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Hello Nanci, I was reading over your post to my posting about the

POSSIBLY new hope, from the drug pentosan polysulphate for people who

have a chance of coming down with this hideous disease. (I just hope,

they are not FALSE HOPES), but anything is better than NO hope at all.

This damn disease is strange. You have so many different strains and

SOoooo many different ways to contract it. BUT, I TRUELY BELIEVE, when

the TRUTH IS ALL OUT, they will all be one of the same. I believe that

the different characteristics of the disease's, are different

characteristics of the SAME DISEASE, due to the way of contamination,

(The infectivity level is different). Whether of not you ate

contaminated beef, pork, chicken, deer, elk or taking a pill, or it was

passed down through family, surgeries, cosmetics, as I said, the list is

endless. BUT, each one of these ways has a DIFFERENT INFECTIVITY LEVEL.

Depending on the INFECTIVITY LEVEL, will show the different symptoms and

different time frames of incubation, to 1st symptoms, to death. FOR

INSTANCE, if you ate a steak that was contaminated from just touching a

piece of contaminated meat, the infectivity level would probably be

lower as opposed to eating a steak that the cow from which the steak

came from was infected from years of eating contaminated feed, (the

infectivity level would be much higher). OR another example, taking ONE

pill from which the ingrediants were BOVINE BRAIN, EYE, PITUITARY, VEAL


BRAIN, EYE, PITUITARY, AND SPINAL CORD.) This infectivity level would

be " VERY HIGH " . (especially the way these products are manufactured. ALL

of these potentially infected organs are probably ALL PUT TOGETHER IN

MASS GROUPS, (CONTAMINATING EACH OTHER)..... My Mema used to put so much

greese on her face when we went fishing and everynite before bed,

sometimes she would slide right out of the chair. BUT, I didn't know,

and neither did she, that these facial creams contain BOVINE PRODUCTS,

(who's going to figure out the infectivity level in facial creams)???

She had a dimentia, but never hvCJD as Mom. And in your Families case,

FAMILIA CJD. Somewhere, Somehow, Somebody in your Family was infected,

by either ingesting SOMETHING infected, or Surgery, OR SOMEHOW. IT JUST

DOES NOT APPEAR OUT OF THIN AIR. A possible reason Familia CJD has a

longer duration, is the simple fact it may not have the same INFECTIVITY

LEVEL as someone who was INFECTED THEMSELVES. It may have lost some of

its PUNCH, so to speak, while passing from generation to generation.

While I am PLAYING SCIENTIST, let me throw in a few more of my thoughts.


TRAUMA OR PHYSICAL TRAUMA. I believe it may be what kicks this damn

hideous disease into MOTION.......Who knows??? I know I will not stop

until we find out, and until the LIES AND COVERUPs ARE STOPPED. I will

not stop until the TRUTH IS OUT. I believe the Government is MORE

involved in " HIDING " THIS HIDEOUS TRUTH, then they are in " FINDING " THE

HIDEOUS TRUTH.....EITHER WAY, IT'S THE SAME......It's just going to last

longer, behind the LIES, and MORE PEOPLE WILL DIE.......WE MUST WAKE

THEM UP............I hope I have not offended you by this. THESE ARE MY

BELIEFs, as we all have them. Only time will tell us, whether they are

true or false, BUT WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME......... Terry/MADSON

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Dear Terry, Of course you didn't offend me by your message. I always look

forward to your posts as you come up with things that are not apparent to

others. What you said about the length of time for famiail Cjd to the

other forms makes sense to me, except that I know that in some of the

medical papers I've read they say the length of illness seems to decrease

as it moves through each generation. I know my aunt suffered at least 15

yrs. So I hope you are right,as I would like more time rather then less.

So thanks again for all the time and energy you put into this fight,as I

just don't have the strength to do as much as I wish I could. You are like

the pit bull of CJD voice, and no body is going to get your jaws open

before answers are found. You have my deep appreciation for that. Nancie

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