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Re: Searching for options

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My question is what is left for him to eat. He can not have

> almonds, oranges,gluten or casein. Sometimes I feel that I am going so

> fast at this. In an month I had read about 6 books on autism, attend a

> conference, talk to many dr's... and still I feel is not enough.

> Anyhow, I just want to know what else can I feed him, and for how

> long. can enventually some carb. maybe reintroduce?. Thanks for any

> help

Meat, fish, juice, eggs, vegetables, fruit, honey..and his intolerances may

modify as the

diet promotes healing. This has been the experience of a majority of our


Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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Let me tell you some of the symptoms I notice in . We do not give him

any casein or gluten. Since he started the GFCF diet, he bowel movement change

from diarrhea to either soft or semi form stool. But also with this, and

increase of sensitivities are showing up, for example if he eats any apple,

orange, or corn within 2-3 hours he comes with diarrhea. Depending on the amount

consume, usually is only one very watery stool with undigested food. When he

consume almond, he gets disoriented, afraid, panic, does not want to be held,

just want to roll on the floor like he was in pain. It takes about 2days for him

to stop the behavior behavior. I suspect he has yeast because of his constant

bowel problems and also, he grinds he teeth while awake. I do not know of other

symptoms to look for. I am waiting for test results.

What other signs should I look for yeast overgrow?

I am working in a plan o faction with him, I was planning to star him on

Empson baths. What is the dose for his age?

thanks for your help

Ana M Carrizales


Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

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I started my son on a GFCF diet shortly after he was diagnosed with PDD/NOS. He

then became intolerant to a lot of the substitutes- corn, rice, soy, peanuts,

tree nuts and a few others. I have had him on the SCD for about 2 weeks, and

his stools are starting to get firmer. I do a rotation of foods with him

alternating about every 3-4 days. I'm trying to avoid additional allergies. He

has also been on Nystatin(prescription for yeast) for about 4 weeks. When he

has yeast some of the signs I notice are he seems more tired, not as happy,

repetitive behavior, less verbal, wants to be picked up a lot, lack of focus

and over all " just not himself " . My son also, use to grind his teeth. I can't

pinpoint the exact time, but it was after getting him away from the allergic

foods, that he stopped. He is 3 years old now and hasn't done it in atleast 2



Let me tell you some of the symptoms I notice in . We do not give

him any casein or gluten. Since he started the GFCF diet, he bowel movement

change from diarrhea to either soft or semi form stool. But also with this, and

increase of sensitivities are showing up, for example if he eats any apple,

orange, or corn within 2-3 hours he comes with diarrhea. Depending on the amount

consume, usually is only one very watery stool with undigested food. When he

consume almond, he gets disoriented, afraid, panic, does not want to be held,

just want to roll on the floor like he was in pain. It takes about 2days for him

to stop the behavior behavior. I suspect he has yeast because of his constant

bowel problems and also, he grinds he teeth while awake. I do not know of other

symptoms to look for. I am waiting for test results.

What other signs should I look for yeast overgrow?

I am working in a plan o faction with him, I was planning to star him on

Empson baths. What is the dose for his age?

thanks for your help

Ana M Carrizales


Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

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> Let me tell you some of the symptoms I notice in . We do not give

him any

casein or gluten. Since he started the GFCF diet, he bowel movement change from


to either soft or semi form stool. But also with this, and increase of

sensitivities are

showing up, for example if he eats any apple, orange, or corn within 2-3 hours

he comes

with diarrhea. Depending on the amount consume, usually is only one very watery


with undigested food. When he consume almond, he gets disoriented, afraid,

panic, does

not want to be held, just want to roll on the floor like he was in pain. It

takes about 2days

for him to stop the behavior behavior. I suspect he has yeast because of his


bowel problems and also, he grinds he teeth while awake. I do not know of other

symptoms to look for. I am waiting for test results.



Corn would give digestive problems. We do not use it on SCD. It contains a

starch that is

not easily digestible. On SCD there would not be nuts given at the beginning.

Are you

going to keep on the GFCF diet or switch to SCD?

Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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Hi Ana,

> Let me tell you some of the symptoms I notice in . We

do not give him any casein or gluten. Since he started the GFCF

diet, he bowel movement change from diarrhea to either soft or semi

form stool. But also with this, and increase of sensitivities are

showing up, for example if he eats any apple, orange, or corn within

2-3 hours he comes with diarrhea. Depending on the amount consume,

usually is only one very watery stool with undigested food. When he

consume almond, he gets disoriented, afraid, panic, does not want to

be held, just want to roll on the floor like he was in pain. It

takes about 2days for him to stop the behavior behavior. I suspect

he has yeast because of his constant bowel problems and also, he

grinds he teeth while awake. I do not know of other symptoms to look

for. I am waiting for test results.

