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It would probably be a great idea to start writing this man to tell him how we

feel about his indifference.

Beverly G.

Larry Schonberger

Assistant Director

National Center for Infectious Disease Control\

1600 Clifton Rd. N.E.

Bldg. CLFT 3 116

Mail Stop A39

Atlanta, GA 30333



E Mail: lbs1@...

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Sorry, ! Larry Schonberger is with the Center for Disease Control in

Atlanta. He has repeatedly denied that CJD is a problem in this country, that

the CDC is " actively surveying " each CJD case in the nation and keeping

accurate reports on the number of CJD cases in the US (NOT!!). He has

repeatedly belittled anyone who calls to discuss family CJD cases and he has

been, shall we say, less than truthful in handling families' questions about

CJD. He is sometimes rude and short with people who ask him questions about

CJD cases and he continues to say that CJD is not a real issue in this

country. Charming man.

Beverly G.

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Let's not forget that he was also telling families that NIH (Dr. Gibbs) was

not performing the 14-3-3 test anymore and telling everyone to send their

samples to Dr. Gambetti at Case Western. That was an outright lie and he

knew it!!! The man has a political agenda.


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CDC was also " scheduled " to come to the hospital to see my father as he was

dying of CJD, and to " question extensively " each of the family members. Never

came, never called. Hard to understand.


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Well said Sheryl.

Now, would the group like me to personally invite Dr. Shonberger since Bev

sent the address through? It will be easy to do. We have invited Dr. Belay and

he declined but maybe Dr. Shonberger would come. I know that it is a small

possibility but I am asking this because would we want him there? There is

much anxiety towards him and I would hate for it to be uncomfortable for


I just read Carolyns message. Anyone who is taking care of a living person

with cjd or any other illness don't feel bad that you cannot come. Or

financially if you can't come. We have been there, done it and understand.

Don't even apologize.

Now for the word rare. I hate it. I don't like my food cooked rare, I don't

like to own anything that is rare (it's too worrisome) and this is not as rare

as they want us to think. I use the word unknown. If you will notice in the

brochures I never used the word rare once. Newspapers don't want to do

stories because it is " rare " and we don't have to worry too much about it. My

Mom was talented and opinionated and fun but did not do rare things.....so how

the heck did she get this disease? And if this person who did not hunt or

garden or have any surgeries can get it than anyone can get it, and I want to

know how, especially for my kids.

We all need to do the best we can. Writing letters and making people aware is

a great start.


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your feelings are nothing less than pure honesty,truth,and your firm words

made me think.Your words are refreshing .

Re: Schonberger

>From: STrai6098@...


>I'm going to go off on a rant again, so prepare yourselves....


>I think Mr./Dr Schonberger (whatever he is) is truly an unfeeling, uncaring

>man who seems to personify everything that is wrong with the government,


>in a way we as a group are not doing anything to prove him wrong. In the

>Newsday article Pat is quoted as saying that there are 300 members in this

>group, however, a few days earlier Robin had updated the list of


>to the conference to only 15 people! What is that--5% of this group? That


>pathetic and certainly is not going to get anyone to sit up and take


>What are Drs Gibb and Brown and Bastion going to think of our dedication


>they face a tiny group of under 20 people in June? They are going to think

>that we don't even care enough to make the effort to get to the first

>gathering of CJD victims' families held ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! How are


>ever going to take us seriously enough for us to get what we want, which I

>assume are answers about a cause and a cure? The monies going to cancer


>AIDS and MS, etc didn't just magically start to flow toward those diseases;

>large groups of politically active, concerned, affected people got together


>demand that things change. The Huntington's Disease Foundation started 32

>years ago with 6 families, and now it is a multimillion dollar foundation


>corporate sponsors and research grants and yearly fundraisers, etc. It


>with a small mimeographed newsletter of a few pages that went out to


>at risk... It too is a rare disease, but it can only be passed on

>genetically. If it does not run in your family, you will NEVER get it,

>unlike CJD which can strike anyone at anytime in their adult life and is

>transmissible and completely mysterious in its origin. We have a small


>of people who have gotten the ball rolling in the three on-line groups


>to CJD, and without their courageous efforts most or all of us who have


>later to this cause would have been lost and ignorant, but much more needs


>be done, and it is up to us to show ourselves to the researchers and the

>general population and say WE WILL BE HEARD! The June conference can be a

>great starting point for this effort, and I think we owe it to our dead to




>I'm sure that I do not speak only for myself when I say that I wish I had

>never heard of this damned disease, and that I wish I could call my mother

>right now just to say hi, how are you--but I can't and I never will be able


>do that again. My last image of her is horrifying, and not a day goes by

>three months later that I do not see that image. I have better ways of

>spending my time than on line trying to find information about CJD, or

>spending hundreds of dollars trying to find other victims who cannot be

>reached through my computer, and I certainly can find some other way to


>what are sure to be several lovely June days than traveling to Indiana this

>spring, but I am doing these things and am willing to do much more because

>it's the ONLY thing I have left to do for the woman who gave me birth 43


>ago! Can any of us do less for the people we loved and lost? WE OWE THEM




>our dead, and they've already been cheated enough. This is how I feel.





>Ta Da! Come see our new web site!


>Onelist: A free email community service


>If you have any questions, problems, concerns, etc... please contact Liz at

LArmstr853@..., Pat at Ape826@..., Dolly at DBC006@... or

Beverly G at Bevalso@....

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SHERYL, WELL SAID !!!!!!!!!!

I would really like to go. I'm sure I could take a vacation day off.

We really do owe our loved ones. This is the least we could do.

My mom did so much for me & I always feel that I NEVER did enough for her.

PLEASE tell me the date, time & place of this conference.


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SHERYL, WELL SAID !!!!!!!!!!

I would really like to go. I'm sure I could take a vacation day off.

We really do owe our loved ones. This is the least we could do.

My mom did so much for me & I always feel that I NEVER did enough for her.

PLEASE tell me the date, time & place of this conference.


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SHERYL, WELL SAID !!!!!!!!!!

I would really like to go. I'm sure I could take a vacation day off.

We really do owe our loved ones. This is the least we could do.

My mom did so much for me & I always feel that I NEVER did enough for her.

PLEASE tell me the date, time & place of this conference.


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I don't know who the Shonberg is, becasue I am new here. But it is my

understanding that as soon as they look at the brain on an autopsy they

can tell if the brain is spongy and has holes in it. Some one is hiding

something from you. What are they trying to hide?


ICQ 2551093

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Annette, would recommend that you ask them for a copy of the gel stain slides,

photos or whatever is appropriate, then send them to Dr. Gibbs or some other

clinic besides Gambetti

for an independent evaulation. Sugges you call or email Dr. Hansen for

guidance. I do not suggest Gambetti as I am told that he will send the final

materials to the CDC

where they seem to get pigeonholed. Dr. Hansen will be back in his office next

Wed, 3/17. Mel in SLC

RAL Simpson wrote:



> CDC is who my mom called, questioning why we hadn't gotten the results.

> She talked to Belay who works for Schonberg, who told her they should

> have been able to tell us immediately after autopsy. Now, they avoid

> returning her calls, and all of a sudden my sister in law gets a call

> that the preliminary results are in. NO CJD...................B>S**T.

> Go figure!!!!!

> Annette


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> We are proud as punch of our new web site!

> http://www.onelist.com

> Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> If you have any questions, problems, concerns, etc... please contact Liz at

LArmstr853@..., Pat at Ape826@..., Dolly at DBC006@... or Beverly G

at Bevalso@....

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