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Re: enzymes

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In a message dated 5/9/2002 9:20:51 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

pancreatitis writes:

> I know

> that when you go to IU the doctor will prescribe them for you. It's a no

> brainer. Do you think that your GI doubts your illness to be pancreatitis?


> I ask that since I know many doubted me. Good luck and I think you

> definitely need enzyme meds. Shirley


Dear Shirley,

Just a correction on the IU dr. prescibing enzymes. Dr. Lehman is my dr. and

he as me on octreotide. When I asked if I could use enzymes, he told me

" They really don't work very well " , so he didn't recommend I use them.




Mesa, Arizona

Arizona Chapter Representative

Pancreatitis Association International


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In a message dated 5/11/02 2:23:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, soce@...



> Dear Shirley,


> Just a correction on the IU dr. prescibing enzymes. Dr. Lehman is my dr.

> and

> he as me on octreotide. When I asked if I could use enzymes, he told me

> " They really don't work very well " , so he didn't recommend I use them.


> Cecilia



Dear Cecilia, At the stage your pancreas is in now maybe they wouldn't help

with the pain. But if you have diarrhea I think they would definitely help

with that problem. I would ask him for them anyway just to give them a try.

I know that they helped me in the early stages of my pancreas pain. I still

take them with every bite I put in my mouth so I don't get diarrhea. I know

that Dr. Lehman will give them to you if you ask him. He does believe that

pancreatitis patients do have pain unlike so many other GIs. He had me on

Octreotide and it helped some but I had to stop taking it since I developed

severe chest pain from it. I continue to have chest pain from taking that

drug when I become very tired. I don't believe that you need to be concerned

about you developing chest pain though since only 1% of the people who take

Octreotide develop chest pain. I would like to caution you though if you

didn't read this from me before now. I was told by a surgeon if Octreotide

is helping you to eat and if you stop taking it and then try to start taking

it again most of the time it will not work for you. Good luck. Shirley

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Hi Elicia, I have been a member here for a short time. I read all the posts

every day, but only write in on occasion. I acquired my CP from a car

accident which then required surgery. I have been taking Viokase for about

10 years. I also then put on weight and I feel very uncomfortable with it.

I eat basically fruit and vegetables, no meat, some pasta etc. I am trying

to lose the extra pounds, but find it very difficult. I put on about 30

pounds. I am 52 years young.

Deb in Illinois

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Hi Deb! Nice to hear from you. I know I don't have a good diet, but I

don't eat much at all. Usually cereal (bran, of course), and jello

with fat free cool whip. I try to eat prunes daily to help with the

bowels. But I still have this extra weight, it's sooo frustrating

sometimes. No of my clothes fit anymore and I hate it. But been so

sick lately I don't even get dressed anymore unless I have to go out.

I decided two days ago to start eating better. Chicken and veggies

have become my choice. I'm going to make myself eat at least a small

sensible dinner every night from now on. My husband says the extra

weight is ok with him. " It feels better to hug a body rather than

bones. " is his favorite saying right now. It does help me feel a

little better but still the vanity kicks in! I am 46 and an empty

nester, thank GOD! I too read every day but only posts on occassions.

Feel free to email me privately if you want to talk at tenagel@main-

net.com. Hugs from Ohio, Elicia

> Hi Elicia, I have been a member here for a short time. I read all

the posts

> every day, but only write in on occasion. I acquired my CP from a


> accident which then required surgery. I have been taking Viokase

for about

> 10 years. I also then put on weight and I feel very uncomfortable

with it.

> I eat basically fruit and vegetables, no meat, some pasta etc. I

am trying

> to lose the extra pounds, but find it very difficult. I put on

about 30

> pounds. I am 52 years young.

> Deb in Illinois




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  • 3 months later...


Jake has been taking enzymes since he was a baby. They only come in

pill form, however, you can open them up and they are little balls. We give

Jake his enzymes in his straw. We open up the capsule and pour the balls in.

