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> did anybody try an IV glutathione, what was your reaction

No, I didn't try it because it was so easy to find lots and lots of

people who got incredibly horribly permanently worse from it. I

continue to receive such reports every couple of weeks on average.

There is some discussion on the autism mercury list showing how using

glutathione IV creates an unphysiological state that is dangerous

beacuse it mobilizes and redistributes heavy metals, and discussing

how to achieve the same benefits using safe interventions.

Andy . . .. . . . . . .

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It's been a year now since I had the last of my amalgams removed. My ND

gave me an IV of Super Minerals and Vitamins with a separate IV of

Glutathione the day before oral surgery to repair my dissolved jaw bone and

extraction of some teeth. Two days after the surgery, I felt as if I could

leap tall buildings with a single bound and my mind was equally as strong.

For the next two weeks, I felt unbelievable better than I had ever felt in my

life - really. Upon celebrating the news with my ND, he explained that it

had been due to the Glutathione IV resulting in my request for more please.

The next three EDTA IV's were followed by 10 cc of Glutathione but the

wonderful feeling never returned.


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I have had repeated glutathione IVs....while using only ozone saunas,

for months with clearly wonderful benefits from the glutathione....in

the later months I did a few rounds of DMSA and sporatic glutathione

IVs....and again observed benefits from the IVs.

I have been on three mercury email lists for two years come January

and I haven't heard of anyone reporting a bad reaction to a

glutathione IV....perhaps I missed them?


At 7:41 AM +0000 11/21/02, andrewhallcutler wrote:

> > did anybody try an IV glutathione, what was your reaction


>No, I didn't try it because it was so easy to find lots and lots of

>people who got incredibly horribly permanently worse from it. I

>continue to receive such reports every couple of weeks on average.


>There is some discussion on the autism mercury list showing how using

>glutathione IV creates an unphysiological state that is dangerous

>beacuse it mobilizes and redistributes heavy metals, and discussing

>how to achieve the same benefits using safe interventions.


>Andy . . .. . . . . . .




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> I have been on three mercury email lists for two years come January

> and I haven't heard of anyone reporting a bad reaction to a

> glutathione IV....perhaps I missed them?

I heard from so many parents of autistic kids about bad reactions with iv

glutathione... It's amazing (for me) that people are still using that, when

there are safer ways to raise glutathione levels.

It's my impression that kids who got bad reactions from this are having

something that looks like an allergic reaction (histamine).


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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

This is definitely a question to discuss with your doctor.

Elaine believed that the body could only recognize and use its own

glutathione. She believed this because the studies done to date show the same


While transdermal glutathione raises glutathione levels in the body, the body

will not recognize it as available glutathione for use. Some doctors, though,

claim it helps stimulate glutathione production.

Meanwhile, some recent studies clearly show the best way, supplement wise, to

stimulate glutathione production is by increasing vitamin c in the diet...It has

the same effect in raising levels of natural glutathione within the body.

There is also a rate limiting nutrient, an amino acid, that the body uses in

the manufacture of its own glutathione..NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), as well as

small amounts of ALA in the form of foods like extra-virgin olive oil.

Reducing toxins in the diet also helps to free up the liver as well, healing


While we had basically non-existant levels of glutathione, we are getting

increasing levels from frequent, very small dosing of Ester-C.

Has your doctor run an amino-acid profile?


bjhhyoung pianogarden1@...> wrote:

Would Elaine approve of supplementing children with glutatione along

with the SCD? It appears from her writings that she believed that

your body can only use it's own glut. If you can/should supplement,

how much (6 year old) and in what form? ~Jill

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Guest guest

This is definitely a question to discuss with your doctor.

Elaine believed that the body could only recognize and use its own

glutathione. She believed this because the studies done to date show the same


While transdermal glutathione raises glutathione levels in the body, the body

will not recognize it as available glutathione for use. Some doctors, though,

claim it helps stimulate glutathione production.

Meanwhile, some recent studies clearly show the best way, supplement wise, to

stimulate glutathione production is by increasing vitamin c in the diet...It has

the same effect in raising levels of natural glutathione within the body.

There is also a rate limiting nutrient, an amino acid, that the body uses in

the manufacture of its own glutathione..NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), as well as

small amounts of ALA in the form of foods like extra-virgin olive oil.

