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Re: Re: nut milk

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Do you use glutathione? or something similar to help the body detox

naturally, without formal chelation?

Thanks for your help,


Re: Re: nut milk

>Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:32:34 -0700 (PDT)


>Mouthing, eating and exploring things is also a natural developmental

>milestone...being curious about your environment. Unfortunately, with pica,

>it is the degree of this. Whenever natural mouthing begins, this can be the

>method of introduction of lead and other metals into the body, causing real




>On our end, we are still dealing with metal toxicity, although, our levels

>are slowly going down over time. We have been following a supplement plan

>for years, that is being tweaked to 's protocol, we keep all

>chemicals, as much as possible out of our home, drink lots of pure water.

>Our doctor is starting us on a whey therapy for detoxification. Finding the

>source of contamination (if any) is vitally important. In our case, the EPA

>took our yard, and all of our neighbors yards away, a foot down, replaced

>with new fill and sod, trees, walk ways, because the level of heavy metal

>contamination was an absolutely huge amount past toxic levels, in some

>instances over ten times the level considered toxic to all life. The EPA

>knew, and never disclosed this to the home owners. Recently, I have seen

>this same scenario happen elsewhere. We opted not to do formal chelation

>under such circumstances, but rather, let the body slowly do it, while

>supporting it. Enzymes, SCD, filtered air,

> water, exercise (lots of yoga especially), no vaccinations, sunlight,

>supplements and lots of hugs have done wonders for detoxification and all

>the other developmental stuff. Anyway, that is our method of dealing with

>it. Both a blood lead test (to show active exposure) and a hair test I

>think would be helpful. The bonus about the hair test, you can check for

>other metals and nutritional levels.




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If I may, I would like to get back to you on that, when I have more time. In the

meantime, here is a post Mimi made awhile back, with some great leads on

detoxification ideas.


Here is a post that was written to one of our old lists by

Tamaro. healed her son with SCD. Her son is now in

a regular private school.


Let me tell you about my experience with ALA and SCD. I started my


(and myself) on SCD last summer. My son , diagnosed ASD, then

5, was

getting ALA as part of his supplements, but otherwise everything was


I measured his dysbiosis in July, at the start of SCD, and then again in

September, using the urine dysbiosis test from MetaMetrix Labs. From July

to September, in spite of being SCD, his dysbiosis levels just

exploded. He

was literally Severe Plus Plus Plus. So I removed the ALA - which


sulfur - and measured again in January. His dysbiosis from September to

January dropped into the Moderate category, a level he'd never hit in


years of trying to get rid of intestinal organisms.

Sulfur will feed pathogenic organisms like nothing else and a gut full of

pathogenic organisms is not going to detoxify much of anything, including

chelated metals. The child just ends up recirculating the metals, and so

you haven't accomplished much. You'd be better off to just forget

about the

chelation for awhile and let the child stabilize on SCD - he/she will do a

heck of a lot of detoxing on SCD even without metal chelators. After 6

months to a year, re-evaluate and decide if you want to try oral chelators

again. I personally will never use them again.

, who feels strongly about the subject!


Here is a post by Marisol:


Hi guys,

For all those who've struggled, like I have, over whether to pursue

detox or not, I wanted to share this bit of information that I came

across in the book (recommended to me by , thanks!) called

" The Natural Medicine Guide to Autism " by Marohn.

In the chapter titled " Targetted Therapeutic Nutrition and Heavy-Metal

Detoxification " the author interviews a doc I've never heard of, Dr.

Pouls ( DF: who's a big advocate for enzymes). Though,

unfortunately, Dr. Pouls does not seem to be aware of SCD, here's what

was stated under the heading " Liver Support " :

" Along with the digestion improvement and nutrient rebuilding

program, Dr. Pouls starts the child on a liver support formula to help

that organ start detoxifying and functioning more optimally. Children

often feel a difference in three weeks on this combination protocol.

As mentioned previously, this may be enough to reduce or reverse their

autistic symptoms. Oral chelation, the therapy to rid the body of

heavy metals, notably mercury and lead, may not be required.

Part of the reason for this may be that, even if the child

previously had significant mercury or other heavy metal levels,

improving digestion improves the ability of the body to chelate heavy

metals on its own. This is because some amino acids--methionine and

cysteine, for example--are bound with sulfur, a natural chelating

agent. When the body is digesting protein optimally--that is, breaking

down protein into its amino acid components--methionine and cysteine

can serve as natural chelators. Thus, with restored digestion, the

body has the ability to rid itself of some heavy metals. "

I should state that some kids do go on, in her practice, to need

chelation, but I thought this was strong evidence for being on pure

SCD for a while first to see if any official detox would even be


Just wanted to share.



