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In a message dated 5/23/2000 11:36:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

eprobbins@... writes:


Are you leaving to come south? Where will you be staying?

Keep in touch and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers; Trish

you are going to be amazed how quickly it is over...just a blink of

an eye.

God Bless, >>

Hi Sweetie, I am going to Durham on Sunday, I will be abused at the airport

by two of the nicest loving people, the Armours..lol I am staying everywhere

including the Homestead Suites. I might even sleep on and Steves

couch..lol Not really. They offered, gee no one want s me to be alone and I

just want to read a book..I have not been alone in about hmmm. 4 years. hehe

Actually a friend that i grew up with heard I was coming and she too will be

coming to visit. I am going to be exhusted..But after surgery I am going to

stay with Rick and Janet and just relax. I am truly blessed. Thank you for

all your support! I better get it together..bye for now..Take care!!

Trisha Lanman

Littermate June 1, 2000

packed and waiting

Las Vegas NV

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--- Can i be a dancer in my stillettos?


I truly always want to be a ballerina. I guess I have a better chance

at it now/soon then ever huh???

:Gentz says:

> ......Judi already said I could be a model.....So There!!!!!


> Future Sexy Genz


> metrishal@a... wrote:


> > In a message dated 5/23/2000 2:56:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> > smootgen@s... writes:

> >

> > <<

> > How come I have to dribble a basketball??????? I want to be a


> > too....My surgery is the day after Trish's how she gets to a

model and I

> > don't??????? BOO HOO HOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> >

> > Genz >>

> > Genz, you get everything else stop whining!! It's pitiful, Beside

Robynn and

> > I are the chachacha girls...

> > Trisha

> >

> >



> > Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:

> > http://click.egroups.com/1/4054/2/_/453517/_/959125066/

> >



> >

> > This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at


> > Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> > Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm

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Trish, that is terrible, too bad your knee missed.

I gave up my real estate license because I was not

about to show creeps in a house that was empty.

We had 2 murders, and one woman is still missing

here in Sunny Pinellas Co.

.......and Genz, You can still be a model/

Lv Judi in Fla

uoting metrishal@...:

> In a message dated 5/23/2000 8:54:10 PM Eastern

Daylight Time,

> smootgen@... writes:


> <<

> You're too late......Judi already said I could be a


> There!!!!!


> Future Sexy Genz

> >>

> Genz, Honey you be whatever you want!!! I want to be

the girl that punches

> the man i showed homes to today!!! He said to me

Trish, you would be one

> hot

> babe if you lost some weight. I froze and missed him

with my knee, darn

> it!

> I said no matter what type of surgery you

have you will be a dog!!





> It's amazing what can happen when people connect.

> Start an email group at







> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing

List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at






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Trish, that is terrible, too bad your knee missed.

I gave up my real estate license because I was not

about to show creeps in a house that was empty.

We had 2 murders, and one woman is still missing

here in Sunny Pinellas Co.

.......and Genz, You can still be a model/

Lv Judi in Fla

uoting metrishal@...:

> In a message dated 5/23/2000 8:54:10 PM Eastern

Daylight Time,

> smootgen@... writes:


> <<

> You're too late......Judi already said I could be a


> There!!!!!


> Future Sexy Genz

> >>

> Genz, Honey you be whatever you want!!! I want to be

the girl that punches

> the man i showed homes to today!!! He said to me

Trish, you would be one

> hot

> babe if you lost some weight. I froze and missed him

with my knee, darn

> it!

> I said no matter what type of surgery you

have you will be a dog!!





> It's amazing what can happen when people connect.

> Start an email group at







> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing

List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at






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Trish, that is terrible, too bad your knee missed.

I gave up my real estate license because I was not

about to show creeps in a house that was empty.

We had 2 murders, and one woman is still missing

here in Sunny Pinellas Co.

.......and Genz, You can still be a model/

Lv Judi in Fla

uoting metrishal@...:

> In a message dated 5/23/2000 8:54:10 PM Eastern

Daylight Time,

> smootgen@... writes:


> <<

> You're too late......Judi already said I could be a


> There!!!!!