Reducing toxins in the diet also helps to free up the liver as well, healing


While we had basically non-existant levels of glutathione, we are getting

increasing levels from frequent, very small dosing of Ester-C.

Has your doctor run an amino-acid profile?


bjhhyoung pianogarden1@...> wrote:

Would Elaine approve of supplementing children with glutatione along

with the SCD? It appears from her writings that she believed that

your body can only use it's own glut. If you can/should supplement,

how much (6 year old) and in what form? ~Jill

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Guest guest

This is definitely a question to discuss with your doctor.

Elaine believed that the body could only recognize and use its own

glutathione. She believed this because the studies done to date show the same


While transdermal glutathione raises glutathione levels in the body, the body

will not recognize it as available glutathione for use. Some doctors, though,

claim it helps stimulate glutathione production.

Meanwhile, some recent studies clearly show the best way, supplement wise, to

stimulate glutathione production is by increasing vitamin c in the diet...It has

the same effect in raising levels of natural glutathione within the body.

There is also a rate limiting nutrient, an amino acid, that the body uses in

the manufacture of its own glutathione..NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), as well as

small amounts of ALA in the form of foods like extra-virgin olive oil.

Reducing toxins in the diet also helps to free up the liver as well, healing


While we had basically non-existant levels of glutathione, we are getting

increasing levels from frequent, very small dosing of Ester-C.

Has your doctor run an amino-acid profile?


bjhhyoung pianogarden1@...> wrote:

Would Elaine approve of supplementing children with glutatione along

with the SCD? It appears from her writings that she believed that

your body can only use it's own glut. If you can/should supplement,

how much (6 year old) and in what form? ~Jill

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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> I have some research I will dig up that says that fresh, organicdill helps

> your body to make it's own glutathione. Maybe we should all make some

> homemade dill pickles...?;) Would this be SCD legal? Jenn & Kali 9 months


Elaine said the Kosher style dill pickles with just salt and pickling spices are


In Canada, Strubs and Moishe's comply.


For those of you who love pickles and want to try your hand at pickling at home.

(L= litre = 33.8 oz.)

Utensils Needed:

12 quart pot

1L mason jars (clean well, use new lids)

1L measuring cup and measuring spoons

Ingredients Needed:

Salt, Garlic, Dill

White Distilled Vinegar (6% acid),

Fresh Pickling Cucumbers (length to diameter ratio of 3:1)

Pickle Brine

Add 60ml of salt + 250ml of vinegar to 1L of water.

Mix until the salt is dissolved.

Packing Instructions

Add 4 cloves of peeled or chopped garlic

Add chopped dill (2 tablespoons)

Pack cucumbers tightly into the jar. (whole or sliced)

Add brine mixture to jars and fill to 1/4 inch from the rim of the jar.

Close cap tightly and place jars upright into the pot.

(Do not stack jars)

Fill pot with tap water to cover bottles and bring to a slow boil.

Continue boiling for 5 minutes then remove pot from burner.

Begin adding tap water slowly so the pot overflows slowly.

Adding water too quickly may crack the jars!

Continue until the jars are cool enough to hold against your face.

Store in a dark cool place.

Your pickles will be ready to eat the next day.

Carol F.

SCD 6 years, celiac

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> I have some research I will dig up that says that fresh, organicdill helps

> your body to make it's own glutathione. Maybe we should all make some

> homemade dill pickles...?;) Would this be SCD legal? Jenn & Kali 9 months


Elaine said the Kosher style dill pickles with just salt and pickling spices are


In Canada, Strubs and Moishe's comply.


For those of you who love pickles and want to try your hand at pickling at home.

(L= litre = 33.8 oz.)

Utensils Needed:

12 quart pot

1L mason jars (clean well, use new lids)

1L measuring cup and measuring spoons

Ingredients Needed:

Salt, Garlic, Dill

White Distilled Vinegar (6% acid),

Fresh Pickling Cucumbers (length to diameter ratio of 3:1)

Pickle Brine

Add 60ml of salt + 250ml of vinegar to 1L of water.

Mix until the salt is dissolved.

Packing Instructions

Add 4 cloves of peeled or chopped garlic

Add chopped dill (2 tablespoons)

Pack cucumbers tightly into the jar. (whole or sliced)

Add brine mixture to jars and fill to 1/4 inch from the rim of the jar.

Close cap tightly and place jars upright into the pot.

