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My daughter (who has UC) has been on SCD for 2 1/2 years and

has developed reactions to many of the meds (she is

currently only on prednisone). Even with the prednisone she

has had loose stools for 1 1/2 years now. We eliminated all

supplements for awhile because there was worse reactions

with them. Now we are starting to add some back. When she

added fish oil back she noticed a fish smell with her bowel

movements and an oil scum on the surface. Her new

naturopath dr. says she's not digesting fats and needs

lipase. Her Dr. is located in another state and sent us a

bottle of Tyler Lipo-Similase. Two capsules of it has 2378

LU of lipase. I have some Houston HN-Zyme on hand but it

has only 400 LU of lipase per two capsules. The thing that

worries me about the Tyler product is that it is in a

" natural polysaccharide capsule " . I can have her take it

out of the capsule--but her Dr. wants her to take it with

the fish oil capsules on an empty stomach, so there would be

no food to mix it with. Any advice would be appreciated.


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" natural polysaccharide capsule " . is likely a fancy name for

cellulose which is scd legal

you also need bile to digest fats

douglas labs magnesium taurate helps with bile as does msm and skin

vit d

don't know about the empty stomach advice

> My daughter (who has UC) has been on SCD for 2 1/2 years and

> has developed reactions to many of the meds (she is

> currently only on prednisone). Even with the prednisone she

> has had loose stools for 1 1/2 years now. We eliminated all

> supplements for awhile because there was worse reactions

> with them. Now we are starting to add some back. When she

> added fish oil back she noticed a fish smell with her bowel

> movements and an oil scum on the surface. Her new

> naturopath dr. says she's not digesting fats and needs

> lipase. Her Dr. is located in another state and sent us a

> bottle of Tyler Lipo-Similase. Two capsules of it has 2378

> LU of lipase. I have some Houston HN-Zyme on hand but it

> has only 400 LU of lipase per two capsules. The thing that

> worries me about the Tyler product is that it is in a

> " natural polysaccharide capsule " . I can have her take it

> out of the capsule--but her Dr. wants her to take it with

> the fish oil capsules on an empty stomach, so there would be

> no food to mix it with. Any advice would be appreciated.

> Rhonda

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" natural polysaccharide capsule " . is likely a fancy name for

cellulose which is scd legal

you also need bile to digest fats

douglas labs magnesium taurate helps with bile as does msm and skin

vit d

don't know about the empty stomach advice

> My daughter (who has UC) has been on SCD for 2 1/2 years and

> has developed reactions to many of the meds (she is

> currently only on prednisone). Even with the prednisone she

> has had loose stools for 1 1/2 years now. We eliminated all

> supplements for awhile because there was worse reactions

> with them. Now we are starting to add some back. When she

> added fish oil back she noticed a fish smell with her bowel

> movements and an oil scum on the surface. Her new

> naturopath dr. says she's not digesting fats and needs

> lipase. Her Dr. is located in another state and sent us a

> bottle of Tyler Lipo-Similase. Two capsules of it has 2378

> LU of lipase. I have some Houston HN-Zyme on hand but it

> has only 400 LU of lipase per two capsules. The thing that

> worries me about the Tyler product is that it is in a

> " natural polysaccharide capsule " . I can have her take it

> out of the capsule--but her Dr. wants her to take it with

> the fish oil capsules on an empty stomach, so there would be

> no food to mix it with. Any advice would be appreciated.

> Rhonda

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" natural polysaccharide capsule " . is likely a fancy name for

cellulose which is scd legal

you also need bile to digest fats

douglas labs magnesium taurate helps with bile as does msm and skin

vit d

don't know about the empty stomach advice

> My daughter (who has UC) has been on SCD for 2 1/2 years and

> has developed reactions to many of the meds (she is

> currently only on prednisone). Even with the prednisone she

> has had loose stools for 1 1/2 years now. We eliminated all

> supplements for awhile because there was worse reactions

> with them. Now we are starting to add some back. When she

> added fish oil back she noticed a fish smell with her bowel

> movements and an oil scum on the surface. Her new

> naturopath dr. says she's not digesting fats and needs

> lipase. Her Dr. is located in another state and sent us a

> bottle of Tyler Lipo-Similase. Two capsules of it has 2378

> LU of lipase. I have some Houston HN-Zyme on hand but it

> has only 400 LU of lipase per two capsules. The thing that

> worries me about the Tyler product is that it is in a

> " natural polysaccharide capsule " . I can have her take it

> out of the capsule--but her Dr. wants her to take it with

> the fish oil capsules on an empty stomach, so there would be

> no food to mix it with. Any advice would be appreciated.

