Guest guest Posted May 14, 1999 Report Share Posted May 14, 1999 Dear friends, For your interest from today's Lancet! Best wishes etc., Lynette. ____________________ UNSTYLED VERSION: ..html THE LANCET, Volume 353, Number 9165 15 May 1999 Codon 129 prion protein genotype and sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease A Alperovitch, I Zerr, M Pocchiari, E Mitrova, J de Pedro Cuesta, I Hegyi, S , H Kretzschmar, C van Duijn, RG Will Methionine homozygosity at codon 129 of the prion protein (PrP) gene is a recognised risk factor for the development of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).1 Between 64 and 81% of sporadic cases have this genotype,1-3 with an overall rate, combining the data from three series, of 71%. PrP gene analysis is now available in 748 out of 1327 cases of definite or probable sporadic CJD, including data from Australia (5), France (217), Germany (239), Italy (101), the Netherlands (36), Slovakia (7), Spain (7), Switzerland (7), and the UK (129). A current issue is whether cases of variant CJD (nvCJD), might occur in individuals with a valine homozygous or heterozygous PrP genotype. To date, all 36 cases of variant CJD with available genetic analysis have been methionine homozygotes and died at an early age (mean 29 years). A small number of cases of sporadic CJD with a relatively early age at death have been identified in participating countries including Australia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK. We analysed the distribution of genotypes at codon 129 of the PrP gene by 10-year age groups in order to determine whether there is a relative excess of young valine homozygote or heterozygote cases of sporadic CJD. MM MV VV <49 years* 43 (23) 17 (9) 41 (22) 50-59 years 65 (97) 16 (24) 19 (28) 60-69 years 75 (227) 13 (40) 12 (36) 70-79 years 73 (148) 10 (21) 17 (35) 80+ years 84 (32) 11 (4) 5 (2) Total 70 (527) 13 (98) 16 (123) Previous studiesÝ 71 (60) 17 (14) 12 (10) European data 74 (252) 11 (38) 15 (51) 1993-95 European data 68 (275) 15 (60) 18 (72) 1996-98 Normal population 39 (156) 50 (198) 11 (44) *The age of death of the youngest case for each genotype was 28 years for MM, 20 years for MV, and 23 years for VV. ÝLaplanche J-L, et al. Molecular genetics of prion diseases in France. Neurology 1994; 44: 2347-51, and Salvatore M, et al. Polymorphisms of the prion protein gene in Italian patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Hum Genet 1995; 94: 375-79. Percentage of codon 129 PRP genotypes in sporadic CJD by 10-year age groups in the European study 1993-1998 (numbers of cases in parentheses), and codon 129 distribution in the normal population and in previous studies of sporadic CJD The table shows data on the distribution of PrP genotypes in the normal white population, pooling data from five studies4 (there are no data on stratification by age in these studies), and the genotype distribution in sporadic CJD, derived by pooling data from three studies (table2), are also shown, together with previous data from the European surveillance project.3 The frequencies of codon 129 PrP genotypes differ significantly across the age groups (2=38·2, 8 df, p<0·0001) and there is a positive linear relation between age and the frequency of the methionine homozygote genotype (p for linear trend <0·0001). The valine homozygous genotype is significantly more frequent in cases aged 49 years or less compared with those aged 50 years and over (2=27·9, 2 df, p<0·0001). In some countries only limited data are available but comparisons between countries are possible for France, Germany, Italy, and the UK. Codon 129 distribution in these countries is not significantly different from previous studies of sporadic CJD, and within country comparison of cases aged less than 50 years shows a significant excess of valine homozygotes in France, Germany, and the UK, but not in Italy. There is a non-significant excess of heterozygote cases aged less than 50 years in Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK. The relative excess of valine homozygotes in sporadic CJD aged less than 50 years is unexpected. There are a number of possible reasons. There may be a bias in the surveillance system for the identification of younger atypical cases of sporadic CJD, because of increased interest in younger suspect cases after the identification of variant CJD. Sporadic CJD with an atypical clinicopathological phenotype may occur in younger patients, particularly those with a valine homozygous genotype.4 These cases rarely have the " typical " electroencephalogram seen in sporadic CJD and might be over-represented in systematic surveillance data because of ascertainment bias. It is also possible that CJD is underdiagnosed in older valine homozygotes because