(Do not stack jars)

Fill pot with tap water to cover bottles and bring to a slow boil.

Continue boiling for 5 minutes then remove pot from burner.

Begin adding tap water slowly so the pot overflows slowly.

Adding water too quickly may crack the jars!

Continue until the jars are cool enough to hold against your face.

Store in a dark cool place.

Your pickles will be ready to eat the next day.

Carol F.

SCD 6 years, celiac

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Guest guest

Dr. Mady Hornig's study (from Columbia in NYC) showed that if you give a

mouse that has the genetic problem that causes the mouse not to make enough

glutathione, and give it thimerasol equivalent to the amount an infant

received in vacinnes, it will develop autistic symptoms.

BUT if you give the mouse glutathione FIRST then give it the thimerasol, it

will not develop autistic symptoms and will apparently process the

glutathione appropriately.

BUT this is PRIOR to the exposure. So Elaines theory could be consistent

with this.

Anyhow, this is exciting and I can't wait to try the dill. I hope because of

that angle it isn't OT! All I know is that the transdermal SEEMS to help my

son. I'm the first to say it could be a placebo effect or a coincidence.

HOwever I do wonder if we all react differently based on our genetic

situation with glutathione. You can still get poisoned if you don't have the

genetic issue , but you would need a bigger exposure to the poison I woudl

think. I happen to believe my family has the glutathione issue for several

reasons that again are OT.

This study will help lead you to others:


At this point children can be tested to see what their situation is with

glutathione, and I've seen reports on the autism boards that these children

do seem to be helped by supplemental. Feel free to email me if you want more

details on this piece, as this part of the discussion would seem to be OT.



From: pecanbread [mailto:pecanbread ] On

Behalf Of Gertrude Snicklegrove

Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 11:57 AM

To: pecanbread

Subject: Re: Glutathione

This is definitely a question to discuss with your doctor.

Elaine believed that the body could only recognize and use its own

glutathione. She believed this because the studies done to date show the

same result.

While transdermal glutathione raises glutathione levels in the body, the

body will not recognize it as available glutathione for use. Some doctors,

though, claim it helps stimulate glutathione production.

Meanwhile, some recent studies clearly show the best way, supplement wise,

to stimulate glutathione production is by increasing vitamin c in the

diet...It has the same effect in raising levels of natural glutathione

within the body.

There is also a rate limiting nutrient, an amino acid, that the body uses

in the manufacture of its own glutathione..NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), as well

as small amounts of ALA in the form of foods like extra-virgin olive oil.

Reducing toxins in the diet also helps to free up the liver as well,

healing wise.

While we had basically non-existant levels of glutathione, we are getting

increasing levels from frequent, very small dosing of Ester-C.

Has your doctor run an amino-acid profile?


bjhhyoung pianogarden1@...> wrote:

Would Elaine approve of supplementing children with glutatione along

with the SCD? It appears from her writings that she believed that

your body can only use it's own glut. If you can/should supplement,

how much (6 year old) and in what form? ~Jill

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Guest guest

Interesting results of the study, I believe this to be true! However, what the

study does not show, is any benefit to direct glutathione supplementation in

detoxifying the body, beyond the free radicals just ingected into the blood. The

relationship of this study is very casual, however, it is another confirming

aspect of low glutathione levels and vaccinations causing autism.

Remember too, glutathione levels go down, if the child is taking tylenol, or

even by using household chemicals. It is all the same to the body, body has to

process and rid itself of all that junk, from mercury to lead to red #40 to

dishwash powder. Glutathione is needed for it all.

I do believe genetically it is possibly to pass down the predisposition to

make lower glutathione levels, especially in lieu of parental vaccination and

own history. However, many things can bring a baby or child to the same point.

So, I like this study, shows a strong relationship, but as far as supplemental

glutathione, while benefit is shown against the ingection of these free radicals

into the blood, it doesn't help from the perspective of glutathione needed by

the body to unload previous toxin exposure that is being stored in the nervous

system and elsewhere in the body.

That is my own opinion. More studies need to be done, because as of right now,

supplemental glutathione use is just a theory.

You can access many studies from using google, and places like Pubmed and the


The autism research institute is an excellent place to get started with

research. They carry an abundance of research, on all sunjects.

Here is a link to what Dr. Hass says about glutathione and how to increase

body production. He bases this approach from what the research says.

