Guest guest Posted December 18, 1998 Report Share Posted December 18, 1998 Dear All, A very worthwhile read from this week's BMJ, Cheers etc., Lynette. _____________________________________ BMJ 1998;317:1688-1692 ( 19 December ) 0000,0000,ffff\ ll/317/7174/1688 Clinical review 1755 and all that: a historical primer of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy Brown, senior research scientist, a Bradley, private BSE consultant. b a Laboratory of CNS Studies, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Building 36, Room 5B20, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA, b Central Veterinary Laboratory, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 3NB Correspondence and reprint requests to: Dr Brown pwb@... In the political and economic turmoil of 18th century Europe, England gradually established itself as the dominant trading power. By far its most important commercial product was woollens, involving in one way or another nearly a quarter of the British population, which at 10 million people approximated the number of British sheep. Sir Walpole, the embodiment of pragmatic mercantile economics, was prime minister of an increasingly powerful and commercially inclined Whig government, and, with the agricultural revolution in full swing, the invention of the flying shuttle and spinning jenny and the imminent introduction of steam power would soon convert weaving from a handicraft to a mechanical process. Wool, already in short supply, was at a premium. In this setting, it is not surprising that in 1755 a discussion took place in the British parliament about the economic effects of a fatal and spreading disease in sheep, and the need for government to do something about it.1 Thus began the recorded history of scrapie. Summary points Scrapie was first described in the 18th century, but it was not proved to be a transmissible disease until 1936 Its position as the prototype of a small group of animal and human spongiform encephalopathies, including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, was not appreciated until a quarter of a century later, in the early 1960s The infectious agent, originally thought to be a " slow virus, " has now come to be considered a conformationally altered, self replicating form of a normal body protein, or prion Numerous mutations in the gene that encodes this protein have been linked to familial forms of disease Recent outbreaks of disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy and iatrogenic and " new variant " Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) have highlighted a disconcerting disparity between advances in fundamental science and practical common sense Anecdotes and antidotes Where or when the disease actually first appeared is unclear, although there is a suggestion that it was already present in northern Europe and Austro-Hungary before the beginning of the 18th century. It repeatedly occurred (or at least was exacerbated) in tandem with exportations of escorial and electoral merino sheep from Spain, either through ecclesiastical, royal, or in some cases private entrepreneurial activity. In general, the 18th and early 19th centuries saw a rapid extension of scrapie as a result of the practice of inbreeding to improve the quality of wool. As the practice abated, scrapie declined during the later 19th century but did not entirely disappear. In Scotland scrapie was first recorded during this period. Most mentions of the disease appeared in veterinary medicine manuals, dictionaries, and articles devoted to surveys of livestock diseases. One interesting example appeared in the German literature in 1759, from which the following paragraph is quoted in its entirety: " Some sheep also suffer from scrapie, which can be identified by the fact that affected animals lie down, bite at their feet and legs, rub their backs against posts, fail to thrive, stop feeding and finally become lame. They drag themselves along, gradually become emaciated and die. Scrapie is incurable. The best solution, therefore, is for a shepherd who notices that one of his animals is suffering from scrapie, to dispose of it quickly and slaughter it away from the manorial lands, for consumption by the servants of the nobleman. A shepherd must isolate such an animal from healthy stock immediately because it is infectious and can cause serious harm to the flock. " 2 In addition to the accurate clinical description of scrapie, two points in this excerpt merit special emphasis: firstly, scrapie was recognised as a contagious disease in sheep, and, secondly, scrapie was not considered to be a human pathogen (at least, not for the lower classes). Nothing we have learned in the past 250 years has invalidated these observations. Scientific beginnings Around the middle of the 19th century, veterinarians in England, France, and Germany initiated the scientific study of scrapie, including systematic neuropathological examinations, and made efforts to identify an infectious pathogen. In particular, Besnoit and his colleagues in the Toulouse school of veterinary medicine recognised neuronal vacuolation as a characteristic feature,3 and also attempted to transmit the disease to healthy sheep