Pecanbread used to be our intro list. We would repost old emails that

were helpful for beginners there. Here are 2 posts from " the intro

list " section of pecanbread about chelation:




Marilyn Sawyer marilyn1972@...> wrote:


Do you use glutathione? or something similar to help the body detox

naturally, without formal chelation?

Thanks for your help,


Re: Re: nut milk

>Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:32:34 -0700 (PDT)


>Mouthing, eating and exploring things is also a natural developmental

>milestone...being curious about your environment. Unfortunately, with pica,

>it is the degree of this. Whenever natural mouthing begins, this can be the

>method of introduction of lead and other metals into the body, causing real




>On our end, we are still dealing with metal toxicity, although, our levels

>are slowly going down over time. We have been following a supplement plan

>for years, that is being tweaked to 's protocol, we keep all

>chemicals, as much as possible out of our home, drink lots of pure water.

>Our doctor is starting us on a whey therapy for detoxification. Finding the

>source of contamination (if any) is vitally important. In our case, the EPA

>took our yard, and all of our neighbors yards away, a foot down, replaced

>with new fill and sod, trees, walk ways, because the level of heavy metal

>contamination was an absolutely huge amount past toxic levels, in some

>instances over ten times the level considered toxic to all life. The EPA

>knew, and never disclosed this to the home owners. Recently, I have seen

>this same scenario happen elsewhere. We opted not to do formal chelation

>under such circumstances, but rather, let the body slowly do it, while

>supporting it. Enzymes, SCD, filtered air,

> water, exercise (lots of yoga especially), no vaccinations, sunlight,

>supplements and lots of hugs have done wonders for detoxification and all

>the other developmental stuff. Anyway, that is our method of dealing with

>it. Both a blood lead test (to show active exposure) and a hair test I

>think would be helpful. The bonus about the hair test, you can check for

>other metals and nutritional levels.




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It makes sense that healing the gut might be enough to help the body detox

from heavy metals on its own. My naturopathic doctor has told me that when

the gut starts leaking, the immune system goes haywire and starts hanging

onto heavy metals. So, there's a reason to believe that if the gut heals,

the immune system might start to release those heavy metals.


Re: Re: nut milk

>Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:32:34 -0700 (PDT)


>Mouthing, eating and exploring things is also a natural developmental

>milestone...being curious about your environment. Unfortunately, with pica,

>it is the degree of this. Whenever natural mouthing begins, this can be the

>method of introduction of lead and other metals into the body, causing real




>On our end, we are still dealing with metal toxicity, although, our levels

>are slowly going down over time. We have been following a supplement plan

>for years, that is being tweaked to 's protocol, we keep all

>chemicals, as much as possible out of our home, drink lots of pure water.

>Our doctor is starting us on a whey therapy for detoxification. Finding the

>source of contamination (if any) is vitally important. In our case, the EPA

>took our yard, and all of our neighbors yards away, a foot down, replaced

>with new fill and sod, trees, walk ways, because the level of heavy metal

>contamination was an absolutely huge amount past toxic levels, in some

>instances over ten times the level considered toxic to all life. The EPA

>knew, and never disclosed this to the home owners. Recently, I have seen

>this same scenario happen elsewhere. We opted not to do formal chelation

>under such circumstances, but rather, let the body slowly do it, while

>supporting it. Enzymes, SCD, filtered air,

> water, exercise (lots of yoga especially), no vaccinations, sunlight,

>supplements and lots of hugs have done wonders for detoxification and all

>the other developmental stuff. Anyway, that is our method of dealing with

>it. Both a blood lead test (to show active exposure) and a hair test I

>think would be helpful. The bonus about the hair test, you can check for

>other metals and nutritional levels.




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Yes, that is a simplified version of it. When the immune system goes haywire, so

do all the mechinisms involved with detoxification, along with everything else.

Marilyn Sawyer marilyn1972@...> wrote:It makes sense that healing the

gut might be enough to help the body detox

from heavy metals on its own. My naturopathic doctor has told me that when

the gut starts leaking, the immune system goes haywire and starts hanging

onto heavy metals. So, there's a reason to believe that if the gut heals,

the immune system might start to release those heavy metals.