> Future Sexy Genz

> >>

> Genz, Honey you be whatever you want!!! I want to be

the girl that punches

> the man i showed homes to today!!! He said to me

Trish, you would be one

> hot

> babe if you lost some weight. I froze and missed him

with my knee, darn

> it!

> I said no matter what type of surgery you

have you will be a dog!!





> It's amazing what can happen when people connect.

> Start an email group at







> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing

List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at






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Trish wrote:

>Trish, you would be one hot

> babe if you lost some weight.

> I said no matter what type of surgery you have you will be

a dog!!

YUCK, The hair on my arms stood up when I read your email.

What's with it?

It's a shame the world is just full of people like this..

Unfortunatly this is what the world has become ........No morals. Our

children are doomed to this world of immorality.

I m so sorry Trish this happened to you, but you know what I m real

sorry for he's a lost soul..GOD have mercy on him!

Love In Christ


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What a jerk!!!!!!!!! I can't believe he was so brazen. Didn't you tell him

that you are one hot babe NOW!!!!!

Deck Him,


metrishal@... wrote:

> In a message dated 5/23/2000 8:54:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> smootgen@... writes:


> <<

> You're too late......Judi already said I could be a model.....So There!!!!!


> Future Sexy Genz

> >>

> Genz, Honey you be whatever you want!!! I want to be the girl that punches

> the man i showed homes to today!!! He said to me Trish, you would be one hot

> babe if you lost some weight. I froze and missed him with my knee, darn it!

> I said no matter what type of surgery you have you will be a dog!!


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> It's amazing what can happen when people connect.

> Start an email group at

> http://click.egroups.com/1/3948/2/_/453517/_/959132008/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm

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In a message dated 5/23/00 11:49:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

metrishal@... writes:

<< They offered, gee no one want s me to be alone and I

just want to read a book..I have not been alone in about hmmm. 4 years.

hehe >>

Hey Trish!

If it's been that long, will you know how to act if you're left along??




MGB 4/10/00


15.25 inches lost forever!!

Dr. Rutledge (http:/clos.net)

" He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the

day of Christ Jesus. " - Phil. 1:6

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Yeah, Trash wore work boots and stomped on mine, otherwise that is a very

true sentiment.


Re: Trish

> Trish you're comming and no one will try to stuff you.

> You'll have lost a bunch of weight and probably

> put us all to shame. To me, this is such an important

> life decision that was'nt entered into lightly by

> any of us, that, the bond that hold us together is

> so strong, and the people we went thru this with

> are so important......that meeting these people

> face to face .....will be so gratifying and give me a

> great sense of completion to this whole process.

> These people will be remembered all our lives..

> .....as they left footprints on our hearts.

> Lv Judi in Fla



> uoting metrishal@...:


> > Judi, I want to come. I will be a good girl. the

> last time I was at a

> > slumber party I was invited to see if i stuffed. lol

> > Trisha

> >

> >

> --------------------------------------------------------

> ----------------

> > Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em

> here:

> >

> http://click.egroups.com/1/4054/2/_/453517/_/959083640/

> >

> --------------------------------------------------------

> ----------------

> >

> > This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing

> List at Onelist.com

> > Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> > Get the Patient Manual at

> http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm

> >

> >

> >



> -----------------------------------------------------

> This mail sent through Hitter Communications Webmail

> http://webmail.hitter.net


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.

> Remember the good 'ol days

> http://click.egroups.com/1/4053/2/_/453517/_/959095577/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm




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Wow what talent your son has. You better bring some pictures when you come

here. I want to see the whole family.

Rick is driving me nuts! He has so much energy now. He wants to do something

all the time. I want to sit here and chat and he wants to go somewhere. What

happened to my coach potato? LOL I'm trying to catch up on 350 e-mails while

he sleeps. I got your phone message. I can't wait to meet you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more day!!!!

Love ya


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Wow what talent your son has. You better bring some pictures when you come

here. I want to see the whole family.

