Guest guest Posted April 15, 1999 Report Share Posted April 15, 1999 Gadzooks! She answered my e-mail. This is lengthy, but you may be interested in what it says. : can you decipher this for us and put it into plain English? Evidently, this " miracle " product is in liquid form. Fwd: BioGevity >Hello Sheila, > >There are absolutely no animal products in this formulation. It is completely >vegetarian. > >I am attaching below an interesting Q & A sheet on this formula that will >help answer some of your questions. > >If you would like further information sent or emailed or would like to place >an order at the wholesale price, let me know. > >I will be away from my computer and out of state from 4/20 - 30th and unable >to answer any email during that time. Perhaps I can help you before I leave >and or send you an information packet. If you should leave an email while I >am away, I will be happy to respond when I return. > >Please enjoy the Q & A sheet below. > >My very best to you, >Deborah Lindemann > home/office > fax >_____________________________________ >BioGevity Questions & Answers > >1. How was this product developed? In 1992, Dr. Roy Dittman began researching >oral spray technologies designed to increase absorption of nutrients through >the mouth. His research in parenatal medicine and oral absorption led to the >unique transmucosal system that is the basis of BioGevity. His inspiration >came from his research in early brain development and what human beings are >capable of of achieving. Dr. Roy Dittman has co-authored and co-published >two books on parenatal medicine and is the Co-Founder of the Leonardo >Foundation, an organization dedicated to preventing birth defects. Dr. >Dittman was an official team doctor for the 1984 U.S. Olympic team and is a >dedicated martial arts practitioner. He has a doctorate in Oriental Medicine >and is a former doctor to the stars in Los Angeles. > >2. Does BioGevity actually contain Human Growth Hormone? BioGevity contains >(GH) growth hormone, not from humans but instead from a plant source. What it >actually contains is what we call a composite growth hormone (GH) analog. A >growth hormone analog is something which has been improved upon. It is growth >hormone, not “human” growth hormone. The way it has been improved upon is to >help HGH absorb into the body. Although the Pituitary Gland does produce HGH >by itself, it doesn’t get absorbed by itself. Ex: bottle of amino acids >usually say “amino acid chelate”. The chelation is a way of combining enzymes >with amino acides because this is how the body absorbs amino acids. The >growth hormone has been made into a composite. It’s like a turbo charged >growth hormone, and that is what we call Biotropin. Another word for growth >hormone is somatotropin. > >3. What’s the difference between Biotropin and somatotropin? Somatotropin is >just another word for growth hormone. Biotropin is a growth hormone analog. >There is only a slight difference. > >4. How does BioGevity work? It is a growth hormone analog. It is designed to >work synergistically with the body to mirror nature’s intelligence rather >than trying to out smart it. In principle, it influences both the energetics >of the body, as well as the physiology to achieve balance by supporting the >body’s efforts to naturally produce what it needs to produce positive >sustainable results. > >5. How is BioGevity formulated? The way that BioGevity is formulated it is >really a super turbo charged growth hormone we call Biotropin, and the >product name is BioGevity. It is grown in a microbial culture and naturally >derived. BioGevity is produced by prokaryotic (plant-based) microorganisms. >The microorganisms are trained to manufacture the exact molecular structure >of Human Growth Hormone. It is molecularly speaking an exact mirror of Human >Growth Hormone, except from a vegetarian source and the benefits are >identical to that of Human Growth Hormone. The secret is in it’s unique >“delivery system”. Even expensive injections of HGH do not contain a delivery >system that is effective. Not only are injections expensive ($1,000 - >2,000/mo), unpleasant (daily injections with a needle), but there are side >effects and there is no “delivery system” to be able to help you efficiently >absorb the product. With injections it simply is processed by the liver, but >has a hard time getting into your cells, so much of it is wasted. > >6. How much HGH is given through injections versus the BioGevity oral spray? >And Why is BioGevity So Affective? The problem with injections is that they >are given in amounts which are way more than the body can absorb. The average >adult human body only contains less than 2 nanograms per mil. of HGH. We have >about 5 litres of blood, so when we’re injecting ourselves with 300,000 - >400,000 nanograms of HGH, and you only have less than 2 nanograms per mil. in >your body, you can overwhelm your body with it. So instead, Dr. Dittman >created a formula that would mirror the body’s own secretions, intelligence >and concentration, instead of trying to out smart it or overwhelm it. >Injections may put unneccessary stress on the body. When you overwhelm the >body with too much HGH, it shuts down the body’s own Pituitary production of >HGH. The Pituitary thinks there’s too much in the body, so don’t produce any >more. BioGevity introduces the perfect amount to be accepted but not >overwhelmed and does not shut down the body’s own production. If too high a >dose is given of HGH, it seems to send a signal to the Pituitary to shut down >production, however, in lower