by inoculation of brain and transfusion of blood from affected animals, and by keeping symptomatic sheep with healthy sheep.4 The negative results they reported after observation periods of up to several months were certainly due to a failure to appreciate the extraordinarily long symptomatic phase of infection, a failure that 70 years later would also thwart the first experimental attempts to transmit a human spongiform encephalopathy. Undeterred by these results, the French veterinarian community continued to explore the infectious nature of scrapie, and at length Cuillé and Chelle, taking note of several epidemiological studies that pointed to incubation periods of 18 months or longer in naturally occurring disease, succeeded in 1936 in transmitting scrapie to two healthy sheep by intraocular inoculation of brain or spinal cord tissue from an affected animal.5 The incubation period between experimental inoculation and onset of disease varied from one to two years, shortest when inoculation was into the brain, longest when a peripheral route was used. In subsequent experiments, they also transmitted disease by using intracerebral, epidural, and subcutaneous routes of infection, and by passing brain tissue through a bacterial exclusion filter. In a grand historical irony, this landmark series of experiments was being confirmed at the same time in England as a result of an outbreak of scrapie in several hundred sheep that had been immunised against louping ill with a vaccine prepared from tissue from the brain, spinal cord, and spleen of sheep that were belatedly discovered to have been exposed to natural scrapie infection.6 The transmissible nature of the scrapie agent was thus established beyond any doubt. Fig 1. The major players in the field of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. ( " The Young Bull " by us Potter (1625-1654) in the Mauritshuis, The Hague, Netherlands) Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, the accelerating pace of veterinary research yielded many new discoveries about the behaviour of the causative agent: its distribution through the body after experimental and natural infection; its physical association with cell membranes; its susceptibility to host genetic factors; and its extraordinary resistance to standard methods of inactivation. Especially notable were two seemingly contradictory observations: Dickinson et al, using the methods of classical genetics, identified a gene in both natural and experimental infections that determined phenotypically different strains of scrapie,7 and Alper et al showed that infectivity survived a dose of ionising radiation that was incompatible with the biological integrity of nucleic acid,8 an observation that led to several theories about the agent being a membrane bound ligand, a lipid-protein-polysaccharide complex, or even an unadorned protein. Finally, and by no means least important, the successful adaptation of the agent by Chandler to laboratory mice9 elicited a collective sigh of relief from experimentalists, who had until then been obliged to work exclusively with sheep and goats. The human connection Then, in 1959, this endemic disease of sheep, unknown to or ignored by medical science, was proposed by the American veterinarian Hadlow to be analogous to a newly described disease of humans, kuru, an epidemic neurological disorder found in the eastern highlands of Papua New Guinea that two years earlier had been introduced to Western medicine by Gajdusek and Zigas. 10 11 The reverberations from these remarkable insights are still being felt. Pediatrician by training, virologist by experience, and genius by nature, Gajdusek had just finished working in Sir MacFarland Burnet's laboratory in Australia when an opportunity arose to revisit New Guinea. Once there, he and Zigas, an expatriate of the Baltic states working as a medical patrol officer, went into the highlands to have a firsthand look at kuru. Just what it was about this disease, restricted to a remote and isolated group of 15 000 people, that aroused Gajdusek's instincts about its potential larger importance remains obscure, but during the next decade he conducted a wide ranging campaign of scientific investigation, often in a running battle with the Australian colonial bureaucracy, which reacted rather peevishly to a perceived threat of " outside " medical exploitation of its own territory. Genetic, endocrine, nutritional, and toxic causes were explored and particular attention was given to the possibility of an infectious origin associated with the practice of ritual endocannibalism, which, although not supported by either laboratory or pathology data, was the theory favoured by everyone from missionaries to bush pilots. All conceivable means of detecting an infectious agent, including the inoculation of monkeys, were attempted, with a uniform absence of success after observation periods of two to three months. While these efforts were continuing Hadlow's observation was published, leading to an extension of experimental inoculations to chimpanzees kept under long term surveillance. In 1965, three chimpanzees developed kuru 18-21 months after having been inoculated intracerebrally with