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non rls and meanness

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I was NEVER told that.(About the bandwidth thing) If you check back in

my E-mails you will see that I stated I was new to computers. And there

is still alot I confess I don't know. I guess I was wrong in thinking

this was a " support " group in all area's. I won't make that mistake

again. I feel so sorry for the ones who get their enjoyment out of

belittling me. And to the ones who want to defend me,please don't. I

can handle this myself. I appreciate the ones that really know me and my

character. That's the ONLY ones who are important to me anymore. I

started out in this group only wanting to help. Thank you for pointing

out to me that the world is a horrible place no matter where you go or


I have tried to be upbeat and helpful to everyone to begin with. You

think your the only one's dealing with havoc in your life? Let me tell

you about mine. I'm a 41 year old female who had a career for 11 years.

Now that's down the tubes due to no faultof my own. All of a sudden I

have to find a job. And I'm overweight,and out of shape. My bills are

more than my income. And I'm looking at bankruptcy. How's that for a

kick in the pant's? So I have absolutely run out of patience and

Upbeatness. How's that for sharing.Oh, and don't forget,I may have rls

to contend with in the future if the Calms quits working. So there's

your RLS! COCO Jeff Butts


> This mailing list is advertised as a SUPPORT GROUP for Restless Legs

> Syndrome. When people join a mailing list, they USUALLY expect the

> subject matter to adhere to that topic. That is why the question was

> raised, " What does this have to do with RLS? " It has NOTHING to do

> with RLS, and it is a waste of bandwidth for those who have

> upload/download quotas. MANY Internet Service Providers implement

> upload/download quotas, and charge extra for each kilobyte over that

> quota. For others, their ISP charges by the minute for their access

> time, therefore EACH message they download that is NOT related to RLS

> eats up their access time. For still others, such as subscribers in

> the United Kingdom, they actually have to pay, not only PER MINUTE

> charges for their ISP...but also PER MINUTE charges for the local

> telephone call they make to CONNECT to their ISP!


> That, CoCo, is why some people get so irritable when off-topic

> messages come down the wire through this mailing list. THAT is why,

> whether they can just delete the message or not, sending off-topic

> messages is a waste of bandwidth. THAT is why you got the hostile

> remarks. I, personally, don't mind the off-topic messages...I'm on a

> cable modem, and my upload/download quota is so large it's

> ridiculous...I don't think I could ever hit that quota, even with 2

> computers simultaneously using the connection. Others aren't so

> fortunate, so consideration should be shown to them by either not

> posting the off-topic messages, or posting simply " Non-RLS: Hep

> Vaccine Warning " in the subject line, with " Please email me privately

> for more information " in the body of the message. That will cover

> your butt, and SHOULD prevent the flames that your message generated.


> Sorry for the long post...but I thought some of you might need a

> lesson on WHY off-topic messages should be avoided whenever

> possible...:)


> Cheers!

> Jeff

> 26/Edmonton, Alberta



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I have tried to be upbeat and helpful to everyone to begin with. You

think your the only one's dealing with havoc in your life? Let me tell

you about mine. I'm a 41 year old female who had a career for 11 years.

Now that's down the tubes due to no faultof my own

For goodness sake, Coco, did you ever think it could possibly be your

attitude that sent your job down the tubes? If you behaved at work the way

you behave here, you were bound to fail. I honestly do not see that you are

really trying to apologize for mistakes made, in a sincere, nice way - and

attempting to change your behavior. It is so important to learn to

communicate in an acceptable way. Your " tone " is entirely too defiant and

you accuse everyone of attacking you while you are attacking them.

I am sorry about your financial problems but I cannot imagine your not having

them when I think of what you must be paying for so many supplements,

acupuncturist, chiropractor, and D.O., plus all the things they are selling

you, and all of the return visits. This is very expensive stuff and almost

never covered by insurance. I was under the impression that you said all of

these things were working wonders for you and that you were on top of the


Get a grip, girl. Take charge of your mouth and then take charge of your


This is a very sincere suggestion. I'm not calling for you to leave this

group. I'm asking you to refrain from posting so many long non-RLS letters.

Join another group for that sort of thing. and while you're at it, take a

" nice " pill.

Morticia ( definitely not )

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