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Re: Debi 2 in 1

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>One problem I have is no cooperation. My mom cooks because she has

>nothing else to do and enjoys it.

wow, time for your mom to get a hobby!!

either that, or become part of what she's doing. maybe look for really complex

recipes that are SBD friendly and challenge her to make them, and if she subs an

ingredient she fails the challenge. maybe make it a competition between the two

of you? and you can lose gracefully and make it a point of contention when you

" win " and she isn't able to cook

>spaghettie with squash and no sug sauce for me she will still make hot

>garlic bread for to go with their regular spaghetti and fried potatoes and

>more than likely a box of brownies. It's just so hard.when everyone else

>is eating something so good and I smell it all cooking.

it's too bad you can't set " Super Size Me " on repeat when you're not around.

believe me, i know it's hard - when the rest of my group at work is ordering in

italian and i can't afford sushi and am stuck with a boring salad, i want to

cave as well. i have an added deterrent, but the things that tempt me most now

are those fatty cuts of meat i've been avoiding on sbd...

>People are always telling me I wish I was so laid back and flexible like

>you nothing ever seems to bother you. But for the past few days everything

>is pushing me over the edge and I can't seem to control it. Maybe I need

>to just stop stressing over what I eat for a few weeks and go back to my

>normal diet til I get past this. Maybe I will at least add back in my

>chocolate protein shakes next week for a treat and see how that goes.

oh goodness, don't go back to your normal diet! it's time to start fighting

fire with fire. i'll look for the gourmet recipes i have stored around, the

ones i can't eat anymore, and pass them your way. then maybe you can make

amazing-smelling food that THEY can't have, because it's all for you, nanny

nanny boo boo, muahaha!

(hi, my illness has made me regress to the age of 12. *waves* ;)


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