brain tissue from different kuru patients.12 Well before this result was known, the neuropathologist Klatzo had conducted an exhaustive study of the brains of 12 people with kuru,13 commenting that they resembled only one other human disease with which he was familiar Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), first described in the early 1920s by two German neurologists. Brain tissue from a patient was inoculated into a chimpanzee, and the disease developed 13 months later.14 Like scrapie, kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease were subsequently adapted to laboratory rodents. An unexpected twist In the years following these discoveries, the physical and chemical properties of the infectious agent, its distribution and titre in tissues of infected animals, and its host range were studied. Though knowledge of the biology of the agent was advancing, knowledge of its molecular biology remained scarce because of the technical difficulty of separating the infectious agent from contaminating host components. Alper's work had strongly suggested that nucleic acid was not needed for replication, but without an alternative molecule to work with, theories of replication directed by protein were merely untestable intellectual gymnastics. This point was not lost on the American neurologist Prusiner, who correctly saw that further advances needed better purification methods. After several years of work, he obtained a highly purified infectious preparation that yielded an N-terminal peptide sequence sufficient for the corresponding cDNA to " fish out " the encoding nucleic acid of a full length protein, known as PrP.15 To the surprise of everyone, this coupling of biochemistry and molecular biology gave birth to a protein that was encoded by a host gene and not by a foreign invader.16 The concept of a conventional virus was dealt a body blow. All that we have since learned from molecular biology has added to the presumption of a self replicating protein as the core or even sole constituent of the infectious agent, and further support has come from an unexpected sourcethe discipline of epidemiology. As the diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease became more precise, accurate surveys of disease occurrence confirmed a combination of rarity and randomness that made the idea of contagion difficult to entertain.17 Epidemiology also conspired with molecular genetics to show that the few geographical clusters of the disease all resulted not from environmental peculiarities but from familial disease due to a genetic mutation in the gene on chromosome 20 that encodes PrP. Thus, both sporadic and familial disease seemed not to be associated with any outside influence: in the immortal words of Pogo, the American comic strip character, " We have seen the enemy, and they are us. " In the past decade, a remarkable amount of work has been done in different countries and laboratories to determine the precise basis of infectivity in transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, and to find some means to protect both humans and animals from becoming infected. On the first count, there have already been spectacular results, whereas on the second count the record is marred by three missed opportunities that instead led to tragedies. Two of them (human growth hormone and dura mater grafts) might have been foreseen; the third (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) is best ascribed to plain bad luck. Some successes . . . We have learned that PrP is not distinguished from the universe of proteins by any unique structural featuresit is in the lower middle range in size (35 000 Daltons), has an octapeptide coding repeat region, two asparagine-linked sugar moieties enclosed within a disulphide bridge, and a glycolipid membrane anchor. Because its primary structure is identical in both normal and disease states, it has been concluded that the molecular basis of disease results from a critical switch in the protein's mix of three dimensional patterns from a predominantly -helix to -sheet configuration, changing from a " floppy " soluble amyloid to a " stiff " insoluble amyloid, rather like turning a chiffon curtain into a Venetian blind. This conversion has also been accomplished in vitro, but a significant parallel change in infectivity has so far been impossible to measure. View larger version (21K): [in this window] [in a new window] Fig 2. Artist's conception of the formation of abnormal PrP molecules, in which a normal molecule with three -helices (red coils) and one -sheet (yellow plate) (left panel) is configurationally altered by the proximity of an abnormal molecule with one -helix and four -sheets (right panel), leading to a cascade of molecular aggregation into visualisable deposits of amyloid in the brain. Exactly how this happens remains a mystery (Courtesy of WGBH/NOVA, Boston, and BBC/HORIZON, London) In cells the protein moves along the usual pathways of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus in its post-translational adolescence, attaches to the plasma membrane during its maturity, and then in senescence re-enters the cytoplasm, where it is catabolised. Its normal function is