Rick is driving me nuts! He has so much energy now. He wants to do something

all the time. I want to sit here and chat and he wants to go somewhere. What

happened to my coach potato? LOL I'm trying to catch up on 350 e-mails while

he sleeps. I got your phone message. I can't wait to meet you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more day!!!!

Love ya


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Wow what talent your son has. You better bring some pictures when you come

here. I want to see the whole family.

Rick is driving me nuts! He has so much energy now. He wants to do something

all the time. I want to sit here and chat and he wants to go somewhere. What

happened to my coach potato? LOL I'm trying to catch up on 350 e-mails while

he sleeps. I got your phone message. I can't wait to meet you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more day!!!!

Love ya


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Dear Trish,

I'm really glad to hear from you and that all is OK.

Did your IV infltrate also.....if so I think we may

have a problem as Lori's infltrated and Genz did too/

I'm Glad you like Mr Percocet. He did OK typing also.

If you had'nt given Dr R such a hard time and did

not wear that mini skirt into the OR, and grab his

buns yelling LET'S HUSTLE you would'nt be squeezed

and bruised. It's like Robynn said YOu asked for

it. All joking aside our thoughts and prayers are

with you for a speedy recovery.

Lv Judi in Fla

Quoting armr69@...:

> Hi all my MGB Family, Im not home and will not be for


> I was first (of course). lol @9:00 I don't remember

anything past

> them putting innthe IV. I was out! I had alot of gas

pain thru the

> first night. and I could not dinrk anything it made

me sick. I think

> the doc sqeezed me alot while I was under. I have

moderate bruising,

> some congestion, and I have swelling in my right hand

up yo my elbow.

> Broth is my friend!!!!! The Armours are taking very

good care of me.

> I had the best Nurse in the middle of the night(she

was a temp), the

> rest stunk!!!! Try to get in Pediactrics they care

there. I had a

> blast at my last 3 suppers. Clininc was fun.

Everyone was and is

> beautiful I felt kind of ordinary, especially next to

Genz she is a

> real Doll!!! I walked with Steve he is a little fast

for me..hehe

> \shelley the hospital rounds is Loris job I was just

filling in for

> her. Judi your angel is next to my heart.Thank

you!! I will write

> more later Rick is giving me the silly eye.

> I love you all. Hey Flo what did you think og

Chuck? He kept

> checking in on and ...hehe

> Trish


> 212 June 1, 2000

> Today who cares it will come off

> PS sorry for the typos but aahhh the pain pills are


> xoxoxoxoxox






> Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em








> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing

List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at






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Dear Trish,

I'm really glad to hear from you and that all is OK.

Did your IV infltrate also.....if so I think we may

have a problem as Lori's infltrated and Genz did too/

I'm Glad you like Mr Percocet. He did OK typing also.

If you had'nt given Dr R such a hard time and did

not wear that mini skirt into the OR, and grab his

buns yelling LET'S HUSTLE you would'nt be squeezed

and bruised. It's like Robynn said YOu asked for

it. All joking aside our thoughts and prayers are

with you for a speedy recovery.

Lv Judi in Fla

Quoting armr69@...:

> Hi all my MGB Family, Im not home and will not be for


> I was first (of course). lol @9:00 I don't remember

anything past

> them putting innthe IV. I was out! I had alot of gas

pain thru the

> first night. and I could not dinrk anything it made

me sick. I think

> the doc sqeezed me alot while I was under. I have

moderate bruising,

> some congestion, and I have swelling in my right hand

up yo my elbow.

> Broth is my friend!!!!! The Armours are taking very

good care of me.

> I had the best Nurse in the middle of the night(she

was a temp), the

> rest stunk!!!! Try to get in Pediactrics they care

there. I had a

> blast at my last 3 suppers. Clininc was fun.

Everyone was and is

> beautiful I felt kind of ordinary, especially next to

Genz she is a

> real Doll!!! I walked with Steve he is a little fast

for me..hehe

> \shelley the hospital rounds is Loris job I was just

filling in for

> her. Judi your angel is next to my heart.Thank

you!! I will write

> more later Rick is giving me the silly eye.

