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I have had bad RLS symptoms lately , mainly after heavy exercise such as tennis

and swimming.

In the last two weeks I have also had a tingling sensation, mainly in the right

arm, also after

heavy exercise. I assumed that the tingling was caused by a neck problem I have,

and I visited a

chiropractor to-day who thought that this was the case. It is interesting though

to see that other

RLS sufferers have a similar problem. Is there a connection?

61 Sydney Australia

rlssupport (AT) onelist (DOT) com wrote:

> We have a new web site!

> http://www.onelist.com

> Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> This forum is for support only. The information posted to this List is for

support purposes

> and is not intended to replace the examination, diagnosis and treatment of a


> physician and no such claims are inferred.


> There are 25 messages in this issue.


> Topics in today's digest:


> 1. new to list - Barbara

> From: MetaMom123@...

> 2. Re: Nausea Drugs; Help dr. Buchfuher!

> From: LINDA5222@...

> 3. Re: Herbs,Allopathic,Homeopathy


> 4. Re: Herbs,Allopathic,Homeopathy


> 5. Re: Meditation/breathing

> From: ninettecampbell@... (Ninette )

> 6. Re: Meditation/breathing

> From: ninettecampbell@... (Ninette )

> 7. Re: RLS in arms

> From: RDMorrell1@...

> 8. Re: RLS and MRI

> From: RDMorrell1@...

> 9. RLS in arms

> From: jruppen@... ( & Ruppenthal)

> 10. Re: Exercise


> 11. Re: Jelly Beans and Kitchen Sinks

> From: Orion21@...

> 12. Mistake?


> 13. Re: Jelly Beans and Kitchen Sinks


> 14. Re: Exercise

> From: ninettecampbell@... (Ninette )

> 15. Re: Exercise

> From: RAINBOWPED@...

> 16. Re: MD's & meds

> From: RAINBOWPED@...

> 17. Re: hands, pins & needles


> 18. Re: Moms with RLS


> 19. Re: RLS and MRI


> 20. Re: Herbs, Allopathic & Homeopathy


> 21. Re: FW:Joke, E-Mail Junkie


> 22. arms


> 23. deep in bones


> 24. thumper/chumper


> 25. HMO's (non-rls)








> Message: 1

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 04:09:34 EST

> From: MetaMom123@...

> Subject: new to list - Barbara


> Barbara wrote:

> " Has anyone heard that Prozac may interfere with Sinemet, or even exacerbate

> the rls? "


> Yes, we most definitely HAVE heard that quite possibly, and most likely,

> Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil......many antidepressants.......as well as

> antihistamines.......will exacerbate RLS.


> " What is Mirapex? I finally saw a neurologist Last year and he wanted me to

> take Clonazepam, but I haven't had the nerve to start. He also wanted me to

> have a sleep-study to confirm the diagnosis. Has anyone had one? "


> Many in the group have had sleep studies. This is not needed to determine

> whether or not you have RLS.....but it will tell you if you have PLMD along

> with it, or sleep apnea. Mainly, the study will rule out some dangerous

> situations and give you an overall picture of your own basic sleep structure.

> If you have insurance that will cover this, it is my personal recommendation

> that you go ahead and have it.. My neurologist did not feel comfortable

> prescribing RLS medications until he ruled out all possible causes of my

> symptoms......and I agreed with this way of thinking. I also had an MRI of my

> brain to rule out Meningioma, and a great deal of blood work.


> Mirapex has been used by quite a few in our group this past year and seemed to

> be the " latest and greatest " thing out there for RLS........at least, for a

> while. We are beginning to hear reports of insomnia, nausea, occasional nasal

> stuffiness.....that are making some of us who were ready to give it a

> try......stop and reconsider. For some it is a Godsend........for others, it

> is not. My opinion is that it is still in the running with the best of the

> meds for this affliction....and that each of us will have different results

> with it. In my non-professional opinion, I would think that your Sinemet has

> done all that it is going to do for you and will just continue to cause more

> problems with augmentation unless you take a controlled break from it or cut

> way back. You really should check the sites, Jodi's is good, for a list of

> all the drugs being used at this time.


