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Re: Fruits on SCD -- too much sugar

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We are new to scd, about 3 weeks, eating only meats and vetables from stages

1 and 2, and she is allergic to a number of the items in those 2 stages.

Maddi, 7, has severe excema from food and add'l allergies. She also has a

severe yeast and bacteris problem. Bananas were the only fruit that I

thought she wasn't allergic to in Stage 1, boy was i wrong, it fed the yeast

like nobody's business, thanks to my neighbor and this chat group, she

phoned us out of town and siad to get rid of the bananas. she got much

better, had some good die off. Since she is off all fruits and is getting

ready to do a round of Diflucan, while maintaining this scd diet. She still

is in bad shape, but I'm trying my best to patient.

Also, to anyone else, she doesn't have the diarreah, like the book and many

refer to. She doesn't go everyday, she was for a while, but back to every

2-3 days. Wanting to know about any thing else to add in diet to. I have all

three of the enzymes for Houston, but haven't started them, still trying to

pin point something she is reacting to on her so limited diet, before

adding, don't know how I would recognize new systems. I understand that

posted some good starting instrutions for the different enymes, would

love that info, so we could do that soon. She also, hasn't been sleeping

well lately, sleep never used to be a problem. Thanks, buy the way this is

my first post. My neighbor, Paree helps me ALOT!

Star Cipolla

Fruits on SCD -- too much sugar

> hi. we're fairly new to this. we're given noah pureed cooked pears

> and bananas and apples, but i keep wondering if that doesn't feed

> yeast. bananas in particular have so much sugar, right? and that

> would be bad for yeast? does anyone do the SCD diet with limited fruit

> for this reason, and if so, has it been more effective than the

> straight SCD diet? thanks, patsy







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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If you use the enzymes, the number of things that she is reacting to should

decline substantially. You might also try using an alternative treatment

called NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Treatment), which often reduces

substantially the inflammation & reactions from foods.

Hope this helps,


Fruits on SCD -- too much sugar



>> hi. we're fairly new to this. we're given noah pureed cooked pears

>> and bananas and apples, but i keep wondering if that doesn't feed

>> yeast. bananas in particular have so much sugar, right? and that

>> would be bad for yeast? does anyone do the SCD diet with limited fruit

>> for this reason, and if so, has it been more effective than the

>> straight SCD diet? thanks, patsy







>> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

>> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

>> websites:

>> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

>> and

>> http://www.pecanbread.com



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