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RLS: SEP response/rutin

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Dear Group,

Last Fall, there was an issue of the Saturday Evening Post which had an

article on Restless Leg Syndrome. For a copy of that article, you can go

to: http://www.mLists.net/judson/sep1.html

A new issue of the SEP just came out, and it had three response letters to

the editor. One was from Virginia on, Virginia Beach, Virginia

(Yes, there were THREE " virginia's " in there). :) She is 81 yrs old and

had RLS during her 70's. She wrote " I found that sometimes aspirin helped

and that a rolled-up tbath towel placed between my inner thighs helped

relax my legs and let me sleep. " She also had problems with feet and calf

muscles cramping, expecially if her fee got chilly. She stopped working at

77, but continued her physical exercisises for about 15 minutes a day,

including " three-pound dumbbells and a Rubbermaid stepstool about 9 1/2

inches high. I did 40 step ups and step downs with each foot every day. "

After a year of this program, she realized she no longer had RLS, and

didn't have the muscles cramps, either. She's kept it up for 3-4 years and

no more RLS. She also takes Vitamin E, but believes it's the " step-ups "

that have made the difference.

That was the first letter. The second one was from Don Gladson, n

Clearwater, Florida. I'm wondering if any of these folks are in our group.

Hello?????? He called it " jerking leg syndrome " . He's had it for many

years with only 10 days a month, where he had attacks mostly at night.

Now, for the last couple years it's been half of the month and the attacks

start as early as noon, but usually at night, causing him to sit up all

night. About a year ago his doctor told him nothing could be done for it

and there were no medications. (HUH????) So, now, as SOON as he feels the

first jerk, he stands or walks on his toes (without shoes) for a few

minutes. He says, " This relieves the 'jerks' for about 24 hrs " .

Sounds too easy, too me. :)

BUT...wait until you hear this last letter. It's from Eva Hawkins, in

Benzonia, Michigan. She says she used to suffer from RLS, and is 80 years

old, now. A doctor " prescribed rutin (500mg) and vitamin B2 (25mg). Take

both at night. Rutin has to be bought at a health-food store. " She said

that a few years ago she stopped taking it, because she wasn't having RLS

anymore...and sure enough, it came right back. She says it's very


I'd never heard of Rutin....so I looked it up on the Internet. Here are

two short web sites to check out, if you are interested.



I'm definitely going to try some of this. In addition to possibly being a

help for RLS, it's also good for improving vascular strength, preventing

hemorrhoids (YES!!!!), and lowering cholesterol. Okay, so it's claiming

lots of stuff...but it's all stuff I have problems with, so I'm going to

try it. I'm still researching it, though, and looking for possible

interactings or problems with it. As always, if it's going to work, then I

figure it's potent...and deserves care in handling. Please let me know if

you know anything about it.

It's especially used to help with absorption of Vitamin C, and therefore

should help immunity, too. Sounds too good to be true....but we'll see.

Jill, 46

Payson, AZ


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