> Clonazepam or Klonopin.........I do not recommend at this time. I took it for

> three years and had serious depression when I stopped. The drug has a long

> half-life and makes some people very drowsy the next day. ( I did not have

> this problem) I believe it is used mostly for PLMD and insomnia and not for

> RLS.........it was always hit or miss with me in helping my RLS and mostly

> worked only when used in conjunction with another med.


> You would most likely benefit greatly from checking out the RLS sites on the

> net......and reading the letters to the doctor at the Southern California

> Support Group site.


> There is also much information for alternative therapies if you decide to

> persevere in that direction. The power of your will most likely will play an

> important role here. After you have had your Ferritin level checked, which is

> very important.......(not just your iron......your Ferritin).......it is

> possible that magnesium, potassium, B Vitamins, Folic Acid........a variety of

> supplements could possibly help you. Do your research and buy from a

> reputable dealer. Jill Gunzel has a lot of information on her site about

> alternative therapies.


> Caffeine, sugar and exercise ...............different results with different

> people. You will have to find out for yourself.


> Most of all.......keep your sense of humor. Take all advice with a grain of

> salt. Make the time to research everything yourself because it is highly

> likely that your condition will get worse as you get older. A warm bath and a

> cup of fragrant tea (without stimulants such as Ginseng) can be very helpful

> for a mild attack. Don't hesitate to Bitch and complain and cry if you need

> to.......that's what we're here for.......to support you. A lot of us have

> nights when we just need to do this.......at least, I do.


> Lastly, I recommend putting serious thought into some things to do that will

> distract you when you have a bad attack in the middle of the night. Some

> things that give you pleasure.......crafts, puzzles, games, videos,

> etc,..........quite often, before you know it, you have calmed down enough to

> go back to bed. It is also important not to allow the attack to get a strong

> hold on you. Get up and move around as soon as you are able to........as I

> did tonight at 2am. It is now almost 4.


> I'm sure you will hear from many others in the group with their experiences

> and recommendations. Hopefully, some of it will help you. I'll attach some

> links for you to check out when you have time. And don't forget, there is a

> chat from 9 to 10 Eastern standard time on Thursday evenings on AOL, that is

> now accessible for everyone. Hope you are resting well!


> Connie, 62, MD http://www.wemove.org/rls_pat.html " >WE MOVE - Restless

> Legs Syndrome: Information for Patients

> http://www.stanford.edu/~dement/rls.html " >RLS Links

> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/somno/rlsrx.htm " >RLS

> medications - Southern Cal

> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/somno/rls.htmhttp://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/somno/rls.htm

> http://www.netzone.com/~gunzel/rls.html " >Jill's RLS Page

> http://surf.to/rlsinfo " >Jodi's RLS Links

> http://www.sleepfoundation.org/ " >National Sleep Foundation Home Page








> Message: 2

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 04:10:01 EST

> From: LINDA5222@...

> Subject: Re: Nausea Drugs; Help dr. Buchfuher!


> Barbara

> I purchased Virginias " Sleep Thief " shortly after her death and and wondering

> if I got the (new?) one. I don't know she had written two of them. Do they

> both have the same title? I read a blurb that she had written a book (Ithink

> called) Jesus' s Handmaiden which will be out if it isn't already. Let me

> know if there are 2 " Sleep Thiefs " ???


> Lee







> Message: 3

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 03:48:28 -0500


> Subject: Re: Herbs,Allopathic,Homeopathy


> Kathy,

> Forgot to ask you - what med for rls has the potential for liver damage?

> I'm taking Mirapex, and REALLY want to know!!

> ne, 59, Lawrenceville, NJ


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> Message: 4

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 03:44:08 -0500


> Subject: Re: Herbs,Allopathic,Homeopathy


> Hi Kathy,

> A balance here is certainly in order - your post pointed that out very

> well. I don't think there can be a doubt in anyone's mind that we are

> not always " safe " just because we stick to traditional meds, any more

> than we are by indiscriminately gulping down whatever GNC has to offer. I

> can understand your anger over now having a liver and cholesterol

> problem, probably due to prescribed medications. I agree we must be wary

> of either traditional or alternative remedies, while at the same time

> finding relief, without adding paranoia to our problems! Getting more

> difficult all the time, isn't it?!

> ne, 59, Lawrenceville, NJ


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> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.

> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html

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> Message: 5

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 06:49:13 -0500 (EST)

> From: ninettecampbell@... (Ninette )

> Subject: Re: Meditation/breathing


> Lynn,

> I also have problems breathing during a bad attack. There are times

> when I literally cannot

> breathe during each " jerk " and the seconds between are few. Was it you

> and/or Lynn talking about " hands " . My hands are worse than my legs when

> they " act up " . In my late

> twenties, I would often be wakened in the morning with a bad attack in

> my hands and arms. This is why I cannot do computer, crafts, or read

> during an attack.

> Take care,

> Ninette - 51 - TN







> Message: 6

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 07:14:05 -0500 (EST)

> From: ninettecampbell@... (Ninette )

> Subject: Re: Meditation/breathing


> Well, that makes a lot of sense. I write to you

> Lynn, and say " Was it you and/or Lynn

> (I meant Tina) that was (or were) talking about your hands ? " Sorry

> about that. I am sooooooo

> tired.

> Ninette







> Message: 7

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 07:54:38 EST

> From: RDMorrell1@...

> Subject: Re: RLS in arms


> Cindy: I too have RLS in my arms. When I have a bad attack, the crawly

> sensation moves up into my forearms, so I not only shake both legs, but both

> arms, not necessarily at the same time either. It's quite the sight when it

> gets that bad. Also, if I have progressed to that point, I get a tingling

> feeling in my chest. Until the medicine kicks in there is no way I can even

> sit down. I haven't heard of too many people with it in their arms. I guess

> we're just lucky. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to stop the attack

> from progressing to that point, but as everyone else, I keep on working on it.

> Diane 52 in NH







> Message: 8

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 08:14:58 EST

> From: RDMorrell1@...

> Subject: Re: RLS and MRI


> June: I always find it amazing when I read my mail and find someone who has

> put my experiences down in words. I too went for an MRI, forewarned the

> Techs, that I might have a problem, etc. I went through the whole test

> without a tingle. How do we explain that?, and how do we explain waking up

> with an attack? RLS is such a strange thing. There is no rhyme or reason for

> when you will or won't get an attack, in my case anyway. I guess when we find

> out the answers to those questions, we'll be well on our way to a cure.

> Reading the experiences of others in this group is always comforting to me.

> I've tried the concentration thing, with no results. I've tried the herbal

> thing, (a bowl of fresh lavender on my night stand), with no results. I've

> tried tons of meds, with no results, except for a few temporary ones. Other

> than the affects of the meds, there is very little I can do to stop or prevent

> an attack. Well, I rambled on a little, but just wanted to identify with you

> on the MRI experience. Thanks to everyone for sharing all their

> RLS experiences eventually we'll come up with something that will help us all.

> Diane 52 in NH







> Message: 9

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 08:20:56 -0600 (CST)

> From: jruppen@... ( & Ruppenthal)

> Subject: RLS in arms


> Dear Cindy, Diane, and group,

> I am another one of those who experiences RLS in the

> arms...primarily from the elbows up and especially in the shoulders.

> Makes me want to shrug ....and I wish I COULD shrug it off! The support

> group leader in my area also has it in her arms.

> Windtree/, 60, Wis

> PS. For those who wonder about the " Windtree " , I use my pen name because

> the group has other s. :)







> Message: 10

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 06:40:48 -0500


> Subject: Re: Exercise


> Kim,

> I've noticed that exercise also makes the rls worse, but am not about to

> give it up, as it works so well at keeping depression away, not to

> mention the pounds. I have moderated my routines however, to include more

> upper body and less leg workouts. This has helped somewhat, but I have

> put on a few pounds since I stopped jogging (just walk the treadmill with

> a slight incline now), and I miss that sweaty runners high, but oh well -

> can't have everything.

> ne, 59, Lawrenceville, NJ


> ___________________________________________________________________

> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.

> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html

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> Message: 11

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 09:45:40 EST

> From: Orion21@...

> Subject: Re: Jelly Beans and Kitchen Sinks


> In a message dated 3/20/99 3:41:28 AM, rlssupport (AT) onelist (DOT) com writes:


> <

> brought a much needed belly laugh from me, and a new trick to try.>>


> June-


> Thanks for the nice note of welcome. It was great when I found this list. My

> PCP, still gives me a funny look when I mention the RLS to him. It was the

> rheumy, that finally confirmed what it was. Well, the Jelly Beans worked for

> two nites... and last nite I was up all nite. Hate that! I even ate a half bag

> of 'em, maybe it was sugar overload. OR washing dishes in the bathtub. Hate

> that too! Seems the drain pipe busted and now they've got to excavate the

> kitchen floor, after they remove the kitchen cabinets/counter, and they may

> have to dig all the way into my daughter's bedroom to find where the break is.

