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Update from SLC, TV Coverage No. 5

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Last 10 days have been a banner week in SLC for TV coverage of CJD. 11/25 we

had the CJD and the CWD coverage in deer and elk on Channel 4-good show (#2) tht

was shown 3 times; on Sat 11/28 Channel 2 show and Doug, our 30 year old

that has been verified by biopsy (#3); on Sunday 11/29, Channel 2 did an

interview here at the house and showed it Sunday night and twice on Monday (#4);

and on Tue, 12/1 Channel 5 did a show (#5) on and Doug, plus they reviewed

and showed some of the tape from our 13 Sep show (the first). Show 5 also

clarified that this is not Mad Cow Disease and is not known to be related to


Have received word of one more person, still living, currently being diagnosed,

possibly with CJD. If verified, this will be No. 8 in Utah this year.

So far, there has not been any CWD found in deer taken in the hunt in SD or UT.

Am trying to get the data from CO, WY, and NE.

Our next scheduled event will be the Science and Agriculture committee meeting

on 12/15. This is a govenor appointed committee and they have recommended study

of animal diseases that may be transmitted to humans. They have requested three

depts, health, agriculture and one more to report on CJD. Should be

interesting, also know that two TV stations are planning on attending.

Gave all the state senators and representatives information packages, have

called several and invited them to watch the TV shows, and we are picking up

support and offers of assistance from our state Senators and Representatives.

Plan to prepare a presentation for the caucuses to ask the legisalture to

appoint a study committee for CJD/CWD and possibly appropriate funds for

research and reporting. Have one invitation to do so, need three more. I look

forward to the messages every night, appreciate all that you are doing and

communicating. Mel in SLC

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