amounts it seems to send a message to the body >that actually creates an appetite for it. Ex: If you eat too much food, the >body tells you to quit, however, if you eat just a little bit your digestive >juices keep going and say “more”. We want to give the body just enough HGH to >give it a stimulous without shutting down the body’s appetite for it. > >What makes BioGevity so affective in an oral form is the delivery system. It >is based upon a natural, not synthetic delivery system. Our Biotropin is >encapsulated in a specialized polymer matrix to protect the growth hormone as >it is absorbed through the oral mucosa (the mouth). > >The polymer matrix is essential because it enables the growth hormone >molecule-normally too large to penetrate the oral mucosa by merit of its 191 >bulky amino acids - to elongate and squeeze through the oral membrane. This >matrix allows the hormone to remain intact as it is absorbed into the >circulatory system. > >7. What kind of research has been done on BioGevity? Research is printed in >our BioGevity techpack and in the BioGevity Brochure which is available to >everyone. The study involved was an independent double blind study. >What was noticed in the study was that there were positive changes in the >cholesterol, body fat reduction, weight loss, reduction of celulite, >subjective feelings of more self-confidence, improved sex drive and increased >strength. Also, improvement in hormonal levels and balance. Those who were >involved did not know whether they were taking the BioGevity or the placebo. > >8. Do you know that the term human growth hormone is rather a misnomer? It >was originally named that because back in the 30’s it was thought to >basically be responsible for our growth as we were growing up. However, >growth is probably less than 5% of it’s function. It is most importantly the >master hormone manufactured in the Pituitary Gland, which ultimately produces >all other hormones. > >9. Who needs HGH the most? Anyone from 30 years old and older. However, some >people are very deficient in growth hormone at a young age. The babyboomers >are those born between 1945 and until 1965. Those are one of the largest >audiences for this product. That represents about 77 million people in this >country. Starting between ages 10-20, the body’s somatotropin levels begin to >decline and after age 30, continue to drop thereafter at a rate of 14 percent >per decade. By age 80, most people barely produce enough somatotropin to >build a fingernail! > >10. Is it legal to sell Growth Hormone (GH)? Yes. It is not legal however to >sell actual “Human” Growth Hormone (HGH). > >In 1978 a patent was filed to grow GH in a microbial culture. Now anyone who >knows how to do this can. No one has an exclusive patent on growing GH in a >microbial culture. The patent has now expired. Dr. Roy Dittman is an expert >in growing GH in the microbial setting. > >11.Does BioGevity Need Refrigerating? No. BioGevity has a shelf life of two >years and does not require refrigeration. The GH found in BioGevity is >stabilized by the polymer matrix, eliminating the need for refrigeration. >However, the product should be kept out of extreme heat or direct sunlight >(e.g., on your dashboard or in your car on a hot summer day) to avoid >evaporation of the product. Also, do not freeze BioGevity, while it won’t >hurt it, it will reduce the potency to 1/3 of it’s original strength. > >12. Can you take other hormonal products with BioGevity? Yes. You can safely >also take DHEA, melatonin, natural testosteroneprecusors, phytoestrogens, >etc. By taking BioGevity (HGH), your body can utilize these other hormonal >products and precursors even more efficiently. > >13. Are there any side effects to using BioGevity? Some people experience >what you might call side effects, but these are actually good side effects, >because they have to do with reversing illness and imbalances in the body and >returning your body to vitality. Some of these side effects that some people >might experience are, skin rashes, headaches, constipation, diarrea, cysts >may come out of skin, fatigue, dizziness. But remember, this is only a small >percentage of people and it is simply part of releasing old toxins and >problems that need correcting. These symptoms if present, are temporary and >can be eliminated by cutting back on dosage and making sure you are drinking >plenty of water and eating healthy foods. Supplements which help to detox the >liver and kidneys to make them stronger can also be helpful in handling the >small percentage of side effects. If concerned, contact your wholistic >physician. Taking activated charcoal tablets can also be helpful to absorb >any extra toxins which are being eliminated by your body. This is simply a >retracing of your old health issues which may bring on a healing crises. > >A small percentage have reported minor skin eruptions on the chin area. This >is temporary and represents a cleansing of the uro-genital areas of the body. >Again, drink lots of water or work on cleansing the liver. > >14. Is more better? What about dosage? Everyone is different. You need to >think in terms of what your optimal amount. Your optimal amount may not be as >high as the suggested dosage and is the amount that gives you the best >results. Depending on your activity level and whether you are sedentary may >dictate the right levels for you. The label suggests an average of two sprays >three times a day. However, for some who are more sedentary, one spray three >times a day may be sufficient. If you are an athlete and need the extra