Re: Re: nut milk

>Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:32:34 -0700 (PDT)


>Mouthing, eating and exploring things is also a natural developmental

>milestone...being curious about your environment. Unfortunately, with pica,

>it is the degree of this. Whenever natural mouthing begins, this can be the

>method of introduction of lead and other metals into the body, causing real




>On our end, we are still dealing with metal toxicity, although, our levels

>are slowly going down over time. We have been following a supplement plan

>for years, that is being tweaked to 's protocol, we keep all

>chemicals, as much as possible out of our home, drink lots of pure water.

>Our doctor is starting us on a whey therapy for detoxification. Finding the

>source of contamination (if any) is vitally important. In our case, the EPA

>took our yard, and all of our neighbors yards away, a foot down, replaced

>with new fill and sod, trees, walk ways, because the level of heavy metal

>contamination was an absolutely huge amount past toxic levels, in some

>instances over ten times the level considered toxic to all life. The EPA

>knew, and never disclosed this to the home owners. Recently, I have seen

>this same scenario happen elsewhere. We opted not to do formal chelation

>under such circumstances, but rather, let the body slowly do it, while

>supporting it. Enzymes, SCD, filtered air,

> water, exercise (lots of yoga especially), no vaccinations, sunlight,

>supplements and lots of hugs have done wonders for detoxification and all

>the other developmental stuff. Anyway, that is our method of dealing with

>it. Both a blood lead test (to show active exposure) and a hair test I

>think would be helpful. The bonus about the hair test, you can check for

>other metals and nutritional levels.




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Hello Marilyn,

Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. I have literally been waiting for

a little undisturbed time to respond to your question. First of all, no, we do

not use glutathione. I also want to state, that everything I post is my own

opinion, and I take responsibility for the choices I make, right or wrong. I say

this, because, I don't want anyone thinking I have it all figured out (I

don't!), and also, the choices I make I feel are best suited to my own family's

situation, history and genetics.

Glutathione, the master antioxidant. I have yet to find an accurate study

showing oral or transdermal glutathione supplementation is any more effective

than supplementing with small amounts of vitamin c, throughout the day, and with


My philosophy about the whole chelation business is this. The body has natural

mechinisms for detoxification. When these mechinisms are not functionning

properly, the cause needs to be found, and the body needs to be supported to

heal itself. The body is its own greatest doctor. It is programmed to survive,

and when something interferes with this programming, that's when all healing

mechinisms, whether detoxification pathways, immune system, and all the rest of

the interdependent body systems go haywire.

This is what we do to support our bodies.

Fresh air. This is important, indoor air is quite a bit toxic, and it is good to

run air filters in the home.

Exercise. This is a crucial life style factor that will enable all organs to

become more efficient, is a big help with detoxification. I have taught yoga to

my kids last year, so this, in addition to general romping around, has been used

to gain more body awareness, concentration, muscle firmness, plus, if you teach

it just right, fun. Certain postures in yoga tone the organs. I tend to

gravitate to the liver toning postures, because I have liver problems and I need

the liver to try to be massaged. My kids do yoga consistently. I stopped a

couple months ago, after my hubby got into an accident on the highway, and

stress, and it really has set me back.

Sunlight. Sunlight in the morning, afternoon, and for a few minutes mid-day with

no sunglasses, so that the rays can enter the eyes.

We have devised our own supplement plan over the last few years, but I am now

adapting our supplement plant to 's protocol. I am very much in the

tweaking stage. Proper vitamin and mineral supplementation is a must, especially

for people, like us, who have malabsorption problems. I will say this, my

children recover and heal alot quicker than myself in most areas, so the benefit

of starting any therapy as soon as possible, for any child, will be greater,

than when started in adulthood. That said, it is still possible for adults to

cover from many conditions. I am also spectrum, and have had many life

threatening health problems, and slowly but surely, have been recovering for

these past 5 years. Anything is possible, but it can take longer in adults. I

also moved around constantly overseas when I was young, getting way more

vaccinations than other children, especially before moving to tropical areas. In

consideration of that, then getting poisonned on a superfund site, if it is

possible for myself to get better as an adult, it will be possible for your

son, by all means.

We use a number of herbs. A few of them, I must admit, are not SCD legal perse,

but they were interventions we adopted and they work for us, years before SCD. I

will not post these, as I don't feel they are in the best interest of SCD board,

and also, they are medicenes, fully researched for our specific health


Recently, I had a gall stone attack. I am now doing a regular liver flush again,

more improved by my doctor than the one I used previously. It works by moving

bile, thus dissolving stones on my own. My body is going through its own version

of detoxing, of letting all this stuff go, so not such a bad thing. I am willing

to share the recipe for anyone who is interested.

