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Re: Probiotics-Which ones are safe?

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Hi johomwnr,

Elaine only recommended L. acidophilus in a probiotic.

You can find legal ones at http://pecanbread.com/probiotics.html#brands

You can also get good bacteria from yoghurt (made with the suggested

strains) and other fermented food (sauerkraut...)


> Can anyone tell me the safest probiotics. I would like to be able


> rotate a couple for my son, and it appears that everything we are

> using now is illegal.


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Hi johomwnr,

Elaine only recommended L. acidophilus in a probiotic.

You can find legal ones at http://pecanbread.com/probiotics.html#brands

You can also get good bacteria from yoghurt (made with the suggested

strains) and other fermented food (sauerkraut...)


> Can anyone tell me the safest probiotics. I would like to be able


> rotate a couple for my son, and it appears that everything we are

> using now is illegal.


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Do you know why the other strands cannot be used? I

know its in the book but I do not remember the

reasoning as to why. My doc recemmended me take Bifo

b/c all my other levels of bacteria were great except

for that one.

--- Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

> Hi johomwnr,


> Elaine only recommended L. acidophilus in a

> probiotic.


> You can find legal ones at

> http://pecanbread.com/probiotics.html#brands


> You can also get good bacteria from yoghurt (made

> with the suggested

> strains) and other fermented food (sauerkraut...)


> Sheila


> > Can anyone tell me the safest probiotics. I would

> like to be able

> to

> > rotate a couple for my son, and it appears that

> everything we are

> > using now is illegal.

> >







Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Do you know why the other strands cannot be used? I

know its in the book but I do not remember the

reasoning as to why. My doc recemmended me take Bifo

b/c all my other levels of bacteria were great except

for that one.

--- Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

> Hi johomwnr,


> Elaine only recommended L. acidophilus in a

> probiotic.


> You can find legal ones at

> http://pecanbread.com/probiotics.html#brands


> You can also get good bacteria from yoghurt (made

> with the suggested

> strains) and other fermented food (sauerkraut...)


> Sheila


> > Can anyone tell me the safest probiotics. I would

> like to be able

> to

> > rotate a couple for my son, and it appears that

> everything we are

> > using now is illegal.

> >







Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Do you know why the other strands cannot be used? I

know its in the book but I do not remember the

reasoning as to why. My doc recemmended me take Bifo

b/c all my other levels of bacteria were great except

for that one.

--- Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

> Hi johomwnr,


> Elaine only recommended L. acidophilus in a

> probiotic.


> You can find legal ones at

> http://pecanbread.com/probiotics.html#brands


> You can also get good bacteria from yoghurt (made

> with the suggested

> strains) and other fermented food (sauerkraut...)


> Sheila


> > Can anyone tell me the safest probiotics. I would

> like to be able

> to

> > rotate a couple for my son, and it appears that

> everything we are

> > using now is illegal.

> >







Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Hi Cristina,

> Do you know why the other strands cannot be used?

Elaine found that there was a lot of unknowns with using many

strains of probiotics (in powder or capsule form).

More info on the website:



> know its in the book but I do not remember the

> reasoning as to why. My doc recemmended me take Bifo

> b/c all my other levels of bacteria were great except

> for that one.

Bifidum (Bifido, Bifidium...)bacteria are a particularly troublesome

little bacteria.



Basically the thinking is that Bifidum bacteria are present in

infancy and gradually are replaced by other friendlier bacteria.

When they persist beyond early childhood they tend toward

overgrowth. This happened to me when I started the diet and eneded

up in a flare. My unscientifically proven thought on this is that

in the general poplulation bifidum may not be a problem because the

healthy person has a healthy microflora and bifidum can be kept in

check. But in a compromised indiviual with gut issues bifidum goes

crazy and takes over. And overgrowth of any one bacteria is not

good. There have been other reports of trouble with bifidum posted

to the list. You can search using Bifidum, bifidium, bifido... as

Key words on the yahoo message page.

The bacterial strains in yogurt and L. acidophilus are strains that

don't tend toward overgrowth and help keep a balance of microflora

and will , especially in the case of yogurt seem to, actively help

heal the intestines.

Sheila, SCD 56 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 41 mos

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