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Dropping, stomachproblems

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Hello again!

Will thank you all for sharing your ideas and experiences. By reading your

messages about loosing wheigt, trying vitamines, light exercise etc you

realize there is a lot of things you can do to improve yourself. I think

many doctors should read this stuff and stopp saying to new " CMT:ers "

" There is nothing to do about the CMT " . I think they cause so much damage

by having that attitude.

Ruth: Sorry about the food you cooked which you dropped. I use to say

" Even if my home mostly is in such a mess at least my kichen floor must be

the most cleanest one in the area " . Thats of caurse because I have to wipe

it off every time I cook. There is always something I drop; potatos, tools


Barbara, Mark etc: Thank you for the advices. No, we havn´t done DNA

tests. I spoke to the doctor today and he said that the DNA tests

according to CMT still was done only for scientific -reasons, not for

regular use on patients. I have understand that they quite often do DNA

tests in US. I don´t know here what to believe. Are your DNA tests to

" wide " , not saying so much as our doctor wants them to do or isn´t he just

" up to date " ? If anybody else from Europe reads this: what do they say

about DNA tests in your country?

About vomiting: my doctor told me that he just recently had visited a

European conferens about for example CMT. One of the most wellknown neuro.

in Europe, a female one from the Netherlands, was asked about four times

from different participants about the possibilty that CMT patients could

arise the same problems from the stomach like my son (they probably had

experiences from those problems). I think the reason would be that even

the autonomic nervous system could be effected. Well the neuro could only

say: " we just don´t know yet. "

Well my son is now going to test a med. called Prepulsid (in Swedish at

least) if the problems are caused by a too slow emptying of the intestines

and stomach (caused by

the eventually effected autonomic system). I think diabetics can arise the

same problems here.

Have a good time, Rosis from Sweden

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