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Digging deeper

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Dear group,

Don't know if I'm overstepping my boundries,

Today I sent this email to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and

Stroke Research,

I received this answer shortly after I sent it.

Thank you for your insightful email.

I will convey your message to such a researcher in our Institute.

Sato, M.D.

At 04:02 PM 11/20/98 -0500, you wrote:

>To whom it may concern,


>My name is June Wharton from Laurel, Delaware. I'm 65 years old, Only in

>the past 8 years did I know my problem had a name. " Restless Leg

>Syndrome " . Unfortunately there is not enough research done on it because

>it is not well known, however many many people have it and don't know it

>has a name. I've had it almost all my life. As a child I would pound on

>my legs and couldn't sit still, and was told it was growing pains. It

>doesn't become bothersome until you are older, so it's possible the

>children that are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, or just Hyper may

>have this disease. Eight or ten years ago My RLS reached the point that I

>knew something had to be done. If I were confined to a wheel chair and

>couldn't walk or move. I would rather be paralyzed from the neck down. At

>least then I wouldn't feel the sensations. These sensations are creeping

>crawling vibrations that make you HAVE to move. They come in waves, and

>if you can't move, you shudder and kick out and move involuntary. They

>only affect you when you try to sit still, relax, read or lay down to

>sleep. Walking is the only thing that will make it go away temporarily.

>Sleep, more than an hour or so at a time is impossible, so we walk in the

>night and find it hard to function during the day. Sometimes you're soo

>miserable you think you'll go crazy if you can't relax & get some quality



>I recently joined an online support group, through the Restless Leg

>Foundation. Reading through some of the letters, I noticed something I'd

>never even given a thought to before. It seems most of us have other same

>problems that just may have a connection with RLS. Neck & shoulder pain,

>lower back pain, knee problems Ligaments tightening in back of legs,

>arthritis, and even depression.


>We have a Dr. Levin is our support group that also has RLS. He has

>been very helpful to us. When I mentioned this to him and all the others,

>He said I may well be on to something. That is why I am writing this

>letter to whom I am hoping and praying can let the research department



>By the way, Most Neurologist have never heard of RLS. We've been ignored

>too long. Please give this some consideration. What you may come up with

>could cure many other illness along with RLS.

> Thank you,

> June K. Wharton

> 9 Nero Lane

> Laurel, De. 19956


> jwharton@...


Susumu Sato, M.D.

Chief, EEG Section, OCD, NINDS

Bldg. 10, Room 5C101, MSC-1404

Bethesda, land 20892-1404



email: sato@...

Well gang, do you think I've overstepped? Or are you justlaughing at me.

June 65, Delaware

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I think you have said your piece very well. You have asked questions and

raised concerns plus stated what most of us are going through at one level or

another. We have all tried at one time find answers to this insane monster

that has taken up residence in our bodies, groping almost blindly for any

thing that will help stop, just stop the unbearable sensations that accompany

rls in its many forms from mild to the full gambit of symptoms. Some have

tried treating it with the natural approach while others will and do try any

drug legal or illegal...it is indeed a hedious situation that seems to have no

end to it. I have found that the only thing I can count on for sure is that

with this disease " nothings for sure " . No complete cure, no controlling it

completely for any length of time, no rhyme or reason as to its cause nor any

answers to as what course it will take next. It gives no warning as to when

it will manifest itself nor how long the eppisodes will last. But, the worst

of my night mares is that it is progressive so I can count one having this the

rest of my life and that it will progress from one bewildering stage to

another, each getting more complex and each gaing momentum. No I don't think

you have over stepped your boundries because rls has no boundries to cross.

It just is, period. I hope for all our sakes some day there will be some form

of answer for us whether it be its cause or its control or willingly its cure.

Now we can be thankful that we have this wonder support group even though we

seem divided at times on just about everything we are an existing group of

people who share a calamity that has formed a fourse that standing alone

demands an answer. Remarkably we are a determined bunch and will not rest

until the dust has settled from the battle and the war is won!!! I cling to

that outcome, that one day we will be able to lead a life that is a joy to

live rather than this uncertain roller coaster ride though time causing each

of us a life deprived of all it could and should be!

Pray for that outcome...we are going to need a maricle. Keep us posted if you

hear back from Dr. Sato, I know he and all the people who are connected to

the research of rls consider it a concern of great magnitude both mentaly and

physically and therefore I am trusting they are doing their utmost to help us.

In the mean time may God be with us.


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Dear Lee, Thanks for the encouragement, I do believe they will come

up with a cure during your lifetime. Mine, I'm not so sure about, I'm

already 65, but I will pray, and fight to the finish. And if I can find

anyone else that might help if I write to, I will. Do you get the

newsletter, " Night s " ? I just got my first copy yesterday, and they

have some articles that sound like they are getting closer and closer to

the answers. Haven't finished reading it, but I'm encouraged. The first

article I read was on Research at the National Institutes of Health, and

they say there is evidence to suspect that spinal mechanisms might be

involved. At least they're looking into it. Well, keep on keeping on


June 65, De


> From: LINDA5222@...

> To: jwharton@...; rlssupport (AT) onelist (DOT) com

> Subject: Re: Digging deeper

> Date: Wednesday, November 25, 1998 2:35 AM


> June,

> I think you have said your piece very well. You have asked questions and

> raised concerns plus stated what most of us are going through at one

level or


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June, I also thoght alot on the article about the spinal research

going on. I think this is one good direction to look into. I also showed

the article to my Doc & agreed that was a good idea, he also is a

researcher besides his other responsabilities as a director of

adolecents at Western Psyc Hospital. He is glad when I bring additional

info I find on internet to help us both make proper treatment decisions.

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