As a parent, if one feels that something like glutathione supplementation is

helping, there is no research study that can counter that intuition, and believe

me, I am not here to argue otherwise. My posts are my own opinion and what I

know from my own experience and studies only. Each of us has to do what we think

is best.

I do see the value in Elaine's viewpoint and from the study conducted in

relationship to the liver working better as the gut heals, and stopping that

Vicious Heavy Metal Cycle that leaky gut keeps going. One thing I noticed, while

some people on SCD are using glutathione supplements, most of the people using

the supplements are not on SCD, for what its worth.

Now, in reading this article by Dr. Haas, if someone has low glutathione, why

not increase the body's ability to make it, whether the cause is genetic or

environmental (or most likely, a combo of both). Glutathione is made by the

body with amino acids. If those amino acids are in short supply do to leaky gut

and/or poor diet, targeted supplementation may help stimulate production more so

than the glutathione supplement.

We do have the glutathione issue as well. I moved from the US to overseas when

I was a little girl, and had a ton of vaccinations, that left me speech

impaired, among other things. Basically, ASD.


Carolyn Weissberg kylesmom@...> wrote:

Dr. Mady Hornig's study (from Columbia in NYC) showed that if you give a

mouse that has the genetic problem that causes the mouse not to make enough

glutathione, and give it thimerasol equivalent to the amount an infant

received in vacinnes, it will develop autistic symptoms.

BUT if you give the mouse glutathione FIRST then give it the thimerasol, it

will not develop autistic symptoms and will apparently process the

glutathione appropriately.

BUT this is PRIOR to the exposure. So Elaines theory could be consistent

with this.

Anyhow, this is exciting and I can't wait to try the dill. I hope because of

that angle it isn't OT! All I know is that the transdermal SEEMS to help my

son. I'm the first to say it could be a placebo effect or a coincidence.

HOwever I do wonder if we all react differently based on our genetic

situation with glutathione. You can still get poisoned if you don't have the

genetic issue , but you would need a bigger exposure to the poison I woudl

think. I happen to believe my family has the glutathione issue for several

reasons that again are OT.

This study will help lead you to others:


At this point children can be tested to see what their situation is with

glutathione, and I've seen reports on the autism boards that these children

do seem to be helped by supplemental. Feel free to email me if you want more

details on this piece, as this part of the discussion would seem to be OT.



From: pecanbread [mailto:pecanbread ] On

Behalf Of Gertrude Snicklegrove

Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 11:57 AM

To: pecanbread

Subject: Re: Glutathione

This is definitely a question to discuss with your doctor.

Elaine believed that the body could only recognize and use its own

glutathione. She believed this because the studies done to date show the

same result.

While transdermal glutathione raises glutathione levels in the body, the

body will not recognize it as available glutathione for use. Some doctors,

though, claim it helps stimulate glutathione production.

Meanwhile, some recent studies clearly show the best way, supplement wise,

to stimulate glutathione production is by increasing vitamin c in the

diet...It has the same effect in raising levels of natural glutathione

within the body.

There is also a rate limiting nutrient, an amino acid, that the body uses

in the manufacture of its own glutathione..NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), as well

as small amounts of ALA in the form of foods like extra-virgin olive oil.

Reducing toxins in the diet also helps to free up the liver as well,

healing wise.

While we had basically non-existant levels of glutathione, we are getting

increasing levels from frequent, very small dosing of Ester-C.

Has your doctor run an amino-acid profile?


bjhhyoung pianogarden1@...> wrote:

Would Elaine approve of supplementing children with glutatione along

with the SCD? It appears from her writings that she believed that

your body can only use it's own glut. If you can/should supplement,

how much (6 year old) and in what form? ~Jill

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Guest guest

Interesting results of the study, I believe this to be true! However, what the

study does not show, is any benefit to direct glutathione supplementation in

detoxifying the body, beyond the free radicals just ingected into the blood. The

relationship of this study is very casual, however, it is another confirming

aspect of low glutathione levels and vaccinations causing autism.

Remember too, glutathione levels go down, if the child is taking tylenol, or

even by using household chemicals. It is all the same to the body, body has to

process and rid itself of all that junk, from mercury to lead to red #40 to

dishwash powder. Glutathione is needed for it all.

