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Hi, everyone! Thanks for all your get well wishes -- I feel them working. A

little, anyway. :) I'm still fighting the dehydration battle with my

decongestants, but my ketostick says I'm winning! Yippee!!

Speaking of ketostix, I wanted to comment on the Hellars ketosis statements on

Oprah yesterday, and some of the resulting confusion. I was very concerned

about the safety of the Atkins plan before I started, and I sought out the

opinion of a medical professional. He explained that many people (medical

professionals included) confuse ketosis with ketoacidosis. (Note: There's a

really good article on this on one of the low-carb web sites, but I've been to

so many I can't remember which one! Aarrgh!) Ketosis is safe -- it's your body

burning its own fat stores. Ketoacidosis can result from ketosis, but the two

don't necessarily go hand in hand. Ketoacidosis means there are too many waste

products (ketones -- the result of the fat burning) in your body for your

kidneys to handle --the waste isn't getting flushed out efficiently. Your body

is poisoning itself with waste. That's why we gotta drink that water -- flush

out the poison! Ketoacidosis can lead to kidney damage,kidney failure, and even

death. That's why it makes me so nervous to see listers talking about the fact

that they don't monitor their ketosis! Yikes!! You gotta pee on those sticks,

people! Dark purple is BAD, and you need to be able to monitor that to stay out

of trouble.

End of Ketosis Lecture #421 :)

I've seen quite a few listers looking for products like Diet RC with Splenda,

Bran A Crisps, and Canfield's Diet Chocolate Soda. Be sure to check out the Low

Carb Connoisseur (www.lowcarb.com)! Lots of listers use them, but be sure to

check out their index -- they carry all the above products and LOTS more. Some

of their prices are a little higher than others you can find if you shop around,

but I've phoned them a couple of times about their products (getting advice,

suggestions,etc.) and they are always VERY helpful and friendly. So, I'm

willing to pay a few dollars more for great customer service (Nordstrom


I'm weighing in tonight at the gym. I haven't seen alot of progress on the

scales, so keep your fingers crossed for me. I could use a little

encouragement, and a couple of dropped pounds would be just what the Doctor

(Atkins) ordered! :) Gosh, this is long! I don't post often, so I guesss I

gotta make it count when I do post!! Take care!

in Atlanta


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