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Re: Re: Yeast Overgrowth, Need Help (REPLY IS LONG BE WARNed)

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_Amazon.com: Books: Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments (Have We Done




This is a link to the book at Amazon. I bought mine at

the mini DAN! in NC. It is written by two of the doctors

responsible for starting the DAN! collaboration.

This is the quote from the book:

" Five Month regression " :

Again, most of us who have reached the five month mark have seen a severe

regression at almost exactly the five month anniversary. This regression has

lasted anywhere from seven to twenty one days, and was mainly behavioral in

nature: increased self stimulatory behaviors and hyperactivity; increased

obsessive behaviors, perseverative play and scripting; increased mood swings

including manic laughing and crying; tooth grinding; increased self abusive

behavirors and aggression; increased defiant behavior; markedly decreased


span; decreased social interest and social language; destructive behaviors;

an enormous increase in self directed behavior; tantrums; itchy, white bumps

on the legs.. There was little worsening of bowel function and only mild

decreased of appetite (my son had increased appetite, fwiw) This says the next

regression occurs again at 7mos and lastly at 9mos.

Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to be able to tell you exactly what it

said in the book. Email if you have any questions.


peyton 2.5 asd scd 51/2 mos

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Not for us. We're right on target (unfortunately). We're at the five month

regression and it began a few days before. Both of my kids are on the diet

and both have had bowel regressions. My daughter was very manic happy and then

crying. My son (ASD) is very hyper and distracted. Both are not sleeping at

all (though they are horrible sleepers to begin with). I'm on the diet too

because I'm still nursing my youngest and I felt crappy and had diarrhea for

about four days. So, we must be getting some toxins out of our bodies. I

just hate any regressions, especially for my son. , mom to Cameron 4 years

and Peyton 22 months

SCD five months

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Thanks for your response. The book indicates that after

every regression, there is a huge gain....so at least we

have something to look forward to! Hang in there!!


Is it possible to set up some kind of database (like

the LDN database) to record these for future members?


Peyton 2.5 asd (scd 5 1/2 mos) coming out of his regression

and much more eye contact, verbal, connected, less agression and even

some affection!!!!

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