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Re: Help with sensitisation

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I would investigate an alternative treatment known as NAET (Nambudripad

Allergy Elimination Treatment). It eliminates


You might have to go to more than one practitioner to see results. The first

one I saw did nothing for me or my son. However, the second one worked

better than I ever could have expected.

You'll still need to heal the gut, or the body will recreate the

allergies/sensitivities/intolerances, but it can really be worth it to

expand one's food choices.

Hope this helps,


leaky gut, low adrenal/thyroid, SCD 3 weeks

Help with sensitisation

>I think my son has become sensitive to all the foods on the intro

> diet. We were only onto stage 1 foods. He has been refusing more and

> more foods over the last week and now will only eat apples, pears,

> bananas. Am worried he will develop sensitivties to these next. Does

> anyone have any suggestions that could help - he's so lethargic and

> I'm too scared to weigh him to see what's happening there.

> Any advice is greatly appreciated.

> Thanks

> Sharon (Sam ASD, SCD 4 weeks)








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I would investigate an alternative treatment known as NAET (Nambudripad

Allergy Elimination Treatment). It eliminates


You might have to go to more than one practitioner to see results. The first

one I saw did nothing for me or my son. However, the second one worked

better than I ever could have expected.

You'll still need to heal the gut, or the body will recreate the

allergies/sensitivities/intolerances, but it can really be worth it to

expand one's food choices.

Hope this helps,


leaky gut, low adrenal/thyroid, SCD 3 weeks

Help with sensitisation

>I think my son has become sensitive to all the foods on the intro

> diet. We were only onto stage 1 foods. He has been refusing more and

> more foods over the last week and now will only eat apples, pears,

> bananas. Am worried he will develop sensitivties to these next. Does

> anyone have any suggestions that could help - he's so lethargic and

> I'm too scared to weigh him to see what's happening there.

> Any advice is greatly appreciated.

> Thanks

> Sharon (Sam ASD, SCD 4 weeks)








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I would investigate an alternative treatment known as NAET (Nambudripad

Allergy Elimination Treatment). It eliminates


You might have to go to more than one practitioner to see results. The first

one I saw did nothing for me or my son. However, the second one worked

better than I ever could have expected.

You'll still need to heal the gut, or the body will recreate the

allergies/sensitivities/intolerances, but it can really be worth it to

expand one's food choices.

Hope this helps,


leaky gut, low adrenal/thyroid, SCD 3 weeks

Help with sensitisation

>I think my son has become sensitive to all the foods on the intro

> diet. We were only onto stage 1 foods. He has been refusing more and

> more foods over the last week and now will only eat apples, pears,

> bananas. Am worried he will develop sensitivties to these next. Does

> anyone have any suggestions that could help - he's so lethargic and

> I'm too scared to weigh him to see what's happening there.

> Any advice is greatly appreciated.

> Thanks

> Sharon (Sam ASD, SCD 4 weeks)








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Hi Sharon,

> I think my son has become sensitive to all the foods on the intro

> diet.

Why do you think he is sensitive to the foods on the intro (which

foods exactly?) Rash, vomiting, diarrhea etc.?

> We were only onto stage 1 foods. He has been refusing more and

> more foods over the last week and now will only eat apples, pears,

> bananas. Am worried he will develop sensitivties to these next.


> anyone have any suggestions that could help - he's so lethargic


> I'm too scared to weigh him to see what's happening there.

> Any advice is greatly appreciated.

How were his bm's preSCD? How are they now? Any other symptoms?

Could it be die off causing the lethargy or is he not eating enough

food? If die off is causing the lethargy epsom salt baths and/or

activated charcoal may help.



Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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Thank you Marilyn, and Sheila for the replies.

I am hoping to find a NAET in our area Marilyn.

Thanks for the moral support

And a more detailed reply for Sheila follows:

Sam had loose smelly bm pre SCD, but within the first week they

became firm and then he started getting constipated. He thrived on

the Intro diet and was eating us out of house and home. We

introduced some Stage 1 foods and the d came back so we chopped and

changed between intro and stage 1. (We had one day of the sand type

poos). By almost week 4 of diet he started refusing to swallow food

and liquid and now won't put much into his mouth. The d persisted

and he was vommiting as well, not immediately but perhaps up to 2

hours after he'd eaten something. Could it be die off still? He

hasn't eaten anything substantial for seven days now and I have to

get water into him by a syringe, he is extremely pale and only wants

to lie down, sit and read books, go in the car or watch tv. Haven't

been able to get any sups into him as even with the few fruits he

will eat he knows when I mix them in and then I can't get him to eat

them either for the rest of the day.

Not sure I can hold on much longer and am tempted to stop the diet

and re:started again when he's back on track.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated

Sharon (Sam ASD, SCD 5 weeks)

In pecanbread , " Sheila Trenholm "



> Hi Sharon,


> > I think my son has become sensitive to all the foods on the intro

> > diet.


> Why do you think he is sensitive to the foods on the intro (which

> foods exactly?) Rash, vomiting, diarrhea etc.?



> > We were only onto stage 1 foods. He has been refusing more and

> > more foods over the last week and now will only eat apples,


> > bananas. Am worried he will develop sensitivties to these next.

