Guest guest Posted December 23, 1999 Report Share Posted December 23, 1999 Hi this Tina mom to Alyssa and I just wanted to ask have you tried a elemental formula? Alyssa was on steroids for 10 months and then they took her off and put the g-tube in and she still had problems so they put on steroids again and changed 3 times since having the tube we have found a formula that is working for her. neocate infant formula she is too old for that but it is working so I can't complain. She is hooked up 24 hrs aday but finally she is getting enough calories, and for the first time in 6 months she is acting like anormal child.I would suggest that you talk to her dr about taking her off the steroids and trying a formula or if she is on one try another one. I hope this helps some. We have been in the same boat. if I can help you anyother way let me know. Tina Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 23, 1999 Report Share Posted December 23, 1999 Can't read this one either? Is it only me? Re: [eosinophilic gastroenteritis] blood results ℼ佄呃å™â…呈ä±å€ 䉕䥌âƒâ´¢â¼¯ã—⽃ä¯ä‘”ä äµ”âŒâ¸´â€°ç‰”湡楳楴æ¹\ ¯æ±¡â¼¯ä¹…㸢à¨à¨ä ¼äµ”ã¹Œä ¼ä……ã¹„à¨à¨ä´¼å‘…â潣瑮湥㵴ç¢ç¡¥â½´ç‘¨æ±â\ €»æ¡£ç‰¡æ•³ãµ´æ¹µæ©æ‘¯â‰¥æ 瑴⵰煥極㵶潃瑮湥⵴祔数ാഊ㰊ä•ä…”æŒ \ 湯整瑮∽å呈ä±ã” 〮⸰㘲ã±ãŒ®ã€´âˆ±æ¸ 浡㵥䕇䕎䅒佔㹒à¨à¨åŒ¼å¥\ ”ä•Œã°¾åŒ¯å¥”ä•Œà´¾à´Šã°Šä ¯ä……ã¹„à¨à¨äˆ¼ä‘â™æ¢æ½ƒæ½¬ãµ²æ˜£æ™¦æ™¦ã¹¦à¨à¨ä\ ¼å™‰ã°¾ä½†å‘Žæ˜ æ¡ãµ¥æ•–摲湡㹡匼剔ä¹ã¹‡â‰ç•ªç‘³çŒ æ¹¥â´æ½¹âµä©çŒ§æ„ \ æ±¬ç‰¥ç¥§æ„ ç°â´çµæ…¤æ•´ç 摯祡ഠഊ眊瑩â¨æ¡´â¥æ•®â·æ½¤â¹£æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä \ â¥æ…·â³ã€±â”°æ„ æ…§æ¹©ç‘³çŒ æ•´æ½²æ‘©â³ç¥æ•°æ¥£æ±¡ç¥¬çŒ æ¹©æ•£ä„ âŠæ¥·æ±¬à\ ´ à´ŠæŠæ¥²æ®ç æ•¨ä¸ æ½¥æ…£æ•´æ„ æ‘®æŒ æ¹¡æ° ç™©â¥æ¹¯ç æ•¨ä¸ æ½¥æ…£æ•´æ„ æ‘®\ æˆ â¥æ¡´â¥æ…¨ç°æ•©ç‘³æ¼ â®æ¡´â¥à¨à¨æ•Žæ¯ç‘¡â¹¥æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä â¥æ…³æ‘©æ¤ â\ ´æ…æ³â³æ½´â¯æ…祮ç 楨æ®â¹³æ¸¦ç¢ã°æ•—æ 癡â¥æ•¢æ¹¥æ 慥楬æ®çœ ç‘©â\ ¨à¨à¨æ±¡æ•¬æ²â¹ç©ç•³ç¥ç 潯☮扮ç³â€»ç‰ä´ 物慩âç‰¯å¤ ç©æ½²æ±¥æ„ \ 汬牥楧â£æ½´æ„ ç¥®æ¼ â¦æ¡´â¥à¨à¨æ½¦æ‘¯ã½³æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä â¥ç•³æ§ç¥æ•´â¤æ¡\ ´ç‘¡æˆ â¹çµæ¹©â§æ¹¡æ„ 瑮桩ç©æ¥´æ¥æ•®äˆæ¹¥æ‘¡ç¥²âµ¬ç‰¡ç•¯æ‘®ç 敨ഠഊæ\ ŒŠæ½¬æ£â€¬ç‘©çœ ç•¯æ‘¬æ´ ç¡â«æ¡´â¥æ±¡æ•¬æ²â¹ç¥³çæ½´çæ„ æ‘®æ„ æ±¬ç¯æ \ 牥ç â¯æ…¥â±´æˆ ç‘µæ¸ ç‘¯æ´ ç¡â«æ¡´â¥à¨à¨ä…æ¼ â¦æ½£ç‰µæ•³â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ•\ ˆçœ ç¡æ„ 慧湩瑳ç æ…¨â´æ½´â¹¯æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä¤ æ˜ æ•¥â¬æ•¢ç‘´ç‰¥æˆ æ¥ç•¡æ•³ä¤ æ\ ˜ æ•¥â¬à¨à¨æ¥¬æ•«ç 楨â³æ½¤â£ç©æ¼ â®ç¥çŒ æ‘©â±¥æ â¥æ¹«ç¯â³æ™¯ä â¹²\ åŒ æµ¡ç°æ¹¯â€¬æ•¢æ¥¬ç™¥ç¥ç 敨æ 慩湧ç¯ç©â€¬à¨à¨ç•¢â´â‰æ½¤â®â´æ¹«ç\ ¯æ¤ â¦æ•·æ„ æ£æµ¯æ±°ç©æ•¨â¤æ¹¡ç‘¹æ¥¨æ®â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ•—æ„ æ•²æˆ æ¡â«ç‘¡çŒ ç\ •±ç‰¡â¥æ¹¯âµ¥æ½®à´ ഊ昊潯ç¤â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»â‰æµ¡æœ 楯æ®ç â¯æ…£æ±¬åŒ 浡ç°\ 湯â³æ™¯æ¥¦æ•£ç 浯牯潲â·æ‰¡ç•¯â´æ¡´â¥æ•Žæ¯ç‘¡â¥ç•ªæ©â¥à¨à¨æ½¢æ•¸â\ ³æ¹¡â¤æ¥æ¬â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ½‚æ¡´ä„ âŠâ³ä¥‡æ„ æ‘®ç æ•¨æ„ æ±¬ç‰¥æ¥§ç‘³â€¬æ½·ç‘®â\ €§æ…´æ•«æ ç‰¥æ¼ æ™¦æ¼ â¦à¨à¨ç‘©â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ¡”ç‘¡æŒ ç•¯æ‘¬æˆ â¥æ¹¯â¥æ™¯æ \ ç‰¥æ´ æ©¡ç‰¯ç€ æ½²æ±¢æµ¥â³æ¥²æ¡§â´æ¡´ç‰¥â¹¥æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä¤ æ„ âæ½®â´à¨à¨ç•æ¡\ £æ æ±¥â±°æ„ ââ‰ã¼¿â˜¿æ‰®ç³â€»ç‰—ç‘©â¥æ½³æ¹¯â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ¡æ±¹æ¥¬â™³æ‰®ç³â\ €»à¨à¨â¼¼å‘“ä½’äŽã°¾ä˜¯ä¹ã¹”â¼¼ä¥„ã¹–â¼¼ä½‚å¥„ã°¾ä ¯äµ”ã¹Œà¨à¨ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 23, 1999 Report Share Posted December 23, 1999 I just sent you AJ's allergy appt update today with the new doc. He was 100% against steroids especially since AJ will drink the Neocate and can live on the Neocate and be the happiest on the Neocate. He said it masks too many things. We have been dealing with allergy issues too. Is Miriam or Yisroel allergic to any of the foods? He suggested that by using an antihistimine-Benadryl-around the clock, it would mask the allergy symptoms and allow her to eat, but not mask the EG of course. He was against that too. I feel better because I feel like this doc is on my side, he knows of Dr. Sampson, believes the diagnosis, but I don't know if we accomplished anything. We are back at square one-no foods. I am going to call Sampsons office tomorrow about the Neocate juice boxes and milk. Both AJ's GI and the allergist, wont' take her off of it. That could be one of her major problems right there. I am not much help, am I ??? Write soon. Phyllis Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 23, 1999 Report Share Posted December 23, 1999 I only see the blocks when you reply to the , but wondered if it did have to do with a font. They seem to be fine in the original on my machine. Re: [eosinophilic