I do believe genetically it is possibly to pass down the predisposition to

make lower glutathione levels, especially in lieu of parental vaccination and

own history. However, many things can bring a baby or child to the same point.

So, I like this study, shows a strong relationship, but as far as supplemental

glutathione, while benefit is shown against the ingection of these free radicals

into the blood, it doesn't help from the perspective of glutathione needed by

the body to unload previous toxin exposure that is being stored in the nervous

system and elsewhere in the body.

That is my own opinion. More studies need to be done, because as of right now,

supplemental glutathione use is just a theory.

You can access many studies from using google, and places like Pubmed and the


The autism research institute is an excellent place to get started with

research. They carry an abundance of research, on all sunjects.

Here is a link to what Dr. Hass says about glutathione and how to increase

body production. He bases this approach from what the research says.

As a parent, if one feels that something like glutathione supplementation is

helping, there is no research study that can counter that intuition, and believe

me, I am not here to argue otherwise. My posts are my own opinion and what I

know from my own experience and studies only. Each of us has to do what we think

is best.

I do see the value in Elaine's viewpoint and from the study conducted in

relationship to the liver working better as the gut heals, and stopping that

Vicious Heavy Metal Cycle that leaky gut keeps going. One thing I noticed, while

some people on SCD are using glutathione supplements, most of the people using

the supplements are not on SCD, for what its worth.

Now, in reading this article by Dr. Haas, if someone has low glutathione, why

not increase the body's ability to make it, whether the cause is genetic or

environmental (or most likely, a combo of both). Glutathione is made by the

body with amino acids. If those amino acids are in short supply do to leaky gut

and/or poor diet, targeted supplementation may help stimulate production more so

than the glutathione supplement.

We do have the glutathione issue as well. I moved from the US to overseas when

I was a little girl, and had a ton of vaccinations, that left me speech

impaired, among other things. Basically, ASD.


Carolyn Weissberg kylesmom@...> wrote:

Dr. Mady Hornig's study (from Columbia in NYC) showed that if you give a

mouse that has the genetic problem that causes the mouse not to make enough

glutathione, and give it thimerasol equivalent to the amount an infant

received in vacinnes, it will develop autistic symptoms.

BUT if you give the mouse glutathione FIRST then give it the thimerasol, it

will not develop autistic symptoms and will apparently process the

glutathione appropriately.

BUT this is PRIOR to the exposure. So Elaines theory could be consistent

with this.

Anyhow, this is exciting and I can't wait to try the dill. I hope because of

that angle it isn't OT! All I know is that the transdermal SEEMS to help my

son. I'm the first to say it could be a placebo effect or a coincidence.

HOwever I do wonder if we all react differently based on our genetic

situation with glutathione. You can still get poisoned if you don't have the

genetic issue , but you would need a bigger exposure to the poison I woudl

think. I happen to believe my family has the glutathione issue for several

reasons that again are OT.

This study will help lead you to others:


At this point children can be tested to see what their situation is with

glutathione, and I've seen reports on the autism boards that these children

do seem to be helped by supplemental. Feel free to email me if you want more

details on this piece, as this part of the discussion would seem to be OT.



From: pecanbread [mailto:pecanbread ] On

Behalf Of Gertrude Snicklegrove

Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 11:57 AM

To: pecanbread

Subject: Re: Glutathione

This is definitely a question to discuss with your doctor.

Elaine believed that the body could only recognize and use its own

glutathione. She believed this because the studies done to date show the

same result.

While transdermal glutathione raises glutathione levels in the body, the

body will not recognize it as available glutathione for use. Some doctors,

though, claim it helps stimulate glutathione production.

Meanwhile, some recent studies clearly show the best way, supplement wise,

to stimulate glutathione production is by increasing vitamin c in the

diet...It has the same effect in raising levels of natural glutathione

within the body.

There is also a rate limiting nutrient, an amino acid, that the body uses

in the manufacture of its own glutathione..NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), as well

as small amounts of ALA in the form of foods like extra-virgin olive oil.

Reducing toxins in the diet also helps to free up the liver as well,

healing wise.

While we had basically non-existant levels of glutathione, we are getting

increasing levels from frequent, very small dosing of Ester-C.

