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Re: Janes comment re:natural vs conventional

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Dear Jane.

I agree with a great deal of what you say. However, some years back in

Australia there was a big expose of GP's who were yielding to the

influence of large corporate drug Co's and the promised quirks and fringe

benefits they promised if the GP's prescribed THEIR medication. A GP some

years ago told me to take antibiotics for the flu, even though there was no

indication of a secondary infection. She said " it can't hurt " when I


It is possible you could see why I am suspicious of doctors.

Everyone MUST have a simple, easy to understand book in the house dealing

with all available medications for easy reference, as the medication is

only as good as the doctor who prescribes it. We all have a duty to our

bodies which requires that we check out everything that practitioners

(traditional or otherwise) ask us to put down our throats, up other places,

rub in, suck on, or inject. It stuns me the amount of people who are

ill-informed with regard to what they are subjecting their bodies to. One

woman I know has a hip inflammation, that

requires medication. The medication upsets her stomach, so she takes further

medication to relieve her tummy pains. Her doctor has NOT informed her that

what would help is exercise (swimming has been recommended) and a change in

diet. An alternative therapist recommended this, and she was not

interested_ " Too much trouble " ). She now cheats when she goes out to

restaurants and orders meals high in fat and sugar etc that she knows will

cause her ulcer to flare up, but she takes her tummy medication to PREVENT

flare-ups BEFORE she goes out, so she can eat twice as much as she usually

does. Her GP is aware of this. but has told her not to do it " too often " -How

irresponsible is that!?!

For years I have gone to doctor to be diagnosed,but after diagnosis, gone

home to the kitchen cupboard and treated myself. Before you recoil in

horror, remember that many (NOT ALL) " alternative " therapies have stood the

test of time and have history to quote for their controlled, blind studies.

If it had not been for " alternative " therapists using white willow bark

(salix alba) for centuries, we would never have discovered aspirin. Aspirin

is now manufactured synthetically, and since its artificial production, is

causing problems that have not been apparent throughout its years of use in

" herbal " form. I had tinea some weeks back, and medication recommended

required that I use it for one week, and if that didn't clear it up, try an

alternate medication,(the fungus is an intelligent little blighter that

adapts to conventional medication fast, as what the stuff does is try to

kill the fungus), and if that doesn't work, alternate the two for another

week. I solved the problem in two days by using soaks in cider vinegar, tea

tree oil(do you have that over there?), followed by the sprinkling of

turmeric from the pantry. I created an UNFAVOURABLE environment for the

fungus so it died naturally.Turmeric has been tested and found to be a

potent anti-fungal and has withstood the test-not in a laboratory-, but the

test of time. And do you know why doctors sneer? - because turmeric costs

89c a pack- the anti-fungal meds cost $8.95. If doctors are required to do

no harm and search for cures, then you'd think they would be interested.

Antibiotic are becoming useless, as are ant-viral agents, as western

medicine has over-prescribed these so- called medications that have been

tested in labs in controlled blind studies. Western medicine continues to

treat(kill etc) the symptoms from above so to speak rather that from within.

Their lack of ability to see the bigger picture often infuriates me but I

have to realize that if the technology and diagnostic capabilities of

doctors were to be combined with the approach of alternative therapists

then quacks would be run out of town, irresponsible practitioners would be

severely punished, and I think that the public would be better off. I will

take medication if only absolutely necessary, and my fully qualified

doctor who is also a fully trained homeopath understands this. But even she

did not tell me about the side-effects (she said there were none) of a

sleeping pill she prescribed for me last Dec when my PLMS was quite severe

and I needed

something to " break the cycle " of sleeplessness. The chemist I was going to

purchase them from told me the side-effects were quite severe for the

morning, and a good deal of the day after. Her homeopathic remedy however


Anti-hystamines are also abused as it intereferes with the natural

biological functions of the body. Here's a biology lesson for you: The air

we breathe is supposed to have a degree of moisture contained in it. What

are called epythyllium -which are little hair-like things in our noses- are

designed to use the moisture in the air to remain pliable and free-moving so

they can sweep away mucous and dust etc. in our nasal passages while we

breathe, keeping our lungs clear and the mucous loose and liquid.However,

due to greater concentrations of positive ions in the air,pollution, the

use of air conditioners in the summer and drying heaters in the winter ,

the air we breathe no longer has the amount of moisture necessary for the

epythyllium to do their job. They clump and harden and essentially dry out,

causing mucous and dust to collect and harden/thicken causing what we know

to be the good old stuffy nose. When that happens, the nasal passages and

bronchial tubes dry out and become irritated,and the whole area becomes

ripe for marauding viruses and secondary infections. We go to the doctor and

what do we get ? Antihystamines which have been tested in labs in blind and

controlled studies. And what do they do?

