant and I wasn't (even though we only had to wait acouple of months and got preg. again on the first try. LOL). I was reallysick with my pregnancy and since we waited until delivery to find out whatwe were having I didn't go back much. Now I'm too busy. LOLOL---- Original Message ----- ........I am just realizing....were you on another board with Yaelle and Dr Mel?Pam :)

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, It is a small world! When you mentioned again your kids names, I thought, I KNOW HER!! I was "pinkprayers". WOw, nice to be on the loop with ya! I really think that board kind of fell apart when they changed the format. Now, several of us "old ones" are on the email loop with yahoo. Still talk with Mel, Robin and all of them!

Pam :)

Re: Re: New member

YES!!!! How funny!! I'm on another list with a (redmomof3 or nowredmomof4) for clothing trading, etc.HOW THE HECK ARE YA????? LOLOLI quit posting over there about 2 years ago when I got pregnant and then hada miscarriage. When I was waiting to try again I got too upset with thepeople who were pregnant and I wasn't (even though we only had to wait acouple of months and got preg. again on the first try. LOL). I was reallysick with my pregnancy and since we waited until delivery to find out whatwe were having I didn't go back much. Now I'm too busy. LOLOL---- Original Message ----- ........I am just realizing....were you on another board with Yaelle and Dr Mel?Pam :)

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, It is a small world! When you mentioned again your kids names, I thought, I KNOW HER!! I was "pinkprayers". WOw, nice to be on the loop with ya! I really think that board kind of fell apart when they changed the format. Now, several of us "old ones" are on the email loop with yahoo. Still talk with Mel, Robin and all of them!

Pam :)

Re: Re: New member

YES!!!! How funny!! I'm on another list with a (redmomof3 or nowredmomof4) for clothing trading, etc.HOW THE HECK ARE YA????? LOLOLI quit posting over there about 2 years ago when I got pregnant and then hada miscarriage. When I was waiting to try again I got too upset with thepeople who were pregnant and I wasn't (even though we only had to wait acouple of months and got preg. again on the first try. LOL). I was reallysick with my pregnancy and since we waited until delivery to find out whatwe were having I didn't go back much. Now I'm too busy. LOLOL---- Original Message ----- ........I am just realizing....were you on another board with Yaelle and Dr Mel?Pam :)

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Hi Brittany!

Welcome to this great group! My name is Alyssa and I am a stay at home mom to (4) and (2). We are homeschooling as well. just started Kindergarten so I have not been around much. I am sorry that this welcome is coming late! Anyway, has no allergies, but has tons.

It sounds like you have your hands full with Talli. We have our hands full with . I would suggest having an epi pen jr on hand at all times. You never know when a small reaction could turn into something major! It is good that she has a nutritionist. That way, you know that she is getting everything that she needs. I have not been through all of my emails but I am sure that people have answered most of your questions. If not, I will try lol! Anyway, I am glad that you joined and I look forward to getting to know you and Talli!


New member

Hi, I am Brittany, mom to a 22 month old with some severe food allergies. I am hoping that you can help me. Talli, my daughter, has a metabolic disorder, Propionic Acidemia (see www.oaanews.org or http://www.savebabies.org/familystories/TalliPA.htm for info), and is limited to 10.5g of protein per day, so I usually only give her things that have 2g or less in an adult serving size. She is severely allergic to eggs (RAST Type III), milk (RAST Type I), has had a severe reaction to peaches, plums, and bananas (also cat, dog, and latex). She has had milder reactions to wheat and something in Fruity Pebbles. Her allergist, although great in the world of allergies does not understand why I can not feed her meat and potatoes and rice as other allergic kids eat.Currently, she is only eating sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, iceberg lettuce, rice, squash, and green beans. I am about at my wits end regarding what to feed her. She is also developmentally delayed and has some sensory integration issues, so her feeding skills are at about a 6-8 month old level. She usually only eats baby purees and soft foods like french fries and cooked diced carrots. I am working with a therapist to improve her skills, but am at a loss as to what to feed her. Her allergist told us to try to stick to vegetables, especially root vegetables and avoid mango, kiwi, fruits in general, melons, and the top 8.In reading over this I don't think I am being very clear. I am not too concerned about variety in her diet, it is meeting her nutritional needs- If she eats 10.5g of protein from sweet potatoes or rice, she will not come close to the 1000 calories she needs in a day from food. She has a feeding tube to meet her needs if it does not come through food, but I would LOVE to wean her off of it. She is followed by a dietician who prescribes suppliments, so she she is not lacking for vitamins, etc. I have joined faan, but their info seems to be regarding the top 8 allergic foods.Another question- She gets some Isomil, is it safe for a kid with a milk allergy since it is made on the same equipment with Similac??General help on how to read labels would be appreciated, too.I know Talli is kind of complicated, but I am hoping you can help.Oh, one last thing- At what point do I need an EpiPen for her?? During one reaction she has had general hives, her face started to swell, and she was wheezing. I got the wheezing under control with two doses of Xopenex and she got extra benedryl at the ER. Is that anaphalaxis??Thanks, Brittany

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Hi Brittany!