The teeth grinding can be caused by any number of things -

constipation, mineral deficiency, yeast etc. Hopefully with SCD

you'll get each of these under control and then clear up the bowel

problems and whatever is causing the grinding..

Eventually as his gut heals on the diet he may be able to have some

almond flour but I think you should wait for quite a while before

even attempting this.


> What other signs should I look for yeast overgrow?

Some other symptoms of yeast overgrowth - rashes, itchy anus, thrush

(white on tongue), loose bowels, frothy bowels, constipation...

> I am working in a plan o faction with him, I was planning to

star him on Empson baths. What is the dose for his age?

There is a great write up on epsom salts at


Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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I'm not sure what are signs of yeast in children, other than a red, blistery

rash around the rectum. I do know that there is a group that is researching

oxalates in the diet, and many of the parents are saying that what they used

to think were signs of yeast, they now realize are really oxalates. Many of

the parents there are doing both SCD and " low oxalate diet " for their kids,

and seeing alot of progress. If this is something that you want to look

into at some point, in addition to SCD, you can check into the group at


Another option you may wish to investigate at some point is an alternative

method of handling allergies/sensitivities/intolerances called NAET

(Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique). This process can eliminate

reactions to foods, and allow a person to expand their diet while working to

heal their gut. If you don't heal the gut, then some of the food

allergies/sensitivities/intolerances will re-create, but this can be a

useful tool on the way to healing the gut. Almost any alternative health

care provider in your area will likely know of someone who practices NAET.

If you do pursue it, it's important to realize that the first time you try

it, it may not work. The first person I tried didn't work for me at all.

However, the second person I tried it with, it worked better than I ever

could have expected.

Just some thoughts,


leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 7 weeks

Re: Re: Searching for options

>I started my son on a GFCF diet shortly after he was diagnosed with

>PDD/NOS. He then became intolerant to a lot of the substitutes- corn,

>rice, soy, peanuts, tree nuts and a few others. I have had him on the SCD

>for about 2 weeks, and his stools are starting to get firmer. I do a

>rotation of foods with him alternating about every 3-4 days. I'm trying to

>avoid additional allergies. He has also been on Nystatin(prescription for

>yeast) for about 4 weeks. When he has yeast some of the signs I notice are

>he seems more tired, not as happy, repetitive behavior, less verbal, wants

>to be picked up a lot, lack of focus and over all " just not himself " . My

>son also, use to grind his teeth. I can't pinpoint the exact time, but it

>was after getting him away from the allergic foods, that he stopped. He is

>3 years old now and hasn't done it in atleast 2 months.

> Dawn



> Let me tell you some of the symptoms I notice in . We do not

> give him any casein or gluten. Since he started the GFCF diet, he bowel

> movement change from diarrhea to either soft or semi form stool. But also

> with this, and increase of sensitivities are showing up, for example if he

> eats any apple, orange, or corn within 2-3 hours he comes with diarrhea.

> Depending on the amount consume, usually is only one very watery stool

> with undigested food. When he consume almond, he gets disoriented, afraid,

> panic, does not want to be held, just want to roll on the floor like he

> was in pain. It takes about 2days for him to stop the behavior behavior. I

> suspect he has yeast because of his constant bowel problems and also, he

> grinds he teeth while awake. I do not know of other symptoms to look for.

> I am waiting for test results.


> What other signs should I look for yeast overgrow?

> I am working in a plan o faction with him, I was planning to star him on

> Empson baths. What is the dose for his age?

> thanks for your help



> Ana M Carrizales





> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.



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What foods are " high " in oxalates?

Beth Bivens-Kirkland

5 yr old son ASD, SCD 4 mths

Re: Re: Searching for options

>I started my son on a GFCF diet shortly after he was diagnosed with

>PDD/NOS. He then became intolerant to a lot of the substitutes- corn,

>rice, soy, peanuts, tree nuts and a few others. I have had him on the SCD

>for about 2 weeks, and his stools are starting to get firmer. I do a

>rotation of foods with him alternating about every 3-4 days. I'm trying to

>avoid additional allergies. He has also been on Nystatin(prescription for

>yeast) for about 4 weeks. When he has yeast some of the signs I notice are

>he seems more tired, not as happy, repetitive behavior, less verbal, wants

>to be picked up a lot, lack of focus and over all " just not himself " . My

>son also, use to grind his teeth. I can't pinpoint the exact time, but it

>was after getting him away from the allergic foods, that he stopped. He is

>3 years old now and hasn't done it in atleast 2 months.