> I love you all. Hey Flo what did you think og

Chuck? He kept

> checking in on and ...hehe

> Trish


> 212 June 1, 2000

> Today who cares it will come off

> PS sorry for the typos but aahhh the pain pills are


> xoxoxoxoxox






> Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em








> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing

List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at






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In a message dated 6/7/2000 8:05:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

carljudi@... writes:


I am sooooo glad to see you post.////////////////

Lv Judi in Fla....missed ya >>

Judi, My angel I need yout Address to send my little friend back to her

Mamma, she did her job and I am so grateful to you for sharing her.

xoxoxoxoxoxo Call me not yet it is only 5:30. Im still on NC



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In a message dated 6/7/2000 8:05:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

carljudi@... writes:


I am sooooo glad to see you post.////////////////

Lv Judi in Fla....missed ya >>

Judi, My angel I need yout Address to send my little friend back to her

Mamma, she did her job and I am so grateful to you for sharing her.

xoxoxoxoxoxo Call me not yet it is only 5:30. Im still on NC



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WWEELLCOOMMEE HHOOMMEE///////////////////////////

I am sooooo glad to see you post.////////////////

Lv Judi in Fla....missed ya

Quoting metrishal@...:

> Hi Y'all, I picked that up in NC...lol Wow I had a

blast there it was so

> fun

> being picked on by the Doc. hehe And It truly was my

pleasure meeting

> everyone. Later I will fill you in on the real Genz,

I want to give her a

> chance to redeem herself. The Armours treated me

like a Queen!!! (of

> course

> Rick probably did because I was doing his chore, just

to keep busy). I was


> really bummed when in weigh in I only lost 4 lb. and

IM down 2 more this

> morning. BUT! I lost 3 inches off my waist..now

where did it go? It's

> amazing! My house is still here and was spic and

span when I got home

> (they

> are trained well). I wont be able to go into detail

like Barbie did because

> I

> would have to sensor out quite a bit of my

adventure,,lol However after

> they

> put the IV in I was totally out and only remember

seeing some faces flash

> in

> and out of my room and the need to walk. Sorry. But

all the last dinners

> and

> post-op get together's I will write about later,

First I will give Flo a

> chance to write about something (she needs the

fame).lol I fell in love

> with

> everyone there, yes even the wanna be stand up comic

the Dr. R...

> Gosh, Doc I have some juice maybe I could get you

booked for a weekend here


> in Vegas. Then you could have your name in lights

ooooooh I could see it

> now!! Barbara and Debbie are really nice ladies just

overwhelmed with

> everyone wanted to be first.. Please tell them you

appreciate then they

> truly

> deserve some praise and maybe flowers every now and

then. Well, I need to

> go

> Finnish my morning routine, If your not there you

soon will know how long

> it

> takes just to get to the food part. Oh yea, I am not

hungry at all, I have


> made a really stupid mistake, Janet and Rick forced

me to have some

> Gooseberry's (SP?) frozen custard with them, It was

raining really really

> hard and I was very vulnerable and weak so I

submitted to the pressure.

> Not

> paying attention to how or what I was eating (is

really bad!!)I ate about

> 3oz

> or so, then I walked up the stairs (to my lovely room

and bath) and tossed

> the cookies.....then dumped!!! then I slept for 4

hours. Please I beg of

> you

> don't eat it! and try to measure even by eye what you

eat, because you can

> be

> talking and not paying attention and suddenly your

whole body will freeze

> and

> you will have this incredible pain in your chest,

then you realize what am

> i

> doing that is way to much...And, well you wont dump

but you will have to

> lay

> down and recover, I have only did this twice and

never again!!! OK just my

> precious 2 cents worth (that is what my night nurse

called me, I really

> loved

> her)



> Trish Lanman

> MGB 6/01/2000

> start weight 242

> on surgery date 212

> as of 6/7/2000 208





> Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes,

explosive chemistry

> experiments.







> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing

List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at






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WWEELLCOOMMEE HHOOMMEE///////////////////////////

I am sooooo glad to see you post.////////////////

Lv Judi in Fla....missed ya

Quoting metrishal@...:

> Hi Y'all, I picked that up in NC...lol Wow I had a

blast there it was so

> fun

> being picked on by the Doc. hehe And It truly was my

pleasure meeting

> everyone. Later I will fill you in on the real Genz,

I want to give her a

> chance to redeem herself. The Armours treated me

like a Queen!!! (of

> course

> Rick probably did because I was doing his chore, just

to keep busy). I was


> really bummed when in weigh in I only lost 4 lb. and

IM down 2 more this

> morning. BUT! I lost 3 inches off my waist..now

where did it go? It's

> amazing! My house is still here and was spic and

span when I got home

> (they

> are trained well). I wont be able to go into detail

like Barbie did because

> I

> would have to sensor out quite a bit of my

adventure,,lol However after

> they

> put the IV in I was totally out and only remember

seeing some faces flash

> in

> and out of my room and the need to walk. Sorry. But

all the last dinners

> and

> post-op get together's I will write about later,

First I will give Flo a

> chance to write about something (she needs the

fame).lol I fell in love

> with

> everyone there, yes even the wanna be stand up comic

the Dr. R...

> Gosh, Doc I have some juice maybe I could get you

booked for a weekend here


> in Vegas. Then you could have your name in lights

ooooooh I could see it

> now!! Barbara and Debbie are really nice ladies just

overwhelmed with

> everyone wanted to be first.. Please tell them you

appreciate then they

> truly

> deserve some praise and maybe flowers every now and

then. Well, I need to

> go

> Finnish my morning routine, If your not there you

soon will know how long

> it

> takes just to get to the food part. Oh yea, I am not

hungry at all, I have


> made a really stupid mistake, Janet and Rick forced

me to have some

> Gooseberry's (SP?) frozen custard with them, It was

raining really really

> hard and I was very vulnerable and weak so I

submitted to the pressure.

> Not

> paying attention to how or what I was eating (is

really bad!!)I ate about

> 3oz

> or so, then I walked up the stairs (to my lovely room

and bath) and tossed

> the cookies.....then dumped!!! then I slept for 4

hours. Please I beg of

> you

> don't eat it! and try to measure even by eye what you

eat, because you can

> be

> talking and not paying attention and suddenly your

whole body will freeze

> and

> you will have this incredible pain in your chest,

then you realize what am

> i

> doing that is way to much...And, well you wont dump

but you will have to

> lay

> down and recover, I have only did this twice and

never again!!! OK just my

> precious 2 cents worth (that is what my night nurse

called me, I really

> loved

> her)



> Trish Lanman

> MGB 6/01/2000

> start weight 242

> on surgery date 212

> as of 6/7/2000 208





> Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes,

explosive chemistry

> experiments.







> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing

List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at






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Darlene, I would trade hair color with you in a flash! I love your hair!

And that cute smile that never left your face. I wanted to steel your

grandson and take him home with me.. Yea, sorry about the phone,

unfortunately since the cell phone invented clients think you should be

accessible where ever you are. Thank God they don't allow them in the

operating room..lol I am also grateful my husband just shut it off, because

if anyone would have called after surgery I topped Blair in the

exorcist until they gave me pain meds..hehe Glad you guys missed that!!! My

husband said I scared him..lol I don't remember much, except for grabbing the

nurses arm and saying I need the pump now!..hehe I heard I offered to get it

myself. Sorry now IM rambling. it is 6:00 am here I have been up since 4:00,

im still on NC time. Yikes I better take a 30 minute nap or I will fall a

sleep @ 8:00 again.

Thanks you Doll!