unknown, although it may be involved in the process of synaptic repolarisations. In the diseased host, the configurationally altered protein is either deposited extracellularly as amyloid plaques or concentrated intracellularly in the synaptosomal region. Either way, its catabolism is impaired, and insoluble amyloid protein accumulates. Although the only cells that seem to be morphologically and functionally compromised lie within the nervous system, the infectious agent is also present in many visceral organs, depending on the host species, route of infection, and agent strain (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, for example, has so far shown a very restricted distribution in tissue). The most thoroughly studied forms of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy are caused by oral infections, particularly in experimental models of scrapie, where the major pathogenic pathway, measured both by infectivity and presence of PrP, starts with the tonsils, intestinal lymphatic tissues, and spleen and goes via the splanchnic nerve into the spinal cord and on to the brain. A minor alternative route shortcircuits the spleen and probably reaches the brain via the vagus nerve. One scrapie model has recently found that B cells and follicular dendritic cells in the spleen are critical for neuroinvasion, but their exact role is not known. View larger version (30K): [in this window] [in a new window] Fig 3. Known and speculative interrelationships of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in animals and humans More than two dozen different point and insert mutations identified in the gene encoding PrP are responsible for the familial form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome, and fatal familial insomnia. All occur in a Mendelian dominant pattern of inheritance, and all are experimentally transmissible to laboratory animals. Evidently, these mutations increase to near certainty the likelihood of the transformation from -helix to -sheet protein, which in sporadic disease occurs in only one per million people each year. Once transformed (no matter what the triggering event), the altered protein sets in motion the cascade of molecular events leading to the generation of amyloid with the property of self replication. This, at least, is the theory. Molecular genetic manipulation, although not yet feasible in humans, has provided some extraordinarily interesting results in experimental animals. Mice created with a PrP gene containing the equivalent of one of the human mutations (P102L) spontaneously develop a fatal spongiform encephalopathy.18 Conversely, mice in which the PrP gene has been either made dysfunctional or excised, and which thus do not produce PrP, are not susceptible to experimental transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, and perhaps even more surprising, live to old age in perfect health (apart from an altered circadian rhythm). This suggests that the PrP gene is redundant in mice, and thus perhaps also in humans, opening the door to consideration of gene ablation therapy in human transmissible spongiform encephalopathy.19 .... and some failures To suppose that all of this basic knowledge might have translated into practical solutions for the prevention of disease would be deceptive. While these basic research studies were going on, three outbreaks of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease tested our ability to foresee problemsand found it wanting. Beginning around the mid-1960s, a procedure to extract growth hormone from pituitary glands had been sufficiently refined to permit large scale production. Glands were obtained from cadavers at necropsy and were pooled in batches of up to 10 000 for each production run. In 1985, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease was reported in three patients in the United States, and native hormone was immediately replaced by a recombinant product. Despite this action, the disease has since been responsible for over 100 additional deaths, chiefly in France, Great Britain, and the United States, after longer and longer incubation periods (up to 30 years) dating from the period when native hormone was used. It is clear that even when the potential risk was appreciated (nearly 10 years before the first case of the disease), most of the damage had already been done because of the decades-long " lead time " between peripheral route infections and verification of the disease; moreover, screening criteria were not always effective in preventing the inclusion of pituitary glands from cadavers in which Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease was unsuspected. Almost coincident with this outbreak, contaminated dura mater grafts were also discovered to have caused iatrogenic disease: since 1988, more than 70 people who had received grafts during neurosurgery have died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the contamination again resulting from inadequate criteria for screening donors and the pooling of batches of cadaveric tissue before or during processing. These tragedies have prompted much more stringent regulations governing the collection and use of biological products