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Re: Pray

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I am not a doctor and I would not even try to diagnose your granddaughter, but

there are lots of other things that could cause Amy's symptoms. She

desperately needs to see a neurologist who will hopefully schedule an MRI as

soon as possible. Is she in or near a large town where she will see someone

who is familiar with neurological problems? Please keep us posted.

Beverly G.

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I am not a doctor and I would not even try to diagnose your granddaughter, but

there are lots of other things that could cause Amy's symptoms. She

desperately needs to see a neurologist who will hopefully schedule an MRI as

soon as possible. Is she in or near a large town where she will see someone

who is familiar with neurological problems? Please keep us posted.

Beverly G.

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Easy one first: Hep-loc would be the heparin-lock that they put in an

intravenous i.v. spot to keep the line open. I have had one when hospitalized

receiving drugs periodically during the day through an i.v. They put the

heparin in the small tube coming out of the i.v. opening and then disconnect

the i.v. Heparin is an anti-coagulant and it keeps the line safely open so

that they do not have to re-insert an i.v. every time. This saved me 4 i.v.

sticks per day. A heparin-lock will last a few days and they re-insert a

little heparin after every i.v. treatment.

I am sorry to hear of your granddaughter's dilemma. There are many things she

could be experiencing that I am sure they will check first. One of the most

common might be petit-mal epilepsy seizures which are fairly easily controlled

with medication. Another might be side-effects from medication.

I am sure you will make sure she sees a good neurologist. There are many

things this could be. Stay calm for her sake.


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Betty, A hep-loc is an IV that stay in the arm, so if a patient needs IV

medication they can get . Today most hep-locs are flush with Normal Saline. It

is like a salt water solution. They have been using this at for several


As for Amy. She definitely needs to see a doctor. Amy is at the prime age for

MS. This generally shows up with weakness in the lower extremities. IF her EEG

is normal, they may want to have a spinal test done and look for the test that

may show MS.

Tell her husband to have Faith, and believe in his marriage. Because they may be

in for a rocky road.


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First, it is never wrong to be concerned.

Second, thank you for trusting us with this information.

Third, it is not normal for a person, at almost any age, to have the kinds

of behaviors you described your granddaughter as having. Yes, there could be

MANY other explanations, and when you say, they " found nothing abnormal, "

that doesn't mean there isn't something going on. We all know that the human

is becoming the weak part of almost every system, and medicine is no

different. A doctor OR nurse who doesn't come into a room with a certain set

of beliefs is a rare one. Just as WE will always be watching for CJD and

wondering if every little change in us or a loved one is the demon, doctors

and nurses are predisposed either toward or away from a diagnosis. Sometimes

they are right, and the tests prove it, sometimes they are right and the

tests prove nothing, and sometimes they are wrong and the tests don't show



I was visiting a local grocery store the other day, it is a small little

" cooperative " that distinguishes itself by having more organic, more vegan,

more alternative items. My wife and I love it, and don't mind that it costs

more. While my wife was doing some intensive veggie browsing, I got bored,

and nearby was a bookshelf with books for sale. I picked up a hard-cover

" Mad Cowboy " and read the first chapter. (My wife likes vegetables a lot...)

In one chapter that guy says more to convince me to never eat commercially

raised meat again than I believed possible.

Out of curiosity, how many of us on the list are vegetarians? How many are

vegans? And, very important, does anyone know if seafood is 'safe'?

I love you all, and pray for your health, and especially for the health of

Amy and the family McEwen...

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I think that she needs a complete medical evaluation. There are other

neurological diseases that can cause these symptoms. I pray that it is one of

them and that it is treatablw.


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Thanks for your concern about Amy. She was at her doctors for tests on

Friday and back on Saturday for an EEG. She called the office today and

did not get a return call for the doctor. So here we go around the

mulberry bush! Can't understand some doctors.

About GELATIN...recently I talked to a friend whow works with a National

Herbal company. They manufacture and retail herbs with GELATIN

capsules. She says they are ade of a vegetable source and the company

would never use animal products of any kind. I told her that they had

better make sure that they don't, because teh VOICE CJD support group

was on the CDC and the FDA and anybody else that will lsten. So not to

be surprised when they come knocking on their door... " just checking " ??

Just a little FOOD for thought.

Thanks again you wonderful people for being there and caring so much.


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