Has your doctor run an amino-acid profile?


bjhhyoung pianogarden1@...> wrote:

Would Elaine approve of supplementing children with glutatione along

with the SCD? It appears from her writings that she believed that

your body can only use it's own glut. If you can/should supplement,

how much (6 year old) and in what form? ~Jill

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Guest guest

Interesting results of the study, I believe this to be true! However, what the

study does not show, is any benefit to direct glutathione supplementation in

detoxifying the body, beyond the free radicals just ingected into the blood. The

relationship of this study is very casual, however, it is another confirming

aspect of low glutathione levels and vaccinations causing autism.

Remember too, glutathione levels go down, if the child is taking tylenol, or

even by using household chemicals. It is all the same to the body, body has to

process and rid itself of all that junk, from mercury to lead to red #40 to

dishwash powder. Glutathione is needed for it all.

I do believe genetically it is possibly to pass down the predisposition to

make lower glutathione levels, especially in lieu of parental vaccination and

own history. However, many things can bring a baby or child to the same point.

So, I like this study, shows a strong relationship, but as far as supplemental

glutathione, while benefit is shown against the ingection of these free radicals

into the blood, it doesn't help from the perspective of glutathione needed by

the body to unload previous toxin exposure that is being stored in the nervous

system and elsewhere in the body.

That is my own opinion. More studies need to be done, because as of right now,

supplemental glutathione use is just a theory.

You can access many studies from using google, and places like Pubmed and the


The autism research institute is an excellent place to get started with

research. They carry an abundance of research, on all sunjects.

Here is a link to what Dr. Hass says about glutathione and how to increase

body production. He bases this approach from what the research says.

As a parent, if one feels that something like glutathione supplementation is

helping, there is no research study that can counter that intuition, and believe

me, I am not here to argue otherwise. My posts are my own opinion and what I

know from my own experience and studies only. Each of us has to do what we think

is best.

I do see the value in Elaine's viewpoint and from the study conducted in

relationship to the liver working better as the gut heals, and stopping that

Vicious Heavy Metal Cycle that leaky gut keeps going. One thing I noticed, while

some people on SCD are using glutathione supplements, most of the people using

the supplements are not on SCD, for what its worth.

Now, in reading this article by Dr. Haas, if someone has low glutathione, why

not increase the body's ability to make it, whether the cause is genetic or

environmental (or most likely, a combo of both). Glutathione is made by the

body with amino acids. If those amino acids are in short supply do to leaky gut

and/or poor diet, targeted supplementation may help stimulate production more so

than the glutathione supplement.

We do have the glutathione issue as well. I moved from the US to overseas when

I was a little girl, and had a ton of vaccinations, that left me speech

impaired, among other things. Basically, ASD.


Carolyn Weissberg kylesmom@...> wrote:

Dr. Mady Hornig's study (from Columbia in NYC) showed that if you give a

mouse that has the genetic problem that causes the mouse not to make enough

glutathione, and give it thimerasol equivalent to the amount an infant

received in vacinnes, it will develop autistic symptoms.

BUT if you give the mouse glutathione FIRST then give it the thimerasol, it

will not develop autistic symptoms and will apparently process the

glutathione appropriately.

BUT this is PRIOR to the exposure. So Elaines theory could be consistent

with this.

Anyhow, this is exciting and I can't wait to try the dill. I hope because of

that angle it isn't OT! All I know is that the transdermal SEEMS to help my

son. I'm the first to say it could be a placebo effect or a coincidence.

HOwever I do wonder if we all react differently based on our genetic

situation with glutathione. You can still get poisoned if you don't have the

genetic issue , but you would need a bigger exposure to the poison I woudl

think. I happen to believe my family has the glutathione issue for several

reasons that again are OT.

This study will help lead you to others:


At this point children can be tested to see what their situation is with

glutathione, and I've seen reports on the autism boards that these children

do seem to be helped by supplemental. Feel free to email me if you want more

details on this piece, as this part of the discussion would seem to be OT.



From: pecanbread [mailto:pecanbread ] On

Behalf Of Gertrude Snicklegrove

Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 11:57 AM

To: pecanbread

Subject: Re: Glutathione

This is definitely a question to discuss with your doctor.

Elaine believed that the body could only recognize and use its own

glutathione. She believed this because the studies done to date show the

same result.

While transdermal glutathione raises glutathione levels in the body, the

body will not recognize it as available glutathione for use. Some doctors,

though, claim it helps stimulate glutathione production.