DRY YOU OUT EVEN FURTHER!!! Doctors should take an elementary course in

biology. No wonder viruses are on the march. If you disagree, any simple

book on biology will state what I've just told you. Simple inhalation of a

bit of of salt water will go a long way to preventing colds or indeed

helping to cure them.

Back to PLMS and RLS:

I have been getting favourable results from taking 300mg of the nerve and

muscle mineral magnesium before retiring, and whereas there remains a slight

twitching in my feet, the huge sweeping jerky and violent movements have

subsided. It is interesting to note that since taking extra magnesium, I

have learnt that it is depleted by many medications (ALL the " -mycins " and

many cough syrups) including pain-killers, ( and indeed aspirin) and that

deficiencies are apparent in those who have diets high in cholesterol, who

ingest a lot of pasta,noodles, sugar and honey, and also have diets high in

saturated and hydrogenated fat (show me one person who does not have a tub

of margarine on the brekkie table) No doctor has told me this, this

research has been conducted fully by myself, and I am better off for having

done so. My body is not recoiling under the stress of having a foreign

substance dealing with the problem, rather I am coaxing my body to heal

itself by replenishing something it needs in order for it to do the job

better. My immune system is not being compromised which can occur when

introducing alien substances, it is being strenthened by aiding it to do

what it was meant to do. In order for a weight-lifter to lift a heavy

weight, he must train with smaller weights first. To run a marathon, you

must first accomplish smaller runs first. The body is the same. Everything

inside you requires co-operation and synergy. A sluggish immune system needs

to be trained- it requires the resources it needs to function in peak

condition, or it keels over.

With regard to your comment about " natural " remedies, I think you can see

my stance on the matter, however, some of the alternative theories and

practices being subjected to the ignorant and plainly stupid make my hair

stand on end. Did you know that the practice of wearing special small braces

or rings of a particular alloy on your toes and fingers at certain pressure

points can make you live longer??!!

Hey, even uranium's natural......

Regards, Helena 34, Bondi,Syd Australia

Original Message-----

To: 'rlslist' rlssupport (AT) onelist (DOT) com>

Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 6:39 AM

Subject: Re: origins of rls



>Hi Ann and Everyone,


>I am way behind in reading my mail _ I am in the

>process of working my way backwards so I have not read

>what said.


>So I am speculating, most diseases and disorders are

>not modern - they have been around - but perhaps were

>not reported on sufficiently or information about them

>disseminated (after all today we have much better

>communication, etc) or recognized and given a name. I

>am sure that many people died from cancer, etc. before

>a name was given to the disease process or their cause

>of death was unknown or attributed to something else.


>Despite the fact that sometimes the medicine that is

>prescribed for use doesn't work or has bad side

>effects, I am a lot more comfortable with medicine

>prescribed by a medical profession (i.e., an M.D.) and

> that has been tested and evaluated in scientifically

>sound, controlled, blinded studies.


>I am constantly amazed at the number of people who

>think " natural " (whatever that means, some of the most

>dangerous and toxic substances in the world are

> " natural " ) is better than traditional or prescribed

>medications. Why someone would think that because

>something grows or exists in nature it is better than

>something that man, through his research and brain

>and testing, has developed escapes me.


>I have tried homeopathic remedies - I am not

>close-minded - dozens - the only one I have had any

>positive experience with is Kava Kava - it does seem

>to help me sleep - off the soapbox - and on with

>catching up with my e-mail.


>I wish everyone a restful night.


> Jane


>P.S. To - with all of the noise lately about

>people hearing from you who don't want to hear from

>you, I just want to tell you that I have asked you

>twice and the list once for any information re Sinemet

>causing depression. I think you must only like to

>talk to people who give you a hard time, so when you

>answer me (if you do), I will post your message to the

>whole list (if you don't) - just trying to push you

>into replying (LOL) RAINBOWPED.



>--- Ann Cianflone ann@...> wrote:

>> , I hate to tangle with you but....from what I

>> have read, there is a

>> description of rls given by a Willis back in

>> 1685. " Wherefore, in

>> some, whilst they would indulge sleep, in their

>> beds, immediately follow

>> leapings up of the tendons, in the arms and legs,

>> with cramps, and such

>> unquietness and flying about of their members, that

>> the afflicted can no

>> more sleep than those on the Rack. "


>> Rls is hardly a " modern disease " .


>> I couldn't agree more about the marvel of the human

>> body and its ability to

>> recover from devastating damage to it. That it can

>> even recuperate from

>> prescription drugs prescribed by M.D.s is another

>> wonder.

>> Regards

>> Ann Cianflone




>> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/ms-tnef





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