> Clearly a long term, major overhaul. I live in an apt. building with no

> basement. Maybe last nite was more stress than jelly beans. I have the RLS all

> over my body. It gets so bad, when I do sleep, I wake up because I'm

> contracting all the muscles in my body, esp. my abdomen. This, of course, does

> wonders for the Fibro and the suspected Ehler-Danlos or Scleroderma... they

> don't know which yet. BUT I forced two hyacinth bulbs in my living room and

> the aroma is SPRING. It's beautiful. When, I start thinking about the kitchen

> and the lack of sleep, I go take a whif and remember the beautiful garden I

> used to have.


> Enjoy all....let's dream of nice things while fully awake


> Steph







> Message: 12

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 09:48:23 -0500


> Subject: Mistake?


> Think I might have made a serious mistake and sent a personal letter to

> my son to the entire group. If so, please take with a grain of salt.

> Then again, maybe I didn't, so I won't go into explaining the details.

> Is this by any chance sleep deprivation at its finest, early warning

> alzheimer, normal dementia, or just something that could happen to

> anyone? (please pick the last choice)

> ne, 59, Lawrenceville, NJ


> ___________________________________________________________________

> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.

> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html

> or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]







> Message: 13

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 10:01:04 -0500


> Subject: Re: Jelly Beans and Kitchen Sinks


> Steph,

> So sorry the jellybeans failed last night - I notice some sugar does the

> trick, but too much has the reverse effect. Possibly the stress of

> having to have a major portion of your home torn up to fix a stopped up

> pipe is a contributing factor! What a good idea to have the fresh tulips

> in your living room - aroma therapy, for sure. It must be hard adjusting

> to apartment living after having your own home and garden. Sounds like

> you have a wonderful sense of humor - the best medicine, to quote Readers

> Digest. Hope you continue to write. BTW, Jill's Tension Tamer Tea is

> wonderful - even better than sugar - only drawback is that it

> precipitates a potty call soon after, which of course wakes me up again.

> ne, 59, Lawrenceville, NJ


> ___________________________________________________________________

> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.

> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html

> or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]







> Message: 14

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 10:05:48 -0500 (EST)

> From: ninettecampbell@... (Ninette )

> Subject: Re: Exercise


> ne & group,

> After writing earlier this morning (in a fog) and saying how

> tired I was, I donned my sweats and went out for a morning run. ne,

> you are so right, there is nothing like that " sweaty runner's high " . I

> am so thankful that my depression is lifting in time for rhis first day

> of spring, and that I now have the desire to get out there and enjoy it.

> Exercise (for me, runnning &

> walking) is truly a great preventative for that terrible enemy of mine,

> depression. Unfortunately, winter weather, illness, injuries, letting

> other things consume my time, too often take me away from it. I've also

> put back on 10 of the 45 lbs. I've lost since last March, but it's

> getting ready to come back off. I say,

> " Hello Spring and thank you Lord for a beautiful

> day " .

> Ninette 51 TN







> Message: 15

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 11:01:49 EST

> From: RAINBOWPED@...

> Subject: Re: Exercise


> In a message dated 3/20/99 2:42:28 AM !!!First Boot!!!, beckerk@...

> writes:


> << I just have a question...does anyone find there rls worse after exercise,

> even just a 20 minute brisk walk? I find it twice as bad after any type of

> areobic exercise. >>


> Yes, I use to take nightly walks for exercise and I found that it aggrevated

> my RLS; however, when I ride my bicycle at night, no problems. Go figure, eh?









> Message: 16

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 11:17:51 EST

> From: RAINBOWPED@...

> Subject: Re: MD's & meds


> In a message dated 3/20/99 5:48:03 AM !!!First Boot!!!, KMTW4825@...