GH, >you can easily use 6 sprays a day. > >Senior citizens and the elderly actually need more HGH than say a middle aged >person. However, they need to start out with moderate amounts and work up. > >Serious body builders will want to take about 4 sprays, 4 times a day. >Athletes burn up a tremendous amount of HGH and can utilize the GH. GH >enhances muscle strength and performance greatly. > >The ideal is to take your first dose in the morning (before meals), your >optional dose mid day and take your final dose at bedtime. Bedtime is >excellent as it will give your body needed GH that it can utilize at night >while your body is repairing itself. Spray the product under your tongue, >allow it to absorb for at least 20 seconds. Avoid drinking or eating until >you have given these few second for it to fully absorb. > >The way to know if you’re taking too much is if you eccelerate any side >effects mentioned above or toxic release. > >BioGevity is so safe that even if a young person under the age of 12 years >old drank the entire bottle it would not hurt them, it would simply break >down in their liver. > >15. How quickly will you notice a difference or improvements? Most people >will notice “something” within the first six weeks. But, a lot of folks >notice improvements in the first few weeks. You will first notice either that >you are better, or that there is no change, or that you feel worse. And, it >doesn’t matter which you are initially feeling because either way, your body >is in the process of making improvements. One thing is for sure, and that is >you will continue to make improvements in your body and health as you >continue to take it. Dr. Dittman has currently been using our BioGevity >formulation for two years and keeps noticing improvements. Those who are less >toxic and have cleaner livers will feel the benefits quicker. > >16. How does BioGevity help blood sugar? Research shows HGH regulates >insulin. Many doctors who have diabetic patients who are also taking HGH have >reported that their patients need far less insulin when taking HGH. >Injections of HGH may over regulate insulin and actually cause diabetes, >whereas small amounts of GH, such as in BioGevity, regulates insulin quite >naturally. > >17. How long should I use BioGevity? You can use it indefinitely, however, >you should do what is called “cycling”. This means use it everyday for about >a month or two then we recommend six days on and one day off. Every six >months it is probably best to go off entirely for about two to three weeks. > >18. Does BioGevity conflict with any medications? There are not any currently >known of, but if someone is taking blood thinning medications they might want >to check with their doctor. There seems to be some positive side effects >however, that those who are taking chemotherapy have less side affects from >the chemotherapy by taking HGH. > >19. How does BioGevity affect weight? Because GH is an intelligent hormone >and adapts to what the body needs. In clinical studies, HGH has been shown to >increase muscle mass. As we age muscle mass decreases and body fat increases. >The people who report weight increase are actually experiencing an increase >in muscle mass and lean tissue, and at the same time they are losing body >fat. Muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue. Less than 5% of women will >experience a bit of water retention at the beginning. This is part of the >process of regeneration of the kidneys. As one expells mercury or other >toxins out of the liver, what the body does is surrounds those toxins with >water. This is only temporary and usually lasts for less than two weeks. > >20. Can HGH or GH cause the spread of cancer or HIV if someone already has >the disease? In regards to HIV, one of the main bodies of evidence that >physicians refer to about HGH is that it has been used successfully with HIV >patients, particularly in the area of muscle wasting. Regarding cancer, there >has never been any evidence of any relationship, especially in such >microdilution. However, if someone does have cancer, they should check with >their doctor first. > >21. Can BioGevity enhance my immune system? Yes, HGH has been shown to >stimulate the production of interferon and natural killer cells and spleen >function. These are important parts to your immune system. Dr. Klatz >MD, co-author of “Grow Young With HGH” sites that when your HGH levels are at >their highest, that’s when you have the least chance of getting cancer. Dr. >Klatz is the President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. > >22. What about documentation of the use of HGH with Alzheimer’s? There have >been tremendous reports from doctors regarding Alzheimer’s improvement. They >have found improved cognitive ability. Older people need a higher dosage in >general. They may need twice as much as someone in their thirty’s. They >should check with their doctor first. > >23. What are the affects of HGH or GH on blood pressure? There have only been >reports of BioGevity causing blood pressure to go up where blood pressure has >been normally too low. Growth hormone is a very intelligent protein hormone. >It adapts to the conditions in your body. It has been shown to lower high >blood pressure, and raise low blood pressure. Dr. Dittman has never heard of >BioGevity ever increasing blood pressure in someone who has high blood >pressure. > > >(This Q & A sheet will be continually updated and added to as time goes on.) > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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