Trisha Lanman

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Who are you trying to tell you are ordinary? Those of us who met you know

better than that. You are as beautiful as your posts. You have a beautiful


and long curly brown hair. The only unusual thing I noticed was that she had a

phone permanently affixed to her head. I followed Rexanne's advice and made my

last meal yogurt. I had no gas and no yeast infection. I don't know if this is

why I was so fortunate but it may be. I was wondering if you talked him into

" those 2 extra feet " , I know at clinic you were fighting for it. Please keep up

your posts and keeping everyone on their toes. If anyone hurts your feelings

just remember, we were told we would be vulnerable for awhile and think of it as

their problem not yours.


metrishal@... wrote:

> Susie, they strap your arm to separate attachments, its you boobs that we are

> wondering about. lol My husband said they really do something with them if

> you are well...you know large..And do eat now don't eat a few days before,

> you want as much as you can get until a week before! I didn't eat for 6

> weeks then I ate everything when I there. . big mistake, darn it he should

> have taken more..lol oh gotta run I need to keep Barbie on her feet, you The

> picnic is just a few months away. and all that stuff about me being cute,

> well funny maybe, but I am just ordinary when it comes to looks...Congrads

> again...yippee for you. see ya soon on the other side!!


> Trish Lanman

> MGB 6/01/2000

> start weight 242

> on surgery date 212

> as of 6/8/2000 205


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Get your cash there fast.

> Use PayPal to send money via email.

> Sign up today.

> http://click.egroups.com/1/5025/2/_/453517/_/960549044/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm

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Who are you trying to tell you are ordinary? Those of us who met you know

better than that. You are as beautiful as your posts. You have a beautiful


and long curly brown hair. The only unusual thing I noticed was that she had a

phone permanently affixed to her head. I followed Rexanne's advice and made my

last meal yogurt. I had no gas and no yeast infection. I don't know if this is

why I was so fortunate but it may be. I was wondering if you talked him into

" those 2 extra feet " , I know at clinic you were fighting for it. Please keep up

your posts and keeping everyone on their toes. If anyone hurts your feelings

just remember, we were told we would be vulnerable for awhile and think of it as

their problem not yours.


metrishal@... wrote:

> Susie, they strap your arm to separate attachments, its you boobs that we are

> wondering about. lol My husband said they really do something with them if

> you are well...you know large..And do eat now don't eat a few days before,

> you want as much as you can get until a week before! I didn't eat for 6

> weeks then I ate everything when I there. . big mistake, darn it he should

> have taken more..lol oh gotta run I need to keep Barbie on her feet, you The

> picnic is just a few months away. and all that stuff about me being cute,

> well funny maybe, but I am just ordinary when it comes to looks...Congrads

> again...yippee for you. see ya soon on the other side!!


> Trish Lanman

> MGB 6/01/2000

> start weight 242

> on surgery date 212

> as of 6/8/2000 205


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Get your cash there fast.

> Use PayPal to send money via email.

> Sign up today.

> http://click.egroups.com/1/5025/2/_/453517/_/960549044/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm

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Guest guest


Who are you trying to tell you are ordinary? Those of us who met you know

better than that. You are as beautiful as your posts. You have a beautiful


and long curly brown hair. The only unusual thing I noticed was that she had a

phone permanently affixed to her head. I followed Rexanne's advice and made my

last meal yogurt. I had no gas and no yeast infection. I don't know if this is

why I was so fortunate but it may be. I was wondering if you talked him into

" those 2 extra feet " , I know at clinic you were fighting for it. Please keep up

your posts and keeping everyone on their toes. If anyone hurts your feelings

just remember, we were told we would be vulnerable for awhile and think of it as

their problem not yours.


metrishal@... wrote:

> Susie, they strap your arm to separate attachments, its you boobs that we are

> wondering about. lol My husband said they really do something with them if

> you are well...you know large..And do eat now don't eat a few days before,

> you want as much as you can get until a week before! I didn't eat for 6

> weeks then I ate everything when I there. . big mistake, darn it he should

> have taken more..lol oh gotta run I need to keep Barbie on her feet, you The

> picnic is just a few months away. and all that stuff about me being cute,

> well funny maybe, but I am just ordinary when it comes to looks...Congrads

> again...yippee for you. see ya soon on the other side!!


> Trish Lanman

> MGB 6/01/2000

> start weight 242

> on surgery date 212

> as of 6/8/2000 205


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Get your cash there fast.

> Use PayPal to send money via email.

> Sign up today.

> http://click.egroups.com/1/5025/2/_/453517/_/960549044/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm

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