> writes:


> << More importantly it is very, very true that most MD's DO NOT know

> a lot about the meds they prescribe other than what they are told by the

> pharmaceutical representatives. Most MD's do not tell you either of the

> potential dangers or side effects to the drugs they prescribe. >>


> Not good medicine, IMHO.

> A doc has no business prescribing any medicine that he/she does not know a lot

> about! Also, a doc is foolish if their knowledge about a medicine is only

> what the drug reps tell them. Bad medicine! Most docs are taught that you

> should become very very familiar with a few of the medicines from each class

> of drugs and use only those that they are very very knowledgeable about. That

> is why we RLS'ers some times run into resistance when we visit our docs

> demanding some " new " drug (new to the doctor that is). A " good " and caring

> doc will rise to the challenge and do some " homework " and become knowledgeable

> about this " new " drug.

> Many " ethical " and honest docs will refuse to see drug reps or they will

> " tolerate " the drug reps so as to obtain drug samples for their patient's

> benefit. A good physician will not base his/her knowledge/prescription/advice

> about a drug simply based on what a drug rep has " sold " them. Many docs will

> not recommend/advise certain herbal treatments because they can NOT tell you

> either of the potential dangers or side effects of the herbal treatment

> (because it is not known by anyone - no scientific studies) and good docs

> don't like to " experiment " on their patients.









> Message: 17

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 10:39:06 -0600


> Subject: Re: hands, pins & needles


> Cindy,


> I too get RLS in my hands, even more so in my arms. I have recently had an

increase in the

> " pins & needles " phenomine, waking up at night with a whole arm (right or

left) in that state

> which I call " asleep " , but could certainly be described as " pins and needles " .

It is the whole

> arm, surface skin, and goes away when I shake the arm and flex my hand. I was

going to mention

> it to my physician when I go in for my next medication renewal, in April,

since it is a new

> thing for me at this frequency. Previously, I had that sensations rarely, and

more likely in my

> legs, now it is two or three times a week. I would be interested to hear how

many others in the

> group have this, and do they think it is a variation on the RLS paresthesias,

or something

> different.


> Jo from Mo


> Cindy wrote:


> >

> >

> > I also have it in both arms and both legs. Do any of you get pins and

> > needles all over your body when your rls is active. It goes away when my

> > meds kick in but I get it everywhere on my body, including my head, it for

> > some reason isn't limited to the muscular problem in the arms and legs it is

> > a completely surface problem.>>

> >

> >

> >







> Message: 18

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 10:53:29 -0600


> Subject: Re: Moms with RLS


> > Another Mom with RLS symptoms. Mine has seen psychiatrists off and on for

years, and been

> > considered a little crazy. She now has a formal diagnosis of depression and

panic disorder.

> > I'm sure that some (certainly not all) of her problems are related to RLS.

She complained of

> > creepy sensations before a panic attack for years. (She was also labeled as

a hypochondriac

> > since I was 10 years old.) I believe, that the RLS brings on her panic

attacks frequently,

> > and that it is aggravated by stress. But then, who am I. I made her copies

of the foundation

> > handout to take to her psychitrists (who sees her every three months to

renew prescriptions)

> > and he poo pooed the who idea. Her GP did give her a scrip for quinnine

for the " leg cramps "

> > at night. She has taken Librium for years (a small dose in the evening),

and I suppose that

> > probably helps a little. Her RLS is probably not as bad as many have, but

the panic attacks

> > are quite debilitating when she has them. It irritates me that physicians

are not willing to

> > listen, but since she is already on so many meds for other stuff, and as an

elderly widow

> > finances are really difficult, I have just learned to shut up. She is not

willing to

> > challenge her physicians.


> Jo from Mo, two more weeks in Texas.


> >

> >

> > << My poor mother suffered for years. Would not go to doc even when I told

> > her what it was. Her reply was that everyone else in the family had it so

> > why bother. >>

> >







> Message: 19

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 11:09:41 -0600


> Subject: Re: RLS and MRI


> I was so scared at the " thought " of being confined in an MRI, let alone jumpy

legs, that I took

> a preventative dose (prescribed by the neurologists) of Valium. (One pill

(small dose) 30

> minutes before, and another 10 minutes.) For me at least, part of the problem


> claustrophobia, I can't deal with confined spaces. When they do the MRI you

have a panic button

> that you can squeeze if it gets too bad. I know of at least one person who

had to abort an MRI

> due to panic from the claustrophobia. The MRI techs told me they would much

prefer someone take

> Valium, than have to stop the procedure.


