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Re: RLS/whiplash/chiropractor

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Yo, newbie with whiplash,

As everyone in the group knows already, I have reported many time hear about

how my RLS was " trauma-induced. " I didn't have it until I was severely injured

in the cervical region of my neck. I also asked another new member about

RLS/PLMS in the arms and/or trunk of body because I maintain that the trauma-

induced RLS/PLMS involves the arms much more than the " genetic type. " Indeed,

the fact that you have the Genetic type but after a neck injury experienced it

even more so, and in the arms to boot, is more proof to the large body of

information that suggests RLS/PLMS can and is caused by trauma to the spine.

Also, there have been numerous reports that RLS/PLMS was brought on by surgery

or made much worse afterward the procedure. Trauma-induced RLS/PLMS seems to

be very strong if you took the " group " as an average. Also, my RLS always

starts in the arm and usually is stronger on one side of my body over the


Any other info. I can supply, please don't hesitate to ask. Welcome. Put on

your seatbelt, it could be a bumpy ride.


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Dear NJD:

I'll relate my story to you about chiropractors. Last year, my sister talked me

into going to see her chiropractor, mainly because of the back and neck pain


I was having, but also to see whether he knew anything about RLS. I decided to

give it a shot and when I talked to him, he was certain that he could " cure " my

RLS, in addition to straightening out my back and neck. I went through the


" course " of treatment, 3x a week, 2x a week and on down to once a month. The


thing that the treatment helped was my neck pain, which did diminish quite

noticeably. As for the RLS, if anything, it was worse during and after going

through these treatments. I think that in my case, the excessive stimulation and

" adjustment " of my lower back increased the RLS symptoms, rather than decreasing


Of course, this is my personal experience, others may have had some better

results. I'm sure you will hear from them about it.

Welcome to the group!

Jodi Judson

Cyberspace RLS Support Group

List Facilitator


njd wrote:



> Hi everyone,


> I just found your group.....it's great! Hope someone can shed some light

> on my current problem. I've had RLS for many years, but just in the evening

> and somewhat controllable with Magnesium. But recently my RLS has become very

> severe. I think I'm going crazy sometimes. It feels like it's also in my arms,

> and in fact, sometimes like it's my whole body. My question is - could this

> change have been brought on by a recent auto accident in which I suffered

> mild whiplash? Or could it have been brought on by the treatment that I'm

> receiving (since the accident) from a chiropractor? The increase in the RLS

> started two days after the accident, but that's also when I started seeing the

> chiropractor. My husband suggested that I discontinue treatment for while to

> see if that helps. Any other thoughts or ideas?


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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