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Re: Re: pregnancy help

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Please don't forget to research vaccines extremely thoroughly. Vaccines are

potent immune-suppressors, and their benefit must be weighted against their



leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 5 1/2 weeks

Re: pregnancy help

> In addition to the nutritional research I just posted, I have a

> couple things to add.


> There is a very interesting thread at Mothering.com about the causes

> of autism.

> http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=367180


> I firmly believe autism can be an autoimmune disease/nutritional

> deficiency that can trigger a gene defect. Or a simple case of

> toxicity, which in turn can be pointed back to immune/nutrition as

> not adequate enough to supporting detoxification.


> The pp's suggestions were great along these lines of preventing

> exposure to toxins. We are all so bombarded in this world of

> pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, fluoride, chlorine and

> antibiotics. Superior nutrition is needed to deal with the onslaught.


> Did anyone mention avoiding antibiotics? That is a huge one.


> Jane




>> I have an autistic child and my sister just found out

>> she is pregnant. She would like to take precautionary

>> measures. Could someone direct me to some information

>> on this matter? Thank you.






>> __________________________________

>> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

>> http://mail.yahoo.com









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Please don't forget to research vaccines extremely thoroughly. Vaccines are

potent immune-suppressors, and their benefit must be weighted against their



leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 5 1/2 weeks

Re: pregnancy help

> In addition to the nutritional research I just posted, I have a

> couple things to add.


> There is a very interesting thread at Mothering.com about the causes

> of autism.

> http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=367180


> I firmly believe autism can be an autoimmune disease/nutritional

> deficiency that can trigger a gene defect. Or a simple case of

> toxicity, which in turn can be pointed back to immune/nutrition as

> not adequate enough to supporting detoxification.


> The pp's suggestions were great along these lines of preventing

> exposure to toxins. We are all so bombarded in this world of

> pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, fluoride, chlorine and

> antibiotics. Superior nutrition is needed to deal with the onslaught.


> Did anyone mention avoiding antibiotics? That is a huge one.


> Jane




>> I have an autistic child and my sister just found out

>> she is pregnant. She would like to take precautionary

>> measures. Could someone direct me to some information

>> on this matter? Thank you.






>> __________________________________

>> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

>> http://mail.yahoo.com









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Please don't forget to research vaccines extremely thoroughly. Vaccines are

potent immune-suppressors, and their benefit must be weighted against their



leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 5 1/2 weeks

Re: pregnancy help

> In addition to the nutritional research I just posted, I have a

> couple things to add.


> There is a very interesting thread at Mothering.com about the causes

> of autism.

> http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=367180


> I firmly believe autism can be an autoimmune disease/nutritional

> deficiency that can trigger a gene defect. Or a simple case of

> toxicity, which in turn can be pointed back to immune/nutrition as

> not adequate enough to supporting detoxification.


> The pp's suggestions were great along these lines of preventing

> exposure to toxins. We are all so bombarded in this world of

> pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, fluoride, chlorine and

> antibiotics. Superior nutrition is needed to deal with the onslaught.


> Did anyone mention avoiding antibiotics? That is a huge one.


> Jane




>> I have an autistic child and my sister just found out

>> she is pregnant. She would like to take precautionary

>> measures. Could someone direct me to some information

>> on this matter? Thank you.






>> __________________________________

>> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

>> http://mail.yahoo.com









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Awesome Jane.

Thank you .

--- jane_boston jane_boston@...> wrote:

> Read " Nutrition and Physical Degeneration " by Weston

> Price. It will

> totally change the way you look at food and how the

> right food are

> the building blocks for healthy disease free bodies.




> tml


> That website is enormous, tons of information. Do

> not freak out at

> the suggestions here for pregnant women (like so

> many do when I send

> people this link, LOL) but instead question and find

> out why. They

> are very well supported by research and traditional

> diets:




> " Nourishing Traditions " is the modern cookbook by

> Sally Fallon based

> on his work. Half of it is very eye opening

> nutritional information.


> If I had read this before I got pregnant and lived

> it, our lives

> would have been different. However, I know now, and

> my family's

> health will be changed for the better in the future.


> You are right to question prenatals. Chemical

> versions of vitamins

> are no where near as powerful as the real thing from

> food. At the

> very least I'd recommend Rainbow Light prenatals, I

> think they are

> whole food sourced.