> The new, side open MRI's are supposed to not be so bad. If you need an MRI,

have RLS AND are

> claustrophobic a little bit of Valium would be worth asking for. The only

drawback was the

> doctor told me I could not drive afterwards. I really felt fine, and made it

through the test

> great. By the way, one should never go into one of these tests without

knowing what to expect,

> they can be quite scary if you are not prepared.







> Message: 20

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 12:28:09 -0500


> Subject: Re: Herbs, Allopathic & Homeopathy


> Kathy & Everyone:

> As someone who is relatively new to this group and tends to sit back

> and observe, your letter was one of the most informative and insightful

> letters that I have read. Your post accomplished what this support group

> is all about. Food for thought. I read and assimilate everything that is

> written, take heed of what is relevent to me and discard what is not. Your

> post gave me a little of both. People in this group told me at the start

> to not be afraid to voice my opinion, because it is just that (my opinion),

> be it either helpful or controversial. Thank you and continue to keep us

> informed.


> Louise - 58 - Pa.







> Message: 21

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 15:14:19 -0600


> Subject: Re: FW:Joke, E-Mail Junkie


> > Subject: E-Mail Junkie

> >

> > >> You know you're an E-mail Junkie when ...

> > >>

> > >> 22. You get a sudden illness the day after your modem dies.

> > >>

> > >> 21. You start tilting your head sideways to smile.

> > >>

> > >> 20. You tell the cab driver you live at

> > >> " http://1000.edison.garden/house/brick.html. "

> > >>

> > >> 19. You move into a new house and decide to Netscape before you

> > >> landscape.

> > >>

> > >> 18. You don't know what sex three of your closest friends are, because

> > >> they

> > >> have neutral nicknames and you never bothered to ask.

> > >>

> > >> 17. Your phone bill comes to your doorstep in a box.

> > >>

> > >> 16. You check your mail. It says " no new messages. " So you check it

> > >> again.

> > >>

> > >> 15. You can't call your mother...she doesn't have a modem.

> > >>

> > >> 14. Your cat has its own home page.

> > >>

> > >> 13. All of your friends have an @ in their names.

> > >>

> > >> 12. You start introducing yourself as " Doe at CSi dot com. "

> > >>

> > >> 11. You refer to going to the bathroom as downloading.

> > >>

> > >> 10. You find yourself typing " com " after every period when using a word

> > >> processor.com

> > >>

> > >> 9. Your hard drive crashes. You haven't logged in for two hours. You

> > >> start to

> > >> twitch. You pick up the phone and manually dial your ISP's access number.

> > >> You

> > >> try to hum to communicate with the modem... and you succeed.

> > >>

> > >> 8. You start using smileys in your snail mail. : )

> > >>

> > >> 7. You laugh at people with 14000-baud modems.

> > >>

> > >> 6. You decide to stay in college for an additional year or two, just for

> > >> the

> > >> free Internet access.

> > >>

> > >> 5. You spend half of the plane trip with your laptop on your lap....and

> > >> your

> > >> child in the overhead compartment.

> > >>

> > >> 4. You turn off your modem and get this awful empty feeling, like you

> > >> just

> > >> pulled the plug on a loved one.

> > >>

> > >> 3. You name your child Dotcom.

> > >>

> > >> 2. You get a tattoo that reads " This body best viewed with Netscape

> > >> Navigator

> > >> 3.0 or higher. "

> > >>

> > >> 1. You wake up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom and stop to check your

> > >> e-mail

> > >> on the way back to bed.

> > >>

> > >>

> > >







> Message: 22

> Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 01:03:44 +0200


> Subject: arms


> I also have rls in my arms, never in my hands though.

> It starts in my right upper arm, like an itch inside I cannot reach to

> scratch, then it rises

> up to my shoulder, my neck and the right side of my head.I try to shake

> it of,

> to stretch my neck, to move my arm in my shoulder, but it is more

> difficult to find some temporary relieve than in my legs.

> Tonight I went to a linedance party, speaking of exercise,and I forgot

> to take my Permax

> with me, so the first one I took at midnight, the second 10 minutes

> later.

> Now it is 1 am and I am kicking at my computer, waiting for the Permax

> to " kick " in.

