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Re: Digest Number 112

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In a message dated 1/31/99 3:29:33 AM Central Standard Time,

rlssupport (AT) onelist (DOT) com writes:


Subject: I would like to know?

Does anyone out there got really bad pains in the back of their knees

(only when they go to bed) that it makes you kick our legs? I get pains

so bad that I can't sleep & when I do get to sleep it wakes me up. They

have run all kinds of test but they have no clue what it is. I rub

stuff on them & take pain meds but lately that doesn't even help yet if

i get up & sit with my legs Indian style it will lessen up. I don't get

it do you? >>

Hi ,

I have a similar problem as yours. The pain I have is not behind the knees but

just slightly above the ankle, extending about three or four inches towards my


The pain is really, really bad and I wear a type of stocking called Juzo,

which help, and also at bedtime more often than not, I wrap my legs in ace

bandage with GOOD pressure around the ankle.

I get relief with Ultram, but it takes over an hour to kick in. It is really

awful when this happens when I am away from home, like at the mall, the movies

or visiting with my in-laws. Mostly though it occurs at night at bedtime.

I am not sure if this info will help you any, except that 'you are not alone'.

Good luck.


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  • 11 months later...

I'd like to know if anyone is familiar with a procedure called " myofascial

release " that is done by physical therapists?? And if they've had any

improvement in their muscles with it.... We're about to start it with my

son, who is 20 this week, and supposedly this PT is very CMT knowledgeable.

Thanks! Martha

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Martha -- this this a little late to be responding to your question

but I've been moving (both house and office). I strongly believe

that massage in general is very beneficial for anyone and

especially for people with CMT. As to myofascial release, I took

a nasty spill on my crutches after surgery and practically

dislocated my shoulder. My regular massage therapist

recommended me to another who specializes in myofascial

release. What a wonderful experience. My shoulder healed

very quickly (only three to four weeks) in comparison to a

similar injury on the other shoulder which took more than a


I hope all goes well with you son. Keep us posted on his progress.


Re: Digest Number 112

>I'd like to know if anyone is familiar with a procedure called " myofascial

>release " that is done by physical therapists?? And if they've had any

>improvement in their muscles with it.... We're about to start it with my

>son, who is 20 this week, and supposedly this PT is very CMT



>Thanks! Martha



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