SCD is even more complicated for me, because of organ damage, and I am still

trying to find the right balance of protein sources...too much makes me sick,

and I am incorporating SCD legal anti-inflammatory foods for myself. By doing

this, with my specific health history, this also helps my body to detox.

There really is no one thing to do, it is such a combination of things, such a

process, such a baby stepping thing, and it should be a different combination of

interventions and life style choices, because no one is the same, and we all

have different health issues to attend to.

Enyzmes, the houston enzymes are indispendable. I used to use Kirkman's they are

no where as good as Houston's, imo.

We use Carlson's Cod Liver Oil.

We use another omega 3 protein supplement, chelated fish protein, SeaCure. I am

sure your doc has heard of it.

Our doctor is about to start us on a whey therapy, for protein absorption and

detoxification properties. I will wait to start this until I get a better hang

of the MSM I am taking. I am taking a minute amount, and slowly going to work it


We use also milk thistle seed, which helps protect the liver from moving

contaminates, and which also helps generate new liver cells, which in my case, I

really could use. lol

In addition to the above mentioned omega oils, we also use some grapeseed oil,

unheated, a small amount in certain foods, and daily I take an additional

teaspoon full of organic evening primrose oil.

We eat most all of our foods organic and free range.

Except for our carpet shampooer, which is partyly enzyme based, we use no

chemicals in our home. I use water and essential oils, salt and vinegar for


Sometimes I make our own soap, sometimes I just go and buy some saponified

coconut cleaners with peppermint oil.

For ear problems, or warts, bee stings, any of those tiny childhood thingies, I

use all natural remedies, essential oils and steeped herbs, poultices.

We drink 7 times filtered spring water, with the trace minerals added back in to

a ph of between 7.2-7.4.

Bone soups, which I can post the recipe on how I make them.

Last but not least, certain herbal blood cleansing tonics and teas.

Basically, by reducing the assault on our detoxification pathways, as much as

possible, we are aiding our body in getting rid of what it needs too. My

children are doing superbly with this regimen. It has taken quite a few years of

research, classes, and loads of trial and error to get to the point we are now.

It is just not one answer. We also deal with MCS.

So, the long and short of it is, it is a little on the complicated side. I

credit SCD and Enzymes with our two most fast acting improvements, though.

Your son will be fine. Please, take care of yourself, and be a nice healthy

momma for him, so you can show him healthy living. Aspergers is an okay thing.

Aspergers will not define your son, unless, you so define him. Take care, and if

you have any questions, hollar or email me.:)


Marilyn Sawyer marilyn1972@...> wrote:


Do you use glutathione? or something similar to help the body detox

naturally, without formal chelation?

Thanks for your help,


Re: Re: nut milk

>Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:32:34 -0700 (PDT)


>Mouthing, eating and exploring things is also a natural developmental

>milestone...being curious about your environment. Unfortunately, with pica,

>it is the degree of this. Whenever natural mouthing begins, this can be the

>method of introduction of lead and other metals into the body, causing real




>On our end, we are still dealing with metal toxicity, although, our levels

>are slowly going down over time. We have been following a supplement plan

>for years, that is being tweaked to 's protocol, we keep all

>chemicals, as much as possible out of our home, drink lots of pure water.

>Our doctor is starting us on a whey therapy for detoxification. Finding the

>source of contamination (if any) is vitally important. In our case, the EPA

>took our yard, and all of our neighbors yards away, a foot down, replaced

>with new fill and sod, trees, walk ways, because the level of heavy metal

>contamination was an absolutely huge amount past toxic levels, in some

>instances over ten times the level considered toxic to all life. The EPA

>knew, and never disclosed this to the home owners. Recently, I have seen

>this same scenario happen elsewhere. We opted not to do formal chelation

>under such circumstances, but rather, let the body slowly do it, while

>supporting it. Enzymes, SCD, filtered air,

> water, exercise (lots of yoga especially), no vaccinations, sunlight,

>supplements and lots of hugs have done wonders for detoxification and all

>the other developmental stuff. Anyway, that is our method of dealing with

>it. Both a blood lead test (to show active exposure) and a hair test I

>think would be helpful. The bonus about the hair test, you can check for

>other metals and nutritional levels.




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