Meanwhile, some recent studies clearly show the best way, supplement wise,

to stimulate glutathione production is by increasing vitamin c in the

diet...It has the same effect in raising levels of natural glutathione

within the body.

There is also a rate limiting nutrient, an amino acid, that the body uses

in the manufacture of its own glutathione..NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), as well

as small amounts of ALA in the form of foods like extra-virgin olive oil.

Reducing toxins in the diet also helps to free up the liver as well,

healing wise.

While we had basically non-existant levels of glutathione, we are getting

increasing levels from frequent, very small dosing of Ester-C.

Has your doctor run an amino-acid profile?


bjhhyoung pianogarden1@...> wrote:

Would Elaine approve of supplementing children with glutatione along

with the SCD? It appears from her writings that she believed that

your body can only use it's own glut. If you can/should supplement,

how much (6 year old) and in what form? ~Jill

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Guest guest

Hi Jenn,

Yes, homemmade dill pickles are legal.

I have a cupboard full - made with Elaine's recipe.

Sheila, SCD 61 mos, 22 yrs UC

mom of and

> I have some research I will dig up that says that fresh,

organicdill helps

> your body to make it's own glutathione. Maybe we should all make


> homemade dill pickles...?;) Would this be SCD legal? Jenn & Kali 9



> Re: Glutathione



> > This is definitely a question to discuss with your doctor.

> >

> > Elaine believed that the body could only recognize and use its


> glutathione. She believed this because the studies done to date

show the

> same result.

> >

> > While transdermal glutathione raises glutathione levels in the

body, the

> body will not recognize it as available glutathione for use. Some


> though, claim it helps stimulate glutathione production.

> >

> > Meanwhile, some recent studies clearly show the best way,


> wise, to stimulate glutathione production is by increasing vitamin

c in the

> diet...It has the same effect in raising levels of natural


> within the body.

> >

> > There is also a rate limiting nutrient, an amino acid, that

the body

> uses in the manufacture of its own glutathione..NAC (N-Acetyl-

Cysteine), as

> well as small amounts of ALA in the form of foods like extra-

virgin olive

> oil.

> >

> > Reducing toxins in the diet also helps to free up the liver as


> healing wise.

> >

> > While we had basically non-existant levels of glutathione, we


> getting increasing levels from frequent, very small dosing of


> >

> > Has your doctor run an amino-acid profile?

> >

> > Summer

> >

> > bjhhyoung wrote:

> > Would Elaine approve of supplementing children with glutatione


> > with the SCD? It appears from her writings that she believed


> > your body can only use it's own glut. If you can/should


> > how much (6 year old) and in what form? ~Jill

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the


> websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Hi Jenn,

Yes, homemmade dill pickles are legal.

I have a cupboard full - made with Elaine's recipe.

Sheila, SCD 61 mos, 22 yrs UC

mom of and

> I have some research I will dig up that says that fresh,

organicdill helps

> your body to make it's own glutathione. Maybe we should all make


> homemade dill pickles...?;) Would this be SCD legal? Jenn & Kali 9



> Re: Glutathione



> > This is definitely a question to discuss with your doctor.

> >

> > Elaine believed that the body could only recognize and use its


> glutathione. She believed this because the studies done to date

show the

> same result.

> >

> > While transdermal glutathione raises glutathione levels in the

body, the

> body will not recognize it as available glutathione for use. Some


> though, claim it helps stimulate glutathione production.

> >

> > Meanwhile, some recent studies clearly show the best way,


> wise, to stimulate glutathione production is by increasing vitamin

c in the

> diet...It has the same effect in raising levels of natural


> within the body.

> >

> > There is also a rate limiting nutrient, an amino acid, that

the body

> uses in the manufacture of its own glutathione..NAC (N-Acetyl-

Cysteine), as

> well as small amounts of ALA in the form of foods like extra-

virgin olive

> oil.

> >

> > Reducing toxins in the diet also helps to free up the liver as


> healing wise.

> >

> > While we had basically non-existant levels of glutathione, we


> getting increasing levels from frequent, very small dosing of


> >

> > Has your doctor run an amino-acid profile?

> >

> > Summer

> >

> > bjhhyoung wrote:

> > Would Elaine approve of supplementing children with glutatione


> > with the SCD? It appears from her writings that she believed


> > your body can only use it's own glut. If you can/should


> > how much (6 year old) and in what form? ~Jill

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the


> websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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