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Re: Yeast Overgrowth, Need Help

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In a message dated 10/16/2005 2:05:57 AM Central Standard Time,

snowbear@... writes:

Did the book give any reasons for this happening? or just that it

happened? And what is this based on (like... 50 children in someone's

practice, 500 children, reports from the last 10 decades, Elaine's

observations/book/experience, the crohn's org database)?

Dr Sid Baker says that there are ups and downs to be expected with SCD. As

the body rids itself of its toxic load, it can cause a short term worsening

of bowel functioning, behavioral regressions, and so forth. This is the case

with all detoxification treatments, whether they're antifungal in nature,

pulling out heavy metals, whatever-toxins are toxins. And getting rid of them

is not easy.

This part of the book was commented on by Judy Gorman.

She goes on to say that Dr.Sid Baker was putting a lot

of his patients on it, and they wound up with a group of about

30 or more that were keeping notes on the kids progress.

They emailed and phoned back and forth and then their

friends put their kids on the diet etc etc

She said that they saw distinct patterns in the regressions and by keeping

records they were able to tell the new families what to expect and when (just

as Elaine did in her book about the initial bad reaction and the 2-3 month

regression) They said that it seemed after the first year the regressions stop

or at least become so mild as to be indistinguishable from the normal ups and

downs of our kids. She says: " I am including these notes here , plus some

more information about SCD....for those of you who don't want to say " if only "

years from now.

She also says that it appears that the worse the child's digestive problems

and autistic symptoms are to start, the worse the periods of regressions are.

They also list all of our great websites and a really good overview to get

someone started on the diet. They really did their homework...(thank goodness)


Peyton 2.5 asd (scd 5mos)

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Did the book give any reasons for this happening? or just that it

happened? And what is this based on (like... 50 children in someone's

practice, 500 children, reports from the last 10 decades, Elaine's

observations/book/experience, the crohn's org database)?


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> In a message dated 10/16/2005 2:05:57 AM Central Standard Time,

> snowbear@t... writes:


> Did the book give any reasons for this happening? or just that it

> happened? >


Warning: Even the slightest bit of the restricted carbohydrates can cause

symptoms to

flare up.

Carol F.

SCD 5 years, celiac

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