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Re: scd is messed up

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Lucky for him he is not MY ex, I think I would do anything neccesary to make

certain that my child was kept on the diet. My son is four yrs. and I know

without a doubt that this diet has helped him TREMENDOUSLY (no more runny poo or

pain) how great is that? I am truly sorry for you it sounds like an awful

situation to be in, as for advice I would see to it that he has ONLY supervised

visits until he can place the childrens welfare/health FIRST! I know this is not

easy...Good Luck and God Bless You!!

PS: My little Guy just started to use words again after being non-verbal for

over one and a half years-I credit this diet and removing toxic metals MIRACLES

can & do happen Just keep your Faith in the process of healing. Love conquers


scd is messed up


does anyone else have this problem - ive had a gutsfull and im

afraid this is a total whinge

my children went to stay with their father for a few days, ive been

having untold problems getting him to stick to the diet to the point

where ive had to stop his access

he took them away for a few days this week and apparently 'ran out

of food' how this was possible i cant tell you, suffice to say,

they went on tuesday and by wednesday morning thru to thur pm they

had pizza and chips, mcdonalds chocolate and crisps

kai has been mouth stimming, chewing everything, fians been

screaming hypersensitive to noise etc

their father knows the gastro is on board etc and has said

definately no wheat and dairy nevermind anything else

their father doesnt believe the diet weill work and seems to go out

of his way to jeapordise any success

as far as im concerned hes put my boys right back to the beginning

im just at aloss what to do, i am going to introduce enzymes but i

dont even know if i can trust him to give them those!!

sorry to whinge but im in ahelluva situation teetering in pulling

all access, if he wont listen to me and the docter, maybe hell

listen to a judge!! but its the kids that suffer then aaagghh!!

its okay im not looking for any real advice - i just needed a rant

i sent him the autism chapter and the science behind scd - but he

just kept rambling on about the boys not having down syndrome and

that theyll never get well anyway and will probably die by the age

of 40 as most kids with serious problems like this do

god hes an..... i cant repeat!!!

how on earth do other ppl manage? does anyone else really

experience this kind of frustation?

thx for listening


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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