gastroenteritis] blood results ℼ佄呃å™â…呈ä±å€ 䉕䥌âƒâ´¢â¼¯ã—⽃ä¯ä‘”ä äµ”âŒâ¸´â€°ç‰”湡楳楴æ¹\ ¯æ±¡â¼¯ä¹…㸢à¨à¨ä ¼äµ”ã¹Œä ¼ä……ã¹„à¨à¨ä´¼å‘…â潣瑮湥㵴ç¢ç¡¥â½´ç‘¨æ±â\ €»æ¡£ç‰¡æ•³ãµ´æ¹µæ©æ‘¯â‰¥æ 瑴⵰煥極㵶潃瑮湥⵴祔数ാഊ㰊ä•ä…”æŒ \ 湯整瑮∽å呈ä±ã” 〮⸰㘲ã±ãŒ®ã€´âˆ±æ¸ 浡㵥䕇䕎䅒佔㹒à¨à¨åŒ¼å¥\ ”ä•Œã°¾åŒ¯å¥”ä•Œà´¾à´Šã°Šä ¯ä……ã¹„à¨à¨äˆ¼ä‘â™æ¢æ½ƒæ½¬ãµ²æ˜£æ™¦æ™¦ã¹¦à¨à¨ä\ ¼å™‰ã°¾ä½†å‘Žæ˜ æ¡ãµ¥æ•–摲湡㹡匼剔ä¹ã¹‡â‰ç•ªç‘³çŒ æ¹¥â´æ½¹âµä©çŒ§æ„ \ æ±¬ç‰¥ç¥§æ„ ç°â´çµæ…¤æ•´ç 摯祡ഠഊ眊瑩â¨æ¡´â¥æ•®â·æ½¤â¹£æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä \ â¥æ…·â³ã€±â”°æ„ æ…§æ¹©ç‘³çŒ æ•´æ½²æ‘©â³ç¥æ•°æ¥£æ±¡ç¥¬çŒ æ¹©æ•£ä„ âŠæ¥·æ±¬à\ ´ à´ŠæŠæ¥²æ®ç æ•¨ä¸ æ½¥æ…£æ•´æ„ æ‘®æŒ æ¹¡æ° ç™©â¥æ¹¯ç æ•¨ä¸ æ½¥æ…£æ•´æ„ æ‘®\ æˆ â¥æ¡´â¥æ…¨ç°æ•©ç‘³æ¼ â®æ¡´â¥à¨à¨æ•Žæ¯ç‘¡â¹¥æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä â¥æ…³æ‘©æ¤ â\ ´æ…æ³â³æ½´â¯æ…祮ç 楨æ®â¹³æ¸¦ç¢ã°æ•—æ 癡â¥æ•¢æ¹¥æ 慥楬æ®çœ ç‘©â\ ¨à¨à¨æ±¡æ•¬æ²â¹ç©ç•³ç¥ç 潯☮扮ç³â€»ç‰ä´ 物慩âç‰¯å¤ ç©æ½²æ±¥æ„ \ 汬牥楧â£æ½´æ„ ç¥®æ¼ â¦æ¡´â¥à¨à¨æ½¦æ‘¯ã½³æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä â¥ç•³æ§ç¥æ•´â¤æ¡\ ´ç‘¡æˆ â¹çµæ¹©â§æ¹¡æ„ 瑮桩ç©æ¥´æ¥æ•®äˆæ¹¥æ‘¡ç¥²âµ¬ç‰¡ç•¯æ‘®ç 敨ഠഊæ\ ŒŠæ½¬æ£â€¬ç‘©çœ ç•¯æ‘¬æ´ ç¡â«æ¡´â¥æ±¡æ•¬æ²â¹ç¥³çæ½´çæ„ æ‘®æ„ æ±¬ç¯æ \ 牥ç â¯æ…¥â±´æˆ ç‘µæ¸ ç‘¯æ´ ç¡â«æ¡´â¥à¨à¨ä…æ¼ â¦æ½£ç‰µæ•³â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ•\ ˆçœ ç¡æ„ 慧湩瑳ç æ…¨â´æ½´â¹¯æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä¤ æ˜ æ•¥â¬æ•¢ç‘´ç‰¥æˆ æ¥ç•¡æ•³ä¤ æ\ ˜ æ•¥â¬à¨à¨æ¥¬æ•«ç 楨â³æ½¤â£ç©æ¼ â®ç¥çŒ æ‘©â±¥æ â¥æ¹«ç¯â³æ™¯ä â¹²\ åŒ æµ¡ç°æ¹¯â€¬æ•¢æ¥¬ç™¥ç¥ç 敨æ 慩湧ç¯ç©â€¬à¨à¨ç•¢â´â‰æ½¤â®â´æ¹«ç\ ¯æ¤ â¦æ•·æ„ æ£æµ¯æ±°ç©æ•¨â¤æ¹¡ç‘¹æ¥¨æ®â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ•—æ„ æ•²æˆ æ¡â«ç‘¡çŒ ç\ •±ç‰¡â¥æ¹¯âµ¥æ½®à´ ഊ昊潯ç¤â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»â‰æµ¡æœ 楯æ®ç â¯æ…£æ±¬åŒ 浡ç°\ 湯â³æ™¯æ¥¦æ•£ç 浯牯潲â·æ‰¡ç•¯â´æ¡´â¥æ•Žæ¯ç‘¡â¥ç•ªæ©â¥à¨à¨æ½¢æ•¸â\ ³æ¹¡â¤æ¥æ¬â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ½‚æ¡´ä„ âŠâ³ä¥‡æ„ æ‘®ç æ•¨æ„ æ±¬ç‰¥æ¥§ç‘³â€¬æ½·ç‘®â\ €§æ…´æ•«æ ç‰¥æ¼ æ™¦æ¼ â¦à¨à¨ç‘©â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ¡”ç‘¡æŒ ç•¯æ‘¬æˆ â¥æ¹¯â¥æ™¯æ \ ç‰¥æ´ æ©¡ç‰¯ç€ æ½²æ±¢æµ¥â³æ¥²æ¡§â´æ¡´ç‰¥â¹¥æ¸¦ç¢ã°ä¤ æ„ âæ½®â´à¨à¨ç•æ¡\ £æ æ±¥â±°æ„ ââ‰ã¼¿â˜¿æ‰®ç³â€»ç‰—ç‘©â¥æ½³æ¹¯â˜®æ‰®ç³â€»æ¡æ±¹æ¥¬â™³æ‰®ç³â\ €»à¨à¨â¼¼å‘“ä½’äŽã°¾ä˜¯ä¹ã¹”â¼¼ä¥„ã¹–â¼¼ä½‚å¥„ã°¾ä ¯äµ”ã¹Œà¨à¨ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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