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Re: Another sneaky idea

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. Thank you for that very interesting idea to thicken my sauce and

100%SCD compliant. Maybe I will be able to get my husband to eat more SCD

foods now! Jenn & Kali 95% SCD 4 months

Another sneaky idea

> For those of you who have a challenged with getting your kids to eat a

variety of veggies, I stumbled on a way to sneak one into the menu. Last

night when I was simmering the tomato and meat sauce, I got the idea to add

1 cup of pureed butternut squash. To my surprise, I could not detect it was

there, and it made a wonderful color and texture. It sort of thickened it,

thus reducing the " cook down " time. In place of spagetti noodles, we pour

the sauce over well cooked lentils. There were no left-overs!


> , Dad to Jordan 14, SCD 7 mo.




> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Welcome to the club of hiding veggies, leafy greens and anything else you

can in sauce. Sauce has been my saviour, my son loves it, and any chance I

get I add legal beans, baby spinach, squash, peppers, basically anything I

think he won't notice. He practically licks the bowl clean.

Good luck. PS I also make spinach bread, its green but it dosen't taste any


Lesley Mom to Cullen PDD-NOS SCD 5 months

Another sneaky idea

> For those of you who have a challenged with getting your kids to eat a

> variety of veggies, I stumbled on a way to sneak one into the menu. Last

> night when I was simmering the tomato and meat sauce, I got the idea to

> add 1 cup of pureed butternut squash. To my surprise, I could not detect

> it was there, and it made a wonderful color and texture. It sort of

> thickened it, thus reducing the " cook down " time. In place of spagetti

> noodles, we pour the sauce over well cooked lentils. There were no

> left-overs!


> , Dad to Jordan 14, SCD 7 mo.




> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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> Welcome to the club of hiding veggies, leafy greens and anything else you

> can in sauce. Sauce has been my saviour, my son loves it, and any chance I

> get I add legal beans, baby spinach, squash, peppers, basically anything I

> think he won't notice. He practically licks the bowl clean.


Since being on a diet of pureed food for three days prior to a colonoscopy, I


the potential in for sneaky foods. Once they are smooth textured you really can

do lots

with them, hide them in pancakes, puddings, fritters and of course make lovely


You could even hide vegetables and chicken in baked things.

Carol F.

SCD 5 years, celiac

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