> Marleen,53,Holland







> Message: 23

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 21:08:42 -0500


> Subject: deep in bones


> Cindy,


> I agree, I have always thought it was just in the muscles, but I'm

> beginning to wonder if it's not also deep inside of the bones, because I

> can't press hard enough in the muscles, it seems to be even deeper, deeper,

> deeper, and where else can it go deeper, than clear into the bone. Maybe

> it's in the bone marrow, I give up. What a complicated disorder, But that

> could explain why you have it in your head. So far, it's not in my arms or

> head, nor do I get the pins and needles, but I have had times when it seems

> to be in my abdomin, taking my breath. I truly sympothize with you, I

> can't imagine how it would feel to be in my head. ( and I don't mean

> concentration).


> June 65, Delaware







> Message: 24

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 21:40:24 -0700


> Subject: thumper/chumper


> Just a note - we have talked often in this group about the " chumper " ,

> our lower cost alternative to the high priced " thumper " . I found one

> today at Sam's club - the Homedics Therapist Select for 39.95. Good deal.

> Feels great!


> Kathy - 38 and prowling the house at night in Utah


> ___________________________________________________________________

> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.

> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html

> or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]







> Message: 25

> Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 01:37:33 -0500


> Subject: HMO's (non-rls)


> Top 30 Signs You've Joined a Cheap HMO

> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

> 1. Pedal-powered dialysis machines.

> 2. Use of antibiotics deemed an " unauthorized experimental procedure, "

> 3. Head-wound victim in the waiting room is on the last chapter of

> " War and Peace, "

> 4. You ask for Viagra. You get a popsicle stick and duct tape.

> 5. Annual breast exam conducted at hooters.

> 6. Exam room has a tip jar.

> 7. You swear you saw salad tongs and a crab fork on the instrument

> tray just before the anesthesia kicked in.

> 8. " Will you be paying in eggs or pelts? "

> 9. Tight budget prevents acquisition of separate rectal thermometers.

> 10. " Take two leeches and call me in the morning, "

> 11. The company logo features a hand squeezing a bleeding turnip.

> 12. Tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicle.

> 13. Covered postnatal care consists of leaving your baby on Mia

> Farrow's doorstep.

> 14. Radiation treatment for cancer patients requires them to walk

> around with a postcard from Chernobyl in their pocket.

> 15. " Pre-natal vitamin " prescription is a box of Tic-Tacs.

> 16. Chief Surgeon graduated from University of Benihana.

> 17. Directions to your doctor's office include, " take a left when you

> enter the trailer park, "

> 18. Doctor listens to your heart through a paper towel tube.

> 19. Only item listed under Preventive Care feature of coverage is " an

> apple a day, "

> 20. Only participating Physicians are Dr. Fine, Dr. , Dr. Fine.

> 21. Only proctologist in the plan is " Gus " from Roto-Rooter.

> 22. Plan covers only " group " gynecological exams.

> 23. Preprinted prescription pads that say " Walk it off, candy ass, "

> 24. To avoid a time consuming and expensive throat culture, the doctor

> just French kisses you.

> 25. Recycled bandages.

> 26. You can get your flu shot as soon as " the " hypodermic needle is

> dry.

> 27. Your " primary care physician " is wearing the pants you gave to

> goodwill last month.

> 28. 24-hour claims line is 1-800-TUF-LUCK

> 29. Costly MRI equipment efficiently replaced by an oversized 2-sided

> copier.

> 30. Enema? The lavatory faucet swivels to face upward.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

> --------------------------------------------------



> snow in the forecast in western nys



> http://www.frontiernet.net/~goviers

> updated 3/20/99.


> On the Internet, nobody knows you're a cat.


> The total sum of the world's IQ is constant. If the population is

> increasing, then intelligence is ...


> A little village of Trids (like Smurfs only green) had built their water

> well on the top of a hill. An evil troll took over the hill and wouldn't

> let the Trids get any water. Every Trid that went up the hill was kicked

> down by the troll. Frustrated, the Trids asked the local Rabbi for help. He

> climbed the hill and got the water with any trouble from the troll. When he

> went back up the hill he asked the troll why he had not kicked him down the

> hill. The troll replied, " Silly rabbi, kicks are for Trids. "






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