> Does

> > anyone have any suggestions that could help - he's so lethargic

> and

> > I'm too scared to weigh him to see what's happening there.

> > Any advice is greatly appreciated.


> How were his bm's preSCD? How are they now? Any other symptoms?


> Could it be die off causing the lethargy or is he not eating enough

> food? If die off is causing the lethargy epsom salt baths and/or

> activated charcoal may help.

> http://pecanbread.com/difficulties.html#initial

> http://pecanbread.com/badreaction.html


> Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

> mom of , SCD 42 mos


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Hi Sharon,

>Sam had loose smelly bm pre SCD, but within the first week they

>became firm and then he started getting constipated. He thrived on

>the Intro diet and was eating us out of house and home. We

>introduced some Stage 1 foods and the d came back so we chopped and

>changed between intro and stage 1. (We had one day of the sand type

>poos). By almost week 4 of diet he started refusing to swallow food

>and liquid and now won't put much into his mouth. The d persisted

>and he was vommiting as well, not immediately but perhaps up to 2

>hours after he'd eaten something. Could it be die off still? He

>hasn't eaten anything substantial for seven days now and I have to

>get water into him by a syringe, he is extremely pale and only wants

>to lie down, sit and read books, go in the car or watch tv. Haven't

>been able to get any sups into him as even with the few fruits he

>will eat he knows when I mix them in and then I can't get him to eat

>them either for the rest of the day.

>Not sure I can hold on much longer and am tempted to stop the diet

>and re:started again when he's back on track.

>Any thoughts greatly appreciated

Have you tried epsom salt baths or activated charcoal? It may be that he is

having die off causing the di and vomiting.

The sand type bm's have been reported by those going through die off .

He may be getting dehydrated if still having D and/or vomiting. Is he

drinking any diluted juices or the electrolyte mix


from the LI Listserve

1 quart boiled water

2 tbsp. honey

1/4 tsp. of salt

1/4 tsp.baking soda

Can be kept in refrigerator for 24 hours.

After that, a new batch should be made.

You may want to consider taking him to the doctor and get him checked out to

make sure nothing else is going on.

Let me know what happens

Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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Hi Sharon,

>Sam had loose smelly bm pre SCD, but within the first week they

>became firm and then he started getting constipated. He thrived on

>the Intro diet and was eating us out of house and home. We

>introduced some Stage 1 foods and the d came back so we chopped and

>changed between intro and stage 1. (We had one day of the sand type

>poos). By almost week 4 of diet he started refusing to swallow food

>and liquid and now won't put much into his mouth. The d persisted

>and he was vommiting as well, not immediately but perhaps up to 2

>hours after he'd eaten something. Could it be die off still? He

>hasn't eaten anything substantial for seven days now and I have to

>get water into him by a syringe, he is extremely pale and only wants

>to lie down, sit and read books, go in the car or watch tv. Haven't

>been able to get any sups into him as even with the few fruits he

>will eat he knows when I mix them in and then I can't get him to eat

>them either for the rest of the day.

>Not sure I can hold on much longer and am tempted to stop the diet

>and re:started again when he's back on track.

>Any thoughts greatly appreciated

Have you tried epsom salt baths or activated charcoal? It may be that he is

having die off causing the di and vomiting.

The sand type bm's have been reported by those going through die off .

He may be getting dehydrated if still having D and/or vomiting. Is he

drinking any diluted juices or the electrolyte mix


from the LI Listserve

1 quart boiled water

2 tbsp. honey

1/4 tsp. of salt

1/4 tsp.baking soda

Can be kept in refrigerator for 24 hours.

After that, a new batch should be made.

You may want to consider taking him to the doctor and get him checked out to

make sure nothing else is going on.

Let me know what happens

Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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Hi Sharon,

>Sam had loose smelly bm pre SCD, but within the first week they

>became firm and then he started getting constipated. He thrived on

>the Intro diet and was eating us out of house and home. We

>introduced some Stage 1 foods and the d came back so we chopped and

>changed between intro and stage 1. (We had one day of the sand type

>poos). By almost week 4 of diet he started refusing to swallow food

>and liquid and now won't put much into his mouth. The d persisted

>and he was vommiting as well, not immediately but perhaps up to 2

>hours after he'd eaten something. Could it be die off still? He

>hasn't eaten anything substantial for seven days now and I have to

>get water into him by a syringe, he is extremely pale and only wants

>to lie down, sit and read books, go in the car or watch tv. Haven't

>been able to get any sups into him as even with the few fruits he

>will eat he knows when I mix them in and then I can't get him to eat

>them either for the rest of the day.

>Not sure I can hold on much longer and am tempted to stop the diet

>and re:started again when he's back on track.

>Any thoughts greatly appreciated

Have you tried epsom salt baths or activated charcoal? It may be that he is

having die off causing the di and vomiting.

The sand type bm's have been reported by those going through die off .

He may be getting dehydrated if still having D and/or vomiting. Is he

drinking any diluted juices or the electrolyte mix


from the LI Listserve

1 quart boiled water

2 tbsp. honey

1/4 tsp. of salt

1/4 tsp.baking soda

Can be kept in refrigerator for 24 hours.

After that, a new batch should be made.

You may want to consider taking him to the doctor and get him checked out to

make sure nothing else is going on.

Let me know what happens

Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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