Welcome to this great group! My name is Alyssa and I am a stay at home mom to (4) and (2). We are homeschooling as well. just started Kindergarten so I have not been around much. I am sorry that this welcome is coming late! Anyway, has no allergies, but has tons.

It sounds like you have your hands full with Talli. We have our hands full with . I would suggest having an epi pen jr on hand at all times. You never know when a small reaction could turn into something major! It is good that she has a nutritionist. That way, you know that she is getting everything that she needs. I have not been through all of my emails but I am sure that people have answered most of your questions. If not, I will try lol! Anyway, I am glad that you joined and I look forward to getting to know you and Talli!


New member

Hi, I am Brittany, mom to a 22 month old with some severe food allergies. I am hoping that you can help me. Talli, my daughter, has a metabolic disorder, Propionic Acidemia (see www.oaanews.org or http://www.savebabies.org/familystories/TalliPA.htm for info), and is limited to 10.5g of protein per day, so I usually only give her things that have 2g or less in an adult serving size. She is severely allergic to eggs (RAST Type III), milk (RAST Type I), has had a severe reaction to peaches, plums, and bananas (also cat, dog, and latex). She has had milder reactions to wheat and something in Fruity Pebbles. Her allergist, although great in the world of allergies does not understand why I can not feed her meat and potatoes and rice as other allergic kids eat.Currently, she is only eating sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, iceberg lettuce, rice, squash, and green beans. I am about at my wits end regarding what to feed her. She is also developmentally delayed and has some sensory integration issues, so her feeding skills are at about a 6-8 month old level. She usually only eats baby purees and soft foods like french fries and cooked diced carrots. I am working with a therapist to improve her skills, but am at a loss as to what to feed her. Her allergist told us to try to stick to vegetables, especially root vegetables and avoid mango, kiwi, fruits in general, melons, and the top 8.In reading over this I don't think I am being very clear. I am not too concerned about variety in her diet, it is meeting her nutritional needs- If she eats 10.5g of protein from sweet potatoes or rice, she will not come close to the 1000 calories she needs in a day from food. She has a feeding tube to meet her needs if it does not come through food, but I would LOVE to wean her off of it. She is followed by a dietician who prescribes suppliments, so she she is not lacking for vitamins, etc. I have joined faan, but their info seems to be regarding the top 8 allergic foods.Another question- She gets some Isomil, is it safe for a kid with a milk allergy since it is made on the same equipment with Similac??General help on how to read labels would be appreciated, too.I know Talli is kind of complicated, but I am hoping you can help.Oh, one last thing- At what point do I need an EpiPen for her?? During one reaction she has had general hives, her face started to swell, and she was wheezing. I got the wheezing under control with two doses of Xopenex and she got extra benedryl at the ER. Is that anaphalaxis??Thanks, Brittany

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Welcome to our group. What an amazing story you have. How terrific

that you loved this baby from the second your saw her and never

thought of NOT taking her as your child! :D I know that several

have sent you links and offered advice. I have little to add. The

only thing I can think of - for extra calories/fat our allergist told

us to add 1TBS oil (olive or other) to foods like potatoes or noodles-

whatever she can eat. We usually forgot to do it, but it did seem

to help.

I'm Trish- mom of 3 and surrogate of 1-19wks tomorrow. We are

homeschooling for the first time ever- Kayla 5 & 4. Sam is

almost 20 mo and is my major allergy child- egg (anaphylactic), milk,

soy, peanuts, all tree nuts, fish and several outdoor things

including dogs & cats. He has eczema & asthma, but we haven't had

any problems with them recently.

This is a great group- and I hope you enjoy!


> Hi,

> I am Brittany, mom to a 22 month old with some severe food

> allergies. I am hoping that you can help me.


> Talli, my daughter, has a metabolic disorder, Propionic Acidemia


> www.oaanews.org or

> http://www.savebabies.org/familystories/TalliPA.htm for info), and


> limited to 10.5g of protein per day, so I usually only give her

> things that have 2g or less in an adult serving size. She is

> severely allergic to eggs (RAST Type III), milk (RAST Type I), has

> had a severe reaction to peaches, plums, and bananas (also cat,


> and latex). She has had milder reactions to wheat and something in

> Fruity Pebbles. Her allergist, although great in the world of

> allergies does not understand why I can not feed her meat and

> potatoes and rice as other allergic kids eat.