> Dawn



> Let me tell you some of the symptoms I notice in . We do not

> give him any casein or gluten. Since he started the GFCF diet, he bowel

> movement change from diarrhea to either soft or semi form stool. But also

> with this, and increase of sensitivities are showing up, for example if he

> eats any apple, orange, or corn within 2-3 hours he comes with diarrhea.

> Depending on the amount consume, usually is only one very watery stool

> with undigested food. When he consume almond, he gets disoriented, afraid,

> panic, does not want to be held, just want to roll on the floor like he

> was in pain. It takes about 2days for him to stop the behavior behavior. I

> suspect he has yeast because of his constant bowel problems and also, he

> grinds he teeth while awake. I do not know of other symptoms to look for.

> I am waiting for test results.


> What other signs should I look for yeast overgrow?

> I am working in a plan o faction with him, I was planning to star him on

> Empson baths. What is the dose for his age?

> thanks for your help



> Ana M Carrizales





> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.



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That's a complex question - the best way to answer it is to have you look at

the chart posted in the " Trying Low Oxalates " yahoo group. Look in the

database section of the website at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Trying_Low_Oxalates/ , and then click

on the " Oxalate Content of Foods " link. A large table will appear. Foods

are labeled L(low), M(medium), H(high), and E(extemely high).

You will probably need to join the group in order to look at the database.

Hope it helps answer your question,


leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 7 weeks

Re: Re: Searching for options



> >I started my son on a GFCF diet shortly after he was diagnosed with

> >PDD/NOS. He then became intolerant to a lot of the substitutes- corn,

> >rice, soy, peanuts, tree nuts and a few others. I have had him on the


> >for about 2 weeks, and his stools are starting to get firmer. I do a

> >rotation of foods with him alternating about every 3-4 days. I'm trying

> to

> >avoid additional allergies. He has also been on Nystatin(prescription

> for

> >yeast) for about 4 weeks. When he has yeast some of the signs I notice

> are

> >he seems more tired, not as happy, repetitive behavior, less verbal,

> wants

> >to be picked up a lot, lack of focus and over all " just not himself " .

> My

> >son also, use to grind his teeth. I can't pinpoint the exact time, but

> it

> >was after getting him away from the allergic foods, that he stopped. He

> is

> >3 years old now and hasn't done it in atleast 2 months.

> > Dawn

> >

> >

> > Let me tell you some of the symptoms I notice in . We do

> not

> > give him any casein or gluten. Since he started the GFCF diet, he bowel

> > movement change from diarrhea to either soft or semi form stool. But

> also

> > with this, and increase of sensitivities are showing up, for example if

> he

> > eats any apple, orange, or corn within 2-3 hours he comes with

> diarrhea.

> > Depending on the amount consume, usually is only one very watery stool

> > with undigested food. When he consume almond, he gets disoriented,

> afraid,

> > panic, does not want to be held, just want to roll on the floor like he

> > was in pain. It takes about 2days for him to stop the behavior

> behavior. I

> > suspect he has yeast because of his constant bowel problems and also,

> he

> > grinds he teeth while awake. I do not know of other symptoms to look

> for.

> > I am waiting for test results.

> >

> > What other signs should I look for yeast overgrow?

> > I am working in a plan o faction with him, I was planning to star him

> on

> > Empson baths. What is the dose for his age?

> > thanks for your help

> >

> >

> > Ana M Carrizales

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

> >

> >

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I am curious but I am not willing to join yet another group. I already have too

many emails....but thanks for the information.

Beth Bivens

Re: Re: Searching for options



> >I started my son on a GFCF diet shortly after he was diagnosed with

> >PDD/NOS. He then became intolerant to a lot of the substitutes- corn,

> >rice, soy, peanuts, tree nuts and a few others. I have had him on the


> >for about 2 weeks, and his stools are starting to get firmer. I do a

> >rotation of foods with him alternating about every 3-4 days. I'm trying

> to

> >avoid additional allergies. He has also been on Nystatin(prescription

> for

> >yeast) for about 4 weeks. When he has yeast some of the signs I notice

> are

> >he seems more tired, not as happy, repetitive behavior, less verbal,

> wants

> >to be picked up a lot, lack of focus and over all " just not himself " .

