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Re: Crying and in pain

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I went thru this with my son using the GFCF, he was on the diet about four weeks

when he started to have the same symptoms, terrible constipation, bloating and

gas, pain-It is hard to recall those days, as I thought gfcf was going to help

him! Our Doc recommended SCD and I remember thinking he was crazy because how in

heavens name could I follow SCD??? I had to try it because of the pain and

constipation, my little guy showed improvement about one/two weeks into the SCD

diet, and I will not go back, I really feel for you I know how painful it was

for all of us to watch him screaming with GI pain and having to rock him for

Hours to get him to pass gas and to sleep! I don't know if it's legal or not but

I used to give him the baby gas drops: Gerber Gas Relief, that did help him @

the time but that was before SCD so you may want to check with your Doc first?

It could also be die off and I think activated charcoal is helpful, the one

thing my son did was refuse to eat @ the beginning of SCD, but my Doc said to be

strong because he would not starve to death! I hope this is helpful and hope

your little one is feeling better soon.

God Bless,


Crying and in pain

We are in Week 5

Foods are eggs, pear pureed and juice chicken soup, leek, spinich,

onion liquid/juice meat, salmon garlic

Candex, Vit c, zinc. BB SSlll (i know not legal but happy on these


Introduced carrot, squash but became hyper and no sleep

2 days ago introduced peanut butter -no sleep for 2 nights

he is in terrible pain tonight, crying holding his head.

Since starting diet he can't get over to sleep, and as above is back

to night waking. wetting, sad, miserable and holding his head

screaming with real tears running down his face.

Very constipated with sticky kind of pooh he can't get rid of.

Can anyone relate to this. We are finding this so difficult this

last 3 days and wonder what it is all about. Is this normal.

What can I give him for the pain or what should I take out of diet.

Also worry about the number of eggs he is eating but nothing is

really filling.

Please write back if you have any words of wisdom. He has been much

calmer in general but the contipation and the terrible verbal

stimming is very much here. What is causing this?


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Thanks . I can cope with anything but seeing him in such distress

and my hubby and me helpless....it really got to me last night and it

was a long night. We did use activated charcoal which I do think

helps. (Cian was always in pain during G/C free diet). Cian never

sleep. It is not 2pm uk time and he fell asleep an hour ago. He is

exhausted. He begged me for waffles (pear and egg) and buns (peanut

butter, squash and pear) but I cooked him an ommelette and he was

happy enough, he scuffed it. Hubby and I was talking this morning

about it and I shared with him that in the middle of the night I was

questioning the diet and if we were mad. He put his face in his hands

thought about it,looked at me and said. We have no choice, there is

nothing else and he can't eat ordinary food so we are still very

much on board and back on the intro minus the high sal foods and

pears and bananas. I'm just worried about the carbs?

Thank you so much and everyone else for sharing. I don't know anyone

personally who is doing SCD so it is great to get feedback and

encouragement through the boards.



> I went thru this with my son using the GFCF, he was on the diet

about four weeks when he started to have the same symptoms, terrible

constipation, bloating and gas, pain-It is hard to recall those days,

as I thought gfcf was going to help him! Our Doc recommended SCD and

I remember thinking he was crazy because how in heavens name could I

follow SCD??? I had to try it because of the pain and constipation,

my little guy showed improvement about one/two weeks into the SCD

diet, and I will not go back, I really feel for you I know how

painful it was for all of us to watch him screaming with GI pain and

having to rock him for Hours to get him to pass gas and to sleep! I

don't know if it's legal or not but I used to give him the baby gas

drops: Gerber Gas Relief, that did help him @ the time but that was

before SCD so you may want to check with your Doc first? It could

also be die off and I think activated charcoal is helpful, the one

thing my son did was refuse to eat @ the beginning of SCD, but my Doc

said to be strong because he would not starve to death! I hope this

is helpful and hope your little one is feeling better soon.

> God Bless,

> anna

> Crying and in pain



> We are in Week 5

> Foods are eggs, pear pureed and juice chicken soup, leek,


> onion liquid/juice meat, salmon garlic


> Candex, Vit c, zinc. BB SSlll (i know not legal but happy on


> previouly.)


> Introduced carrot, squash but became hyper and no sleep


> 2 days ago introduced peanut butter -no sleep for 2 nights


> he is in terrible pain tonight, crying holding his head.

> Since starting diet he can't get over to sleep, and as above is


> to night waking. wetting, sad, miserable and holding his head

> screaming with real tears running down his face.

> Very constipated with sticky kind of pooh he can't get rid of.


> Can anyone relate to this. We are finding this so difficult this

> last 3 days and wonder what it is all about. Is this normal.

> What can I give him for the pain or what should I take out of


> Also worry about the number of eggs he is eating but nothing is

> really filling.


> Please write back if you have any words of wisdom. He has been


> calmer in general but the contipation and the terrible verbal

> stimming is very much here. What is causing this?

> Aileen









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

the book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read

the following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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Hi Aileen,

Peanut butter is a very advanced food,it is better not to introduce it

in the beginning.

It is a good idea to start introducing foods gradually:


The stages are an informal guide,it is not written in stone. Every

child is different. Use a food journal and use your child's reactions

to foods as a guide.



I used to give free SCD counseling and found that we were able to make

a dramatic change. Unfortunately,I no longer have the time to do




> 2 days ago introduced peanut butter -no sleep for 2 nights



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