> Rhonda

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Hi Rhonda,

Lypo by Enzymedica would be a good enzyme to take. It is contained in a

cellulose capsule. If that's a problem, you can take NoFenol with it which

has cellase and that will break down the cellulose capsule before it even

enters the gut and therefore not feed any yeast or microbes. You might want

to check out the enzymesandautism group at yahoogroups.com.

Take care,


mother to colin, 5, ASD


>Reply-To: pecanbread

>To: pecanbread >

>Subject: Re:Enzymes

>Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:07:49 -0500


>My daughter (who has UC) has been on SCD for 2 1/2 years and

>has developed reactions to many of the meds (she is

>currently only on prednisone). Even with the prednisone she

>has had loose stools for 1 1/2 years now. We eliminated all

>supplements for awhile because there was worse reactions

>with them. Now we are starting to add some back. When she

>added fish oil back she noticed a fish smell with her bowel

>movements and an oil scum on the surface. Her new

>naturopath dr. says she's not digesting fats and needs

>lipase. Her Dr. is located in another state and sent us a

>bottle of Tyler Lipo-Similase. Two capsules of it has 2378

>LU of lipase. I have some Houston HN-Zyme on hand but it

>has only 400 LU of lipase per two capsules. The thing that

>worries me about the Tyler product is that it is in a

> " natural polysaccharide capsule " . I can have her take it

>out of the capsule--but her Dr. wants her to take it with

>the fish oil capsules on an empty stomach, so there would be

>no food to mix it with. Any advice would be appreciated.






>For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

>_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following







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>>>The thing that worries me about the Tyler product is that it is in a

> " natural polysaccharide capsule " .

This is the cellulose or veggie capsules which most enzymes come in.

Elaine has said the amount and type of cellulose in certain supplements

such as this is okay.

The No-Fenol has cellulose but no lipase...so it wouldn't help with the

fish oil.

It probably is fine taking the enzymes in or out of the capsule with

the fish oil. Does the fish oil come in one of those gel capsules?


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>>>The thing that worries me about the Tyler product is that it is in a

> " natural polysaccharide capsule " .

This is the cellulose or veggie capsules which most enzymes come in.

Elaine has said the amount and type of cellulose in certain supplements

such as this is okay.

The No-Fenol has cellulose but no lipase...so it wouldn't help with the

fish oil.

It probably is fine taking the enzymes in or out of the capsule with

the fish oil. Does the fish oil come in one of those gel capsules?


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>>>The thing that worries me about the Tyler product is that it is in a

> " natural polysaccharide capsule " .

This is the cellulose or veggie capsules which most enzymes come in.

Elaine has said the amount and type of cellulose in certain supplements

such as this is okay.

The No-Fenol has cellulose but no lipase...so it wouldn't help with the

fish oil.

It probably is fine taking the enzymes in or out of the capsule with

the fish oil. Does the fish oil come in one of those gel capsules?


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| It probably is fine taking the enzymes in or out of the

capsule with

| the fish oil. Does the fish oil come in one of those gel



| .




The fish oil is in an enteric coated capsule.


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  • 1 month later...

My daughter is very early on SCD, at what point should one consider

enzymes? She refuses food a lot, would enzymes help with that?

She's only been on SCD maybe 6 or so weeks.



> All of this enzyme talk has got me wanting to try my son on them

> again, only this time while following SCD.


> I went to order, but first went to the pecanbread web site to see

> which ones are SCD legal. It said that these three were SCD legal:




> Houston Nutraceuticals, Inc.

> Peptizyde

> No Fenol

> H N-Zyme Prime



> However, when I ordered from Houston's, they said the regular Zyme

> Prime is the one I should get to be SCD legal....so I did. Did I do

> the right thing?? Is the pecanbread web site incorrect??


> Cathy


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