> My

> >son also, use to grind his teeth. I can't pinpoint the exact time, but

> it

> >was after getting him away from the allergic foods, that he stopped. He

> is

> >3 years old now and hasn't done it in atleast 2 months.

> > Dawn

> >

> >

> > Let me tell you some of the symptoms I notice in . We do

> not

> > give him any casein or gluten. Since he started the GFCF diet, he bowel

> > movement change from diarrhea to either soft or semi form stool. But

> also

> > with this, and increase of sensitivities are showing up, for example if

> he

> > eats any apple, orange, or corn within 2-3 hours he comes with

> diarrhea.

> > Depending on the amount consume, usually is only one very watery stool

> > with undigested food. When he consume almond, he gets disoriented,

> afraid,

> > panic, does not want to be held, just want to roll on the floor like he

> > was in pain. It takes about 2days for him to stop the behavior

> behavior. I

> > suspect he has yeast because of his constant bowel problems and also,

> he

> > grinds he teeth while awake. I do not know of other symptoms to look

> for.

> > I am waiting for test results.

> >

> > What other signs should I look for yeast overgrow?

> > I am working in a plan o faction with him, I was planning to star him

> on

> > Empson baths. What is the dose for his age?

> > thanks for your help

> >

> >

> > Ana M Carrizales

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

> >

> >

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I do not know what do right now. I will make the decision today. I want someone

to explain to me the reasoning behind the diet in simple words. I am afraid

because he seems to habe problems with high salicytes foods. Where do I find

like a begginers diet plan? Thanks

carolfrilegh c.frilegh@...> wrote:


> Let me tell you some of the symptoms I notice in . We do not give

him any

casein or gluten. Since he started the GFCF diet, he bowel movement change from


to either soft or semi form stool. But also with this, and increase of

sensitivities are

showing up, for example if he eats any apple, orange, or corn within 2-3 hours

he comes

with diarrhea. Depending on the amount consume, usually is only one very watery


with undigested food. When he consume almond, he gets disoriented, afraid,

panic, does

not want to be held, just want to roll on the floor like he was in pain. It

takes about 2days

for him to stop the behavior behavior. I suspect he has yeast because of his


bowel problems and also, he grinds he teeth while awake. I do not know of other

symptoms to look for. I am waiting for test results.



Corn would give digestive problems. We do not use it on SCD. It contains a

starch that is

not easily digestible. On SCD there would not be nuts given at the beginning.

Are you

going to keep on the GFCF diet or switch to SCD?

Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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> I do not know what do right now. I will make the decision today. I want

someone to

explain to me the reasoning behind the diet in simple words. I am afraid because


seems to habe problems with high salicytes foods. Where do I find like a

begginers diet

plan? Thanks


Thje SCD is based on starving out the bad bacteria that interfere with digestion


possibly brain function. This means eliminating the foods that contain the

starch and

sugar that a that the bacteria feed on. GFCF allows some of these foods.

You need the book " Breaking the Vicious Cycle " or to read the introductory diet

for autism

children at:


(bottom of the page)

Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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Hi Ana,

> I do not know what do right now. I will make the decision today. I

want someone to explain to me the reasoning behind the diet in simple


Here is an explanantion for kids that is pretty simple:

http://pecanbread.com/scdscience.html#kids (I really like the picture

explanation with smiling and frowning gut bugs (microbes))

Here are explanations for parents and health professionals:



I am afraid because he seems to habe problems with high salicytes

foods. Where do I find like a begginers diet plan? ThanksHere are

links to the intro (beginners) diet. The first is dairy free and the

second is the original intro diet that includes dairy:




If he does have a problem with salicylates there are options that can

work for you at various stages in his healing process. Depending on

the severity if you need to avoid almonds there are pecans, walnuts,

macadamian nuts etc. If you don't tolerate red apples, then peeled

golden delicious seem okay for some - but again it depends on his

individual tolerance.

If you start with the intro diet above that will give you a headstart

on starving the bad gut bugs and healing the body. After that

gradually add in increasingly more complex to digest foods depending

on the speed with which your son is healing. If you are unsure which

foods to introduce after the intro we can help make some appropriate

suggestions based on his reactions.

Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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