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Re: andra/Grammy Gay: SCD Pals in MD and Doctor

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I live in Crofton, MD and I do the SCD diet for myself and my kids. If

andra needs some support, i would be happy to give her some.


Grammy Bauer grammy_bauer@...> wrote:

*SCD Pals click on the addy below to help please.Those that have been

on the diet for a year. If you do not want to help let me know. Please

put my address in Bcc: grammy_bauer@... so that I will know you

have answered the post below.

andra Russ Aruss@...

I live in the Baltimore land area. My current G.I. whom I really

like strongly discourages the SCD. Because of my current desperate state

I really want to give the SCD a try.

Looking for someone to speak with while beginning the diet. Thanks.



*Click on the e-mail address. Put in subject: SCDiet help, please. Put

their names on your contact list. ****These people are a blessing****

Ask if they are still on the scdiet or not. If not, let me know, so I

can take them off the list of SCD pals in your area.


**Peg Scdbeliever@... will help

** " Kim " ckim_grace@... [ASD] will help 10-05

" jlnjl " jjleon@... polis

And on the pecabread list serve there are:

MD Frederick Kim ckim_grace@...

MD Baltimore Lana tunick42004

MD Ellicott City Kathy Rivers rivers_k1@...

MD Odenton Robbie Cullen cullenr@...

MD Rockville Gideon andrea@...

*May I put your name, andra, and e-mail address on the list of

those living MD so that after you have been on the SCDiet for a year you

can help others who come to visit or to live, in your area, , to find

SCD-Friendly Doctors, foods, stores, meetings, encouragement, SCD Pals,

and SCD information? By 8-06 to help. Let me know, please.

*On http://www.scdiet.net SCD-Friendly Doctors under

http://www.scdiet.net/medical.htm in MD

*BTVC: USA SCD-Friendly Doctors:

http://www.cobbler.plus.com/btvc/friendly_docs/usa.htm in MD

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:





Loving Care, Grammy

E-mail: Grammy_Bauer@... FAX: 1- IN

*My Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net

*Put in Subject: Grammy SCDiet SCD PALS, Please

*** Or I may not see your post to me. ALSO: ***

*FOR SCD-Friendly Doctor; help, Compunding Pharmacy,

and Vacation area, please


*LIST OF SCD FOODS: E-mail to scdiet@...

SCDiet.com will provide this at no charge.

In the subject put CARD REQUEST

Give your name and address to get it snail mail.


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andra --

Dr. Horvath, who has done research on the gi symptoms associated with ASD, is

(or at least was) based at the Univ. of MD School of Medicine in Baltimore. So,

you may be able to get a lead on a pro-SCD pediatrician from Horvath's office.

In 2002, I read an article by Horvath and colleagues that referenced Karyn

Seroussi's book. Reading her book got me to consult a DAN! doctor and put my

son on the GFCF diet (which he followed for a year and a half before we gave up

grains altogether for the SCD).




Jake's mommy

>>> suzannewolcoff@... 08/24/05 4:46 PM >>>

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