> Currently, she is only eating sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots,

> iceberg lettuce, rice, squash, and green beans. I am about at my

> wits end regarding what to feed her. She is also developmentally

> delayed and has some sensory integration issues, so her feeding

> skills are at about a 6-8 month old level. She usually only eats

> baby purees and soft foods like french fries and cooked diced

> carrots. I am working with a therapist to improve her skills, but


> at a loss as to what to feed her. Her allergist told us to try to

> stick to vegetables, especially root vegetables and avoid mango,

> kiwi, fruits in general, melons, and the top 8.


> In reading over this I don't think I am being very clear. I am not

> too concerned about variety in her diet, it is meeting her

> nutritional needs- If she eats 10.5g of protein from sweet potatoes

> or rice, she will not come close to the 1000 calories she needs in


> day from food. She has a feeding tube to meet her needs if it does

> not come through food, but I would LOVE to wean her off of it. She

> is followed by a dietician who prescribes suppliments, so she she


> not lacking for vitamins, etc.


> I have joined faan, but their info seems to be regarding the top 8

> allergic foods.


> Another question- She gets some Isomil, is it safe for a kid with a

> milk allergy since it is made on the same equipment with Similac??


> General help on how to read labels would be appreciated, too.


> I know Talli is kind of complicated, but I am hoping you can help.


> Oh, one last thing- At what point do I need an EpiPen for her??

> During one reaction she has had general hives, her face started to

> swell, and she was wheezing. I got the wheezing under control with

> two doses of Xopenex and she got extra benedryl at the ER. Is that

> anaphalaxis??


> Thanks,

> Brittany

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In a message dated 9/6/2003 1:46:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

candiread@... writes:

But suddenly I felt this need to talk to others who are going

through it. Any southern Illinois people on this list who have had

or are soon to have their surgery?


Hi Candi

Sorry I a not from Illinois but I want to offer my congratulations on being

approved and being bumped up on your surgery date. Monday is in just a few

hours that really will fly by. I had the lap RNY on 8/25/03 and it was without

any complications and I am doing fine and you will too. It is so amazing and

the journey is truly incredible. So get to packing and keep those nerves

steady as she goes :) You will be a big loser too very soon :)

Lori Anne

Lap RNY 8/25/03


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Good luck on your surgery. Here's wishing you a safe and happy journey

to the losers' side. We've all been through the anxiety and you will be

just fine!

Where is Breese exactly? I used to live in ville if you know

where that is. I loved it there.


Lap RNY 6/20/03

NEw Member

My name is Candi. I live in Breese, Illinois (deep in the heart of

corn country!!). Not too far from St. Louis, Missouri.

I originally talked to my doctor 16 months ago about the surgery.

It took over a year just to get an appointment for the evaluation.

I did that back in June of this year. The hospital just called me

last week to say my insurance approved me and scheduled me for the

29th of September. Then yesterday I got A call from the Hospital

and someone who was supposed to have surgery this Monday got sick

and they asked if I would be willing to take their place. So day

after tomorrow I will be having my surgery.

Funny thing is I am not nervous. I am doing the RNY/LAP.

But suddenly I felt this need to talk to others who are going

through it. Any southern Illinois people on this list who have had

or are soon to have their surgery?


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welcome candi & here's a high five for grabbing monday's surg date.

i had my wls 16 months ago, & it's truly a brand new life. ask any

specific ?s, we're a captive audience.

lori h.

> My name is Candi. I live in Breese, Illinois (deep in the heart


> corn country!!). Not too far from St. Louis, Missouri.


> I originally talked to my doctor 16 months ago about the surgery.

> It took over a year just to get an appointment for the


> I did that back in June of this year. The hospital just called me

> last week to say my insurance approved me and scheduled me for the

> 29th of September. Then yesterday I got A call from the Hospital

> and someone who was supposed to have surgery this Monday got sick

> and they asked if I would be willing to take their place. So day

> after tomorrow I will be having my surgery.


> Funny thing is I am not nervous. I am doing the RNY/LAP.


> But suddenly I felt this need to talk to others who are going

> through it. Any southern Illinois people on this list who have


> or are soon to have their surgery?


> Candi

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Grimmlah1@a... wrote:

I had the lap RNY on 8/25/03 and it was without

> any complications and I am doing fine and you will too.

Wow 8/25!!! How are you feeling? Are you doing things around the

house again?

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Grimmlah1@a... wrote:

I had the lap RNY on 8/25/03 and it was without

> any complications and I am doing fine and you will too.

Wow 8/25!!! How are you feeling? Are you doing things around the

house again?