originating from humans, particularly from central nervous system tissues. Scrapie, meanwhile, had been quietly biding its time, waiting for the moment when, through human carelessness or lack of foresight, it would again attain the front ranks of medical attention. That moment came in 1996, with the recognition in young people in Britain of a " new variant " of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (nvCJD, or the Will-Ironside syndrome) that has since been traced with near certainty to the consumption of tissue from cattle infected with spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), they having in turn consumed meat and bone meal contaminated with rendered sheep carcasses infected with scrapie.20 The story contains elements that are still disputed, but it seems most likely that changes in the animal rendering process that occurred around 1980 allowed the scrapie agent to survive and infect cattle, the carcasses of which were then recycled through the rendering plants, leading to ever greater infectivity in meat and bone meal, and eventually producing a full scale epidemic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Recognition of this source of infection led to the imposition in 1988 of a ban on ruminants in cattle feed that by 1993 had turned the epidemic around, but the loss of some 170 000 cattle to date has brought the British livestock industry to its knees. The disease has also affected the tallow, gelatin, and pharmaceutical industries, all of which use products derived from cattle, and even blood banks have been seriously affected because of uncertainty about infectivity in blood donations from patients incubating nvCJD. There are currently just over 30 verified cases of nvCJD, and four to five new cases a year: whether they represent a small group of susceptible people or are the leading edge of a major epidemic is still moot. 2000 and beyond Despite these battle scars from engagements in applied science, we can look back with some satisfaction on the accomplishments in basic science during the century now drawing to a close We can expect that, during the early years of the 21st century, most of the remaining uncertainties will be resolved. These can be grouped into four broad categories: precise characterisation of the infectious agent, elucidation of the mechanism of agent replication, prevention or treatment of disease, and continued exploration for other candidate diseases. Although PrP is beyond doubt a necessary component of the infectious agent (and a growing body of evidence points to the likelihood that it is not only necessary in transmission but sufficient to be considered as the infectious agent), formal proof is still lacking. This may come from continuing attempts to show a parallel between the amount of infectivity and the in vitro conversion from normal to abnormal protein isoforms; or from the creation of infectious synthetic PrP polypeptide sequences; or from the native protein processed to crystalline purity, guaranteed free from any contaminating molecular species, yet still able to transmit disease. Precise characterisation of the infectious agent will not by itself solve the question of PrP " replication. " What is it about PrP amyloid (as distinct from other types of amyloid) that gives it the ability to replicate and transmit disease to new hosts? We know that the -A4 amyloid of Alzheimer's disease also derives from a normal host protein that in diseased people accumulates in the brain, but it does not have the ability to transmit disease to a healthy person. Why this difference? The answer to this fundamental biological question need not inhibit research into disease prevention and treatment, which may come from a more general understanding of the process of amyloid formation. Chemical manipulation of the cellular pathways involved in PrP metabolism or interference with the -helix to -sheet configurational shift to amyloid (the central nervous system version of a " beta-blocker " ) could become viable therapeutic approaches, and efforts to arrest and even reverse amyloid accumulation in experimental models are already beginning to show promise. Similarly, it will be possible to manipulate the PrP gene (or its expression) in familial forms of disease once genetic engineers overcome the technical problems that have prevented the results obtained in mice to be duplicated in humans. Finally, we must remain alert to the possibility that other diseases without known cause may share the pathogenic mechanism of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, and so be susceptible to the same therapeutic approaches. We should also be prepared to admit that " replicating proteins " may not cause other, more numerically important, disorders but may forever remain confined to the small group of " prion diseases " that are a comparatively minor burden to human health. Acknowledgments We extend our apologies to the many contemporary investigators who, because of constraints of space, could not be cited in the text and references. Competing interests: None declared. References 1.Journal of the House of Commons , 1755:27:87. 2.Leopoldt JG. 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