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Re: all of this enzyme talk......

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I believe all of the Houston enzymes are legal...rice bran and

cellulose capsules. I am not sure about the bulk powder though. The

bulk powder has much more cellulose in it than the capsules, so

someone from SCD needs to address that.

Elaine said the rice bran in the capsules was fine because it was

mainly oil.

The Zyme Prime (SCD cellulose version) has much less protease in it

than the HN-Zyme Prime (rice bran version). So besides the difference

in filler, there is a difference in the amount of protease. In the

beginning, the lower protease version tends to be helpful just

because some people (not all) have more adjustment to enzymes.

Starting off with a lower protease product seems to minimize this. In

addition, the SCD version with the lower protease does not have

papain and bromelain in it. If you child is sensitive to those you

would want the SCD version anyway.

One caution, the SCD version has MCT oil in it. MCT is a very common

filler in many supplements. When this Zyme Prime came out, two

children with a known true allergy to coconut reacted negatively to

the MCT oil in the supplement. This is when I learned about coconut

allergy. MCT is made from coconut (or they share the same compounds).

The pecanbread site does the best it can, but the owners are not able

to look at every product out on the market. The people who research

and keep up with all this do the best they can as a volunteers. If

something is on the pecanbread site specifically by name, it means it

has specifically been researched and found to be either okay or not

okay. If it is not on the website by name, it can easily mean it just

hasn't been looked at. It might be legal. It might not be legal.

For the most part, all actual enzymes in enzyme products are all

legal because they are proteins. What you need to check on is any

fillers. I spent some time chasing down the alfalfa in Thropps

enzymes and it turned out to be SCD legal (and a good price to boot).

Elaine looked at the rice brand and cellulose in the Houston ones.

Other people may have checked on some others. So if it is not on

pecanbread, it doesn't tell you if it is okay or not. You will need

to ask on that specific product. I hope an SCD leader-person will

correct anything here that is not up to snuff.


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