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" " wrote:

> Where is Breese exactly? I used to live in ville if you know

> where that is. I loved it there.

We are not all that far from ville. My daughter goes to

school at SIUE. It's about 45 minutes. We are farther south. We

are about 30 minutes south of AIR Force Base if you know where

that is.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Welcome to our group! I'm so sorry for your loss! You'll find great

support here from woman who know exactly what you're going through!

Whether or not to have your cerclage placed pre or during pregnancy

is a decision you and your Dr. need to discuss. We have woman who

have had it done both ways with great success stories. I'm among

the pre pregnancy cerclage members. I got pregnant 3 months after I

had mine placed and gave birth to a healthy baby boy 9 months

later! We also have members who have had there cerclages placed

during their pregnancies that have the same outcome that I did,

healthy babies at term!

Make sure that you ask your Dr. how many surgeries they have

performed. What is their success rate. Why they like to place them

either pre or during. They'll definitely have a preference so ask

which it is, during or pre. If you have your mind set on the ab,

let the peri know that you feel it's the best option for you.

Hope this helps a bit.




> Hi Everyone,

> I heard you were a great group of ladies. I am happy to find

you. I

> do not know anyone else in my similar situation. I am looking for

> hope for future children. We lost our baby boy Tucker last month


> 8/22 at 22 weeks due to IC. We attempted an emergent vaginal

> cerclage in the hospital but it failed due to the water breaking

> during surgery. We got to know the perinatologists in the


> and just this week we had a consultation with the peri. She


> my cervix and thinks the abdominal cerclage will be the way to go


> future pregnancies. After doing some research, I am hoping for


> abdominal. We have another pre-pregnancy consultation with the


> in two weeks. How did your doctor's decide to go with the


> vs vaginal cerclage??

> Can anyone tell me the pros and cons to getting the abdominal


> pregnancy vs during pregnancy?? Are there questions I should be

> asking when I go for my consultation??


> Thanks,


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Sorry for your recent loss. alot must be on your shoulders right now..... But

hold onto your hope.. :)

well I think its good that you have the ab cerclage in mind. I too lost however

with a ab cerclage rescue..it was too late by the time they placed the cerclage.

However I had one placed last pregnancy and have a lil boy now born last Dec and

preg almost 5 mos with this one.

The only con that i can think of with an ab cerclage is if you have infertility

issues anyways it could be a chance of more problems.. But then on the other

hand you wont have to worry with having a surgery while pregnant if you go pre

pregnancy. I went during a pregnancy.

I would be sure to ask what their experience is, success rates and how they

would plan on seeing you during your pregnancy., My peri sees me every 2 weeks

until viability. Also what restricitions he feels u could be on. Last

pregnancy I was on full bedrest almost the entire pregnancy. That way you can

prepare for the worst (bed rest) and hope for the best.

let us know if you have any more questions

with love


mother to angel Caleb(18 weeks), Twin Angels Hope and Faith (17 weeks), Earth

Angel Emmanuel and another lil boy blessing on the way

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The only con that i can think of with an ab cerclage is if you have infertility issues anyways it could be a chance of more problems..

Isn't that subjective upon which doctor you ask? I know we've discussed this before on the list. Dr. Haney doesn't see an issue with infertility treatments and says we can start about 3 weeks after the cerclage is in place. Just wondering as I do plan to ask him more about it in detail when I have my phone consultation with him on Tuesday (providing I can talk!....)

Sorry if I'm coming in late in the conversation...I'm slowly and painfully recovering from a tonsillectomy I had on Thursday! Ouchie.


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Considering Dr. Haney is my Dr. I might not be the right one to

answer this but from how he explained it to me the whole left in

your cervix is no smaller than a normal cervix opening. The

cerclage does not bind you cervix shut. 1 month after my surgery I

had a normal period and I figure if that was coming out then sperm

could make it's way in! Anyway I was pregnant 3 months after my

surgery and I was considered to be high risk for infertility issues

(Endometriosis, congential abnormalities, blocked tubes and

scarring, not to mention my husband had a low sperm count!)

Hope this helps,



> The only con that i can think of with an ab cerclage is if you

have infertility issues anyways it could be a chance of more




> Isn't that subjective upon which doctor you ask? I know we've

discussed this before on the list. Dr. Haney doesn't see an issue

with infertility treatments and says we can start about 3 weeks

after the cerclage is in place. Just wondering as I do plan to ask

him more about it in detail when I have my phone consultation with

him on Tuesday (providing I can talk!....)


> Sorry if I'm coming in late in the conversation...I'm slowly and

painfully recovering from a tonsillectomy I had on Thursday! Ouchie.


> Chele

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