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Dear Barb:

Welcome to the RLS group. We're glad to have you join and share your " woes "

and joys with all of us.

I don't write too much. Mainly just lurk but I do read every letter that I

receive. Something that you said " struck a chord " with me. You wrote the


" My Dr. put me on antidepressants. I was on them for a while but I took

myself off of them, I weaned myself off of them like your supposed too. I

believe there is some kind of connection between antidepressants and rls.RLS

started with me when I was on a heavy dose of them about 4 years ago. "

Four years ago (almost exactly), an event in my life caused me to become

depressed. The doctor put me on antidepressants too. Yes, I did " mellow out "

and didn't want to kill myself anymore but I started to feel just rotten. The

doctor changed the medication several times but none of them treated me any

better. Didn't know that it was the medication. Then the RLS symptoms

started. Sort of like getting hit by a truck. I was always a restless

sleeper and had trouble sitting still but never had the typical symptoms until

I started on the antidepressants. I lived like a zombie for a year and a half

until I decided to wean myself off of the medication. Like you, I did it

slowly and therefore, properly.

My health returned. My free will returned. I didn't feel rotten anymore.

But, the RLS symptoms stayed. They are still with me today. Sleep is an

elusive and very precious commodity. I am on neurontin. Low dose. I do heel

lifts and calf stretches every night. The combination of these two things

seem to help me. I recently went back to work and find myself so tired these

days, that I that I am sleeping a little better.

Don't know if the antidepressants are the cause of the RLS but reading what

you said made a lot of sense to me.

Can anybody else out in RLSland make the same connection?


Rocklin, CA (north state)

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Just subscribed to this fascinating support group. Lord knows I need all the

encouragment I can get.(probably the same with all of us!)Im on

carbamazipine-1000mgs a day,this is an epeleptic med. thats supposed to help

calming the nerves in my legs down. I used to be on a much smaller dose but its

gone up quite dramatically in the last year. I also am on mirapex 5mgs.aday. I

started with 3mg. and in the last couple of months Im now on 5mg. I take vicodin

ex. at nite,3 pills. It doesnt seem to help any more.It seems that the rls keeps

breaking through.During the day my legs burn,they feel like the nerve endings in

my legs are coming to the surface and exploding.Does this happen to anyone else?

It doesnt matter if I stand or sit it drives me crazy.What happens when they run

out of meds to try? What do I do next? My Dr. put me on antidepressents. I was

on them for a while but I took myself off of them, I weaned myself off of them

like your supposed too. I beleive there is some kind of connection between

antidepressents and rls.RLS started with me when I was on a heavy dose of them

about 4 years ago.Im not tring to depress anyone(lol)I just wanted to let you

all know about me and maybe you might have any advice that you can send my

way.Am excited to here from all of you! God bless and take care. Barb L.

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Welcome Barb,

You sure have come to the right group for advice on rls. We all have

different things that we do, use and are prescribed to help and are more that

willing to help each other.

I seem to be doing ok on Klonipin and vocidin and an over the counter sleeping

pill at night. I think most of us will agree that the antidepressants will

make the rls worse so you might want to think about using them. As for the

million dollar question...what will we do when they run out of things to try?

I have asked myself that one too. Lets just hope sicience and the docs who

are just now realizing that rls is real will keep working on a cure.

Good luck on you never ending search for something that will work, and be sure

to keep us all posted if you find something that works....we are all ears.


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You know, I had to think back a few years (no easy feat these days of

xanax) I was able to control my RLS/PLMD with over the counter

analgesics. There were nights when I would go to bed and my legs would

bother me, so I got up and took some aspirin or tylenol etc... But, your

right, after I started on the zoloft my RLS/PLMD did get worse. It might

be interesting to see how many were effected the same way. But, yet, I

know there are people suffering from RLS who have never been on

antidepressants, my Mom and Daughter (10) are two of them. But perhaps

the A/Dep. make things worse for those of us who are prone to RLS

anyway... Food for thought I guess.


, Ca.

41 and holding


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