> If you can just do a few things, the most important

> things

> nutritionally IMO are:


> -homemade yogurt, cod liver oil and bone broths

> everyday


> -eat as much whole food you prepare on your own as

> you can. If its

> in a box or a wrapper, it's bad for you, period. A

> lot of what

> current marketing campaigns tell you is healthy is

> really not (boxed

> cereal for example).


> -If not on SCD at least stop all white sugar and

> other fake sugars.

> Consume only honey, maple syrup, molasses, Rapadura.

> These contain

> minerals and do not strip the body of minerals like

> processed sugar

> does, and deplete your immune system. A diet with

> enough key

> minerals are crucial in building a healthy baby.


> Good luck and enjoy the wonderful journey to

> motherhood!

> Jane





> >

> > > Hi.

> > > My brother has an autistic son and I just went

> > > through this, without

> > > knowing what to avoid. I am sure everybody will

> have

> > > things to tell you.

> > > From my part, I have found that there are some

> > > things that I could have

> > > avoided. It is always easier to avoid adding

> toxins

> > > to the body than trying

> > > to get them out, to whatever degree possible.

> Some

> > > things are just easy to

> > > eliminate and others cost some money to do. Do

> as

> > > much as you can.

> > > Here are some suggestions:

> > > Never use plastic bottles or latex nipples.

> Glass

> > > bottles with silicone

> > > nipples when not directly breastfeeding. For

> mother,

> > > stop using any plastic

> > > containers, and much less heating them in the

> > > microwave. Get rid of your

> > > microwave altogether. Do not buy anything on

> plastic

> > > or canned. Not even

> > > bottled water. Tin is not good for you and

> canned

> > > foods have additives, even

> > > organic ones. Plastics release estrogens and

> > > acetaldehyde, among other

> > > really bad things. They all go into the

> food/drinks

> > > we use. Foam too.

> > > Try to eat organic to whatever degree possible.

> > > Pesticides and

> > > preservatives can accumulate in her body and the

> > > baby's and make them both

> > > more prone to problems after pregnancy. I

> developed

> > > MCS after the pregancy

> > > and we did not do this changes until very late,

> > > while breastfeeding.

> > > If you can, eliminate carpet and vinyl. If you

> live

> > > in the city and can't

> > > move, you need a very good air filter and for

> the

> > > car too. If you have lots

> > > and lots of money, buy organic mattresses for

> you

> > > and for the baby. The

> > > regular ones offgas for many years and go into

> your

> > > lungs.

> > > Buy a water filter that gets metals and

> chemicals,

> > > there are some pretty

> > > good ones out there ($200-$1000+). This one

> makes a

> > > big difference. There

> > > are some that you can install for the whole

> house,

> > > but they are very

> > > expensive. We use a small one ($250) for the

> > > kitchen, meal prep and one

> > > ($80) for the shower. It makes about 3 gal water

> per

> > > hour and it has proven

> > > to be very good already. We did extensive

> research

> > > on which to buy and I am

> > > very glad we did not buy the most expensive

> ones.

> > > For me, it has minimize my

> > > symptoms (MCS) greatly, just by getting rid of

> the

> > > fluoride and heavy metals

> > > of the water, and it minimizes the toxins and

> metals

> > > that I pass through the

> > > breastmilk to my daughter, while she still has

> to

> > > get it.

> > > Wear natural fibers, organic if possible. If

> not

> > > organic, wash several

> > > times before using. Sometimes more than 7 heavy

> wash

> > > cycles before getting

> > > most of the stuff out is needed. Whatever you

> do, do

> > > not use synthetic

> > > fibers, specially polyester, is really bad for

> you.

> > > Most synthetic fibers

> > > have formaldehyde, as part of the fiber itself.

> You

> > > cannot wash it off and

> > > it will slowly accumulate in your body. Just

> like

> > > plastics, as they wear

> > > off, they release the bad stuff on you. Ever

> seen an

> > > old food storage

> > > container? How hard and stiff it gets? Where do

> you

> > > think all the stuff that

> > > makes it 'flexible' went? Hum!

> > > Buy a filter for your shower ($80) and gets

> most

> > > toxins, eliminates gases,

> > > particularly if your tub is not porcelain.


=== message truncated ===


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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