of an atypical phenotype, although the genotype distribution we have identified would necessitate underdiagnosis in the 50-59 year age group in which alternative causes of dementia are fairly uncommon. It is also difficult to understand why there should be a differential bias in the diagnosis of those aged over 50 years compared with younger cases, when suspect cases are investigated in a standard manner, independent of age, and this often includes 14-3-3 cerebrospinal fluid immunoassay and necropsy examination. The percentages of heterozygote and valine homozygote cases between the study periods 1993-95 and 1996-98 are not statistically different, and this finding does not support the hypothesis of an increase in the ascertainment of younger heterozygote or valine homozygote cases with time as a result of the identification of variant CJD in March, 1996. It is possible that the excess of valine homozygotes in younger cases is caused by variation in the strain of infectious agent and perhaps exogenous infection, either iatrogenic or zoonotic, for example due to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). An excess of valine homozygotes has been found in growth-hormone recipients with CJD,5 but none of the cases in our report were known to have an iatrogenic exposure. The possibility that the excess of young valine homozygote cases reflects disease caused by BSE is unlikely because there is no differential excess of valine homozygote cases in the UK, the country with the greatest potential human exposure to BSE, compared with France and Germany. Furthermore all cases of variant CJD tested to date in the UK have been methionine homozygotes and it would be surprising if cases of variant CJD with this genotype were not identified at the same time, and probably earlier, than valine homozygote BSE-related cases in other countries, should such cases actually occur. One methionine homozygote French case of variant CJD has been identified. It is of note that widespread florid plaque deposition, which is the neuropathological hallmark of variant CJD, has not been found in any of the valine homozygote cases in this series. Most of these cases have undergone necropsy and PrP glycoform analysis in a small number of cases, including three young valine homozygote cases in the UK, has not shown the PrP subtype identified in variant CJD nor the type 5 subtype found in BSE transmissions to laboratory mice expressing valine at codon 129. Further analysis of temporal trends in codon 129 genotype distribution, clinicopathological features, and prion protein glycoform patterns in younger patients with CJD is being undertaken. The data in this paper have been accumulated by many people in each participating country. J Ironside and M Head provided the data of PrP glycoform analysis in the UK. The study is funded by the European Union, contract number BMH4-CT97-2216. 1 Palmer MS, Dryden AJ, JT, Collinge J. Homozygous prion protein genotype predisposes to sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Nature 1991; 352: 340-41. 2 Lampe J, Kitzler H, Walter MC, Lochmuller H, Reichmann H. Methionine homozygosity at prion protein gene codon 129 may predispose to sporadic inclusion-body myositis. Lancet 1999; 353: 465-66. 3 Will RG, Alperovitch A, Poser S, et al. Descriptive epidemiology of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in six European countries, 1993-1995. Ann Neurol 1998; 43: 763-67. 4 Parchi P, Castellani R, Capellari S, et al. Molecular basis of phenotypic variability in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Ann Neurol 1996; 39: 767-78. 5 Collinge J, Palmer MS, Dryden AJ. Genetic predisposition to iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Lancet 1991; 337: 1441-442. INSERM U.360, Hôpital La Salpêtrière 75651, Paris, cedex 13, France; Department of Neurology and Neuropathology, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany; Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Laboratory of Virology, 00161 Rome, Italy; Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine, National Reference Centre of Slov Virus Neuroinfections, 833 01 Bratislava, Slovakia; Instituto de Salud III, Centro Nacional de Epidemiologia, Departmento de Epidemiologia Aplicada, Madrid, Spain; UniversitätsSpital Zürich, Institut für Neuropathologie, CH-8091 Zürich, Switzerland; Department of Pathology, The University of Melbourne, Vic 3052, Australia; Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Erasmus University Medical School, PO Box 1738, Rotterdam, Netherlands; The National CJD Surveillance Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, EH4 2XU, UK (R Will) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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