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Re: Latex

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[eosinophilic gastroenteritis] Latex

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Did you get Sharon's links to these diseases? Spencer was 9.3 on 0-6! Ugh and

his Absolute was really high too. What to do, what to do.......Doc says it

warrants keeping an eye on it and doing a repeat Endo and colonoscopy! Ugh!

[eosinophilic gastroenteritis] Latex

My daughter, Remi, has spina bifida and has latex allergy. About 70% of

spina bifida kids do, but all kids are treated as though they do. Most of these

kids are cathed and have multiple surgeries which brings about the allergy.

They treat AJ as though she does too, since she is allergic to most other things

and has numerous procedures. Remi was tested thru blood, but she has had

reactions before we had a confirmed latex allergy.

The food issue really scares me. I know someone who ate a pizza and ended

up in the hospital from the latex in the food handlers.

Her dental appt are the first ones in the morning so no latex powder is

floating in the air. Childrens Hospital of Philly and St. have rooms,

crash carts, operating rooms-all latex free. It is no big deal going there. If

we need to go to the local hospital, there is hesitation and that look-now where

are those latex free gloves.

In Remi's school, there are big signs in the nurses office and school

office. My nightmare there, is that she will fall, bleed and the first thing

someone will do in don the latex gloves which will cause more damage than the

original fall. I am in the mist of getting the girls medic id bracelets, but I

can't figure out what to put on AJ's. I am switching allergists, so maybe he

will help.

Sharon-did you ever hear of a dr. cogan in haddonfield? He is an allergist.

Do you use one? Who? AJ has her first appt with him on 12/23.

-AJ's blood eos was 2 on a scale of 0-6. Also, you mentioned

Mitochondrial diseases. I don't know much about them, except I know some kids

on the list have them.


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I got Sharons links. Thanks. AJ is due for an upper and lower too. I would

like to wait until spring if I can, since she always stops breathing in these

procedures and right now her asthma is so bad. I can't wait to get to the

pulmonary on Tuesday to see if we can get one thing under control.


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I'll Pray for you Phyllis that the Asthma gets better.........I actually saw one

of Spencer's Endoscopies b/c it was emergency in his room and it was awful to

see him stop breathing. Hope it goes well next week.

Re: [eosinophilic gastroenteritis] Latex


I got Sharons links. Thanks. AJ is due for an upper and lower too. I

would like to wait until spring if I can, since she always stops breathing in

these procedures and right now her asthma is so bad. I can't wait to get to the

pulmonary on Tuesday to see if we can get one thing under control.


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I'll Pray for you Phyllis that the Asthma gets better.........I actually saw one

of Spencer's Endoscopies b/c it was emergency in his room and it was awful to

see him stop breathing. Hope it goes well next week.

Re: [eosinophilic gastroenteritis] Latex


I got Sharons links. Thanks. AJ is due for an upper and lower too. I

would like to wait until spring if I can, since she always stops breathing in

these procedures and right now her asthma is so bad. I can't wait to get to the

pulmonary on Tuesday to see if we can get one thing under control.


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I'll Pray for you Phyllis that the Asthma gets better.........I actually saw one

of Spencer's Endoscopies b/c it was emergency in his room and it was awful to

see him stop breathing. Hope it goes well next week.

Re: [eosinophilic gastroenteritis] Latex


I got Sharons links. Thanks. AJ is due for an upper and lower too. I

would like to wait until spring if I can, since she always stops breathing in

these procedures and right now her asthma is so bad. I can't wait to get to the

pulmonary on Tuesday to see if we can get one thing under control.


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