He drinks them right up. So needless to say, we have to have a straw at all

times. :)

Most people give their enzymes in applesauce, or another type of food

that would wash them down w/o taking off the outside coating. If the enzymes

are left in your mouth, you can get sores. Jake hasn't had these.

Hope that helps.


Mom to Jake (2 1/2 wcf) in FL

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In a message dated 9/22/2002 8:31:31 AM Central Daylight Time,

krystena@... writes:

> Krystena s

I know it sounds really hard to swallow the pills but my almost two at the

time was swallowing them. They are in gel form so they slide easier. You can

open the capsule and put the beads in apple sauce or something like that to

start to get him use to the pill. He will want to eat more because the pills

will help his stomach from not hurting anymore. My girls were the same way.

Things get some much better when you have the right medication and treatment.

You will adjust and it all seem overwhelming at the time but it does get

better because you kids feel some much better when they can eat and not feel

like crap all the time. Deb A

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> > Krystena s


> " I know it sounds really hard to swallow the pills "

Hi Krystena, my twins were only dx at 7 years and they hate taking

pills, but within a few months they were managing to take their

enzymes, and soon could take them even without a drink. they still

need a drink to take their vitimins, but things do become easier.

they just hate blood being taken and IV lines being put in. but they

have learnt to co-operate, as they are, at nearly 9 begining to

understand the things that their body needs, to keep healthy, even

tho they dont comprehend the seriousness of the illness.

Natasha, mum to Marc wocf, Jake and Jordan 8 w/cf and Dee-anna 6 wocf

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> > Krystena s


> " I know it sounds really hard to swallow the pills "

Hi Krystena, my twins were only dx at 7 years and they hate taking

pills, but within a few months they were managing to take their

enzymes, and soon could take them even without a drink. they still

need a drink to take their vitimins, but things do become easier.

they just hate blood being taken and IV lines being put in. but they

have learnt to co-operate, as they are, at nearly 9 begining to

understand the things that their body needs, to keep healthy, even

tho they dont comprehend the seriousness of the illness.

Natasha, mum to Marc wocf, Jake and Jordan 8 w/cf and Dee-anna 6 wocf

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> > Krystena s


> " I know it sounds really hard to swallow the pills "

Hi Krystena, my twins were only dx at 7 years and they hate taking

pills, but within a few months they were managing to take their

enzymes, and soon could take them even without a drink. they still

need a drink to take their vitimins, but things do become easier.

they just hate blood being taken and IV lines being put in. but they

have learnt to co-operate, as they are, at nearly 9 begining to

understand the things that their body needs, to keep healthy, even

tho they dont comprehend the seriousness of the illness.

Natasha, mum to Marc wocf, Jake and Jordan 8 w/cf and Dee-anna 6 wocf

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  • 3 years later...


Something I didn't specifically point out before is remember that the

SCD yogurt cultivates active probiotics and enzymes (and probiotics

produce enzymes too). So an option to enzyme supplements would also

be the SCD yogurt. You might check the timetable that SCD recommends

starting the yogurt, and use that as a guide for starting enzymes.

The yogurt has the benefit of being a whole-food, so it will have

more beneficial compounds in it than enzyme supplements will have.

That said, I think additional enzyme supplements in addition to the

yogurt are beneficial just to speed up the healing...or to get over


I would sort of like to hear from everyone here...how much yogurt is

someone on SCD supposed to eat each day anyway? If you are not able

to give yogurt, or the person does not eat that much, enzyme and

probiotic supplements would be needed much more .

Enzymes have helped with kids eating more in quantity and also in the

types of foods. My younger son was very picky eater (it was

ridiculous). The third week with enzymes regularly, he started eating

just about everything in sight. After a few months, he scaled back

down to a reasonable amount - not a picky eater but he does have his

preferences. And if he needs to eat something he doesn't care for, he

just frowns and eats it. He doesn't have a complete hysterical

meltdown or food-standoff.

If your daughter has adjusted okay to SCD, then you might want to

consider either enzyme supplements or SCD yogurt. But if she is still

struggling with an adjustment phase, wait another week or two. Six

weeks seems like an okay time to me, but it really depends on how

well the individual is doing overall.


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