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Re: Digest Number 79

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> Message: 7

> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 14:41:46 EST

> From: MetaMom123@...

> Subject: Musings for the New Year.....perhaps meaningless.........

Connie and all,

God forbid I don't want to be disagreeable, and it may work for some, but

it doesn't work for me. Being distracted, reading, getting my mind on

other things, concentrating on pleasant things, working on the computer,

nothing I can do will stop my RLS attacks. No matter how interesting a

book is, I can't read for long at all,

Remember, I told y'all about having a front row seat at a concert with a

group I just love. If anyone could have gotten my mind off my miserable

legs that night, they could have. It was wonderful, but I finally had to

get up, lose my seat and go to the back of the building to walk around, and

then sit in the back so I could shift, and wiggle and twist and squirm.

To suggest that the mind can control RLS, is like saying it is in our

heads, which is what many people and doctors already believe. I find it

hard to believe that some of you can concentrate on other things and it

goes away. Maybe it's because I'm older and it's worse and more often, but

even when I was younger and it came less often, when it was there, It Was

There. I really wish it was that simple, but I just can't go along those

lines, when I've tried them all. This is a muscle affliction of some kind,

like Parkinson's, Muscular Dystrophy, etc. and you can't just think it

away. If it were so, I would have done it years ago. Also why would

anyone want to do any research to find it's origin or a cure if they

suspect It's in our minds.

I hope y'all don't get mad at me for my opinion, but I just had to say what

I believe.

June 64, Delaware


> For what it's worth.........ne's talk about us being " mental "


> some thoughts to mind.............thoughts that many will consider corny,


> know.............



> > God Bless us All..........


> Connie





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June; don't feel like the only one. My Mom has had RLS for years. She

used to be able to work crossword puzzles, read or play games on her

computer and forget about her legs. Then she had hip surgery, and her

RLS got worse than it ever had been. She would go into full body

rocking. No longer would her concentration on other things help. Her

Dr. finally put her on mirapex this last year, she was able to finally

sit down and do the things she liked, rather than walk the house. So for

some people the power of concentration doesn't work. What worries me now

is that the mirapex seems to have lost it's effectiveness, she is back to

going to sleep at 6:00am in the morning and getting up at 9:00 or 10:00,

it seems I have read here that mirapex has that effect sometimes, I am

hoping it will start working for her again.

For ME, sometimes I can put off taking a pill when the RLS starts early

in the evening, by doing some bead work while I watch TV. So don't feel

like you are a failure. This demon RLS effects us all different, and

different things work for us. Just look at the wide varity of meds that

we are on, or different approaches we all take to the RLS. Do what works

for you, and if one of us comes up with something you think you would

like to try, then by all means try it, it may work for you too, but it

may not. It's like a daily experiment. I still give my Mom all the

suggestions I read on this list. Some she may try, others she says no,

not for me. Its her choice, because she knows best how her body responds

to this disease.

Well, this is way longer than I intended, I guess I'm taking lessons from

Jill.. hi Jill!!!

Take care and peaceful days and nights.


, Ca.

41 and holding


, Ca.

41 and holding


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